Sunday 9th of March 2025

the united states are not going anywhere, hopefully…..

Joe Biden Suicide Bombs Summit Where He Was Supposed to be Begging for Oil and War Support




So, Joe Biden, the alleged President of America, was supposed to go to this meeting with the Arabs and beg them for oil.

Instead, the wacky sonovabitch strapped a bomb to his chest and ran into a crowd of sheiks, yelling “Ukrainia Akbar!” before clicking the detonator.


President Joe Biden told Arab leaders on Saturday that the United States would remain an active partner in the Middle East, but he failed to secure commitments to a regional security axis that would include Israel or an immediate oil output rise.

“The United States is invested in building a positive future of the region, in partnership with all of you—and the United States is not going anywhere,” he said, according to a transcript of his speech.

[citation needed]

Biden, who began his first trip to the Middle East as president with a visit to Israel, presented his vision and strategy for America’s engagement in the Middle East at an Arab summit in Jeddah.

The summit communique was vague, however, and Saudi Arabia, Washington’s most important Arab ally, poured cold water on U.S. hopes the summit could help lay the groundwork for a regional security alliance – including Israel – to combat Iranian threats.

During a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Biden raised the highly sensitive issue of human rights, drawing countercriticism from the crown prince, also known as MbS.

This is real life. This is the supposed President of America in a very important meeting about energy and war deciding to start gibbering about goofy claptrap from tumblr.

Joe should have showed up to the summit in a fursuit.

The Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said publicly that every time he meets with the Saudis, he tries to convince them to have gay sex.


Just take a step back and think about how absolutely bizarre that is. You’re a relatively important world power, you have meetings with people from every major country on earth, your family has been doing this for decades – then one day, the United States, one of your biggest trading partners, starts sending top officials to lecture you about anal sex – while the entire planet is on the bring of both an economic collapse and a full-on World War.

“We believe there’s great value in including as many of the capabilities in this region as possible and certainly Israel has significant air and missile defence capabilities, as they need to. But we’re having these discussions bilaterally with these nations,” a senior administration official told reporters.

Did he release an English version of that statement?

A plan to connect air defence systems could be a hard sell for Arab states that have no ties with Israel and balk at being part of an alliance seen as against Iran, which has a strong regional network of proxies including Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen.

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, said he was not aware of any discussions on a Gulf-Israeli defence alliance and that the kingdom was not involved in such talks.

He told reporters after the U.S.-Arab summit that Riyadh’s decision to open its airspace to all air carriers had nothing to do with establishing diplomatic ties with Israel and was not a precursor to further steps. read more

Biden has focused on the summit with six Gulf states and Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, while downplaying the meeting with MbS which drew criticism in the United States over human rights concerns.

Biden had said he would make regional power Saudi Arabia a “pariah” on the global stage over the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents, but ultimately decided U.S. interests dictated a recalibration, not a rupture, in relations with the world’s top oil exporter.

The crown prince told Biden that Saudi Arabia had acted to prevent a repeat of mistakes like the killing of Khashoggi and that the United States had also made mistakes, including in Iraq, a Saudi minister said.

“You can’t do this!” Biden shouted. “We will ban you from Facebook! We will subpoena you and make you testify before Congress for supporting Donald Trump!”

One of the Arabs then informed him that he was not in America, and he can’t just force his will upon people arbitrarily.

Then Joe Biden said: “What? Folks, and we gotta do it. We just can’t, uh, we can’t, we gotta, uh, oh jeez, uh, they’re really gonna, they’re gonna be mad about this one. Man, I’m sorry. This is, well, you know. I didn’t mean to say it like that. These people are just, you know. I’m trying to end the gumbambalam, and folks, we just gotta, you know. Well.”

Joe Biden Builds Saudi-Iranian Alliance…?

It looks to me as though the entire strategy of playing Sunni against Shiite has officially collapsed, in large part due to Joe Biden becoming obsessed with some terrorist journalist getting whacked.

The strategy of Western powers playing Sunni against Shiite goes back to the period following World War I (it arguably was used by the British Empire and the East India company), when the Ottoman Empire collapsed. In fact, for a brief period, Sunni and Shia were attempting to build bonds. There were large and relevant movementspushing for pan-Islamism as a response to globalization. It would have been very logical.

The United States is far and above the most brutal country on earth. It’s going to be, because it’s the most powerful, but even if you controlled for that, I don’t think any other country comes close in terms of sheer abuse of persons on the global stage.

China is or will soon be the dominant global superpower. They achieved this without invading any countries, or committing any atrocities. China has been peaceful to the point that the Jews are forced to make up ridiculous gibberish about this, such as that they are kidnapping people and harvesting their organs while they are still alive – tens of thousands of people per year, the Jews claim.


You can go read that article in Israeli Haaretz, which US sources cite as if it is fact. They don’t present any evidence at all. It’s just basic Holocaust-style “eye-witness account” tripe. Reading it the first time, I kept thinking of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” – it is an absurd combo of absolutely cartoonish content dealt with using severe gravity.


But I digress.

The United States invaded Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of people.


It’s now known that the entire thing was just a total lie, that they lied on purpose. That’s been known since 2005, when “T he Downing Street Memo” was leaked. This had the head of MI6 (the British CIA) saying in July of 2002 that “the intelligence and facts were being fixed” by the Bush Administration to remove Saddam Hussein.

The US now just jokes about it. Here’s (Jew) General Wesley Clark joking about how some general told him “we’re going to war with Iraq” and he asked him why and the guy said “I don’t know!” He says this happened 9 days after 911.


