Thursday 16th of January 2025

the war on the thigh gap of heroes, by feeding them greasy hamburgers..….

This is an old story but it fell again on the laps of the Leonisky gods today. So here we go:


Inspired by the series of Disney pictures Buzzfeed edited to give our fairytale princesses realistic waist sizes, organisation have put their creative hats on to imagine a world where comic strip superheroes could still be as powerful without the size 0 dress tag.

The organisation aimed to transform some of our best-loved superheroes, including Wonder Woman and Cat Woman, into more realistic shapes; ones which don't necessarily fit the mould of disproportionately large breasts, tiny waists and thigh gaps to boot.

And - as expected - the heroines still look equally heroic with a bit of extra weight on their still-gorgeous bodies.

Speaking to Huffington Post about their amazing work, a spokesperson from said:

"Our hope is that when viewers see these superheroes visualized in such a manner that they can identify with, they may feel better about themselves and realise the futility of any comparison between themselves and the fictional universes of Marvel and DC Comics."





GusNote: Rather than modify the traditional heroes, even with "tasteful" flab, would it not be better for the non-thigh-gap brigade to create their own size 16-24 comic goddesses? The Greeks and the Romans did not invent a thin Venus for nothing. But as many people in the world are about to starve again, it seems the US has an image problem with their thin people. Being overweight, because Americans can, should be the normal expression of a successful flabby democracy.

So what (non-)outrageous image prompted this (non-)discriminatory tirade?....


Here it is:



Not a good look for men looking like a beer keg.....


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW......................


milking women…...

Our heroine in starving Somalia would look like a bag of bones, compared to the American new podgy woman without a thigh gap... so we have to make allowances to the traditions of female being and beauty, going back to the days of the goddesses... These days, anyone can be a woman, that is to say apart from the few people born with the male and female organs, we all can play the role of being the person we want and feel like we are the other sex .... to the point of being surgically altered into a milking woman or a pregnant bloke?... 





What Is a Woman?




Matt Walsh has been trying to get transgender gurus to tell him what a woman is.


The only answer he gets is “a woman is a person who claims to be a woman, a person who self-identifies as a woman.” Ok, Walsh says, but what is a woman that the person claims to be? Repeating the unanswered question gets him labeled “transgenderphobic.” But what is that? And why is it phobic to ask what is a woman?

The answer is that transgender is a hoax and the gurus know it. That’s why they cannot say what a woman is.

According to the transgender gurus, there is sex and gender. Sex is biological, determined by your chromosomes, but gender is a social construct, they say. A person with a vagina, womb, ovaries, mammory glands, and capable of giving birth is defined by chromosomes as a woman. But that is not definitive. Gender, a social construct, has a say. The biological woman is not a woman unless she declares herself to be a women. If she declares herself to be a man, her declaration over-rules her chromosomes, and she is a man.

Confronted with this, Walsh asks the transgender gurus if it isn’t a fact that people sometimes make false statements. The gurus, or some of them, admit that people do sometimes tell lies. Walsh asks them if persons can also declare their race. Suppose I tell you I am black, would you believe me, he asks. His question is evaded. A female philosopher at Rhodes College in Memphis, Rebecca Tubel, actually raised the question in a scholarly journal, and she suffered intemperate attacks as did the journal Hypatia. The editors apologized for the “pain” the article caused those claiming to be transgendered, but were fired anyway. No one explained why the prospect of a transrace person is hurtful to a trangendered person or why the transgendered opposition to transrace isn’t transracephobic. For that matter, no one has explained why women confronted with males in their bathrooms claiming to be women have no right to be offended and are dismissed as transgenderphobic.

If it is OK for a man to be so confused that he thinks he is a woman, why can’t a person be transspecies and think he is a horse or a chimpanzee or a Martian?

Trans means on or to the other side, across, such as transatlantic, or beyond. So transgender is beyond gender or to the other side of gender. Transrace is beyond race or to the other side of race. Transspecies means beyond species. In other words, transgender is a made up word, just as it is a made up condition, that makes no sense. What is the other side of gender? How does one go beyond gender? How is it that biological reality can be over-ruled by a person identifying as something that they are not?


It is nevertheless happening. It is now a university subject and soon will be a course of study leading to a degree. Transgender advocates are turning it into the latest fad, putting the idea into people’s heads that it is a cool thing to do. We have reached the point in our decadent decline when we can no longer differentiate a man from a woman.








FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW.........................

false advertising…...

From China Daily: