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dump dutton-the-trump....In 1951 Australia turned to its newfound “great and powerful friend” America, consummating the move by signing the ANZUS treaty. ANZUS remains seriously misunderstood by most Australians, especially among the ageing ranks of conservative aficionados in Australia where it has the status of a holy cow. This is despite the fact that the treaty is only an agreement to “consult” if ever Australia’s security is threatened. It is no guarantee that the US will come to Australia’s defence, whatever threat may arise. Is Peter Dutton the tip of a Trumpist foreign policy for Australia? By Allan Patience
The naive belief that Washington unconditionally cares about Australia has always been one of the sillier (and very dangerous) myths peddled by supporters of the ANZUS alliance. The point is that the US will only offer Australia protection if and when — and only if and when — it is in America’s interests to do so. Liberal/Country/National coalition governments have been the most subservient in demonstrating their commitment to the US, throughout the Cold War and since. It was the Menzies Government that took Australia into the Korean War and the Vietnam War, ostensibly to demonstrate Australia’s unconditional loyalty to the US under the terms of the ANZUS alliance. In the former case, the war ended in a stalemate. The stand-off between North and South Korea remains to the present day. In the Vietnam War, America and its allies (including Australia) suffered a humiliating defeat. And then there have been America’s wars ever since – Afghanistan, Iraq, the Gulf, etc. Liberal and National governments have been hugely enthusiastic backers of Australia’s participation in them all. All of those wars have resulted in failure if not defeat, despite the terrible costs to the country in blood and treasure. The Coalition is intent on maintaining a “China scare”, demanding ever greater expenditure on defence. (This is despite the myriad over-spends and related incompetence in the Defence Department.) The Albanese government limps along in the wake of this sad record, unable (or unwilling) to mount a robust attack on the imbecilic line that the Coalition has adhered to for so long. War is a grossly expensive undertaking, a grim price that conservative governments in Australia have been more than willing to pay, at the cost of health, education, housing and related welfare services. What will Peter Dutton’s foreign policy be like if he becomes prime minister? Dutton has commented that he thinks Trump has been “shrewd” and “reasonable” in his approach to Israel’s war on Gaza. Just as Trump appears to admire dictators like Russia’s Putin, Hungary’s Orban and Türkiye’s Erdogan, so Dutton appears to have an underlying admiration for Trump’s bully-boy approach to international affairs. He unapologetically copies the Trumpian populist style. He advocates a very strong pro-Netanyahu line on Israel, echoing Trump, and he is aligned with America’s strategy of encircling China in an attempt to block that country’s projection of power in the Asia Pacific. It is true that Dutton has distanced himself from Trump’s outrageous lie that Ukraine started the war with Russia and that President Zelenskyy is a dictator. But he has not been at all critical of Trump’s following of Moscow’s line that for peace to be achieved, Ukraine must give up the eastern territories that Russia has invaded, and that it agrees not to join NATO. Dutton’s silence on Trump’s demands on Ukraine is ominous. Is he in agreement with Trump, or not? Meanwhile, in the event of a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia, would he agree to send Australian peace-keeping forces to ensure the terms of the agreement were met? But the most serious issue is China. There is no doubt that Dutton is a “China hawk”. He thinks of China in Cold War terms, regarding it as an emerging and threatening big power seeking to replace America’s hegemony in the region. His response is to want to see China kept in its place, limited by America’s dominance in the region, with US allies ready to leap to Uncle Sam’s side should there be any showdown between Washington and Beijing. How would a Dutton government respond if a war did break out between China and the US over Taiwan? Back in 2021, Dutton was absolutely clear about this: “It would be inconceivable that we would not support the US in action if the US chose to take that action.” The old Coalition tradition of siding with our “great and powerful friend” is alive and well, at least in Dutton’s mind, or so it seems. This ignores the fact that increasingly Australian voters do not want to be involved in another American war. Moreover, voters are waking up to the fact that the US is becoming an unreliable ally. Scales are falling from eyes, at last. The Trumpification of America’s traditional allies is a wonder to behold. Together with J.D. Vance, he has embarked on a series of spiteful confrontations with long-established allies: Canada, the UK, France, much of the EU, Japan, South Korea. Simultaneously he is collaborating with Putin in the Kremlin on Ukraine. And he is imposing comprehensive tariffs on major US trading partners. Australia may not be let off Trump’s tariff hook. Will Australian steel and aluminium be subjected to tariffs? Will other exports into the US also be subjected to tariffs? At the same time, Elbridge Colby, one of Trump’s leading advisers, is demanding that Australia increase its defence spending from 2.2 % to at least 3%. What if we don’t? What if we can’t?Would this result in Australia being punished by Washington, even cut adrift? Are these emerging realities the actions of a “shrewd” and “reasonable” man? What does this mean for Australian foreign and defence policy? Does it mean holding fast to the Coalition tradition of “all the way with the USA”? Is Dutton determined to hold Australia to an alliance with an America that nonetheless shows all the signs of isolationism and unreliability as an ally? Richard Marles needs to answer these questions too.
