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victim of selective editing, entrapment and a political attack by al-Jazeera in co-ordination with the ABC? good...Pauline Hanson has claimed One Nation is the victim of selective editing, entrapment and a “political attack” by al-Jazeera in co-ordination with the ABC, in her first public appearance since an explosive secretly filmed documentary was revealed. Flanked by her chief of staff James Ashby and Queensland state leader Steve Dickson, Hanson told a press conference in Brisbane she was standing by both men, who were filmed meeting with the US gun lobby and discussing millions of dollars of potential political donations in a bid to seize the balance of power in the Australian federal parliament. The first part of the documentary aired on the ABC on Tuesday and the second half is due to air on Thursday night. “This is a political attack by al-Jazeera in cooperation with the ABC. If the ABC had any ethical bone in their body, they would refuse to put this unfair and unbalanced story to air tonight,” Hanson said, before directly addressing the new chairwoman of the ABC. “Ita Buttrose, you need to ask the question of your organisation as the chairwoman, is this the unethical behaviour you support or do you truly believe it should be aired before a full investigation by Asio and the federal police.” In a lengthy preprepared speech, Hanson blamed one of the journalists involved, Rodger Muller, who posed as a gun campaigner, for setting up all the meetings with the US National Rifle Association and multinational energy giant Koch Industries. “If it wasn’t for Rodger Muller and the Islamist al-Jazeera network, One Nation would never, never have had any association with the NRA, Koch industries or the congressional sportsmen’s dinner. They would never have gone to the United States,” she said. Both al-Jazeera and the ABC have stood by the report and its content as being in the public interest. Hanson did not take any questions from journalists during the press conference, walking out immediately after reading her preprepared remarks. The second part of the documentary also shows Hanson appearing to question the veracity of the 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania. “An MP said it would actually take a massacre in Tasmania to change the gun laws in Australia,” Hanson was shown saying to Muller over dinner. “Haven’t you heard that? Have a look at it. It was said on the floor of parliament. I’ve read a lot and I have read the book on it, Port Arthur. A lot of questions there.”
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ITA? Ita? Are you there? Please, support the ABC against this mad woman... Did I say MAD WOMAN? I mean devious, flip-flopped, rabid, illiterate, denialistic, loony, mad, insane, mentally ill, certifiable, deranged, demented, of unsound mind, out of her mind, sick in the head, not together, crazy, crazed, lunatic, compost mentis, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, disturbed, distracted, stark mad, manic, frenzied, raving, distraught, frantic, hysterical, delirious, psychotic, psychopathic, mad as a hatteress, mad as a March bitch, away with the fairies, foaming at the mouth woman... "...The victim of selective editing, entrapment and a “political attack” by al-Jazeera in co-ordination with the ABC?" WHAT? Her crew of ningnongs did not have to go along with the chase for guns and cash. Look, that little rat, James Ashby, did a similar sting on Peter Slipper, did he not? "Publishing" Peter Slipper's diary while working for Pyne, Abbott and that other ningnong that took the bullet, Mal Brough? Very clever... The ABC is in trouble with the Hansonites for exposing them for what they're like, and especially the Libs (CONservatives) wanting to SELL OFF THE ABC to private enterprise (read Uncle Rupe) for a loaf of bread, a pair of knickers and a stick of wood to hit Labor with.
