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unified universal resonance…
Hello, black holes fanatics… Gus Leonisky here — the mad pseudo-professor/failed engineer who brought you the SeaGlider, now working on the 5,000 tonnes cargo ship carbon fibre version, running at 33 knots (maximum for sleek displacement hulls). As the world becomes smarter (don’t laugh) the size of “containers” for this caper is reduced to 3 metres long, 1 metre wide and 2 metre high. These, also made of carbon fibre, will be called “minitainers” or iTainers for short.
But this talk, inspired by Sean Carroll, the physicist, and the master of blowing things up while playing the violin, Andrew Szydio, is to develop our Gussian theory that “DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY existed before the Big Bang”. This relative idea is to be allied to the world of theoretical explanations for the cosmos — which is full of weird stuff including some serious string pulling. No really, have you gauged the “string theory”? In my book, this theory might be up there mathematically, with its multi dimensions and multiverses, but it leaks like a bucket full of bullet holes.
In science, it is imperative to publish results or theories before the next nerd does it before you do. A lot of mistakes are made, but one learns from making mistakes, as long as they are genuine, and not “fake” news. I will take the plunge.
The latest particle added to our arsenal of cosmic bits was the Higgs boson in 2012. In July this year we will celebrate ten years of THE CONFIRMATION of the Higgs field influence which prevents the weak nuclear force from being too spacious, separating it from the electromagnetic force into the weak “electroforce”.
In the 1970s, physicists realised that there are very close ties between two of the four fundamental forces – the weak force and the electromagnetic force. The two forces can be described within the same theory, which forms the basis of the Standard Model. This “unification” implies that electricity, magnetism, light and some types of radioactivity are all manifestations of a single underlying force known as the electroweak force. The basic equations of the unified theory correctly describe the electroweak force and its associated force-carrying particles, namely the photon, and the W and Z bosons, except for a major glitch. All of these particles emerge without a mass. While this is true for the photon, we know that the W and Z have mass, nearly 100 times that of a proton. Fortunately, theorists Robert Brout, François Englert and Peter Higgs made a proposal that was to solve this problem. What we now call the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism gives a mass to the W and Z when they interact with an invisible field, now called the “Higgs field”, which pervades the universe. Now we need to realise that the Higgs boson like the W and the Z bosons have very very short lives… for the W boson — which does dance as an intermediate between the very make up of particles, switching protons into neutrons, and vice versa, through the weak force, triggering nuclear fusion and letting stars burn — its life is 3 x 10 to the power of minus 25 zeros. The “Higgs” as it is familiarly known to physicists is longer lived at 210 yoctoseconds. And believe you me, all this works. Without the Higgs field, the universe would not happen. They tell us: “Just after the big bang, the Higgs field was zero, but as the universe cooled and the temperature fell below a critical value, the field grew spontaneously so that any particle interacting with it acquired a mass. The more a particle interacts with this field, the heavier it is. Particles like the photon that do not interact with it are left with no mass at all. Like all fundamental fields, the Higgs field has an associated particle – the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson is the visible manifestation of the Higgs field, rather like a wave at the surface of the sea.” Good luck… Spontaneity is a no-no in my Gussian world of physics. There was a field/force before the Big Bang. Like a wave adding to another, the Big Bang absorbed some of this field, which still exist in Gussian theory as the dark energy field and its associated dark matter of a “dead” universe fully entropied… Like a sponge, this Gussian field is absorbing our universe, accelerating its decay in the process. But like our universe, no dark matter and dark energy is unified like a transparent blancmange. It has some thick and thin patches, including some holes like Swiss cheese. This is where the black holes come in: “BLACK HOLES FORM IN REGIONS OF SPACE WHERE THERE IS NO DARK ENERGY AND NO DARK MATTER.” This is the source of singularity. At this stage Black Holes are mini-Big-Bangs that do not have enough mass to blow up, prevented to acquire more mass by the surrounding dark energy field. This is why black holes do not grow beyond a certain size, absorbing all the Higgs field which could become depleted in surrounding areas. Without the dark energy limiting field, black holes would absorb or “deflate” the entire universe of the Big Bang within seconds. Time, though highly relative to space, would become super-short. This is why, our universe “needs” dark energy to suck it up like a sponge. The age of dark matter and dark energy? Say about 57 billion years give or take a few millions. Crazy? Sure. But not as crazy as “string theory”… And, as you might have guessed, global warming is a tiny tiny tiny incovenience on our little little planet... Because our very limited range of critical environment factors that provide life, we need to pay more immediate attention to such climate change than upon black holes...
