Friday 18th of October 2024

dangers with the demise of the west.....

I continue my book like a gourmet, bite by bite. Let us first look at the sanctions which have been so successful for Russia and so quickly accelerated European descent. First of all Todd reminds us that the West (the “Anglo-Saxon” world with its European dominions in capilotade) is not much, neither militarily, nor economically (the GNPs are implausibly rigged…), nor demographically:


Todd and the quiet Anglo-Saxon collapse

BY Nicolas Bonnal


«The sanctioned West represents only 12% of the world's population. BRICS therefore includes India, now the most populous country, China, the second most populous country, both located on the most populous continent, Asia. Brazil, for its part, is the most populous and powerful country in Latin America: it was for a long time an ally of the United States before becoming its main opponent on the American continent, Mexico having followed an opposite trajectory since, since the NAFTA agreement, it has become an industrial satellite from its main opponent. Finally, South Africa is, by far, the most powerful country in sub-Saharan Africa.»


Worse, Le Monde recognizes him. And Todd who reads everything, even Le Monde (what courage all the same: is he wearing a mask?), notes that the daily life of iniquitous and unique thought recognizes that a phantom fleet is transporting Russian oil under the nose of centuries-old and legendary Anglo-Saxon piracy (see on Mé my text on Keynes which speaks very well of Sir Francis Drake and the rest):

Russia would never have resisted sanctions so well if the Rest of the world, summoned by the United States and their side to choose, had not basically agreed to help Russia. The West has discovered that we don't like it. A terrible narcissistic wound. An editorial from Monde of August 6, 2023, entitled “The effectiveness of sanctions called into question”, made us feel it: “The “ghost fleet” which clandestinely transports Russian oil […] represents between 10% and 20% of the total global transport capacity. It therefore makes it possible to override these sanctions, including through key countries particularly courted by the West, starting with India. The watertightness of the device is even compromised in both directions, since Russia still manages to obtain essential electronic components for an arms industry particularly stressed by a high-intensity war. The sanctions here clash with politics: containment would involve toughening the tone towards third countries, such as Kazakhstan, at a time when the West is hoping to detach them from the Russian orbit.»


This type of behavior is age-old now. Chateaubriand, in his book on the Treaty of Verona, already denounces this English mania for boarding ships on the open sea. And Todd, who has read everything, explains to us what happened with a certain Mulder (not Fox):

«Nicholas Mulder explains how sanctions have become the preferred instrument of Western leaders, and how their effects are in no way moderate. Economic sanction as a substitute for war is associated with the founding of the League of Nations (SDN) in 1920: this measure was inspired by the blockade implemented by the Allies against the Central Powers during the conflict which had just ended . It was based on the conviction that this blockade, which had caused hundreds of thousands of deaths from hunger or disease, had played a decisive role in the victory of the Allies over Germany and Austria-Hungary.»

The vileness of democracies is limitless, said de Gaulle after the execution of Marshal Keitel. But there they came across a bone, the Russian bone (I prefer it to the bear, too hackneyed...):

«Blocking a country of 17 million square kilometers, which straddles Europe and Asia, between Poland and China, suddenly transformed the modest "special military operation", launched by the Russians to obtain rectification border and prevent Ukraine's accession to NATO, during World War III. I doubt that Bruno Le Maire, an over-graduate from our major schools and a novelist, was aware of this. Only a world military power, the United States, could, on the Western side, wage a world war. The sanctions therefore in themselves signaled the end of Europe. But European leaders also had excellent reasons to commit suicide on the Union.»

European suicide? He could have developed this passage, he who was so optimistic about the European future in his After the Empire and who never ceased to encourage a German awakening. But let's not argue.

Todd notes that the Anglo-Saxon elites have disappeared in America (they are Jewish, and we have already talked about them here, still with his sulfurous book, and talked about Joe potbelly's "minyan") as in England where they are colonial, given the collapse of the intellectual level of the local.

