Sunday 9th of March 2025

preparing the dead end…


They defend the climate while preparing the end of the world


        by Manlio Dinucci  

    For Manlio Dinucci, the danger of global warming pales in comparison to the far more devastating threat of a nuclear winter that some COP26 participants are hastily preparing.

At the beginning of October, Italy hosted the preparatory meeting for the ongoing UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, COP26. Two weeks later, Italy hosted another international event which, unlike the first widely publicised one, was kept quiet by the government: the Nato nuclear warfare manoeuvre Steadfast Noon in the skies over northern and central Italy. Under US command, the air forces of 14 Atlantic Alliance countries, with dual nuclear and conventional fighter-bombers deployed at the bases of Aviano (Friuli) and Ghedi (Brescia), took part for seven days. At Aviano, the 31st US Wing is permanently based with F-16C/D fighter bombers and B61 nuclear bombs. In Ghedi, the 6th Stormo of the Italian Air Force with Tornado PA-200 fighter bombers and B61 nuclear bombs. The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) confirms in 2021 that "the Italian Air Force is assigned nuclear attack missions with US bombs, kept in Italy under the control of the US Air Force, whose use in war must be authorised by the President of the United States". The Aviano and Ghedi bases have been restructured to receive F-35 fighters armed with the new B61-12 nuclear bombs. Last October, in Nevada, the final test with the dropping of inert B61-12s by two F-35A fighters was carried out. Soon the new nuclear bombs will arrive in Italy: 30 Italian F-35A fighters, ready to attack under US command with 60 B61-12 nuclear bombs, can be accommodated in the Ghedi base alone.

A week after participating in this nuclear warfare manoeuvre, Italy participated in the UN Climate Change Conference, chaired by the UK in partnership with Italy. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned: "We are one minute to midnight and we need to act now" against global warming that is destroying the planet. He is using the symbolic ’Doomsday Clock’, which actually marks how many minutes away we are from nuclear midnight. The same Boris Johnson, only a few months ago, in March, announced the ramp-up of British nuclear attack submarines: the Astute (costing $2.2 billion each), armed with US Tomahawk IV nuclear cruise missiles with a range of 1,500 km, and the Vanguard, armed with 16 US Trident D5 ballistic missiles with a range of 12,000 km, equipped with more than 120 nuclear warheads. These were soon replaced by the even more powerful Dreadnough class submarines. British nuclear attack submarines, cruising deep off the Russian coast, are now also cruising along the Chinese coast, starting in Australia, to which the US and UK will supply nuclear submarines. Britain, which is hosting the Conference to Save the Planet from Global Warming, is in this way contributing to the arms race that is leading the world towards nuclear catastrophe.

Against such a background the promotional video for the Conference is wrong: a dinosaur, symbol of an extinct species, from the podium of the United Nations warning humans to save their species from global warming. In reality, scientific studies confirm, the dinosaurs became extinct not because of global warming, but because the Earth cooled after the impact of a huge meteorite that raised clouds of dust and eclipsed the Sun. This is exactly what would happen in the aftermath of a nuclear war: in addition to catastrophic destruction and radioactive fallout all over the planet, it would cause huge fires in urban and forest areas that would produce a layer of thick smoke in the atmosphere, obscuring the Sun. This would cause a climatic cooling for several years: the nuclear winter. The consequence would be the extinction of most plant and animal species, with devastating effects also on agriculture. The cold and hunger would reduce the survival capacity of the few survivors, leading to the extinction of the human species.


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criminal minds…

In a fervor of cross-partisan struggle and in pursuit of a bombshell, the New York Times was forced to publish hundreds of secret Pentagon records on innocent civilians that died due to reckless airstrikes conducted by the US military in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Flawed and handicapped US intelligence is a notion that the rest of the world is now getting used and alludes to when speaking about the intelligence agencies of the most “democratic” but also the most aggressive nation in the world.

The never seen before documents, obtained by the newspaper, shows (other than deeply flawed intelligence), how the rushed and often imprecise targeting by warplanes or drones in West Asia occurred during the attacks and the murder of thousands of innocent civilians, many of them children. More than 1,300 secret reports are in the hands of the paper (more than 5,400 pages in total) and the timeframe dates between September 2014 to January 2018.

