Monday 13th of January 2025

hitler's empire today: THE EU....

Archival documents published in 2012 confirm the organization of the Second World War by not only German industrialists and bankers, but also by American and British bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain , hoping to destroy the USSR.

But before going any further, a clarification on what the European Union really is.

The European Union was conceived by Nazi fascism and “given birth” by American, French and German imperialism.


by Berthe Poggiale Avidor


Goebbels, commissioned by Hitler to develop a European program wrote “The goal of our fight must be always and again, to create a homogeneous Europe. But the European Union can only have a clear organization through the Germans” (Journal .p.157, ed. Tallandier. 2005). The Waffen SS units were also European (Belgian, Hungarian, Albanian, Dutch, French, Baltic, etc.)

Pierre Laval, head of the French government, has always been a supporter of the New Europe (Das Neue Europa). On June 22, 1942, he made the following speech: From this war will inevitably arise a new Europe. We often talk about Europe, it's a word to which, in France, we are not yet very accustomed. We love our country because we love our village. For me, French, I would like that tomorrow we can love a Europe in which France will have a place that will be worthy of it. To build this Europe, Germany is engaged in gigantic battles. She, along with others, must make immense sacrifices. And she does not spare the blood of her youth. To throw it into battle, it seeks it in the factories and in the fields. I wish victory for Germany, because without her Bolshevism, tomorrow, would settle everywhere ».

On April 20, 1943, he was received by Hitler, along with Ribbentrop and the Italian Bastianini. Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Bastianini had proclaimed the “Europe program” which was massively broadcast in Italy. This is a plan for a future European union or confederation, taken up by Ribbentrop and relaunched in April by Mussolini and Laval during their interviews with Hitler. (Journal, Goebbels, p. 174)

The visceral anti-communism, the absolute hatred of the socialist economy and the Bolsheviks, which was the dominant trait of Nazism was not eradicated with the crushing of the Nazi 3rd Reich and they became the dominant trait of European countries, d across the Atlantic and around the world. In 1948, Federal Germany pardoned and kept in office all the war criminals and civil servants who had collaborated with Nazism (some spent a few months in prison then were released, cleared, and resumed, without qualms, a successful career.)

Below are some examples:

A Nazi became the first President of the European Commission. Walter Hallstein was the first President of the European Commission. Chief designer of European construction, he was one of the founding fathers of this fascist European Union, associated with the visceral pro-Nazis and anti-Communists Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet.

This German (Walter Hallstein) born in 1901 and died in 1982 was a law professor in Germany. He was a Nazi jurist as evidenced by his letter dated September 30, 1935 addressed to the representative of the Nazi government at the University of Rostock. He was also appointed Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics of Rostock by the government of the Third Reich, as evidenced by the letter of May 18, 1936 signed by the Chancellor of the University of Rostock and a "Heil Hitler ". Walter Hallstein therefore benefits from the social ladder of the Third Reich allowing him to access the highest functions of Nazi Germany.

Adolf Hitler meets Benito Mussolini in Rome on May 9, 1938 to create "a new Europe": a European dictatorship that would be under their control. A team of lawyers was then formed to design this "new Europe" which was intended to remove borders, tie up the dominated countries and create a vast Empire where the Berlin-Rome axis would apply its policy. Walter Hallstein was therefore personally appointed by Adolf Hitler as the Nazi representative during the state negotiations with Fascist Italy between June 21 and 25, 1938 in order to establish a legal framework for the "New Europe".