Let us end with this Anglo-Saxon twilight as they say, and even British, which provides the best chapter of the Defeat of the West. We see that sanctions impoverish America less (which its debt continues to enrich further) than Europe and that Brexit has accelerated British self-destruction (can't wait for Frexit?! Really?). 

And about this good old England, which has continued to decline for a century or more (read again André Siegfried or Ernest Edwin Williams, who published his Made in Germany – which explains the war 100% – in…1896 — SEE ALSO:, Todd writes: “The Guardian marveled that the four most important members of Liz Truss' government were neither men nor white. The Prime Minister was a white woman, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, was of Ghanaian origin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, James Cleverly, had a British father but his mother came from Sierra Leone, the Minister of the Interior , Suella Braverman, was of Indian origin. The contrast was striking with a French government in which the majority of important ministers, even if they sometimes have a North African grandparent, have good provincial petty bourgeois faces, from Macron to Le Maire...»

The artist drives the point home:

«The Chancellor occupies 11 Downing Street (adjoining 10). People from “ethnic minorities” have succeeded one another in this position in recent years: in July 2019, Sajid Javid, of Pakistani origin, followed in February 2020 by Rishi Sunak, the current Prime Minister, of Indian origin, then of Nadhim Zahawi, in July 2022, of Kurdish origin, who was succeeded, in September 2022, by Kwasi Kwarteng, already mentioned. It was only with Jeremy Hunt, in October 2022, that the function returned to a “White”, as they say there.»

Todd explains this ethnic overrepresentation:

«Ethnic minorities, “BAME”, for “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic”, form only 7,5% of the British population but it is clear that, symbolically, they represent more within the political class. To measure their place in British society in more depth, let's look at higher education, which largely contributes to defining the middle class in advanced societies.»

The intellectual and cultural collapse is total in England (too close to the US matrix) and partly explains the current riots which seem fabricated in Davos or elsewhere. On the sidelines of this submission to the Indo-Pakistani elite, Todd explains the easy Russophobic programming of the white populace (the British press has always reigned in this country – see Mcluhan) which succeeded the Germanophobic programming (see Grenfell again, translated by Hervé, who carefully details the suicide of British power).

With enemies like that (Kamala and company) China and Russia risk dying... laughing.

But that's not all. Todd adds:

«Let us continue the Ionesco inventory of its dysfunctions. In the statistics of the National Health Service (NHS), post-war pride of the nation, symbol of the social state (social state and active nation, it is all one), we discover that in 2021, among the new doctors registered in the UK, only 37% were British, 13% from the EU and 50% from the rest of the world, mainly India and Pakistan.»

And to ask the killer question: “But what is this nation that is no longer capable of training its own doctors to care for its citizens? This impoverishment is beginning to weigh on the biological state of the population.»

English only has its finance and its (American) language to sell. It's been dying since Thatcher ("there is no society", in fact there is only money). The white proletarian people have never been able to react (and we complain about the French!). There, he does it, but badly and late and the globalist yoke will finish him off by crushing him.

Finally Todd even talks about the decreasing HEIGHT of British children. This time he cites the Guardian :

«British children who grew up during the years of austerity are falling far behind many of their European peers. In 1985, British boys and girls ranked 69th out of 200 countries for average height at age 5. But in 2019, boys were in 102nd place and girls in 96th...According to experts, a poor diet and budget cuts in the health system are at the origin of this phenomenon. "

This internal Anglo-American collapse undoubtedly explains the imperialist vituperation and its absent effects. But I leave you to this admirable and almost incredible book.

Nicolas Bonnal



Emmanuel Todd criticizes Western policy, as opposed to that of Vladimir Putin, whose propaganda he spreads, notably justifying Russia's invasion of Ukraine by relying on false information originating from Russian disinformation.[11][12][13][14][15] His use of conspiracy theories is subject to criticism.[16][17]

The claim that the Empire is American is questioned as such by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri in their Empire. They claim that the origins of the Empire are in Europe, not in the United States, based on the emigration of scientists from Europe to the United States,[18] especially from Austria, during and around the Second World War.






