Saturday 18th of January 2025

terror in democracy...


                                               US, UK, French, German and Italian foreign ministers have denounced the upcoming election in Syria because displaced Syrians couldn’t vote – having themselves blocked that from happening by closing Syrian embassies and consulates. 

The five foreign ministers “wish to make clear that Syria’s May 26 presidential election will neither be free nor fair,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Jean-Yves Le Drian of France, Heiko Mass of Germany, Luigi Di Maio of Italy, and Dominic Raab of the UK in a joint statement on Tuesday.


Arguing that the “Assad regime” is holding the election “outside of the framework described in UN Security Council Resolution 2254,” they sided with “the voices of all Syrians, including civil society organizations and the Syrian opposition, who have condemned the electoral process as illegitimate.”

The election, scheduled for May 26, will see the incumbent president Bashar Assad be challenged by Abdullah Sallum Abdullah of the Socialist Unionist Party, as well as Mahmoud Ahmad Marei, who previously served as secretary-general of the National Front for the Liberation of Syria, a rebel faction.  

At this point, the Syrian “opposition” is concentrated in the Idlib province under Turkish protection. Northeastern Syria is under control of the US-backed Kurdish militias, who have built a parallel government with the aid of Washington.


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FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





jealous west nations...



Despite masses of cheering people carrying posters adorned with Assad's face and waving the nation's flag, this election falls foul of internationally recognized election standards.

"These elections are aimed at the West, taking the pattern of Western-style elections in one way or the other to give an 'I am like you' message," Maan Abdul Salam, head of the Syrian think-tank ETANA, told the Reuters news agency.

But the international community has touted Wednesday's election as a farce, as the country has so-far failed to implement the UNs 2015 resolution which sought to bring peace to the country following the Arab Spring which swept across the region and with that free and fair elections held under UN supervision.

Nor has the UN-facilitated Syrian Constitutional Committee — which disbanded in January 2021 due to lack of progress — managed to achieve its mandate of attaining peace in the country and the adoption of a new constitution. 

However, between the end of the UN-initiative in January and the May election, little has changed. "The UN is not involved in this election and has no mandate to be," Jenifer Fenton, spokesperson for the UN Special Envoy for Syria, told DW ahead of the vote. 

In the days before this week's ballot, Iran — a military ally — sent a delegation to the capital, Damascus, to monitor the polls and offer some semblance of a free and fair election.

To put things into perspetive, the last election — in 2014 — saw Assad secure almost 89% of the vote, with turnout at more than 73%. Back then, he had two opponents. International observers dismissed the vote then as a sham, and this election is set to be no different. 


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Obviously, the West wants Assad to fail and Syria to fall in the hands of the Jihadists... The West is also jealous of Assad's popularity amongst the Syrian people... Really ! There was no more than three dogs and 20,000 troops at the Biden inauguration... and most leaders in the EU have to make dirty deals with various other parties, to survive...


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

freeing women...


18 Dec, 2020 


By Kit Klarenberg, an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions.

 A swath of leaked documents reveals the lengths to which the British government went to paint the Syrian opposition in a flattering light. They also confirm that women unknowingly formed part of this effort.

The leaked UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) documents reveal a variety of covert ways in which London sought to not only propagandize women in Syria, but to exploit them as weapons in a vast information warfare campaign waged at home and abroad.

The papers are among bombshell files released by hacktivist collective Anonymous, which expose a number of cloak-and-dagger actions undertaken by Whitehall against Damascus. Women figured prominently in a number of the plans, which cost the FCO millions of pounds over many years.


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We all (we all should) want women to be "free" (except some Muslim religious variants: Sunnis/Wahhabis)... But the civil war (fomented by the Western allies/USA under the so-called "Arab Spring") in Syria isn't about FREEDOM. It's about handing over Syria on a plate to the ruthless Sunni/Saudi/Wahhabi despotic mono-cultural Islam, against Iran. This is the hypocritical game as we all know (we should) that "women in Saudi Arabia are free". No they are not. 


Syria is made of various ethnic groups which, apart from the Sunnis/Wahhabis (which has formed the rebel groups Al Qaeda, Daesh, Al Nusra, Al Shabab), mostly support Assad — for good reasons, including freedom of religion.


So why does the West hate Assad? First, historical events have led to Syria becoming a "friend" of Russia. Second, in 2009, Assad refused the demand by the Obama administration to let a gas/oil pipeline from the Arabic oilfields on its way to Europe. This was desired to "compete" with Russian interests.


The West used many dirty tricks of disinformation to a) spur a "revolution" in Syria and b) make sure the Western media blamed Assad for all these ills from "gassing his own people", etc (in the same way as "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction")... and expose torture of some people (mostly Sunnis/Wahhabis) in Assad's prisons.


In Afghanistan the situation for women is serious. Under the US occupation, some women have made some strides towards "emancipation". But this has only been localised in Kabul and under duress. The religious male perception of superiority and control of women HASN'T CHANGED. 


The following CIA document, exposed by Wikileaks in 2010, shows how the game is played at the perception levels:


Afghanistan: Sustaining West European Support for the NATO-led Mission—Why Counting on Apathy Might Not Be Enough (C//NF)

The fall of the Dutch Government over its troop commitment to Afghanistan demonstrates the fragility of European support for the NATO-led ISAF mission. Some NATO states, notably France and Germany, have counted on public apathy about Afghanistan to increase their contributions to the mission, but indifference might turn into active hostility if spring and summer fighting results in an upsurge in military or Afghan civilian casualties and if a Dutch- style debate spills over into other states contributing troops. The Red Cell invited a CIA expert on strategic communication and analysts following public opinion at the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) to consider information approaches that might better link the Afghan mission to the priorities of French, German, and other Western European publics. (C//NF)

Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters. . . (C//NF)

The Afghanistan mission’s low public salience has allowed French and German leaders to disregard popular opposition and steadily increase their troop contributions to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). Berlin and Paris currently maintain the third and fourth highest ISAF troop levels, despite the opposition of 80 percent of German and French respondents to increased ISAF deployments, according to INR polling in fall 2009.

  • Only a fraction (0.1-1.3 percent) of French and German respondents identified “Afghanistan” as the most urgent issue facing their nation in an open-ended question, according to the same polling. These publics ranked “stabilizing Afghanistan” as among the lowest priorities for US and European leaders, according to polls by the German Marshall Fund (GMF) over the past two years.
  • According to INR polling in the fall of 2009, the view that the Afghanistan mission is a waste of resources and “not our problem” was cited as the most common reason for opposing ISAF by German respondents and was the second most common reason by French respondents. But the “not our problem” sentiment also suggests that, so for, sending troops to Afghanistan is not yet on most voters’ radar. (C//NF)

. . . But Casualties Could Precipitate Backlash (C//NF)

If some forecasts of a bloody summer in Afghanistan come to pass, passive French and German dislike of their troop presence could turn into active and politically potent hostility. The tone of previous debate suggests that a spike in French or German casualties or in Afghan civilian casualties could become a tipping point in converting passive opposition into active calls for immediate withdrawal. (C//NF)


  1. French and German commitments to NATO are a safeguard against a precipitous departure, but leaders fearing a backlash ahead of spring regional elections might become unwilling to pay a political price for increasing troop levels or extending deployments. If

domestic politics forces the Dutch to depart, politicians elsewhere might cite a precedent for “listening to the voters.” French and German leaders have over the past two years taken steps to preempt an upsurge of opposition but their vulnerability may be higher now:

  • To strengthen support, President Sarkozy called on the National Assembly—whose approval is not required for ISAF—to affirm the French mission after the combat deaths of 10 soldiers in August 2008. The government won the vote handily, defusing a potential crisis and giving Sarkozy cover to deploy approximately 3,000 additional troops. Sarkozy, however, may now be more vulnerable to an upsurge in casualties because his party faces key regional elections this March and the already low support for ISAF has fallen by one-third since March 2009, according to INR polling in the fall of 2009.
  • Political fallout from the German-ordered Kunduz airstrike in September 2009 which killed dozens of Afghan civilians, demonstrated the potential pressure on the German Government when Afghanistan issues come up on the public radar. Concern about the potential effects of Afghanistan issues on the state-level election in North Rhine-Westphalia in May 2010 could make Chancellor Merkel—who has shown an unwillingness to expend political capital on Afghanistan—more hesitant about increasing or even sustaining Germany’s ISAF contributions. (C//NF)

Tailoring Messaging Could Forestall or At Least Contain Backlash (C//NF)

Western European publics might be better prepared to tolerate a spring and summer of greater military and civilian casualties if they perceive clear connections between outcomes in Afghanistan and their own priorities. A consistent and iterative strategic communication program across NATO troop contributors that taps into the key concerns of specific Western European audiences could provide a buffer if today’s apathy becomes tomorrow’s opposition to ISAF, giving politicians greater scope to support deployments to Afghanistan. (C//NF)

French Focused On Civilians and Refugees. Focusing on a message that ISAF benefits Afghan civilians and citing examples of concrete gains could limit and perhaps even reverse opposition to the mission. Such tailored messages could tap into acute French concern for civilians and refugees. Those who support ISAF in INR surveys from fall 2009 most frequently cited their perception that the mission helps Afghan civilians, while opponents most commonly argued that the mission hurts civilians. Contradicting the “ISAF does more harm than good” perception is clearly important, particularly for France’s Muslim minority:

  • Highlighting Afghans’ broad support for ISAF could underscore the mission’s positive impact on civilians. About two-thirds of Afghans support the presence of ISAF forces in Afghanistan, according to a reliable ABC/BBC/ADR poll conducted in December 2009. According to INR polling in fall 2009, those French and German respondents who believed that the Afghan people oppose ISAF—48 percent and 52 percent, respectively—were more likely than others to oppose participation in the mission.

Conversely, messaging that dramatizes the potential adverse consequences of an ISAF defeat for Afghan civilians could leverage French (and other European) guilt for abandoning them. The prospect of the Taliban rolling back hard-won progress on girls’ education could provoke French indignation, become a rallying point for France’s largely secular public, and give voters a reason to support a good and necessary cause despite casualties


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It is important for us to know how our masters and commanders think and construct moral reasons to continue managed massacres in order to justify the bourgeois motivated empire.





winner by 95 per cent...

President Bashar Assad has been reelected to a fourth term with over 95% of the votes cast, defeating two challengers – including a former senior official of a rebel coalition, Syrian authorities have announced.

Turnout in Wednesday’s election was 78%, with Assad winning over 13 million votes, according to Hammouda Sabbagh, speaker of the Syrian legislature.

Mahmoud Ahmad Marei, who previously served as secretary-general of the rebel coalition National Front for the Liberation of Syria, received some 470,276 votes, or 3.1%, while Abdullah Sallum Abdullah of the Socialist Unionist Party came in third with about 213,968 votes, or 1.5%.


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FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!@@@@!!!!@@@####!!!



assad must stay...


Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad has just been returned for another term in office by a very wide margin and with significant voter turnout. EU and US officials began condemning the vote from before the election even took place, determining that there was no way it could be free or fair. Do they have a leg to stand on considering their "Assad must go" policy of the past nine years? RPI Director Daniel McAdams talks to RT International:


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a powerful message...


Presidential Election drives home Syrian sovereignty and Western irrelevance Vote could herald a new dawn in the Middle Eastby Vanessa Beeley




Diplomacy is dead in the West. 


Ambassadors have been reduced to nothing more than talking heads for power, there are no longer any checks and balances from senior diplomats who once held sway over their government policy. These days we see juvenile reactions from gravitas-deficient representatives of UK and US bi-partisan war parties. 

We in the West are represented by ambitious careerist popinjays who will run PR campaigns for sadistic regime foreign policy without a second thought for the peoples affected. It is up to us to reverse the trend and to demand that those who lead us to wars we don’t want and who kill people we identify with, in our names, are stopped. Not just this time but for always. We owe it to Syria. 

I asked former UK Ambassador to Syria and Bahrain, Peter Ford, for a statement, this is what he wrote: 



“The most significant thing is that the elections were held at all. With three foreign armies occupying part of their soil (Turkey, the US and Israel), with the West waging savage economic war on them to turn them against their President, with years of indescribable suffering at the hands of Western-backed militants behind them, the Syrian people delivered a resounding verdict in favour of stability as represented by the holding of elections on schedule. 

The high turnout, the participation of Syrians in parts of the diaspora, and the popular rallies all underlined the message of the people to the West: leave us in peace, stop persecuting us.