The first supreme leader of NATO was also a Nazi, namely Hans Speidel, a sinister specialist in eliminating French communist resistance fighters in 1940. (Communist resistance fighters arrested in 1939 by Minister Daladier and delivered to the Nazis after the lightning defeat of the France in 1940)

The second head of NATO was also a Nazi, namely Adolf Heusinger, appointed Supreme Head of NATO in Washington by all the Chiefs of Staff of NATO member countries. This sinister individual had been commissioned by Hitler to design the invasion operation of the USSR. His "lightning war" planned to eliminate millions of Soviets, to burn towns and villages, to eradicate all the population of the Jewish faith living on the territories of the USSR without omitting the total eradication of the gypsies and other existing communities. on the soil of Soviet Russia, in effect bringing this great continent back to the Stone Age. During bloody punitive expeditions, resistance fighters were to be hanged and Soviet politicians systematically shot on the spot.

In August 1942, General Heusinger orchestrated the exterminations himself. The Gestapo and the SS are placed under his direct command. Hjalmar Schacht, Nazi, President of the Reichsbank and Hitler's Minister of Economics, played a leading role in controlling the economic machine of the Third Reich by acting as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Anglo-American capital in Germany . In 1945, Schacht was tried in Nuremberg and acquitted on October 1, 1946. Schacht resumed his professional life as if nothing had happened, and founded the company Schacht GmbH in Düsseldorf.

The Dawes and Young plans, the creation of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the suspension of the payment of reparations by Germany provided for by the Treaty of Versailles and the acquiescence of the former allies of Russia to this decision, the investments Massive foreigners in the economy of the Third Reich, the militarization of the German economy and the violations of the Treaty of Versailles are all milestones on the path leading to war against the USSR. Behind this plot stood key figures: the Rockefellers, the Morgans, Lord Montagu Norman (Governor of the Bank of England) and Hjalmar Schacht (President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics in Hitler's government).

Imperialism, the supreme stage of capitalism, confronted with its own crisis cannot let the idea reappear that an alternative to capitalism was able to survive for several decades and even overcome one of the fiercest imperialist powers, Nazi Germany. .

It must always reaffirm the black legend woven around the history of the USSR and for that it must falsify history, namely to erase the inescapable fact that the victory of the peoples over fascism-Nazism bears the indelible seal of the Soviet Union, its Red Army and the Francs-Tireurs and Partisans movements in which the Communists were at the forefront, in France and throughout Europe occupied by the Nazi 3rd Reich.

Having first renamed May 9, People's Victory Day in 1945, "Europe Day" in order to erase the photo of the red flag flying over the Reichstag, they are now continuing their plan to identify the victim with the executioner by claiming that the non-aggression pact of August 23, 1939 is the cause of the war of 39/45.

The capitalist falsifiers and their thurifers, heirs of Hitlerism, through unbridled and repeated media campaigns would like to transfer the crimes of mass extermination committed by the Nazis to the account of those who fought them and they shamelessly develop a campaign tending to assimilate Communism to Nazism, The executioners become victims, the victims of the executioners.

Hitler rose from his grave. And we rehabilitate in Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, …. the Vlassovs, the Tukhachevskis, the Kalmikovs, the Petlouras, the Wrangels, the Antonescu, anti-Bolshevik assassins and other Nazi collaborators, all the bandits who ferociously persecuted the Russian populations, from 1917 to 1924, and from 1941 to 1945, who coldly murdered and consciously the Jewish populations, the communists, the opponents of barbarism, And in France, lackeys of the United States, we rehabilitate the industrialists and bankers who collaborated with the Nazi occupier and exonerate the Pétainists and co of their infamous turpitudes.

To achieve its aims of denying the reality of historical facts, imperialism must whitewash capitalism which, under the leadership of the United States, having, everywhere on the earth, engendered fascism and Hitler's war, is today today, even more ferocious and aggressive than Hitler because the latter could never afford to taunt the whole world by dragging it into conquest operations (oil) on almost all the juicy corners of the planet by hiding his hegemonic aims under the beautiful term of "the defense of the Rights and Freedoms of the human being".

Globalized capital resumes the Hitlerian way of conquest of the resources of others because it is faced with insoluble economic problems. It is the increasingly inextricable crisis that is forcing imperialism to try to extricate itself through war. It's the same scenario as in 1914 and 1939.