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birds of a feather…
He said while it was interesting to see new species migrate, it came at the detriment of other species used to cooler environments.
Professor Booth added that while marine animals that thrived in cooler ecosystems could relocate as warmer waters prevailed, there was only so far they could travel.
“Fish can disperse further south, but they will run out of room — once they reach the end of Tasmania it’s a long way to Antarctica,” he said.
Ocean swimmer Lauren Tischendorf, who recently became the first woman to swim solo around Lord Howe Island, regularly swims around eastern suburbs beaches.
“I definitely noticed at the beginning of December and end of November the water felt warmer than normal,” she said. “You can tell early in the morning because it is still fresh outside, but the water is quite warm and balmy.
“While that warmer water is enjoyable to swim in - you can go further without getting cold, without needing extra nutrition and rehydrating - but at the same time, it is not as good for our environment. ”
Swimmers at Melbourne’s St Kilda beach experienced sea temperatures of 21.3 degrees on Tuesday, about 0.5 degrees warmer than the monthly average, while Williamstown’s ocean temperature was 21.6 degrees - marginally higher than its monthly average of 20.8 degrees. The warmest temperature ever recorded for Williamstown in January was 24 degrees
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Bose-Einstein condensates were first predicted theoretically by Satyendra Nath Bose (1894-1974), an Indian physicist who also discovered the subatomic particle named for him, the boson. Bose was working on statistical problems in quantum mechanics, and sent his ideas to Albert Einstein. Einstein thought them important enough to get them published. As importantly, Einstein saw that Bose's mathematics — later known as Bose-Einstein statistics — could be applied to atoms as well as light.
What the two found was that ordinarily, atoms have to have certain energies — in fact one of the fundamentals of quantum mechanics is that the energy of an atom or other subatomic particle can't be arbitrary. This is why electrons, for example, have discrete "orbitals" that they have to occupy, and why they give off photons of specific wavelengths when they drop from one orbital, or energy level, to another. But cool the atoms to within billionths of a degree of absolute zero and some atoms begin to fall into the same energy level, becoming indistinguishable.
In regard to “dark matter” and “dark energy” (speculative old extinguished “Gussian” universe) all the atoms and energy, including photons, are at maximum long wave universal vibrations (resonance) near absolute zero — in a Bose-Einstein super Condensate state. This would make the dark energy/dark matter (75 % of our universe, unseen but calculable) behave like "super fields." Imagine for example adding a drop of viscous detergent to water… The surface water tension and the viscosity of the detergent become highly fluidical. Though this is totally different to B-E condensates, it can illustrate an inference between components — say a dead universe upon a universe in evolution.
When one tries to measure where the dark matter and the dark energy are, instead of seeing discrete atoms one sees nothing because we do not have the technical means to observe such “long wave” vibrations — especially that of an old universe where 99 per cent would be made of “decomposed” hydrogen plus photons. Yet we guess that this super-field(s) is pulling our universe apart with a super-fluidity in the fields of gravity and/or super-electromagnetism.
This is total speculation by Gus Leonisky. In this old Gussian extinguished universe, it is impossible to know which particle is what as all of the particular energies are in the same state. Photons and protons, neutrons and neutrinos, quarks and anti-particles are ALL THE SAME. Question: could they be RESTORED? PROBABLY NOT. The eggs are broken into an omelette. All particles would be in a state of confused fusion. This is basically the end state of maximum entropy. Meanwhile, the possibility of such state being unable to contain the energies of a super black-hole would lead to the next Big Bang. We know the rest from about 1 to the power of minus 43 second after this big bangery…
While other states of matter, solid, liquid, gas and plasma all follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle, which says that fermions — the kinds of particles that make up matter — can't be in identical quantum states. This is why when two electrons are in the same orbital, their spins have to be opposite so they add up to zero. That in turn is one reason why chemistry works as atoms can't occupy the same space at the same time. Bose-Einstein condensates break the Pauli-Exclusion rule.
Though the theory said such CONDENSATE states of matter should exist, it wasn't until 1995 that Eric A. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman, both of the Joint Institute for Lab Astrophysics (JILA) in Boulder, Colorado, and Wolfgang Ketterle, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, managed to make one, for which they got the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics.
In July 2018, an experiment aboard the International Space Station cooled a cloud of rubidium atoms to ten-millionth of a degree above absolute zero, producing a Bose-Einstein condensate in space. The experiment also now holds the record for the coldest object we know of in space, though it isn't yet the coldest thing humanity has ever created.
NOW, the artificially created condensate states use mostly unified “heavy” metals, the dead universe would be made mostly of “fused” subatomic particles (and anti-particles in the same state) at great distance (Gus could estimate wrongly — this needs to be theoretically calculated) from each other but acting as if linked by... entanglement...
Entanglement in a thinned out Bose-Einstein condensate?
All speculative ideas by GUS....
on the density of baryons...
Leptogenesis is a class of scenarios where the baryon asymmetry of the Universe is produced from a lepton asymmetry generated in the decays of a heavy sterile neutrino. We explain the motivation for leptogenesis. We review the basic mechanism, and describe subclasses of models. We then focus on recent developments in the understanding of leptogenesis: finite temperature effects, spectator processes, and in particular the significance of flavor physics.
One of the mysteries of our universe is the observed density of baryons, i.e., protons and neutrons. Since there is good evidence that the universe is mostly made up of matter and no antimatter, the baryon density corresponds to the cosmological matter-antimatter asymmetry. It can be inferred from the ratio of the number density of baryons to photons in the universe, which has been determined most precisely by the measurement of the angular distribution of the temperature fluctuations of the microwave background radiation (Komatsu, 2010fb)
This neat theory is not contrary to the idea of an old extinguished universe absorbing our new one… Yet, the spontaneous appearance of the Higgs field as our universe cooled below a certain temperature is dubious.
Figures and hypothesis of quantum mechanics are thrown at us, regularly… I mean should you be a scientist sitting on the edge of the universe, you need to ask questions about anything. The only sure valid point is that there is no god fiddling the moral fibres of sinners… As mentioned before, the “spontaneous” appearance of the Higgs Field at a particular point in time is a bother, despite the switch of matter status from a confused state to being somewhat organised.
The need to invent a “sterile” heavy neutrino that goes through a “Sphaleronic” process is convenient and cute but not convincing. We may have to imagine that the imbalance of matter/anti-matter is like a random event that got influenced by particles being their own antiparticle — Majorana fermions, also referred to as Majorana particles — fermions that are their own antiparticle. They were hypothesised by Ettore Majorana in 1937. The term is sometimes used in opposition to a Dirac fermion, which describes fermions that are not their own antiparticles.
With the exception of the neutrino, all of the Standard Model fermions are known to behave as Dirac fermions at low energy (after electroweak symmetry breaking), and none are Majorana fermions. The nature of the neutrinos is not settled—they may turn out to be either Dirac or Majorana fermions.
In condensed matter physics, bound Majorana fermions can appear as quasiparticle excitations—the collective movement of several individual particles, not a single one, and they are governed by non-Abelian statistics....
The sphaleron transition rate in the symmetric high-temperature phase has been evaluated by combining analytical resummation with numerical lattice techniques. The result is, in accord with early estimates, that B and L violating processes are in thermal equilibrium for temperatures in the range
TEW∼100 GeV<T<TSPH∼1012 GeV.(5)
Sphaleron processes have a profound effect on the generation of the cosmological baryon asymmetry in the hot early universe. In a weakly coupled plasma, one can assign a chemical potential μ to all fermionic and bosonic fields with the same gauge interactions. In the Standard Model, with one Higgs doublet H and three quark-lepton generations one then has 16 chemical potentials, for the Higgs doublet, the left-handed quark and lepton doublets qi and ℓi, and the right-handed quark and lepton singlets ui, di, and ei(i=1,…,3). For a non-interacting gas the chemical potentials determine the asymmetries in the particle and antiparticle number densities.
In the case of leptogenesis all chemical potentials are very small, i.e., βμi≪1.
Quarks, leptons and Higgs bosons interact via Yukawa and gauge couplings and, in addition, via the nonperturbative sphaleron processes. In thermal equilibrium all these processes yield constraints between the various chemical potentials. The effective interaction implies the relation
The Yukawa interactions, supplemented by gauge interactions, yield relations between the chemical potentials of left-handed and right-handed fermions, which hold if the corresponding interactions are in thermal equilibrium. In the temperature range 100 GeV<T<1012 GeV, which is of interest for baryogenesis, this is the case for gauge interactions. On the other hand, Yukawa interactions are in equilibrium only in a more restricted temperature range that depends on the strength of the Yukawa couplings. In the simplest version of leptogenesis discussed below this complication is ignored, although this is not justified generically (see below).
So far no scientific experiment has found a “heavy sterile neutrino”...