Let us be honest. There are no circumstances in which these elections could have been held under impartial international supervision. The example of the OPCW whistleblowers is there to teach us that Western-dominated institutions cannot possibly be impartial. No UN observers who valued their careers or the safety of their families could have conceivably testified to the fairness of an election which gave victory to President Assad. This is the real fraud, corruption of faith in the integrity of institutional institutions which have been weaponised by Western powers. 

The election has delivered a rebuff to those who thought that occupation and sanctions would make the people rise up against the government. How much longer before Western governments and their media mouthpieces like the BBC realise that their regime change by stealth policy is not going to work?”



The Syrian people have sent a powerful message and we must hear it. Long live truly free Syria.


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Let's be aware that the West has not given up on its stupid, illegal and dangerous quest to remove Assad... The US did some dreadful things to Cuba for example and tried to assassinate Fidel Castro more than 200 times (officially). 


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW ^^^^^^^^^^^^%%%%%$$!!!!

anti-damascus EU aid...


By Kevin Karp, commentator, screenwriter, and former political adviser in the House of Commons and the European Parliament. As an EU adviser based in Brussels and Strasbourg, he specialized in international trade, European populism, and Brexit. Find his website at


The EU’s aid pledge to an anti-Damascus Syrian breakaway region and its renewal of sanctions against Bashar Assad reveal a contradictory policy that ramps up humanitarian aid, while worsening the hardships that require such aid.  

Right after pledging a humanitarian-aid package of some 26 million euro on Wednesday to the Kurdish-controlled breakaway region of Northeastern Syria (NES), EU authorities on Thursday renewed punitive sanctions against the Syrian government of Bashar Assad. That same day, the Syrian leader won re-election as president in a landslide victory, with 78.6% voter turnout.

The pair of EU decisions is impractical: aid-delivery routes to NES through Iraq and Jordan have been closed, and the only current approaches, via Turkey, are fraught with tension as Ankara, having invaded NES in 2019, regards the region’s Kurdish Autonomous Administration of Rojava as a terrorist entity. President Assad’s forces, meanwhile, have regained sovereignty over much of Syrian territory and have made a point of consolidating control over all foreign-aid inflows, including those intended for NES.

True, the rest of the EU’s 130-million euro Syrian-aid allotment for 2021 is allocated for other parts of the country, but earmarking such a large chunk of that aid to a region under an anti-regime, secessionist authority undermines Syrian territorial integrity. This fragmentation, combined with EU sanctions’ suppression of Syria’s economic recovery, are the real causes of the “collapsing economy affecting the country” which EU aid is explicitly supposed to mitigate.

The official EU Council statement on the sanctions’ extension has claimed they “are designed to avoid any impact on humanitarian assistance.” However, in reality, the EU’s partisan aid and sanctions policies have made the humanitarian crisis in Syria significantly worse – and hence more expensive – by exacerbating the problems its policies are meant to address. 

The sanctions ban Syrian oil imports by the EU, impose prohibitions on doing business with many Syrian corporations, and freeze the EU bank accounts of the Syrian Central Bank – all of which hamper the government’s ability to generate revenues and procure equipment for alleviating the disastrous effects of foreign-funded war that include economic and social dislocation, food insecurity, and damaged infrastructure. So too have these dire effects of European sanctions impeded European aid workers in Syria from effectively delivering the humanitarian services paid-for by their governments.

A source in the European Commission has stated the aid intended for the Rojava-controlled region, which does not have official international recognition, has been pledged according to “the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence, as enshrined in EU and international law.” Yet in extending EU punitive sanctions against Assad’s Damascus-based Syrian government, the Council has justified its measure due to the supposedly “continued repression of the civilian population in the country,” a statement that casts away neutrality and implicitly blames Assad for Syria’s mess.

Much of the repression in Syria decried by the EU has come from Western-backed anti-regime activists, among them Rojava. European governments have often cloaked their support for violent Syrian oppositional elements under the guise of humanitarian aid. For years, a cabal including Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands reportedly funneled millions in cash infusions through the Mayday Rescue Foundation, which allegedly served as the paymaster for the Western-trained Syrian White Helmets – a group branded by supportive Western governments as a philanthropic organization but one that actually ran civil and medical infrastructure for breakaway Syrian regions under jihadist control.

The Rojava administration has its own checkered past in the realms of democratic transparency and human rights, further illuminating the brand of glaring, politicized inconsistency in Syrian aid of which the EU is guilty. In 2020, Rojava signed an agreement with US-based Delta Crescent Energy for exploitation of NES’s oil resources, ridiculed by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as blatantly partisan imperialism, in a statement calling it “an integrated and aggravated theft [that] can only be described as a deal between thieves who are stealing and thieves who are buying, constituting an assault against Syria’s sovereignty.”

Back in 2017, Kurdish-led militias known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), conducted a brutal campaign to take control of Raqqa from Islamic State (IS) fighters with US support, almost completely destroying the city and killing over 1,600 civilians. There were indicators that in the course of hostilities the SDF coalition deliberately targeted Arab civilians in Arab-majority Raqqa, so as to kill or evict Arab-Syrian citizens who would be most likely to oppose a Kurdish-dominated enclave that would infringe on their rights. One of the most-alarming indicators was that during the fighting the SDF attackers made a deal with their avowed IS enemies, who left the approaches open to Raqqa while the SDF continued to pummel Raqqa’s civilian inhabitants.


Meanwhile, rampant child recruitment is a continuing problem in several Kurdish militias that are part of the SDF.

Such is the type of government the announced EU aid tranche apparently purports to fund. The policy being implemented is not one of humanitarian rescue. Sending money to Rojava would just channel EU largesse to anti-Damascus forces under the flimsy guise of human rights, as the SDF commits human-rights abuses to suit its aim of fragmenting Syria.

By severely curtailing Syria’s international commercial relations through sanctions, the EU is worsening the humanitarian crisis its aid is supposed to alleviate. Continued sanctions prevent the Assad government from fully leveraging the economic gains from its resources – including its national oil wealth – to rebuild a country wracked by civil war largely funded and abetted by foreign powers. Pledges to assist a region controlled by Rojava, with its history of IS collaboration and civilian murder, show Damascus that Brussels cares neither for “impartiality” nor “independence” in this matter, but instead is likely seeking to entrench the region as a partisan, separatist enclave dependent on foreign funding.   



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westerners' atrocities...


Presidential election in the Syrian Arab Republic


by Thierry Meyssan  

The Syrian presidential election was a celebration of victory in the face of external aggression. It confirmed the authority of Bashar al-Assad, not for his political ideas, but for his courage and tenacity as a warlord. The West, which lost this war, still does not accept it. Therefore, they consider this election as null and void. They persist in presenting the Syrian authorities as torturers and are unable to recognize their own crimes.


The Syrian Arab Republic has just held a presidential election despite the hostility of the West, which still wishes to both dismember it and overthrow it in favor of a transitional government along the lines of Germany and Japan at the end of World War II [1]. The election was fair according to international observers from all countries with embassies in Damascus. Bashar al-Assad was overwhelmingly elected for a fourth term.

These data deserve some explanation. For the most part, this article could have been written in 2014, during the previous presidential election, as the positions of the West did not change at all despite their military defeat.

  The context


In 2010 (i.e., before the war), the Syrian Arab Republic was a state in strong demographic and economic development. Its president was the most popular Arab head of state, both in his country and in the Arab world. He walked with his wife, unescorted, anywhere in Syria. He was seen in the West as a positive example of simplicity and modernity.

When, on the basis of false information, the United Nations authorized the West to intervene in Libya, the Qatari channel, Al-Jazeera, asked its viewers for several months in vain to rise up in Syria against the Ba’ath party. After the fall of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya under NATO bombs, armed groups destroyed symbols of the state and attacked civilians in Syria. As in Libya, dismembered bodies were found in the streets. Finally, at the call of Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya and the Muslim Brotherhood, demonstrations began against President Bashar al-Assad, usually on the sole grounds that he was not a "true Muslim" but an "Alawite infidel". There was never any question of democracy, a concept that Islamists abhor. However, other demonstrations, organized by the PSNS, denounced the organization of the administration and the abusive role of the secret services. Soldiers of the Islamic Group fighting in Libya (GICL), who had just been brought to power in Tripoli by NATO, were transported to Turkey with their weapons by the United Nations as "refugees", before founding the Free Syrian Army [2]. The "civil war" then began, while Western leaders chanted "Bashar must go!" (not "Democracy!").

