Wednesday 2nd of October 2024

JSF (RWB) journalising for the empire....

Reporters Without Borders has published a sensationalist report on Russian media's work in the Balkans as part of a new project known as 'The Propaganda Monitor', accusing Sputnik and RT of spreading "disinformation" and demanding a crackdown by the EU. Balkan affairs expert Stevan Gajic tells Sputnik why such fearmongering doesn't work on Serbs.

Reporters Without Borders' (French acronym RSF) new 'Propaganda Monitoring' multimedia minisite promises to "promote reliable journalism" by exposing "the many faces and tactics behind propaganda worldwide, bolstering the public's understanding of the information space and helping them navigate it more safely."

Russian media, including Sputnik and RT, have become the self-anointed Paris-headquartered media watchdog's first target, with RSF rolling out a series of articles on Russian media's ability to find evade censorship, custom-tailor content, and in Serbia's case, transmit so-called "Kremlin propaganda in the Balkans despite EU sanctions."

RSF wants the European Union and its members to "hold Serbia accountable for hosting Vladimir Putin's factory of lies," spending much of its investigation complaining about Russian media's refusal to answer its loaded questions, whining about its successes captivating local audiences, and crying about Serbia's receptiveness to hosting Russian outlets.

"Reporters Without Borders cannot be regarded as a reliable source because every line in this report is soaked with biased language," Belgrade-based Balkan affairs expert and Institute of European Studies research associate Stevan Gajic told Sputnik, commenting on RSF's report.

"The motivation" behind RSF's demands for a crackdown comes down to its status as "a media wing of NATO, a media wing of the collective West. This is a pure Freudian projection. They are accusing others of what they are doing themselves,” Gajic stressed.

“Where were Reporters Without Borders when Radio Television of Serbia was bombed in 1999 and when 16 TV staff were murdered in cold blood?" the observer asked, referencing the 78-day NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999. There is no credibility from people like this who did not act when they should have,” the observer recalled.

Narratives by RSF and others about Sputnik and RT being threats that need to be silenced have a clear end goal: “to nullify any kind of information coming from the other side to hush, to silence everybody who is not playing along NATO’s narrative. And this is especially a problem for NATO and for these puppet organizations, such as journalists with Reporters Without Borders, during times of war,” Gajic said.



proper journalism...

The Sputnik headquarters in Moscow has become the central venue for training sessions for 11 journalists from the expanded BRICS group.

Representatives of major media outlets from their countries are participating in the special fall session of the SputnikPro BRICS+ project, which opened today at the media group's press center as part of the InteRussia program from the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Support Foundation.

The session is timed to the XVI BRICS Summit, which is taking place under Russia’s chairmanship this year. The event was launched by Vasily Pushkov, Director of International Cooperation, and Sergey Orlov, Deputy Executive Director of the Gorchakov Foundation.

Young professionals will remain in Moscow until the end of October. During the month, they will attend master classes and workshops from Sputnik experts, meet with representatives of leading Russian companies and think tanks, and get acquainted with the cultural life of the capital.

At the start of the event, participants shared their impressions of the program and their stay in Russia.

Elsaid Azza Ahmed Abdelmegeed from the Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram remarked:

"To begin, I would like to talk about Moscow. It is a beautiful and well-organized city. Despite its large size, everything functions with precision. I was honestly surprised by the stability of the situation here, despite the ongoing war, which is contrary to the image portrayed in the West. Moreover, the people are very kind, and most importantly for me, I don’t feel stared at in the streets for wearing the hijab"

"As for the training, everything has been well organized from the moment we arrived at the airport. The entire team has been cooperative and ready to answer any questions at any time. On the first day of the training, and during our tour of Sputnik Agency, we received valuable information from Vasily Pushkov and Viktoria Polikarpova. It strives to reveal the truth and dismantle the propaganda that both Arab and Islamic countries face. I hope to work with Sputnik one day," she added.