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Peter Dutton does not really believe in Medicare. He is more interested in Trump-type culture wars than the health of Australians.
He matched the $8.5 billion the Australian Government pledged for Medicare, not because he cared about the health of Australians but because it was a way to neutralise government Medicare policy.
He refuses to come up with a credible health policy.
It is the same Dutton-type approach on health as it is on China. Change your mind and your policy if it is politically advantageous.
In the lead-up to the last election Peter Dutton was beating the anti-China drum as hard as he could. Now he tells us that, “the relationship with China will be much stronger than it is under the Albanese Government”. He doesn’t really believe that, but he changed his mind about China because it was politically advantageous. The Liberal Party organisation told him that at the last election, in the top 15 seats by Chinese ancestry, the swing against the Liberal Party was 6.6% compared with only 3.7% in other seats. Five seats will be in play at the next election because of the “Chinese vote”: Reid, Aston, Chisholm, Tangney and Bennelong.
But back to Medicare.
The Liberal Party does not believe in universal healthcare. It believes with a passion that the private sector is better and more efficient in healthcare. But that is just not true. Medicare administrative costs are about 3% of total revenue. In private health insurance, administrative costs are more than double that. The major PHI companies also make very large profits and pay high executive salaries at the expense of contributors.
The Liberal Party undermines Medicare by stealth. It introduced a government subsidy for PHI to weaken Medicare. That subsidy to prop up PHI is now costing about $11 billion per annum. The Liberal Party regards Medicare as a safety net and not a universal health system.
The National Party cares even less about health in the bush where health is much worse and services are poor. It cares more about miners than farmers.
The Liberal Party believes that individuals should take more responsibility for healthcare. Consequently, we see the scaling back of bulk billing and increases in gap payments.
Dutton’s record as health minister tells us the real story and what he really thinks about Medicare.
A survey of doctors for the Australian Doctors magazine ranked Dutton as the worst health minister in 35 years. He was so embarrassing that he had to be shifted out of health and into home affairs. His performance in that portfolio was not regarded as a great success either, so he had to be shifted again, to defence.
But let’s look at his record in health.
He had to withdraw his $7 co-payment when he was minister. This increased co-payment was designed to force more payment by individuals, rich and poor.
Dutton opposed the plain packaging of cigarettes. He called it a “bridge too far”. But we know that plain packaging of tobacco has contributed greatly to improving the health of Australians. Long-term smokers die 10 years earlier than non-smokers and tobacco remains the leading cause of preventable death and disability.
He abolished the National Health Prevention Agency. We spend much less on health prevention than most other OECD countries, but we know from experience that the benefits of prevention are huge.
Even though we have made substantial progress on reducing smoking, we have made little progress in other areas.
A National Health Prevention Agency would have assisted in focusing on all these major preventable health problems. But Dutton decided he was not interested in health prevention and abolished the agency.
He also abolished Health Workforce Australia. We now see the consequences of that in the shortage of nurses and doctors.
But a much bigger problem is the need for reform of the health workforce structure and work practices. Multi-skilling, teamwork and flexible training are key micro-reform issues. That has been clear for decades.
An example of restrictive practices and workforce inefficiency is in obstetrics and midwifery. In Australia, less than 10% of normal births are managed by midwives. In the Netherlands, it is more than 70% and, in the UK, more than 50%. Obstetricians don’t want to concede territory.
Health is Australia’s largest industry, at about 10% of GDP. There are about 700,000 health professionals. The number is increasing by about 4% a year. The healthcare and social assistance industries represent more than 14% of Australia’s total workforce.
About 70% of every health dollar of expenditure is in labour costs. Workforce reform therefor cannot exclude such a large area of expenditure. It is more important than any other workforce issue. Health workforce reform will not be easy, but it is essential.
We have employment silos everywhere, with inadequate connections, junior doctors, specialists, clinicians, nurses, allied staff, managers, colleges, universities, pharmacists and ambulance officers. There is extremely poor human resources and people management skills across the workforce. There is a lack of co-ordination between workforce issues, service delivery, finance and infrastructure.
As the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare recently described the problem, “Health workforce reforms are essential for addressing future workforce demand and for building a more resilient, responsive and patient-centred healthcare system”.
Our minimal progress in preventive health care and modernising our 19th century health workforce structure can be laid at the door of Dutton who abolished the two key agencies that could have led critical change in both these areas.
Dutton has left an awful legacy from his time as health minister. In his heart, he does not believe in Medicare as a universal health system. He is more interested in Trump-type culture wars than healthcare.
Gus Leonisky