The Nazi 3rd Reich consciously waged a war of annihilation of the populations of the USSR because it considered them to be subhuman, only destined for slavery for the benefit of blond Aryans!!!

In September 1941, the Babi Yar massacre took place, where 30 Soviet Jewish men, women and children were killed in a ravine just outside kyiv.

When the Soviet soldiers arrived at Auschwitz, what they discovered shocked their already well-seasoned sensibility. Few of the 8000 survivors were able to speak or simply move, and even fewer welcome the Soviets.

A Soviet colonel recalls: I had already seen many innocent people killed. I had seen people hanged. I had seen people burned. But I was not yet prepared for Auschwitz ».

He also recalls the first conclusive clues to the mass murders " We discovered mountains of artificial teeth, glasses and human hair ».

In the children's barracks, there were only two survivors, the rest gassed or dead as subjects of gruesome medical experiments. Another Soviet officer recalled that when cleaning crews went to inspect the crematorium chimneys, they found deposits of human grease on the 115cm (1m) thick walls.

What the Red Army had discovered in Auschwitz was not a camp; but, a complex of camps occupying an area of ​​20 km2. These dimensions attest to the scale of mass extermination and to the fact that Auschwitz was an industrial site of slave labor and death run by the SS.

Like a nose in the middle of the face, the Bolshevik Communist Party of Lenin and Stalin does not have to be ashamed of its balance sheet. Because of a country in 1917 miserable semi-feudal, made up of an impoverished and illiterate peasantry, and whose industry had been destroyed by the War (1914-1917). the Bolshevik Communist Party managed, in less than a decade, to restore the economy; to endow it with a powerful mechanical industry capable of infusing a colossal dynamism into all branches of industry; capable of producing agricultural machinery to lift the peasantry out of its miserable condition and to give future prospects and an ideal to a multi-ethnic people once divided by pogroms, racism and abject poverty.

But the truce was brief, in 1933, Hitler took power in Germany. He had clearly expressed his designs on the "ghetto" USSR of "Judeo-Bolshevism", he said. The Soviets had long understood the message. Hitler and the Western powers were making secret deals after secret deals behind the back of the USSR.

On the basis of this information, the Russian heavy industry was thus put at the service of the production of armament. The peoples of the USSR entered a period of war economy, the stakes of which were as much the destruction of the first State with a socialist economy as a new division of the world (weakening of English imperialism and the rise of US imperialism).

Before, during and after the war, which lasted five years, the Western powers constantly played a double game, leaving the war effort to the USSR in the openly declared hope that Hitler would "do the dirty work" of destruction of the socialist state.

In 1945, the USSR was still standing – having definitively broken the back of the NAZI hydra – international capital had to give in. The Bolshevik Communist Party of the USSR knew how to mobilize the Soviet peoples, defeat Nazism and maintain the proletarian socialist state. The peoples of the world had a brilliant model there. An example too dangerous for the imperialists.

The lowered English power now gave way to US imperialism and the latter marked its hegemony on the international capitalist scene by dropping the first atomic bombs on the civilian populations of Japan. This crime against humanity took on intense significance with the tacit approval of the “international community” (UN) already subjugated to its new master.

In the USSR, with 28 million victims (civilians for 2/3), it was necessary to rebuild everything, train new executives, restore the economy. Since 1917, this country had known only 16 years of peace (1924/1940), its executives had been decimated by the war, its infrastructures destroyed. Stalin, and the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, aware of this problem, began to draft essential documents which still allow us today to grasp the correctness of the orientations, before the war as much as after the war, both politically, ideologically and economically. But Stalin died in March 1953.

The "resolution" of the fascist European Union is an intolerable insult to the memory of all the victims of the barbarism of the 3rd Reich, who died under Nazi bullets or in the deportation camps and in particular to the implacable resistance of the peoples of the USSR and its government led by the upright and brilliant Joseph Stalin, faced with the murderous Nazi invader, his hordes of Waffen SS, and einsatzgruppen.