Now this is why a lot of quantum research is done on Neutrinos because they seem to hold the keys to the doors of the universe. Yet, in a Bose-Einstein Condensate state, Neutrinos of all flavours would behave like all the other decayed elementary particle in a single “base load” vibration that is sucking up our present universe — a universe of which we only “see” a tiny portion thereof, calculated at 1/250th by some clever physicists. The extent of the “old” universe that is sucking us up, may be beyond 1000 times larger than what we see at near 14 billion light years… which is pretty good, but relatively pitiful...
Meanwhile, calculations for GLOBAL WARMING are simpletonian precise exercises compared to the Leptogenesis estimates — versus the age of the sun which tells us we have another 5 billion years of solar system before burn out…
Global warming calculations by Gus tell us we have ONLY 10 and a half years before the shit hits the fan. After this, panic will be the main mode of the human species activities... I COULD BE WRONG...
See also:
black hole Mrk462
Astronomers have found a “supermassive” black hole containing around 200,000 times the mass of the Sun. This “monster” buried in the dust and gas of a dwarf galaxy could add to knowledge about the size and origin of black holes.
The discovery, presented at a virtual meeting of the American Astronomical Society on Monday, marks one of the first instances where scientists were able to observe an “obscured” black hole harbored in a galaxy that has just several hundred million stars. This particular dwarf galaxy is named Mrk 462.
Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, researchers from Dartmouth College studied eight dwarf galaxies thought to be housing an active supermassive black hole by looking for the extremely bright, high-energy radiation emitted by the heat from its accretion (growth) process.
The X-ray signature of a ‘feeding’ black hole was only identified in Mrk 462. The “unusually large intensity” of its high-energy radiation and other factors suggested that this particular black hole was “heavily obscured” by gas and clouds of dust.
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Read from top.
the naughty neutrinos...
In the comments/article above, We postulated the existence of a "dead" former universe before "our" Big Bang... This is not as silly as it looks. Scientists are still searching for the missing bits called Dark Matter and Dark Energy which calculations tell us there is around 95 per cent of stuff out there, that we cannot see. That's a lot of dark stuff... Some serious scientists — in a minority so far — are looking for characteristics in the laws of gravity we have not fully understood, yet. But we think otherwise on this site...
Which particle has no charge and that we can hardly see? If you add up all the articles on quantum mechanics and cosmology on this site, you could recognise that we've hinted at neutrinos... Neutrinos do not have a charge THUS DO NOT EXHIBIT TEMPERATURE... nor can they feel temperature. They would have to be the "coolest" stuff around. Though they are often formed within temperature driven matter (say the sun and stars), they can escape this state of energy — AND ESCAPE GRAVITY — while being as cool as cucumbers to reach a Bose-Einstein condensate condition, which would lead to "superfluidity" due to super-cold neutrinos or more likely neutrinos in a super-cold former universe.
At this stage, READ FROM TOP... and ponder. The concept of a former universe (and another one before this dead one) upon which ours was born is not as silly as it looks and makes sense to us. As well, we've got to remember that we only see 1/250th of the size of our universe which has already expanded WAY beyond what we see. Our estimate would be that the old universe would be more than 5 times bigger than ours, thus beyond 1000 times of what see, but in a fully achieved entropic status. This to say that all the particles of the former universe would be like a giant neutrino space in a "glacial state" meaning "without any motion" — but providing superfluidity nonetheless. As stated, black holes could form in places where there are holes in the fabric of the former universe... Who knows...
This dead state of the former universe is the future of our own, though before reaching this status, our universe will be in an increasing state of chaos with conglomerations such as stars, yet supporting the LIVING cells which defy the laws of thermodynamics because of their ability to maintain self-integrity and to repair in a specific membrane through which only some information and some chemicals are allowed through. This is LIFE holding on against chaos, until the settings of the environment become too hot or too cold for existence (end of the sun). Life is critically sensitive and subsists within a very small temperature bracket.
NOW, CAN NEUTRINOS ESCAPE from A BLACK HOLE or go through a black hole? Most likely... would 95 per cent of them escaping the crush of super gravity, be a good statistic to become dark matter?
Silly?... May be. But you've read it here first...
time slides away...
I was watching a lecture by Professor Geraint Lewis on you tube "The End of the Universe" and OUR theory about the ancient universe upon which ours "slides over" isn't such a bad idea... My time frames are off-beam of course but I'm not a cosmologist... As well OUR theory expressed in the few comments above does not break the three laws of thermodynamics... Who knows... If you want to know more:
Soon to come: 1911 and 1927 — the years that changed humanity...