Emmanuel Todd “The rate of qualified idiots continues to increase” 

publié le 15 novembre 2021


Impotence and contempt, these seem to be, according to Emmanuel Todd, the two vices of the French elites, visibly determined to surpass themselves in this area throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. But if the current period is distinguished by a form of intellectual regression of the upper classes, popular creativity would, for its part, be on the verge of regaining momentum, analyzes the demographer.

Emmanuel Macron's five-year term will come to an end in a few months. What provisional assessment can we draw from his mandate?

The first thing that comes to mind concerns the French, who are ultimately much calmer people than has been said. We have just experienced a year and a half of the Covid-19 pandemic, the population remained locked up and isolated for many months, the routine of all families has been disrupted, relationships between couples have been reshuffled, the lives of students have changed. 'is stopped. We have been confronted with uncertainty, with fear at high levels – fear that has disappeared, then reappeared... All this, without the social disciplines having collapsed, and while the incompetence of our leaders has been manifest... It's simply prodigious! That said, at the moment, the demonstrations against the “health pass” perhaps demonstrate that the patience of the population has reached certain limits. The five-year term is not over, and if I were in the place of the members of the government... let's say I would start to be careful.

Shortly after the election of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007, you declared in your book After Democracy (Gallimard, 2008) that his arrival in power was “perhaps only the beginning of other calamities which will only continue 'getting worse'. Is there a continuity between the “calamity” that Nicolas Sarkozy embodied, according to you, and the exercise of power of his successors?

Macron is in a certain way a sort of synthesis of Sarkozy and Hollande. Like Hollande, Macron is an enarque. He therefore has neither knowledge of economics nor imagination – he was simply selected for having demonstrated a certain virtuosity in conformity. He is also the heir of Sarkozy because, like him, he adopted the idea that the political values ​​of the right and the left had no importance, that one could, for example, be on the right and boast without blushing of Guy Môquet [during the 2007 campaign, Nicolas Sarkozy mentioned during several meetings the figure of this young communist resistance fighter, shot in 1941 by the Germans during the Occupation, editor's note]… But you know, contrary to appearances, I I have great empathy for the ruling classes. I see them for what they are: neither more nor less than human beings, who are ultimately no more intelligent than others. If I have never hidden my contempt for all kinds of categories which claim to be “superior”, I also see that they suffer from their failures. I think that being at the head of French political structures at the moment must just be horrible!

You have to imagine yourself in their place: most of them are bureaucrats, that is to say, they succeeded in competitive exams a little after puberty, like that of the ENA – a success for which we never stopped to repeat to them (and they sincerely believed it) that they were the best, that they were superior, even superior in essence. And then, suddenly, they found themselves at the helm of a socio-economic system in distress, at the top of a crumbling French social pyramid... But also facing their American, English, German, Russian counterparts or Chinese, who step on them whenever they can. Finally, they realize that not only are they powerless, but that everyone is making fun of them... No really, it must be a really violent shock!

Would this impotence explain the contempt shown more and more frequently by French leaders towards those they govern? Macron notably attacked this “nation of 66 million prosecutors” last January...

I spoke in Class Struggles in France in the 21st Century (Le Seuil, 2020) of a France “in Aztec mode”, of a sort of sacrificial cannibalism practiced by the upper classes against the working classes. Faced with their own insignificance on the international scene or their own failures, French elites take out their nerves on the population. It’s a fairly human mechanism in the end: when we want to access power, it’s first and foremost to use it, to enjoy it. And harming the French, practically and symbolically, is perhaps the last thing for which they have any room to maneuver. There is also a real dilution of responsibility, which the German sociologist Max Weber had already identified in his criticism of bureaucratism, supposed to be compensated by partisan pluralism and parliamentarism. Today, the political party system has exploded and the National Assembly is nothing more than a “registration office”; the bureaucracy has a free hand and has been able to use its impotent omnipotence throughout the pandemic, allowing the elites to persist in their blindness.