For two years, the Syrian population was confronted with two different narratives of events. On the one hand, the Syrian media denounced an external attack and did not report on the demonstrations against the organization of the state; on the other hand, the Arab media announced the imminent fall of the "regime" and the establishment of a government of the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, a small part of the population supported this secret organization. The unrest claimed many more victims among the police and the army than among the civilian population. Gradually, Syrians realized that whatever wrongs the Republic had done, it was protecting them, not the jihadists.

During this three-year "civil war", the jihadists, armed and coordinated by NATO from Izmir (Turkey), supervised by Turkish, French and British officers, occupied the countryside, while the Syrian Arab Army defended the population gathered in the cities. In 2014, the Russian air force intervened at Syria’s request to bomb underground facilities built by the jihadists. The Syrian Arab Army then began to reconquer the territory. It was also in 2014 that Nato encouraged the transformation of an Iraqi jihadist group into Daesh (i.e., the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant") [3]. In one year the number of foreign jihadists fighting against the Syrian Arab Republic exceeded 250,000. It is therefore completely absurd to continue talking about a "civil war".

As early as 2014 the Syrian Arab Republic created a Ministry of Reconciliation, under the authority of SNSP leader Ali Haidar. During the following seven years of war, the Republic worked to grant amnesty to Syrians who had collaborated with the invaders and to reintegrate them into society.

Today, the country is divided into four: most of it is controlled by the government in Damascus; the northwestern governorate of Idleb, where jihadists have regrouped, is under the protection of the Turkish occupation army; the northeast is occupied by the U.S. military and Kurdish militias; and the Golan Heights in the south is occupied by Israel, which annexed it unilaterally before the war.

  The position of foreign powers


Under international law, Iran and Russia are legally present in Syria, while Israel, Turkey and the United States illegally occupy different parts of its territory.

The United States, which had assembled the largest military coalition in human history, under the paradoxical title of "Friends of Syria", did not manage to keep them united. Gradually, each one has regained its autonomy and is pursuing its own objectives.

- If the Pentagon intended to destroy the Syrian state in accordance with the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski doctrine [4
- Turkey hoped to annex certain lost Ottoman territories, defined by the 1920 "national oath" [5], 
- the United Kingdom sought to regain its imperial economic interests, 
- and France wanted to re-establish its mandate, as established by the League of Nations in 1922 [6].

After 10 years of war, the weapons having spoken, it is clear that the Syrian people want to keep their Republic and that it has passed into the orbit of Russia. In the short and medium term, the West will never be able to shape it as it pleases. One would therefore expect them to take note of their defeat and change their discourse. But this is not the case. In politics, as in science, doctrines do not disappear when they have been defeated or disproved, but only with the disappearance of the generation that bears them.

The West therefore persists in spreading false news and accusing President al-Assad and the Republic of being torturers, just as the Third Reich described Charles de Gaulle as a servant of the Jews and the British at the head of a band of mercenaries and torturers.

Just before the Syrian presidential election, Washington and Brussels agreed on their common position. According to them, this election is null and void because it is contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 2254. However, this text [7], adopted six years ago, makes no mention of the presidential election. On the contrary, it states that the future of Syria belongs to the Syrians alone and confirms the legitimacy of the Republic’s fight against jihadist groups. It so happens that this text was followed by negotiations in Switzerland between the various Syrian parties, and then in parallel in Russia. The delegations agreed to reform the Constitution, but never succeeded. Little by little, the Nato collaborators (the "opponents") laid down their arms so that there were no credible delegates to continue the talks.

  Syrian refugees


In 2010, there were 20 million Syrian citizens (as well as 2 million Palestinian and Iraqi refugees) living in Syria. In 2011, Turkey built new cities on its Syrian border and called on Syrians to settle there until peace returned to their country. In doing so, it implemented a Nato tactic [8] to deprive Syria of its civilian population. Subsequently, Turkey sorted out these refugees, using the Sunnis in its factories and sending the others to Europe. At the same time, many more Syrians fled the fighting to Lebanon and Jordan. There are now a total of 5.4 million registered by the UNHCR abroad.