Just recently, George W. Bush, while trying to defend the US’s current brutal war in the Ukraine, joked about invading Iraq. (He at first had a slip of the tongue, then joked that his invasion of Iraq was “wholly unjustified and brutal.”


They joke about this all the time now. Whenever they mention it, it is some kind of joke.

But Saudi killing one terrorist journalist is the most important thing in history somehow?

I agree that the way the Khashoggi was killed was silly, and I guess I agree leaders shouldn’t kill journalists at all, but in real life, he was an organizer for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a terrorist organization seeking to overthrow most or all Islamic countries. Having the guy whacked is not just or moral or whatever, okay, but it’s pretty straightforward and totally unimportant.

Putting aside the Iraq War or any of the other brutal campaigns of completely senseless slaughter that the US government has done – as someone might have the nerve to say “apples to oranges” – let’s compare apples to apples: Julian Assange.

Tons of American officials have called for both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden to be assassinated. At this point, what they’ve done to Assange is a whole lot worse than what Saudi did to Khashoggi. I would much rather have my throat slit in a backroom than go through years of torture – as I think anyone would.

Julian Assange is being tortured, everyone knows he’s being tortured, they’re making a big spectacle of the fact he’s being tortured, they’re admitting openly that when he is extradited to the US he will be tortured. The US is doing this to send a signal: they are not so kind as the Saudis. If you do journalism against them, you will not be fortunate enough to have your throat slit.

To add a whole other layer of total moronism onto this: the Saudis are still involved in a large-scale and just obviously unjust war in Yemen, where the UN claimed in November of last year that nearly 400,000 people had died.


Who knows what the actual death toll is (the UN is generally hysterical about these things), but these are virtually all civilian deaths. And many of them are being slowly starved to death. Putting aside the scale, the reasons for the war in Yemen are much less clear-cut and probably much less justifiable than the killing of Khashoggi. The “Yemeni Civil War” is basically a silly and stupid thing – the short story is that it’s a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, but the stakes are so low and the human tragedy so high, that it is very hard to strategically justify as anything other than a kind of gladiator-type entertainment project for the Sunni elite. Killing a journalist involved in organizing and campaigning for the Muslim Brotherhood is about 377,000 times more justifiable as an act defending the state than the Yemen war. But Biden doesn’t care about the Yemen war, because the media doesn’t care about the Yemen war. Who knows why, but if you were an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist, you might wonder if it relates to the fact that Israel supports Saudi’s actions in Yemen.

But the Biden Administration chose to pretend like America is the most moral country ever in existence, and throw a big tantrum over Khashoggi, implementing a social media morality crusade as foreign policy.

Now, along with Saudi Arabia totally switching teams and lining up with China, you’ve got Saudi apparently ready to squash the beef with Iran!

How is in charge here???

No one is in charge! Joe Biden might as well be in charge! If you’re going to have some titular figure, some senile old man who has no idea what is going on, as a symbolic/puppet figurehead, there still needs to be someone actually in charge. But there is not!

Tucker Carlson goes on about Chief-of-Staff Ron Klain, and “Director of the Domestic Policy Council” Susan Rice as shadow leaders, but there isn’t really any evidence of either of those people actually be “the leader.” I’m sure they both have a bigger role in policy making than Joe, who is an actual vegetable. But there is no evidence of a leader, at all. There is no single point of communication between frantic women in the media whining about a dead journalist, the State Department, the Department of Treasury, or anyone else.

I remind you again of the Tower of Babel – evangelicals will tell silly stories about how everyone working on this massive project all of the sudden started speaking completely different languages. But the Bible doesn’t say that.





mister magic strikes again .....



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW...............................

stop looting syria……..

The US needs to stop “stealing” the oil from the Syrian people and state, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday, after meeting with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts in Tehran. The three guarantors of the “Astana process” also agreed that the US should leave the trans-Euphrates, and stop making the humanitarian crisis in Syria worse with their unilateral sanctions.

American troops must leave the territory east of the Euphrates river and “stop robbing the Syrian state, the Syrian people, exporting oil illegally,”Putin told reporters on Tuesday evening. He said this was a “common position” of Russia, Iran and Turkey.

Several hundred US troops are illegally present in Syria, mainly controlling the oil wells and wheatfields in the country’s northeast, controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia since the defeat of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorists. The US-backed SDF has refused to reintegrate with the government in Damascus, which Washington wishes to see overthrown.

Since 2019, the US has sought to punish anyone trying to assist the reconstruction of war-torn Syria via the “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act,” accusing the government of President Bashar Assad of war crimes and blocking all assistance to Damascus.


Putin said on Tuesday that such sanctions have had “disastrous results” and that humanitarian aid to Syria “should not be politicized.”

During Tuesday’s summit in Tehran, Putin met with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In a joint declaration, the three presidents confirmed their conviction that “there can be no military solution to the Syrian conflict,” only a political one under the leadership of the UN. They also condemned “unilateral sanctions violating international law” that are exacerbating the serious humanitarian situation in Syria, urging the UN and other international organizations to “increase assistance to all Syrians, without discrimination, politicization and preconditions.”

Russia sent an expeditionary force to Syria in September 2015, at the request of Damascus, to help defeat IS and other terrorist groups. In January 2017, Moscow, Ankara and Tehran launched the “Astana process” – named after the capital of Kazakhstan – to resolve the conflict in Syria, which began in 2011.







FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW......................