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hiding from his own inadequacies?...The organisers of Monday’s women’s rally outside Parliament House have hit back at a Liberal MP’s claim that Prime Minister Scott Morrison couldn’t attend the march because of security issues. On Saturday Liberal MP Jason Falinski told the ABC that Scott Morrison couldn’t hoin the March 4 Justice for security reasons. “He is the Prime Minister of the country and there are security issues around those sorts of issues, about him going into big crowds,” Mr Falinski said. But organisers of the protest have hit back, stressing it was a safe space and that the invitation to attend had been extended across the political spectrum. “Women’s spaces are meant to be safe spaces,” organiser Janine Hendry told The New Daily. “The marches were inclusive, respectful, and kindness was present. When members of parliament and senators joined the Canberra crowd we welcomed them with cheers and applause,” Ms Hendry said. Both Mr Morrison and Minister for Women Marise Payne refused to attend the march, instead inviting the organisers to a private meeting. Their offer was rejected before the rally on Monday morning, with Ms Hendry insisting the leaders should come out and recognise the thousands of attendees. “We have already come to the front door, now it’s up to the government to cross the threshold and come to us,” Ms Hendry said. “We will not be meeting behind closed doors.”
A large contingent of MPs and staffers across the political spectrum, including Labor leader Anthony Albanese, came out and joined the march.
TND contacted the PM’s office about Mr Falinski’s claims but did not receive a response before deadline. Senior lecturer in politics at the Australian National University Maria Maley said Mr Falinski’s comments showed the government was trying to spin a new narrative on why he didn’t attend the protests. “The government is desperately trying to change the narrative about what happened with the PM not attending or meeting the marchers,” Dr Maley said. “What that implies though, is that the women who were gathering to raise these issues were posing a threat to him. “It puts him in the position of victim.” In the past week many commentators, including the ABC’s Laura Tingle, have juxtaposed Mr Morrison’s response to that of former PM John Howard, who fronted a crowd of angry pro-gun demonstrators in 1996 following the Port Arthur Massacre. Mr Howard had travelled to Gippsland to address gun owners enraged by his far-reaching gun-control reforms. Mr Howard wore a bulletproof vest because the AFP stressed there was a serious threat to his life, but after his speech walked amongst the crowd and chatted with the protestors. “I never thought someone was going to do violence, somebody was going to try and shoot me or kill me. I never thought that,” he later reflected. Mr Howard’s appearance is held up as a classic show of leadership in Australian political history – and a far cry from what Mr Morrison didn’t do on Monday, said Dr Maley. “It’s symbolic,” she said “By staying in Parliament House and not coming out it says you just want to remain in the house where men dominate, where there is male privilege and women aren’t treated well. “You want to hide and not come out.”
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See also: no glossy bullet-proof brochure... it would be hypocritical...
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killing guilt?...
Historically, some evangelical leaders have also drawn a direct line between pornography and violence. James Dobson, the influential founder of Focus on the Family, recorded a video interview with Ted Bundy the day before the serial killer’s execution in 1989. Mr. Bundy’s message was that an “addiction” to pornography fueled his crimes.
“What a tragedy!” Mr. Dobson wrote later, referring to Mr. Bundy’s violence. “There is a possibility, at least, that it would not have occurred if that 13-year-old boy had never stumbled onto pornographic magazines in a garbage dump.”
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Gus pushes the barrow in a different direction: "There is a possibility, at least, that it would not have occurred if that 13-year-old boy had never stumbled upon a bible or be preached at, by evangelical nuts.”
Development of sexuality, especially at puberty, demands a difficult understanding of the biological self. The body says this and the social constructs especially the moralisationing evangelicals say that. And the more evangelicals blame porn and women scanty dresses, the more the addiction in frustrated males becomes entrenched. The desire of sex won’t go away. It’s nature at work. Simple. How can we use nature with dignity and respect of oneself and others, is the wider question?
Purity of thoughts isn’t natural. Societies have known this problem for yonks and delt with it in different manner. Now, is killing people not a worse sin (I don’t believe in sins but horrible decisions) than having so-called bad thoughts about sex? Who define that "thinking about sex is bad"? The religious nuts whose kings in the bible had 300 wives and 200 exclusive whores (called diplomatically as concubines) at their side?
