Tuesday 11th of February 2025

bin bushit .....

bin bushit ......

George W. Bush is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that he no longer has an automatic rubber-stamp Congress at his beck and call. And, while the Republican minority in Congress has still been winning some unfortunate battles, and the Democrats haven't done enough to fight back, it's not quite as easy for Bush as it was before this past January. 

So Bush gave a speech on November 1 so he could whine about it. He said, "When it comes to funding our troops, some in Washington should spend more time responding to the warnings of terrorists like Osama bin Laden and the requests of our commanders on the ground, and less time responding to the demands of MoveOn.org bloggers and Code Pink protesters." 

See that? He said that we should heed the warnings of Osama bin Laden. 

But wait a minute! On March 13, 2002, that same George W. Bush, when asked about our pursuit of bin Laden, said, "I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him." 

We should worry about bin Laden, but Bush doesn't spend that much time on him. 

Why Bush Needs Bin Laden

Noble foolishness

Bush aide steps down from 'mission impossible' The Independent Published: 07 November 2007

President George Bush works in mysterious ways.

Two years ago, he appointed one of his most trusted aides, his former communications adviser Karen Hughes, to lead the administration's fight-back against Islamic extremism in an attempt to improve America's image abroad. Although well versed in PR, Ms Hughes speaks only English and a smattering of Spanish.

Now, in a decision just as perplexing, he has allowed her to desert the administration for a second time to return to her native Texas, at a time when she has failed to make any inroads in the predominantly negative perceptions of America abroad, which remain prevalent not only in the Muslim world, but also in Europe.


"The president has had to make a number of very difficult decisions that in some cases people around the world have not agreed with, even though he made those decisions in the name of protecting the American people and protecting – even more broadly, he believes – the security interests of the world at large."


Gus: the president took all the wrong decisions in the book.... even if his intentions were or are noble...