Friday 7th of March 2025

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Joe Biden previewed his upcoming campaign on Thursday, casting Americans’ choice as one between democracy and extremism. Next year’s election will demonstrate the salience of the argument and the suitability of Biden as its champion.

As Republican candidates gathered in California for the party’s second primary debate of the 2024 campaign season, US President Joe Biden signaled he’s already focusing on the general election in a speech in neighboring Arizona.

One candidate was notably absent from the GOP event, but his presence in Biden’s speech was unmistakable even when he wasn’t invoked by name: for the fifth national election cycle in a row, American voters will submit a verdict on former US President and 2024 contender Donald Trump.

This time is different, claimed Biden in yet another preview of his upcoming campaign, because the vote is a referendum on a core aspect of American society and the country’s place in the world.



“There is something dangerous happening in America,” said Biden forebodingly at an event honoring the late Republican Senator John McCain. “There is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs of our democracy. The MAGA Movement.”


“Their extreme agenda, if carried out, would fundamentally alter the institutions of American Democracy as we know it,” continued Biden. “The decisions we make today will determine the course of this country – and the world – for decades to come.”


The argument isn’t new for Biden, who has frequently cast politics as a contest for the “soul” of the country during his presidency. In a speech on the anniversary of January 6, 2021, he characterized the events of that day as an existential threat to American democracy.

He spoke again on the subject that year at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, and once more before last year’s midterm elections.

Biden’s team believes the message was a political winner, contributing to Democrats’ better than expected performance last November. Now the argument is forming a key part of his presidential reelection campaign. But will the argument hold up in the context of next year’s vote?

Clearly, Biden thinks it will. With his opponent currently facing four indictments, including two relating to his challenge of the 2020 election, Biden’s advisers are betting the unprecedented chaos created by Trump will remain present in voters’ minds.

The issue may also simply be of personal significance to Biden himself. With a number of crises currently facing the United States – immigration, inflation, abortion and workers’ rights – there is no shortage of obvious issues he could run on.

The focus on something as potentially abstract as “democracy” may offer particular insight into the octogenarian politician’s frame of mind. With even large numbers of Democratic voters expressing concern over his continued fitness to serve, Biden may see his advanced age and experience in Washington as making him uniquely capable of winning a battle he sees in such stark terms.

Political scientist Robert Paxton defined fascism as “the application of colonial violence to the imperial core” – the Germans perfected brutality in their African colonies before the Nazis unleashed it on European Jewry. America has certainly committed its share of colonial violence, and neocolonial violence. Currently the country is funding a major war against a geopolitical foe it thought it had vanquished more than three decades ago.

Meanwhile, a candidate who gleefully promised to take Syria’s oil rises in the polls.

Biden may be able to win the struggle for his vision of the democratic soul of America, if voters see him as capable of delivering on his rhetoric. That may include knowing when to pull back on the country’s increasingly unpopular neocolonial ambitions, listening to workers in Scranton rather than their rulers in Langley.

If he tries to preserve America’s democracy and its empire he may endanger both.



which nazi?





Preparing for America’s Gleichschaltung    By Mike Scrafton


2025 America won’t be like 1933 Germany and they won’t be wearing brownshirts. But the program of the reactionary forces in America is as radical as that of the interwar fascists. And they have a plan for taking over.

The Weimar Republic provides an example of how quickly a determined, organised group can subvert and transform a political system from the top. Gleichschaltung describes the Nazification of the German political, administrative, and justice institutions following Hitler’s assumption of power in March 1933. By the end of 1934, and starting with the civil service, the Nazis had taken control of every major organ of the German state. The Nazis understood the need to maintain the “illusion of a democracy” and to establish a facade of legality as they established their authoritarian regime.

The American reactionaries aim to eviscerate the so-called deep state and “to roll back nothing less than 100 years of what they see as liberal encroachment on Washington.” Moreover, they are building the capacity to accomplish their objective. At his first major 2024 campaign rally Donald Trump declared “Either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state”. Trump had previously posted a “10-point plan to dismantle the deep state”. This included re-issuing his “2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats”, and he promised to “wield that power very aggressively”.

Trump would “clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them”. Of the Justice Department and the FBI, Trump said “the thugs and criminals who are corrupting our justice system will be defeated, discredited and totally disgraced”. In apocalyptic tones at Waco he thundered “2024 is the final battle, it’s going to be the big one. You put me back in the White House, their reign will be over and America will be a free nation once again”.

A significant number of interlinked think tanks, organisations, and individuals, many associated with the previous Trump Administration, are engaged in extensive preparations for his return. Trump will have the tools and personnel for his gleichschaltung. They are readying “a government-in-waiting for [Trump’s] second term”

The team of former Trump officials led by Paul Dans, Director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project at the Heritage Foundation, is building a database of suitable candidates for positions in a new Republican Administration. They have set up the Presidential Administration Academy “to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day One of the next conservative Administration”. Nearly a thousand future MAGA bureaucrats recruited from around the country are already in training. They are serious.

Trump’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget, Russell Vought, has been tasked with implementing the Project 2025 policy program. New cabinet secretaries would be ready on day one with draft executive orders, playbooks, and memoranda. Vought says “Whatever is necessary to seize control of the administrative state is really our task.” The Trump-endorsed America First Policy Institute, led by former domestic policy chief Brooke Rollins, has developed a comprehensive Trumpesque policy agenda ready to be implemented on day one of a new administration.

The thousand page Project 2025 handbook, Mandate for Leadership (MFL), contributed to by more than 400 conservative scholars and policy experts, details the plan. The intention is to fire “as many as 50,000 federal workers” immediately on taking office. The ““deep state” bureaucracy” would be commandeered, reshaped and eliminated”. It will be replaced by legions of political appointees loyal to Trump and to the radical program of the reactionaries.