A note from Bananas in Pyjamas:
Right, you blue and white striped clowns. The game’s over. It’s time to straighten up the pair of you and all your mates, too: Barrie Cassidy, Fran Kelly, Ian Henderson, and Jon Faine, to name a few. Living off the Crown’s coin, while honest Australians toil away the hours maintaining life and liberty. You’re all for the chop. You’re being sold off. No more of your playing around at taxpayers’ expense. You’re being privatised. You too Big Ted and Little Ted and you as well Jemima; here’s your gender equality for you. You’re all gone. Let’s see how you all survive in the real world of profit and loss. Don’t start crying. “High sentimentality is no justification for preserving the status quo.” Remember that. It’s an ideological way of saying, That was then. This is now. The present is this: the Liberal Party Federal Council at the weekend voted by a margin of 2 to 1 to call on the Coalition government to sell the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. No one spoke against the motion during the vote. No one. Forget that the vote is non-binding, doesn’t mean a crumpet. Forget that the Treasurer Scott Morrison, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said it wasn’t going to happen. They may be the adults in charge now, but their time will fade and it will come to pass that the Young Liberals, who were the drivers of this motion, will succeed them. It’s all only a matter of time. Better, B1 and B2, to leave now with your dignity intact and your pyjamas uncreased with ignominy. It’s a pity you don’t live in Yarrawonga or Wagga Wagga, or parts similarly inhabited by country folk because the ABC would stay in government hands. Simple truth is it’s just not worth it to sell off the bush. Mitchell Collier, the federal vice-president of the Young Liberals, told the council: “Privatising it (the ABC) would save the federal budget $1 billion a year, could pay off debt and would enhance, not diminish, the Australian media landscape.” Why Collier had enjoyed B1 and B2 as a child, but the rosy glow of banana frolics watched as a boy didn’t cut it against the steel jaws of economics. There was no reason for the ABC to stay public. This is quite a leap of logic. Indeed, it’s revolutionary. The ABC is the nation’s public broadcaster. Thus to privatise it, that is, place it in the hands of the marketplace, is to subvert its charter, in fact its raison d’etre, and destroy its function. It places it in the hands of those whose primary driver is making money. It becomes a commercial operation. It becomes a dead public broadcaster. It certainly won’t enhance the media landscape. Which, to put it mildly, would go against the public interests of the country. The ABC Charter, which is enshrined in the federal ABC Act, details the corporation’s purpose. “The functions of the corporation are: (a) to provide within Australia innovative and comprehensive broadcasting services of a high standard as part of the Australian broadcasting system consisting of national, commercial and community sectors and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to provide: (i) broadcasting programs that contribute to a sense of national identity and inform and entertain, and reflect the cultural diversity of, the Australian community; and (ii) broadcasting programs of an educational nature; (b) to transmit to countries outside Australia broadcasting programs of news, current affairs, entertainment and cultural enrichment that will: (i) encourage awareness of Australia and an international understanding of Australian attitudes on world affairs; and (ii) enable Australian citizens living or travelling outside Australia to obtain information about Australian affairs and Australian attitudes on world affairs; and (ba) to provide digital media services; and (c) to encourage and promote the musical, dramatic and other performing arts in Australia.” The corporation will also “provide a balance between broadcasting programs of wide appeal and specialised broadcasting programs” and take into account “the multicultural character of the Australian community”.
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This cultural diversity is already on FOX News and Foxtel... Isn't it?... Can I cry in my Tuna and Bread?
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To all members and Senators of Parliament
I have added my name to this petition because I value the ABC too highly to sit back and do nothing while our national broadcaster is under assault.
The ABC is one of the most trusted institutions in the country.
I let my children use the ABC Kids app because I trust it. I read, watch and listen to the ABC News because I trust it. I tune in to the ABC in times of natural disaster because I trust it.
We need it more than ever.
I call on you to oppose any cuts to the ABC’s funding.
I call on you to oppose any changes to the ABC’s charter.
I call on you to oppose any attack on the ABC’s independence.
Long after you’ve left the Parliament, I want the ABC to still be there.
I am calling on you to make sure of it.
Apparently today is the day for the release of the 2019 Senate inquiry into the ABC... We shall see what it says and what the government will do with the recommendation paper. Probably wipe its dirty arse with it....
mark latham is still in "that" political party?
Pauline Hanson has declared Scott Morrison has “handed the keys to the Lodge to Bill Shorten” by resolving to put One Nation below the Labor party on Liberal how-to-vote cards.
The besieged One Nation leader threatened retaliation for Thursday’s decision, branding the prime minister a “fool” and warning the decision would put Labor, the Greens “and the CFMEU” in power federally at the upcoming election, expected in May.
