Wednesday 18th of September 2024

winning death.....


U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris won the debate. People being bombed in Gaza did not.

The banner headline across the top of The New York Times home page—“Harris Puts Trump on Defensive in Fierce Debate”—was accurate enough. But despite the good news for people understandably eager for former President Donald Trump to be defeated, the Harris debate performance was a moral and political tragedy.

In Gaza “now an estimated 40,000 Palestinians are dead,” an ABC News moderator said. “Nearly 100 hostages remain… President Biden has not been able to break through the stalemate. How would you do it?”


The silent truth would indict not only the Jewish regine but also the U.S. government as an accomplice to mass murder that has escalated into genocide.

Norman Solomon

Common Dreams


Silence is a blanket that smothers genuine democratic discourse and the outcries of moral voices

Vice President Harris replied with her standard wording: “Israel has a right to defend itself. We would. And how it does so matters. Because it is also true far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Children, mothers. What we know is that this war must end. It must when, end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a cease-fire deal and we need the hostages out.”

“End immediately”? Anyone who isn’t in fantasyland knows that the only way to soon end the slaughter of Palestinian civilians would be for the U.S. government—the overwhelmingly biggest supplier of Israel’s armaments—to stop sending weapons to Israel.

Meanwhile, a pivot to advocating for a cutoff of weapons to Israel would help Harris win the presidency. After the debate, the Institute for Middle East Understanding pointed out that the need to halt the weapons is not only moral and legal—it’s also smart politics. Polls are clear that most Americans want to stop arming Israel. In swing states, polling has found that a large number of voters say they’d be more likely to cast a ballot for Harris if she would support a halt.

What Kamala Harris and Donald Trump said about Israel and Gaza in their debate was predictable. Even more certain was what they absolutely would not say—with silences speaking loudest of all. “Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth,” Aldous Huxley wrote, describing “the greatest triumphs of propaganda.”

By coincidence, the debate happened on the same date as publication of a new afterword about the Gaza war in the paperback edition of my book War Made Invisible. To fill in for the debate’s abysmal silences, here are a few quotes from the afterword about the ongoing carnage:

“After the atrocities that Hamas committed on October 7, the U.S. government quickly stepped up military aid to Israel as it implemented atrocities on a much larger scale. In truth, as time went on, the entire Israeli war in Gaza amounted to one gigantic atrocity with uncountable aspects.”

As with the steady massacres with bombs and bullets in Gaza since early October, “the Israeli-U.S. alliance treated the increasing onset of starvation, dehydration, and fatal disease as a public-relations problem.”

“In the war zone, eyewitness reporting and photojournalism were severely hindered if not thwarted by the Israeli military, which has a long record of killing journalists.”

“Although the credibility of Israel’s government tumbled as the Gaza war dragged on, the brawny arms of the Israel lobby—and the overall atmospheric pressure of media and politics—pushed legislators to approve new military aid… Official pronouncements—and the policies they tried to justify—were deeply anchored in the unspoken premise that some lives really matter and some really don’t.”

The United States persisted in “violating not only the U.S. Conventional Arms Transfer Policy but also numerous other legal requirements including the Foreign Assistance Act, the Arms Export Control Act, the U.S. War Crimes Act, the Leahy Law, the Genocide Convention Implementation Act, and several treaties. For U.S. power politics, the inconvenient precepts in those measures were as insignificant and invisible as the Palestinian people being slaughtered.”

“What was sinister about proclaiming ‘Israel’s 9/11’ was what happened after America’s 9/11. Wearing the cloak of victim, the United States proceeded to use the horrible tragedy that occurred inside its borders as an open-ended reason to kill in the name of retaliation, self- protection, and, of course, the ‘war on terror.’ It was a playbook that the Israeli government adapted and implemented with vengeance.”

Israel’s war on 2.2 million people in Gaza has been “a supercharged escalation of what Israel had been doing for 75 years, treating human beings as suitable for removal and even destruction.” As Israel’s war on Gaza has persisted, “the explanations often echoed the post-9/11 rationales for the ‘war on terror’ from the U.S. government: authorizing future crimes against humanity as necessary in the light of certain prior events.”

That and so much more—left unsaid from the debate stage, dodged in U.S. mass media, and evaded from the podiums of power in Washington—indict not only the Israeli government but also the U.S. government as an accomplice to mass murder that has escalated into genocide.

Silence is a blanket that smothers genuine democratic discourse and the outcries of moral voices. Making those voices inaudible is a key goal for the functioning of the warfare state.



criminal kamala.....

During last night’s presidential debate, Kamala Harris was asked to explain what she would do about Israel’s war on Gaza, and she said, “Let’s understand how we got here. On October 7, Hamas, a terrorist organization, slaughtered 1,200 Israelis.”

This is false.

As anyone with a basic working knowledge of the conflict knows, this war is the result of decades of brutal occupation and apartheid government imposed on the Palestinian people, paid for with U.S. dollars, and enforced with American bombs, guns, and bullets.





criminal bibi....