Mistakes may be made, but no one is punished: everyone remains in office, despite the obvious lack of confidence shown by Macron, Castex and Véran. Today, we are dealing with institutional arson firefighters who are the main obstacles to vaccination. It is enough for one of the three aforementioned to propose something for it to immediately cast doubt on the interest and relevance of their measures, even if they are common sense! I am not opposed to the health pass. But there could have been an obvious measure to stem the influx of patients in intensive care, which required minimal intelligence and no less minimal courage: compulsory vaccination for those over 50. But… “let’s not rush our voters, let’s discipline the young people, it’s less risky and more fun”. So, if Macron and all the others really wanted to serve their country, given the rage and mistrust they arouse, they would resign.

But I think that what amazes me is the way in which the official press continues to impose the image of Macron as imperator, blue-eyed and dominating. I'm thinking of the front page of the Sunday Journal of August 29... - I bought it for my archives. But popular circles, and others well beyond, do not see it like that. The majority of French people undoubtedly perceive him as a mixture of a useless bureaucrat and an angry child, if not vicious. How then can we be surprised by the conspiratorial delusions of part of the population? The rumor, in the Soviet Union, was the fruit of state disinformation. It's worth getting rid of communism…

You talk about “bureaucracy” but, today, we are more used to talking about “technocracy”...

I think this is a mistake. We must stop referring to the ruling classes as “technocrats”… This designation suggests that they are masters of a technique, when their only mastery consists of producing reports, which are themselves only pseudo-scholarly dressings. reality. I prefer the term “bureaucrats”, which evokes more this untimely production of paperwork, but also the idea of ​​advancement through age! There is an intrinsic relationship between bureaucracy and gerontocracy: we advance based on seniority. And now that the mass political parties have disappeared, we must ask ourselves the question of the homogeneity of this system. There is no longer any question today of knowing whether it is the right or the left which governs: in a phase of social tensions aggravated by the fall in the standard of living, by the discontent of young people, by an educational crisis without previous, I think that the alternation is currently taking place between the police and the financial inspectors. In other words: the center of gravity of bureaucratic power is now disputed between Beauvau and Bercy.

What do you mean by “educational crisis”?

Although I have always wanted to stay away from “declinist” theories, several recent studies demonstrate a decline in educational levels over the past twenty years, which affects all social categories in France. But the most serious thing is undoubtedly that the education system no longer ensures the selection of the most intelligent students... We are currently witnessing a real dissociation between diploma and intellectual skills.

Which was not the case before?

Let's say that from 1945 until around twenty years ago, the children of academically gifted workers and peasants were invited to continue their studies in secondary and higher education. There was a truly “meritocratic” moment, otherwise very dynamic, in the history of France; an upward phase during which popular circles lost their natural elites, made up of qualified workers and Communist Party executives. The subordinate classes then find themselves intellectually disarmed, because their most promising elements have come to swell the intermediate classes to, if we caricature, become teachers! For me, this moment in history corresponds to the triumph of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, who produced a whole body of literature that spoke to these meritocrats from working-class backgrounds, who found themselves anxious and self-conscious about their own social ascension. And then, we arrive at this moment, in France, around 1995, where everything is blocked: the educational elevator stops, the working classes cease to access university.

In short, society is “restratifying”. Cascading phenomena of cultural contempt then appear, with each social category despising those below it. But what is interesting to note is that since this inflection point, there has also been an intellectual rearmament of the working classes, whose elites are no longer sucked into the upper classes. Popular creativity is being reborn and, for me, the Yellow Vests, in their organizational ingenuity, are truly the embodiment of this phenomenon. While the upper classes continue to reproduce themselves as a superior educational category, independently of the intellectual qualities of their children. Therefore, we can expect that the overall intellectual level of the working classes will continue to increase in the years to come and that, symmetrically, the overall intellectual level of the upper categories will decline. The central symptom of this phenomenon, in my opinion, is the proliferation of business schools where the diploma is bought more than it is earned...

And whose teaching is intended to produce the little soldiers of neoliberalism...