But even more disturbing and worthy of closer scrutiny by Australian ministers, policy advisors, and media commentators are the extensive policy recommendations set out in MFL for reforming every aspect of American government policy. That’s where the truly radical proposals are to be found. Anyone concerned about climate change, human rights, global trade rules or a myriad other policy domains should consult the MFL. It’s frightening.
Trump’s return to power could be catastrophic if he follows through on his stated intentions, and there is little reason to believe he won’t. Constitutional governance, rule-of-law, and, perhaps eventually, the peaceful transfer-of-power based on free-and-fair elections could all be under threat. Substantial elements of the agendas of the christian nationalists and the national conservatives would be realised with dissent and minority rights diminished and the division between state and religion narrowed.

If Trump were to win and have a cooperative Republican controlled Congress, and in particular the Senate that has the power to confirm cabinet positions, there would be little to stop him. Even with a hostile Senate in Democrat hands administration in America could be disrupted and paralysed for decades and fall into an even more confrontational, even violent, coercive political mode. Trump would still have extensive room to flood the Administration with reactionaries apart from those appointments requiring Congressional concurrence.

None of this is hidden. The Project 2025 web page openly declares “Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State”. The America First Policy institute website details ”a plan for establishing policies that keep America first, always”. There is an army of activists preparing to operationalise Trump’s threats.

Australian politicians and policies are enslaved to this fading hegemon that is always teetering between collapse and authoritarianism. Australia’s interests and position in the world are currently welded to the domestic developments of this unstable polity. Holding our breath and hoping Trump loses is not a national strategy. Australia’s security is hostage to the Faustian AUKUS bargain with America.

Even if Trump fails to get reelected these resources will be available to any successful Republican candidate. The danger of an American gleichschaltung will persist.

It might sound like a progressive’s conspiracy fantasy, but in interwar Weimar, democratic night fell quickly. It could happen again in America.







MAGA power rocks the US establishment


The McCarthy drama shows that a small band of representatives can actually change things in Washington – even if all it leads to is chaos


Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy just got ousted from his post as the third-highest constitutional officer in Washington after a contingent of Republican lawmakers joined Democrats to remove him.

While the details of this situation are, to be honest, pretty hilarious and indicate a lack of a serious plan by those GOP members, it also reveals what’s possible if elected representatives in America actually hold the establishment’s feet to the fire.

First, a word on what happened. In a nutshell, Florida Representative Matt Gaetz forced a vote on a motion to vacate the office of the speaker after threatening to do so last week because McCarthy apparently acquiesced to Democrats by passing a bipartisan temporary spending bill, funding the government through November 17 and narrowly avoiding a government shutdown.

Where it goes from there is not fully detailed yet, but some emerging reports from the right-wing press, such as Fox News, suggest that even the Republicans who joined Gaetz, first of all, weren’t even sure of their own votes until the very moment they cast them. They also don’t seem to have any sort of plan at all.

Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry adjourned the House, since pretty much the only thing he can do is form a session to specifically vote for a new speaker (this has never happened before and the rules are vague). With the House adjourned, no congressional hearings can happen, subpoenas can’t go through, and committees can’t convene. This is telling because the same Republicans who ousted McCarthy are also leading an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. Without a speaker, the impeachment process is halted. 

Given this, it was foolish for these lawmakers to vote out McCarthy. And that’s especially the case when it took nearly two months of negotiations to install him in the first place back in January. Now, there’s no telling where things will go or how long it will take to cut deals and find a new speaker. If it takes even the same amount of time as before, then a government shutdown would be inevitable. That level of dysfunction from the GOP is not only poor governance but also bad politics, since it would allow Democrats to look good by contrast.

“Follow your heart, but take your brain with you. The American people expect us to govern. I also advise my House colleagues to be sure and take your meds,” Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, a Republican, said to the press after McCarthy was booted. 

At the same time, this situation demonstrates quite clearly that the establishment – especially during a period of intense partisan divide – is not truly safe. Even powerful figures such as McCarthy can be dethroned by a small contingent of representatives. That shows that people like Jimmy Dore, a well-known YouTube personality, are unfortunately correct for once. The so-called comedian called on progressives to refuse to vote for Nancy Pelosi as speaker when Democrats controlled the House until a vote was taken on Medicare for All. It turns out he was completely correct on that.

If ‘The Squad’ (a team of relatively young Democratic lawmakers who got into the House on a super-progressive platform) had any backbone, as Gaetz and his gang of rebels have shown, they could have forced a vote on that important issue and many others. They certainly have squeezed out concessions from Pelosi and the political establishment, making her understand that her position on the pedestal is contingent on the support of progressives and not the other way around. The fact that they, who are supposed to be more savvy and calculated than the MAGA mutineers, didn’t do that indicates, at the very least, a lack of commitment to the values that got them elected. 

For their part, the MAGA wing of the Republican Party is making waves: they have made Ukraine funding a hot-button issue, censured Rep. Adam Schiff (a mortal enemy of their cause), put ‘the border’ and fake allegations of election fraud front and center, shouldered out establishment Republicans such as Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, and they’re building their own media ecosystem. Even though their self-imposed speaker debacle clearly lacks any serious intent, MAGA is flexing its muscles – even if, at times, for nothing.

Will those who are supposedly fighting for the working class in Congress ever exert the same pressure? Doubtful, and it’s also doubtful if these people have any serious commitment to doing that in the first place, since they have the very same tools as Gaetz and his friends yet refuse to wield them. Undoubtedly, however, the political situation in the US is getting a whole hell of a lot more interesting.




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