Given the disorganization of the country, it is impossible to determine the exact number of war-related deaths. It is at least 400,000 Syrians, possibly many more, and at least 100,000 foreign jihadists. The number and nationality of the inhabitants under Turkish or American control are also unknown. The West has been constantly putting out preposterous figures during the war. For example, they spoke of a million "democrats" in Eastern Ghouta, but when it fell in 2013, there were only 140,000 people (90,000 Syrians and 50,000 foreigners). The figure of 3 million inhabitants in the occupied areas, given by the West, is probably no more valuable.

In any case, the Syrian Arab Republic estimates that there are currently 18.1 million Syrian citizens. But many people have not given any sign of life to the Syrian authorities and may still be living as refugees abroad.

Westerners, forgetting their demographic tactics and intoxicated by their own propaganda, are convinced that the refugees have fled their country to escape the "dictatorship. Yet the presidential election at the embassy in Lebanon gave rise to improbable demonstrations of victory over foreign aggressors and loyalty to the Republic. The vast majority of Syrian refugees kept claiming that they had not fled the "regime" but the jihadists. The same scenes had taken place in 2014.



The candidacy of Bashar al-Assad


Contrary to popular belief, Bashar al-Assad did not inherit the Syrian presidency. He did not intend to be a politician and moved to London in 1992, where he lived as an ophthalmologist. He was dedicated to serving his patients, refusing to open a practice only for the rich and preferring to work at the hospital for all. However, after the death of his brother Bassel, he agreed to return home and attend a military academy. In 1998, his father appointed him as the head of the Syrian Computer Society, then entrusted him with diplomatic missions. When President Hafez el-Assad died, Bashar was not a candidate for his succession, but a period of uncertainty opened up for the country. It was under pressure from the Ba’ath party that he accepted the presidency of the Republic, a decision confirmed not by an election but by referendum.

As president, he set out to liberalize and modernize his country. He behaves in these times like all European leaders, neither better nor worse. But in 2011, when his country is attacked and the West offers him privileges if he agrees to leave, he does not bend, but revolts. The Assad family ("Lion" in Arabic) is known for its sense of duty and its mastery of fear. This man like the others will prove to be an exceptional leader. Like Charles De Gaulle, he went from being an ordinary man to the liberator of his country.



The presidential election of 2021


Syrian law states that only citizens who have remained in the country for the past ten years, i.e., during the entire war, are entitled to run for office. This is a way to disqualify those who went to sell themselves to the West. Also, only three candidates have run for the 2021 presidential election. The candidates had the opportunity to highlight the social problems created by the war and to discuss ways to solve them.

But the election itself could only be a plebiscite; an expression of the nation’s thanks to the man who saved it. 76.64% of registered voters cast their ballots. 95.1% of them chose Bashar al-Assad. This is much more than in 2014.

Everywhere the crowd celebrated the victory. It was as much that of the presidential election as that of the war against the invaders.

Westerners do not recognize it. They are haunted by the memory of their own crimes that they try to hide: most of the houses, entire cities, are now nothing but piles of ruins, 1.5 million Syrians are disabled and at least 400,000 are dead.

  Thierry Meyssan  Translation  
Roger Lagassé 


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FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW #############************!!!

terror from israel?...


Syrian air defenses have been activated against missiles allegedly launched from Lebanese airspace by Israel, state news agency SANA has reported. The attack is said to be targeting Damascus and Homs.  

The attack began shortly before midnight local time on Tuesday, according to the agency.


A “very loud” explosion shook Damascus, local residents reportedly posted on Facebook. There have been unconfirmed reports of material damage from the strikes, but no casualties so far.

Israel has frequently launched missiles against what Tel Aviv has described as “Iranian” targets within Syria. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) usually do not acknowledge or comment on the operations. Damascus has condemned the attacks as a violation of its sovereignty, but Western governments have ignored them.

The most recent strike was in early May, in the Latakia province – just before Israel became involved in a shooting war with Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. The conflict lasted 11 days before an Egyptian-mediated ceasefire went into effect. 

Tuesday evening’s attack comes in the final stretch of Benjamin Netanyahu’s tenure as Israeli prime minister. After 12 years in power, he is scheduled to be replaced by a new government led by former aide Naftali Bennett and opposition politician Yair Lapid, with support of an Arab religious party. 

Syrian President Bashar Assad, meanwhile, recently won re-election with 95% of the vote.


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