You know, I have just returned from Brittany where I now spend half my life, and not only because of the confinements. I think I found there the concept that corresponds perfectly to business schools: they are the green algae that covers the academic rock of French society. Thanks to them, the rate of qualified idiots continues to increase. The current growth of this type of training, where we buy titles stamped by the State which then allow us to occupy annuity situations, is becoming a real threat of unproductivity for society. More broadly, young people are currently encouraged to delay in higher education not to acquire knowledge, but to beat other young people in obtaining qualifications which will give them access to the few professions that remain. And then of course, we must no longer talk about higher education as a whole. In times of industrial collapse and falling standards of living, we need, first and foremost, scientific researchers, engineers, technicians and qualified workers. These are the elites we need and whose salaries must be increased, in the interest of the entire community. We depend on them as the English depended on the engineers, workers and pilots who sent the Spitfire into the air to win the Battle of Britain.









hope he's wrong....


Ednews reports this recent interview of Emmanuel Todd, famous historian, anthropologist, demographer, sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies,given by French Newspaper Le Figaro on the 12th of January 2024.



Emmanuel Todd: “We are witnessing the final fall of the West”


In his latest book, the historian and anthropologist diagnoses The Defeat of the West. In The Final Fall, published in 1976, the author correctly predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union. We have to hope that this time “prophet” Todd is wrong.

LE FIGARO. – According to you, this book has as its starting point the interview you gave to Le Figaro just a year ago, entitled “The Third World War has begun”. You now see the defeat of the West. But the war is not over...

Emmanuel TODD. – The war is not over, but the West has emerged from the illusion of a possible Ukrainian victory. This was not yet clear to everyone when I wrote, but today, after the failure of the counter-offensive this summer, and the observation of the inability of the United States and the other NATO countries to supply sufficient weapons to Ukraine, the Pentagon would agree with me.

My assessment of the West’s defeat is based on three factors.

First, the industrial deficiency of the United States with the revelation of the fictitious nature of the American GDP. In my book, I deflate this GDP and show the deep-rooted causes of industrial decline: the inadequacy of engineering training and, more generally the decline of the level of education, which began in 1965 in the United States.

More profoundly, the disappearance of American Protestantism is the second factor in the fall of the West. My book is basically a sequel to The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, by Max Weber. He rightly thought, on the eve of the 1914 war, that the rise of the West was at its heart that of the Protestant world – England, the United States, Germany unified by Prussia, Scandinavia. France's good fortune was to be geographically close to the leading pack. Protestantism had produced a high educational level, unprecedented in human history, universal literacy, because it required that every faithful be able to read the Holy Scriptures themselves. In addition, the fear of damnation and the need to feel chosen by God induced a work ethic, a strong individual and collective morality. On the negative side, this led to some of the worst racism that has ever existed – anti-black in the United States or anti-Jew in Germany – since, with its chosen and its damned, Protestantism renounced the Catholic equality of men. Educational advances and the work ethic have produced a considerable economic and industrial advance.

Today, symmetrically, the recent collapse of Protestantism has triggered an intellectual decline, a disappearance of the work ethic and mass greed (official name: neoliberalism): ascendency turning into the fall of the West. This analysis of the religious element does not denote any nostalgia or moralizing lament in me: it is a historical observation. Moreover, the racism associated with Protestantism is also disappearing and the United States had its first black president, Obama. We can only congratulate ourselves on this.


And what is the third factor?

The third factor in the West’s defeat is the rest of the world's preference for Russia. It has discovered discreet economic allies everywhere. A new conservative (anti-LGBT) Russian soft power was in full swing as it became clear that Russia was holding the economic shock. Our cultural modernity indeed seems quite insane to the outside world, an observation made by an anthropologist, not a retro moralist. And what's more, as we live off the underpaid work of men, women and children from the former third world, our morality is not credible.

In this, my last book, I want to escape the emotion and permanent moral judgment that envelop us and offer a dispassionate analysis of the geopolitical situation. Beware of an intellectual coming out approaching: I am interested in my book in the deep and long-term causes of the Ukrainian war, I mourn the disappearance of my spiritual father in history, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, and I admit everything: I am not an agent of the Kremlin, I am the last representative of the French historical school of the Annales!