Some societies tolerated homosexuality between boys becoming men, while playing with the ejaculation out of their dicks. Marriage at a young age would soon put a stop to the sexual over-intensity, while discovering the responsibility of engendering new lives. But would it? This is why some kings in the bible had 300 wives and 200 concubines at their side… But one needs to be rich or powerful for being afforded this caper. Mere mortals indulge in “adultery”.
As well, debauchery has long being portrayed as bad, yet in many societies, there are tolerated outlets to deal with sexual urges such as brothels and long-used sex-urge suppressant drugs for soldiers fighting in wars…
And according to the evangelicals, it’s always someone else’s fault, including the tempting devil:
“It presents a very demeaning view of manhood,” said Rachael Denhollander, an evangelical advocate for sexual abuse victims. “Every time you teach a woman in the presence of a young man that it’s her responsibility to keep a man from lusting and that she has the power to keep him from sexual perversion by what she wears and what she does, what he hears is that it’s her fault.”
Jeff Chu, a writer in Michigan, attended an evangelical junior high and high school that, like many similar schools, enforced strict rules for the lengths of girls’ skirts with the goal of encouraging modesty. “It was so rarely about the men controlling their own desires, and so often about women not being temptresses,” Mr. Chu recalled. “So many of us who haven’t fit within the norms of that culture, whether it’s women or queer people, we’re always seen as the problem.”
We have invented many stories, songs and poems to modify these raw urges into more beautiful desires, moral or not, platonic or not, but usually lyrical. For example:
Aphrodite, ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, identified with Venus by the Romans. The Greek word aphros means “foam,” and Hesiod relates in his Theogony that Aphrodite was born from the white foam produced by the severed genitals of Uranus (Heaven), after his son Cronus threw them into the sea. Aphrodite was, in fact, widely worshipped as a goddess of the sea and of seafaring; she was also honoured as a goddess of war, especially at Sparta, Thebes, Cyprus, and other places. However, she was known primarily as a goddess of love and fertility and even occasionally presided over marriage. Although prostitutes considered Aphrodite their patron, her public cult was generally solemn and even austere.
Here is a poem by Sappho, written around 600 BC...
Aphrodite, subtle of soul and deathless,
Daughter of God, weaver of wiles, I pray thee
Neither with care, dread Mistress, nor with anguish,
Slay thou my spirit!
But in pity hasten, come now if ever
From afar of old when my voice implored thee,
Thou hast deigned to listen, leaving the golden
House of thy father
With thy chariot yoked; and with doves that drew thee,
Fair and fleet around the dark earth from heaven,
Dipping vibrant wings down he azure distance,
Through the mid-ether;
Very swift they came; and thou, gracious Vision,
Leaned with face that smiled in immortal beauty,
Leaned to me and asked, "What misfortune threatened?
Why I had called thee?"
"What my frenzied heart craved in utter yearning,
Whom its wild desire would persuade to passion?
What disdainful charms, madly worshipped, slight thee?
Who wrongs thee, Sappho?"
"She that fain would fly, she shall quickly follow,
She that now rejects, yet with gifts shall woo thee,
She that heeds thee not, soon shall love to madness,
Love thee, the loth one!"
Come to me now thus, Goddess, and release me
From distress and pain; and all my distracted
Heart would seek, do thou, once again fulfilling,
Still be my ally!
Sappho of Lesbos (c. 620-570 BCE) was a lyric poet whose work was so popular in ancient Greece, and beyond, that she was honored in statuary and praised by figures such as Solon and Plato. Very little is known of her life and of the nine volumes of her work which were widely read in antiquity only fragments survive. Contrary to popular opinion on the subject, her works were not destroyed by closed-minded Christians seeking to suppress lesbian love poetry but were lost simply through time and circumstance.
is this the reason why he did not come to meet the women?
Excellent cartoon by David Rowe, published way before the Women's March 4 Justice...
Free Julian Assange Now !!!!