Hanson’s combative message was echoed by Mark Latham, the state leader of One Nation in New South Wales, who suggested the government would suffer in the coming federal contest if the far-right party chose to punish the Coalition by retaliating on preferences in close contests both in Sydney and the regions.
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Mark Latham, travelling from Labor to the extreme-right Hansonites, is a homeless opportunist who seems to feed on any crapsoup put in front of him, as long it is seasoned with controversy... I could be mistaken but I see a trail of dead doves behind him...
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scummo could not make a deal with the devil...
Scott Morrison's ruling that the Liberals should put One Nation below Labor on their how-to-vote cards is less a stand on principle than a political gesture and a compromise.
A gesture that came because the Prime Minister recognised he must stiffen his spine publicly against One Nation, especially to stem further leaching of the Liberals' crumbling support in Victoria.
A compromise, because the Liberals are not going all the way to placing One Nation last.
Notably, they are allowing for the Greens to be put under One Nation on Liberal tickets. For those on the right of the party — such as Tony Abbott — the Greens are far more unpalatable than One Nation.
How Al Jazeera forced Mr Morrison's handMr Morrison was pushed by circumstances to make his Thursday announcement.
The New Zealand mosques massacre brought the issue of preferences into focus. Mr Morrison parried, saying it was a matter for later, when candidates were known, and for the party organisation.
But with this week's revelations about the extraordinary visit to the US gun lobby by James Ashby, Pauline Hanson's chief of staff, and Steve Dickson, One Nation's Queensland Senate candidate, Mr Morrison's shilly-shallying became untenable.
Mr Morrison attributed his change of position to those revelations, saying he'd been waiting to see the reaction of One Nation's leadership, and it had been "unsatisfactory".
When Ms Hanson appeared a few hours later, it was to claim victim status for One Nation — a pitch that might play quite well with some of her supporters, who see themselves as victims of one kind or another.
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the idiot woman goes on the paste...
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson says she has not had time to watch the full Al Jazeera investigation that has engulfed her party, but she thinks the footage was dubbed and heavily edited.
Key points:Senator Hanson has attacked the media for reporting the documentary, which showed her appearing to suggest the Port Arthur massacre was part of a government conspiracy.
The footage also showed senior One Nation figures discussing soliciting political donations from American gun lobbyists.
Senator Hanson's chief of staff James Ashby and One Nation Queensland leader Steve Dickson were captured on secret recordings that revealed both men wanted millions of dollars in donations from America's National Rifle Association and discussed softening the party's policies on gun ownership as they tried to secure the funding.
Senator Hanson said she had not watched the documentary in full, but the conversations she had with the undercover journalist at a dinner in the central Queensland town of Yeppoon were "cut and pasted".
"No I haven't [watched the full documentary]. [I've only seen] what's been portrayed by the media, but what I know by that is I don't even see his face," Senator Hanson told the Today Show this morning.
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the betrayal of our democracy...
An Australian man kills 50 New Zealanders with semi-automatic rifles outlawed in his homeland.
Ten days after the Christchurch massacre, footage is broadcast across Australia of One Nation operatives James Ashby and Steve Dickson soliciting political donations from the United States National Rifle Association (NRA) in exchange for watering down gun laws that ban those very semi-automatics.
Al Jazeera lured Pauline Hanson’s men to Washington last September and secretly filmed them grovelling and boasting how a $US20 million NRA donation could give One Nation control of the upper and lower houses. The story ran as ABC Breakfast’s lead news item last Monday. It rained on One Nation all week.
The tape exposed political opportunism in a way not possible by ethical journalism. But, juxtaposed against the Christchurch massacre, One Nation suffered a moral core meltdown.
Had the ABC run the exposé a week earlier, perhaps even Mark Latham’s political renaissance may have been stillborn.
Latham, Hanson’s latest alpha pick, pumped new life into One Nation, provisionally winning a New South Wales upper house seat in last Saturday’s election. Always a good talker, Latham is talking up a possible second legislative council seat, too.