The newspaper says it has conducted independent research of its own, and the results closely match much of the basic information from the Pentagon documents, but it found significant discrepancies and oversights by the Pentagon, including the location of the strikes or the number of people killed or injured following the attacks. The unveiled data on failed intelligence, faulty targeting, many civilian deaths and bare-bones paperwork is at odds with boisterous Pentagon reports, which proves that in this case the US servicemembers had committed crimes falling under the jurisdiction of international law.

President Barack Obama is widely known as being the pioneer of US air wars. Following the disastrous invasion of Iraq and the number of American military casualties between 2003 till 2011 (nearly 4,500 troops killed, some 900 contractors killed, and 32,000 soldiers injured [not including mental injuries]). The public backlash against the Iraq war casualties was immense, with calls to bring the troops home growing louder by the day. In 2016, the former American President said, “with our extraordinary technology.. we’re conducting the most precise air campaign in history.” But now it is become increasingly apparent and clear that president Obama fed the Americans and the international community with lies. The “extraordinary technology” is conducting the most imprecise air campaign in history.  In the more than 50-thousand US airstrikes between 2014 and 2019, which killed thousands and possibly tens of thousands of civilians meant Obama’s initiative made America the judge of those civilians, their jury, and executioner. In just one of the hundreds of examples documented by this research, in 2016, American Special Operations forces bombed what they allegedly believed were three Daesh (a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia) “staging areas” on the outskirts of a riverside hamlet in northern Syria. The official announcement reported at the time was 85 terrorists were killed. The reality, as a result of the secret Pentagon documents and subsequent investigation shows there was more than 120 innocent villagers killed.  No terrorists, just villagers and just bombs that fell on houses far from the front line, where farmers, their families and other local people sought nighttime sanctuary from the bombings and the gunfire.   The problem is Obama can’t be reached anymore to face accountability for the “peaceful” initiative he started. Other American officials in the Pentagon share the same responsibility for intentionally undercounting and underreporting civilian fatalities.

It is believed that this is just a tip of an iceberg. Over the past few months, revelations have slowly emerged about the nature of US airstrikes and the report suggests more will be revealed; which means the US State Department will be working day and night to try and prevent that from happening. In September, The New York Times reported that a drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, which US officials insisted had destroyed a vehicle laden with bombs, had instead killed 10 members of the same family. Last month, The Times reported that scores of civilians had been killed in a 2019 bombing in Syria that the American military had intentionally hidden from the public eye. Now, the Times investigation has found that these were not one-offs but rather the regular casualties of a transformed way of a secret war that has gone wrong by bad intelligence or maybe deliberately.

The very policy by the White House to use international criminals clad in a general’s uniform and State Department diplomats is despicable. In lieu of conducting a fair investigation and punishing the culprits responsible for killing innocent civilians, the “stout warriors” are awarded medals and commended, promoted and receive some sweet monetary bonuses. Meanwhile, those warriors write memoirs bragging about how they had been exterminating civilians. Barbarians! No other word comes to mind.

In the wake of the US airstrike that killed 10 Afghan civilians, the Amnesty International said: “The US must now commit to a full, transparent, and impartial investigation into this incident. Anyone suspected of criminal responsibility should be prosecuted in a fair trial. Survivors and families of the victims should be kept informed of the progress of the investigation and be given full reparation”.

No trial, however, took place. And it never will, the author should add. How is it possible to persecute “The Great Democracy” citizens? They have always skirted responsibility. Having landed on the American shores, their ancestors brutally murdered hundreds of millions of indigenous people, Native Americans, to whom this country rightfully belonged. And did any of the founding fathers suffer punishment for this? Come to think of it, when the indigenous people are exterminated, it is usually called a genocide. But, like their ancestors, representatives of the US military and political establishment have got into habit of genociding other peoples. Their “Great Democracy” philosophy is to bomb out and conquer other peoples’ lands, to appropriate their wealth. This is not mentality of normal people; it is a criminal, dog-eat-dog mentality.


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