And I do not forget, in this tribute from the heart, the German communist resistance fighters who were practically exterminated by the ferocious repression implemented by the Nazi Third Reich.

Ultimately, the European Union is nothing but a fascist instrument, accomplice and on its knees before the imperialism of the United States, American imperialism, mass murderer, murderer in Libya, murderer in Iraq, murderer in Afghanistan, murderer in Syria , assassin in Viet-Nam, assassin in Africa, assassin in South America and today assassin in Ukraine, in all the places where he can appropriate, without spending a penny, the multiple riches of the countries he colonizes.

source: Long live the revolution






christmas truce......




If you ever wondered what it was like to live in the historic time in the aftermath of World War II, when the Cold War started and the United States emerged as the dominant power in the world, wonder no more. You are living in an epochal moment in history. It is fraught with danger, peril and a fundamental realignment of the international order. Gone are the days when the United States could order countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar to do their bidding like an old Uncle Ben on a Southern plantation.

The United States is on the verge of becoming the Hitler portrayed in the movie, Downfall — issuing orders to imaginary armies no longer capable of carrying out those orders.

I am not suggesting that the United States is on the verge of a collapse akin to what happened to the Third Reich in May 1945, but I do believe that the era of the United States invading other countries at will and overthrowing governments not willing to genuflect at the altar of U.S. power is over. The war in Ukraine has laid bare the weakness of the United States to control the international arena.

The year 2022 will be recorded by future historians as the watershed moment when Russia took the red pill and awoke from its delusion that it could be a partner with the West. Since the break up of the former Soviet Union, Russian leaders — not just Putin — naively believed that they could be accepted as a partner in the World order controlled by the United States. Vladimir Putin, in his speech on December 21, 2022 to the collegium of the Ministry of Defense, blamed himself for believing Western promises and announced that Russia would now rely on itself and deal with the West as a hostile threat. I encourage you to watch the video. While the West tries desperately to portray Putin as a madman, the man speaking is calm, intelligent and coherent. What a contrast with the political dwarfs that populate the United States and Europe.

The covert actions of the United States and Europe to try to destabilize Russia have failed. The coming year, 2023, will witness the end of the unipolar world dominated by the U.S. petro dollar and U.S. military intervention. I am frequently attacked as a Putin sycophant. That is a pernicious lie. I simply believe that Russia is not bluffing and recognize that Russia is one of the few countries in the world that can grow and prosper without whoring itself to the West.

The United States has experienced one existential threat in its history — the Civil War in the 1860s. Ironically, Russia played an important role in preventing the British from intervening in that war to aid the South. Russia, by contrast, has faced centuries of existential threats and always has found a way to meet and defeat those threats, such as Napoleon’s invasion in the 1800s and the Nazi invasion in 1941. Short of nuclear war, there is nothing the United States can do to stop Russia from securing its borders. The United States will discover in 2023 that its multi-billion dollar military is impotent when it comes to projecting power in Russia.

Putin and his government understand that the current war with the West is not just going to be fought in the fields of Ukraine. It also is a political and economic battle. To this end Russia is forging important relationships with China, India and the former imperial colonies of Europe and the United States. There is no such understanding among the political leaders in Washington. They still labor under the illusion that they can bully and threaten weaker countries to do their bidding. Joe Biden tried that gambit with Saudi Arabia and those oil rich sheiks told him, in effect, to go pound sand.

While I wish for everyone reading this a Happy and Prosperous New Year, I fear that 2023 will be a period of darkness and suffering for the West. Europe already is being ravaged by inflation and contracting economies. If the dual whammy of inflation and economic deflation hit America, the crisis will be exponentially worse than the 2008 debacle. The apocryphal Chinese curse, “may you live in interesting times,” confronts us. I pray we survive.