Over the past 11 months, a pattern has emerged showing the Israeli army is intentionally attacking humanitarian groups in Gaza that follow deconfliction protocols and share their coordinates with authorities

News Desk

SEP 12, 2024


Israeli airstrikes have become the leading cause of death for humanitarian workers across the world since 7 October, as the Israeli army is responsible for more than 75 percent of the 378 deaths of aid workers over the past 11 months, according to a report by Responsible Statecraft based on data compiled by the USAID-funded Aid Worker Security Database (AWSD).

The figures published on 12 September include the most recent Israeli massacre of UN workers in Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp.

In the last three months of 2023, Israeli attacks targeting humanitarian workers across the occupied Palestinian territories were responsible for more deaths “than the deadliest full year ever recorded.”

Furthermore, a clear pattern has emerged over the past 11 months that shows the Israeli army is intentionally targeting aid groups that share their coordinates with authorities.

“This pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence,” Christopher Lockyear, Secretary General of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF), told the UN Security Council in February after an Israeli tank shelled an MSF facility in Khan Yunis.

Responsible Statecraft highlights this pattern by listing 14 different instances when the Israeli army deliberately targeted humanitarian workers in Gaza despite their organizations following the required deconfliction protocols to avoid attacks and sharing their coordinates with Israeli authorities.

Between November and December 2023, Israeli forces attacked a “clearly marked” MSF convoy in Gaza City, fired 20mm cannon rounds at UNRWA facilities in Rafah, opened fire on a UN convoy in central Gaza, and shelled the Convent of the Sisters of Mother Teresa (Missionaries of Charity) – a Church listed among Christian facilities US congressional staffers had flagged to Israeli authorities for protection.

In January alone, the Israeli army attacked shelters and residential compounds run by MSF, the UN, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), and the offices of the Belgian development agency, Enabel.

Similar attacks continued throughout the year, including the bombing of a World Central Kitchen (WCK) convoy that killed seven aid workers in April. World Food Programme (WFP), UNICEF, and other humanitarian organizations have also been targeted by Israeli forces on the same coordinates provided by the organizations.

“Humanitarian organizations can be based in a western country (including one upon which Israel relies for weapons), have a direct line to the IDF, follow all deconfliction procedures to a T, and still be attacked by the IDF,” Stephen Semler, co-founder of the Security Policy Reform Institute think tank, writes for Responsible Statecraft.

Semler also highlights that Israel’s nonstop attacks against aid workers are accompanied by a similar pattern from White House officials, who have “done nothing but issue words of concern from the briefing podium.”

Washington’s repeated allegations of concern often come accompanied by the approval of weapon shipments and arms deals for Israel. Since 7 October, the US has sent over 50,000 tons of weapons and military equipment to Israel on top of billions in “military assistance.”





their own enemies....

Opposed to Netanyahu, two-thirds of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas


by Thierry Meyssan 

The recent general strike in Israel is not just a demonstration against the rhetoric that we shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists and that the IDF will release the hostages held in Gaza. It marks the beginning of a realization that Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is not defending Jews. While Jewish Israelis are not yet aware of the ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they are becoming aware of the anti-Arab pogroms in the West Bank. Gradually, they are beginning to admit that their enemies are not their neighbours, but are among them. These are the revisionist Zionists.


Israeli public opinion is changing. After having turned away from Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, ineffective during the October 7 attack, some Israelis rallied behind him again after the Iranian retaliation on April 11. About a third of them now support him. They are both settlers, illegally implanted in the West Bank, and citizens who perceive Arabs, Turks and Persians as enemies.

The remaining two-thirds are slowly opening their eyes. The execution of six hostages by Hamas on August 31, just as the “Defense Forces” (IDF) were about to free them, showed them that, far from allowing their release, the presence of soldiers in Gaza condemns them to death. They now see the Prime Minister’s obstinacy in invading not only Gaza, but also the West Bank, to the detriment of the hostages’ lives, as proof that he serves the interests of the settlers alone, and not those of all Israeli Jews. Yet they fail to see the suffering of Israeli Arabs, the pogroms in the West Bank and the ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

It was against this backdrop that Israel’s historic trade union, the Histadrut, which was the main Yichuv organization between the wars, called a general strike. Like all Western unions, this organization is much smaller than in the past, when it was an offshoot of the kibbutzim movement. It now has just 400,000 members, but still has moral authority. At a rally, its Secretary General, Arnon Bar-David, declared: “I’m here to fight, so that no one is left behind. Jews don’t abandon Jews, who doesn’t know that? It’s not possible for our children to die in the tunnels because of political considerations”. Considering that the Central was itself playing politics instead of defending workers, the government got the National Labor Court to declare the general strike illegal. As for Treasury Minister Bezalel Smotrich, he instructed his departments not to pay the striking civil servants. Be that as it may, the strike was well attended. It inscribed in the minds of Israelis that Benyamin Netanyahu did not defend Jews, that he had never defended them.

At the same time, one of the government’s 32 members, Defense Minister General Yoav Gallant, declared in cabinet that the Prime Minister’s new objective of occupying the Philadelphia Corridor (i.e., the small Egyptian-Gazawi border strip) violates the Camp David Accords without bringing the slightest strategic advantage. When the cabinet discussion turned to invective, General Gallant took the matter public.