Can we really talk about a world war? And did Russia really win? We are rather in a form of status quo…

The Americans will indeed seek a status quo which would allow them to hide their defeat. The Russians will not accept it. They are aware not only of their immediate industrial and military superiority, but also of their future demographic weakness. Putin certainly wants to achieve his war goals by economising manpower, and he is taking his time. He wants to preserve the achievements of the stabilization of Russian society. He does not want to remilitarize Russia and is keen to continue its economic development. But he also knows that demographically hollow classes are arriving and that military recruitment will be more difficult in a few years’ time (three, four, five?). Thus, the Russians must take down Ukraine and NATO now, without giving them any pause. Let us have no illusions. The Russian effort will intensify.

The Western refusal to consider Russian strategy in its logic, with its reasons, its strengths, its limitations, has resulted in general blindness. Words float in the fog. In military terms, the worst is to come for the Ukrainians and the West. Russia undoubtedly wants to recover 40% of Ukrainian territory, and a neutralized regime in Kiev. And on our television sets, at the very moment when Putin affirms that Odessa is a Russian city, we are still saying that the front is stabilizing...


To demonstrate the decline of the West, you focus on the infant mortality rate... How is this indicator revealing?

It was by observing the rise in Russian infant mortality between 1970 and 1974, and the fact that the Soviets stopped publishing statistics on the subject, that I judged that the regime had no future, in my book The Final Fall (1976). So, it's a tried and tested parameter. In this respect, the United States lags behind all other Western countries. The most advanced are Scandinavia and Japan, but Russia is also ahead. France is doing better than Russia, but we are beginning to see signs of an upturn. And, in any case, here we are behind Belarus. This simply means that what we are told about Russia is often wrong: we are presented with a failed country, with an emphasis on its authoritarian aspects, but we fail to see that it is in a phase of rapid restructuring. The fall was violent, but the rebound is astonishing.

This figure can be explained, but first of all it means that we have to accept a reality other than the one conveyed by our media. Russia is certainly an authoritarian democracy (which does not protect its minorities) with a conservative ideology, but its society is changing, becoming highly technological with more and more elements that work perfectly. Saying this defines me as a serious historian and not a Putinophile. Any responsible Putinophobe should have taken the measure of his adversary. Moreover, I am constantly pointing out that Russia has a demographic problem, just like the West, which it thought was decadent. Russia's anti-LGBT legislation, while probably appealing to the rest of the world, is not leading Russians to have more children than us. Russia has not escaped the general crisis of modernity. There is no Russian counter-model.

However, it is not impossible that the West's general hostility is structuring and giving weapons to the Russian system, by arousing a rallying patriotism. The sanctions have enabled the Russian regime to launch a policy of protectionist substitution on a vast scale, which it would never have been able to impose on the Russians alone, and which will give their economy a considerable advantage over that of the EU. The war has strengthened their social solidity, but the individualist crisis also exists in Russia, with the remnants of a communitarian family structure acting only as a moderator. Individualism mutating fully into narcissism only develops in countries where the nuclear family reigned, especially in the Anglo-American world. Let us dare use a neologism: Russia is a society of controlled individualism, like Japan or Germany.

My book offers a description of Russian stability, then, moving westwards, it analyses the enigma of a decomposing Ukrainian society that has found a meaning to its life in war. It then moves on to the paradoxical nature of the new Russophobia of the former popular democracies, then to the crisis of the EU, and finally to the crisis of the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian countries. This westward march takes us step by step to the heart of the world's instability. It is a plunge into a black hole. Anglo-American Protestantism has reached the zero stage of religion, beyond the zombie stage, and produced this black hole. In the United States, at the start of the third millennium, the fear of emptiness is mutating into the deification of nothing, into nihilism.


Isn't talking about Russia as an authoritarian democracy a bit too flattering?