But his victory buzz faded as the Al Jazeera investigation, “How to Sell a Massacre”, bit hard. Wags quickly renamed it “How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot”. One Nation limps back towards being a political pariah.
Ashby and Dickson lay doggo for a day. Then they came out to say they were drunk. Besides, they said, the sting was “a deliberate set-up by the Qatari government”. Hanson, who in the Al Jazeera report mentioned conspiracy theories surrounding the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, was reportedly suffering from a tick bite on the face.
When she broke cover she stuck to the Qatari line in a tweet on Wednesday, adding the matter had been referred to ASIO. Latham told Alan Jones, a donor to One Nation, that he did not condone the Washington behaviour but that Al Jazeera had set up his colleagues. Latham thought the main issue was “the betrayal of our democracy”.
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One of the men in the streets, a good mate (leaning a bit too much to the far right for my liking), is convinced that actually either the reportage was set up by One Nation itself OR that One Nation knew it was a sting, but went along with it as this would be like MASSIVE FREE ADVERTISING for the party.
Imagine the Shooters and Fishers Party has done some massive inroad in the Nats (Gnats) up to 28% swing.
With only stopping burkas, Muslims and foreigners "taking our jobs" as a policy, One Nation was on the stale road of becoming a thing of the past.
Becoming a gun lobby as well, this would give One Nation extra kudos amongst the mad loonies out there desperate to get their hands on automatic weapons. And by the stunning victory of the Shooters and Fishers, we can only attest that there are a lot of them on the other side of the Blue Mountains.
So watch for the Libs (CONservative) voters who are going to painstakingly place their preferences, not according to the official ticket but according to their traditional pattern, placing One Nation above Labor — or even VOTE FOR ONE NATION, primarily.
good on our own margo!...
Journalist Margo Kingston has accused Alan Jones of engaging in a smear campaign against Al Jazeera, after he sided with Pauline Hanson in the aftermath of the media organisation's How to Sell a Massacre documentary.
Key points:In a heated exchange during the ABC's Campaign Trail program last night, Jones and Kingston — formerly of the Sydney Morning Herald but now a citizen journalist — clashed over the broadcaster's comments where he accused the state-backed broadcaster of being a front for the Qatari Government.
When Jones was asked if he believed Senator Hanson following her statement that her comments during the documentary were edited and the documentary was a "sting", Jones said: "Yes, I do".
"The statement was quite credible," he said.
"[Pauline Hanson] made it quite clear, and I do believe her, that many overtures were made to her by this fellow [the undercover journalist Rodger Muller] allegedly on behalf of the National Rifle Association to go to America to address some sportsman's conference," he said.
"She also made it quite clear that she rejected those overtures but they kept coming, so she chose to send two of her own people over there.
"At no time did she accept money."
Senator Hanson this week attacked the media for reporting the documentary, which showed her appearing to suggest the Port Arthur massacre was part of a government conspiracy.
The footage also showed senior One Nation figures discussing soliciting political donations from American gun lobbyists.
Senator Hanson's chief of staff James Ashby and One Nation Queensland leader Steve Dickson were captured on secret recordings that revealed both men wanted millions of dollars in donations from the NRA and discussed softening the party's policies on gun ownership.
Jones went on to criticise the Al Jazeera documentary and the ABC for screening it.
"I think it's a bit rough that we start accepting the edicts, dictates and judgements of Al Jazeera, this is an arm of the Qatari Government [who] believe in public floggings and genital mutilation of women and so on," he said.
"I'd be a bit concerned about any credibility they might have.
"[And] here is the national broadcaster, the ABC, seemingly in bed with this outfit, Al Jazeera, representing a government which has an awful record in relation to human rights and the treatment of women [and] we suddenly want to accept an authority on all of this."
The comments spurred Kingston into action, describing them as an "amazing smear" on Al Jazeera.
"It was formed by senior journalists around the world, it complies with the BBC code of ethics," she said.
"This was a genuine undercover investigation by an extremely senior journalist in which One Nation asked if he could help them get to the NRA and give donations.