According to the Internet portal Ynet (part of Yediot Aharonot), reputed to be centrist and close to the administration, if in May an agreement was about to be reached with Hamas, everything was turned upside down by the Israeli side’s Clarification Document on July 27. This text suddenly laid down new demands to make any agreement impossible. For the first time, it demanded an IDF presence in the Philadelphia corridor.

Only those who follow Israeli politics will understand the simultaneity of the general strike and Gallant’s slavage. At last, it makes it possible to understand what happened last year.


In the spring of 2023, the democratic parties put pressure on the Histadrut to organize a general strike against the proposed reform of the Basic Laws (equivalent to a constitution), i.e. against the coup d’état that the revisionist Zionists were carrying out. However, instead of confining itself to defending democracy, the left-wing center also supported the right-wing general Yoav Gallant, whom Benyamin Netanyahu had just suddenly dismissed from his post as Defense Minister. His pressure had been so strong that the Prime Minister had reinstated him to the government.

At the time, no one understood the connection between the unionists and the general. However, we later learned that he had been dismissed for having exploded in the Council of Ministers and demanded an explanation for the Prime Minister’s lack of reaction to reports from the Shin Bet (counter-intelligence) and the IDF. Four months before the October 7 attack, all Israeli intelligence services were drafting report after report announcing the “Perfect Storm” (code name for the October 7 “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation) that the Palestinian Resistance was preparing. The Prime Minister refused to listen. He remained deaf to General Gallant’s outburst. He did not defend his country during the October 7 attack, but used it to ethnically cleanse Gaza and allowed anti-Arab pogroms to multiply in the West Bank.

As a result, the question we’ve been asking since mid-November [1] is also starting to resonate with Israelis: what if Benyamin Netanyahu wasn’t incompetent, but an accomplice in the attack?

This question is on the minds of many Israelis, who have called for a state commission of inquiry into all aspects of the October 7 attack, its preparation and response. Israel’s Attorney General, Gali Baharav Miara, who considers the issue relevant, has also called for this. However, Benjamin Netanyahu and his accomplices opposed it.

This question has been on everyone’s lips ever since the Israeli press revealed that the counter-espionage Shin Bet/Shabak had warned the Prime Minister of the imminent attack 10 weeks earlier [2]. This time, we’re no longer talking about foreign sources, but about one of Israel’s security agencies.

Gradually, the story of the current coalition government resurfaces. Jewish supremacists (the Kahanists) are not just another Jewish sect. Certainly, they militate for the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque and the rebuilding in its place of Solomon’s temple, whereas the Haredi rabbis, both Ashkenazi and Sephardic, in addition to the leading Israeli rabbis, consider such acts impure and forbid all Jews to enter the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa mosque. They thus seem to distinguish themselves from the revisionist Zionists of Volodymyr Jabotinski and Benzion Netanhayou, who campaigned for a Jewish state from the Nile to the Euphrates. In reality, Rabbi Meïr Kahane was an agent of Yitzhak Shamir (Jabotinky’s successor) in the United States, who financed him through Mossad, of which he was then one of the leaders. In fact, during his first term as Prime Minister, in 1996, Benjamin Netanyahu had a tunnel dug under the Al-Aqsa mosque.

No one in Israel would fail to recall that Volodymyr Jabotinsky and Benzion Netanhayou (the Prime Minister’s father) were allies of Benito Mussolini, who hosted their militia, the Betar, in Rome [3]. A fortiori, no Israeli dares question the links between these historic fascists and Nazism. It’s true that Jabotinsky died at the start of the war, on August 4, 1940, in New York, without having to comment on the latter’s racial ideology. But during the inter-war period, as a director of the (World) Zionist Organization, he had allied himself with the Ukrainian integral nationalists of Symon Petlioura and Dmytro Dontsov against the Soviets. Their men massacred Jews without eliciting the slightest reaction from him. When the Zionist Organization demanded an explanation, he resigned without reply.

David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Allied Prime Minister, said that Jabotinsky was surely a fascist and possibly a Nazi, which is why he opposed the transfer of his ashes to Jerusalem.

The question arises for two reasons: firstly, revisionist Zionists conducted negotiations with the Nazis throughout the Second World War against the Allies. It was the Germans who refused to go any further in their collaboration, whereas the Jewish followers of Jabotinsky were for continuing.

hen, last May, historian Nadav Kaplan revealed [4] that Jabotinsky’s followers were following in detail the negotiations of Hungarian Rezső Kasztner (known as “Rudolf Ysrael Kastner”) with the Nazis throughout the World War, including with Adolf Eichmann, in charge of transferring Jews to the extermination camps. He has speculated (for the moment insufficiently substantiated) that Ben Gurion ordered his assassination during his trial, so as not to reopen the wound. If Kaplan’s work were to be developed further, there would be continuity between the massacre of the Jews by the Nazis and that of the Palestinians by the revisionist Zionists.

We have to admit that the Israelis are not the victims of Hamas, but, like the Palestinians, of revisionist Zionists.


Thierry Meyssan
Roger Lagassé