We need to get away from the opposition between liberal democracy and crazy autocracy. The former is more like liberal oligarchies, with an elite disconnected from the population - nobody outside the media cares about the reshuffle at Matignon. On the other hand, we need to use another concept to replace those of autocracy or neo-Stalinism. In Russia, the majority of the population supports the regime, but minorities - be they gay, ethnic or oligarchs - are not protected: it is an authoritarian democracy, nourished by the remnants of the Russian communitarian temperament that produced communism. For me, the term 'authoritarian' carries as much weight as the term 'democracy'.


Given your criticism of the decadence of "liberal oligarchies", one might think that you envy the second model...

Absolutely not. I'm an anthropologist: by studying the diversity of family structures and political temperaments, I've come to accept the diversity of the world. But I'm a Westerner, and I've never aspired to be anything else. My maternal family fled to the United States during the war, and I was trained in research in England, where I discovered that I am French and nothing else. Why do you want to deport me to Russia? I feel this kind of accusation is a threat to my French citizenship, all the more so because, I apologise, born into the intellectual establishment, I am, in a modest, non-financial sense, part of the oligarchy: before me, my grandfather had published with Gallimard before the war.


You link the decline of the West to the disappearance of religion - Protestantism in particular - and you date this disappearance to the laws on gay marriage...

I have given no personal opinion on this societal subject. I am simply a sociologist of religion, only too happy to have a precise indicator to situate the passage of religion from a zombie state to a state of zero. In my previous books, I introduced the concept of a zombie state of religion: belief has disappeared but the mores, values and capacity for collective action inherited from religion remain, often translated into ideological language - national, socialist or communist. At the start of the third millennium, however, religion has reached a state of zero (a new concept), which I understand in terms of three indicators - I'm always looking for statistical indicators to evaluate phenomena that are both moral and social: I'm a fan of Durkheim, the founder of quantitative sociology, even more than I am of Weber.

In the zombie state, people no longer go to mass, but they still have their children baptised; the disappearance of baptism is obvious today, stage zero has been reached. In the zombie state, we still bury the dead, thus obeying the Church's rejection of cremation; today, the massive spread of cremation is becoming the most widespread, practical and inexpensive practice, stage zero reached. Finally, the civil marriage of the zombie period had all the characteristics of the old religious marriage - one man, one woman, children to be brought up. With same-sex marriage, which makes no sense from a religious point of view, we're out of the zombie state, and thanks to the laws on marriage for all, we can date religion's new state zero.


Over time, haven't you become a bit of a reactionary?

I was brought up by a grandmother who told me that, sexually speaking, all tastes are part of nature, and I'm faithful to my ancestors. So, LGB, welcome. For T, the trans issue is something else. The individuals concerned must of course be protected. But the fixation of the Western middle classes on this ultra-minority issue raises a sociological and historical question. To establish as a social horizon the idea that a man can really become a woman and a woman a man is to assert something that is biologically impossible, it is to deny the reality of the world, it is to assert the false.

Trans ideology is therefore, in my opinion, one of the flags of this nihilism that now defines the West, this drive to destroy not just things and people but reality. But, once again, I am in no way overwhelmed here by indignation or emotion. This ideology exists and I have to integrate it into a historical model. In the age of the metaverse, I can't say whether my attachment to reality makes me a reactionary.


By Alexandre Devecchio, Le Figaro, 12.01.24

Translation provided by Ednews






losing bods....

Scott Ritter Reveals: Ukraine’s Last Hope Crushed – Russia Dismantles NATO’s Plans!


In this video, we dive deep into the latest developments on the Ukrainian battlefield. Russia’s relentless military strategy continues to devastate Ukraine’s forces, while NATO’s support is rapidly crumbling. Former US Marine and military analyst Scott Ritter and Colonel Douglas Macgregor reveal why NATO’s strategy has been doomed from the start. With Ukraine’s critical supply lines severed and their defense collapsing, Russia is now firmly dictating the course of the war. What does this mean for Ukraine’s future, and can NATO prevent a total defeat before it’s too late?