"This sort of smear that you engage in all the time is ludicrous.
"I've called you out on your lies, and you can't take it, simple."
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Gus: I am afraid that unless these "one notion" guys are taken out of the political muppet show and placed in prison, including Pauline (she's been there before because of Turdy Abbott and his "Honest" Politician mob) and Mark Latham (he's done nothing to warrant this but why not punish him anyway for being in a political party of dorks), they will distort the political lansdscape.
I repeat my comment above:
One of the men in the streets, a good mate (leaning a bit too much to the far right for my liking), is convinced that actually either the reportage was set up by One Nation itself OR that One Nation knew it was a sting, but went along with it as this would be like MASSIVE FREE ADVERTISING for the party.
Imagine the Shooters and Fishers Party has done some massive inroad in the Nats (Gnats) up to 28% swing.
With only stopping burkas, Muslims and foreigners "taking our jobs" as a policy, One Nation was on the stale road of becoming a thing of the past.
Becoming a gun lobby as well, this would give One Nation extra kudos amongst the mad loonies out there desperate to get their hands on automatic weapons. And by the stunning victory of the Shooters and Fishers, we can only attest that there are a lot of them on the other side of the Blue Mountains.
So watch for the Libs (CONservative) voters who are going to painstakingly place their preferences, not according to the official ticket but according to their traditional pattern, placing One Nation above Labor — or even VOTE FOR ONE NATION, primarily.
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is this a bribe?... I think it is...
Today in the Sunday Bribeograph of the Liberal (CONservative) Party, the front page is about a neat leak on the incoming federal budget... The sweet smell of bribery is presented as a GIVEAWAY for you to save $125 on your power bill — only if you are a battler, of course, and only $75 should you be a struggling single cheese slice. Fortunately, the cartoonist of the right-wing at the DT saw through the subterfuge:
As well, Miranda is going full blast against Pauline and her stupid men, possibly because Pauline steals votes from her beloved Liberal (CONservative) Party led by the Noah's Ark Society chief, Scummo — as she is a Noah's Ark Society full paid member. Meanwhile a small item tells us that "Senator Hanson facing fine or even jail" for contempt of parliament... Oouuuch. Ironically, THE SAUCE exploits the fact that Pauline signed a T-shirt with the debonair Emir of Qatar effigy and posed with a football (soccer: round ball) for the next Football (soccer) World Cup in Qatar... while Pauline is infuriately appalled at Al Jazeera — owned by the Qatar "government" — after having tricked her naive boys to go and chase some guns and cash in the USA...
But, as Piers come third in this bash something competition, telling us why Gladys won the NSW election ("Daley was wot won it for her") — and Annika Smethurst comes fourth with "It is a fact that shame will not wound Pauline" — the winning guernsey always go to Peta not just for bashing the Greens and Labor for trying to save the planet — but for her:
"I'm all in favour of putting extremists last on mainstream parties how-to-vote cards but there is a lot of competition for the party with the most objectionable policy position, and let's face it, what's "most objectionable" is a pretty subjective judgement"...
"Having created a vacuum under Turnbull that's been filled by One nation, the Liberal Party must understand that blaming Hanson is not the way to fix it. Instead fix the vacuum."
Here Peta is rewriting history, forgetting that the Hanson caper raised its ugly head in her Tony Turdy's backyard, way way back under Rattus Rattus Wilson Howard, way before Turnbull, and between Him (Tony Turdy is a god) and Hanson there had been some mighty powerplay since. We all know that:
In fifth place at the Deity Murdograph of course comes a scribe who bashes Labor (or the left) for something Labor (or the left) has not done yet in regard to denigrating our glorious ANZACS...
God, do we need a kick in the butt...
and remember:
One of the men in the streets, a good mate (leaning a bit too much to the far right for my liking), is convinced that actually either the reportage was set up by One Nation itself OR that One Nation knew it was a sting, but went along with it as this would be like MASSIVE FREE ADVERTISING for the party.
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