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it's not about the economy, stupid!“OMG,” tweeted retired Gen. Michael Hayden, the former CIA and National Security Agency chief., in response. Others objected to the tone-deaf term “Happy Memorial Day
“Mr. President: My father was MIA in Vietnam for 30 years. I will visit him at Arlington today. There is nothing “happy” about #MemorialDay,” tweeted retired US Army Major General Paul Eaton. At Calvarly Cemetery in Queens, visitors paying respect to loved ones were also dismayed by Trump’s tweets. Ricardo Rosa, 57, an Army veteran from Brooklyn, was volunteering his time to place American flags at vets’ graves. “He always makes it about himself. He’s always doing that. He’ll tweet something that should be a nice, but then make it about him,” said Rosa. “He’ll tweet about what he wants, it can’t just be about Memorial Day. He doesn’t really care about black or Hispanic people. What is he doing for our homeless veterans? Or our service members coming back with PTSD. They are the ones who need help,” he continued. “You have to properly honor the veterans who fought for our country and made the ultimate sacrifice – not make it about yourself.” Vicky Steckel, 52, a makeup artist from Queens was also volunteering. “It’s always about him. It’s Trump. It’s like we are living in a theater right now,” she said. At the Memorial Day parade in Queens, Army vet Mike Milonas, 55, of Manhasset called the president “tone deaf.” “I’d call that a tone deaf tweet. It’s presumptuous to think our fallen brothers and sister would be happy about anything other than not being dead,” he said. “It’s also inappropriate to call Memorial Day ‘Happy.’ We should honor our fallen in a solemn and respectful way. It’s not the Fourth of July. It’s also not a day for the president to be talking up his accomplishments. I’m happy for what he’s accomplished, but save it for a different day.”
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back in the good old days...
Stop me if you’ve heard this: American soldiers didn’t lose in Vietnam. In fact, our brave troopers had the commies whipped by the late ‘60s; that is, of course, before a conspiratorial cabal of cowardly hippies, anti-war protestors, and dovish liberals pulled the rug out from under an all-but-victorious U.S. military. It’s quite a tale, replete with heroes, villains, and glib moral lessons. It is all wrong of course, faulty and fallacious.
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dystopic myopia of the hollywoodian left and right...
Each day, it gets worse across the world, but especially in our country. The epidemic of PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder) is spreading quickly across the American leftist population.
It is easily apparent in a media that is 95% anti-Trump and includes liberal reporters who masquerade as objective journalists. Among the stricken are so-called analysts and who shout offensive questions at the White House Press Secretary at her daily briefings. It also includes CNN and MSNBC hosts, who are all liberal, and who constantly compare the President to Hitler and his policies to Nazism.
This epidemic has infected plenty of establishment Republicans and the entire leadership of the Democratic Party. These politicians refuse to work with the President and constantly look for ways to pursue impeachment charges.
One of the groups most impacted by this outbreak are Hollywood celebrities. Last week, elderly and over rated actor Robert DeNiro yelled "F... Trump" as he was supposedly participating as a presenter at the Tony Awards. The offensive comment was greeted by a standing ovation by the liberals in attendance. By the way, this is the same actor who has threatened to "punch" President Trump "in the face." Of course, there have been no negative consequences for DeNiro and he continues to regularly threaten the President.
Unfortunately, the hatred toward President Trump has extended to his family. This week, 78-year old actor Peter Fonda tweeted "We should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles." This threat was taken seriously by Melania Trump, who reported the tweet to the Secret Service.
In a just world, the Secret Service would have immediately arrested this troll for making such a vicious threat toward a 12- year old child. Unfortunately, in America today, Fonda was not only not arrested, he was not even kicked off Twitter or his upcoming movie. In reality, Fonda was probably trying to become relevant and promote the movie with his disgusting tweets.
Peter Fonda is not alone in the crazed world of Hollywood as his fellow celebrities regularly blast President Trump and his family. Recently lame comedian Samantha Bee called First Daughter Ivanka Trump a "feckless C..." While a few advertisers abandoned her program, she was not fired. This is in contrast to Roseanne Barr who was summarily fired for an offensive tweet directed at former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett.
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The point is that rather than be stupid and nasty about Trump being whoever he is — dumb, witless, naughty, irrational, dangerous, clever, adventurous or nuts, rather than trying to fight him in his sewer — or below it, in the grand pool of US political manure-manufacturing — one has to elevate to better civilities.
The lopsided views of ageing Hollywood and of the US media isn't going to help at this level, even with applause, considering that Hollywood has always been used as a weapon to penetrate other countries' psyches — before a full-on invasion with armies or Macdonald's.
Slowly but surely, the Donald — despite annoying those on the left who wanted him to fall and fail, because they also hate Russia, Syria, Libya, Iran, China, NK, but love themselves when they look at their face in the mirror — is making strides. There is no Kremlin connection between Trump's Presidential victory and Putin, but there is plenty of connection between the evangelicals and our own Uncle Rupe.
Now, even the Bolton is toning down on Putin-the-Impaler. Bolton has managed to organise a meeting between Vlad-the-Impaler and Caesar-the-ruthless, on July 15th, which for all we know will be full of fruitful civilities.
The "left" are annoyed that their annointed female Caesarette, Hillary-the-Gaddafi-Impaler, did not get the gig by a margin that shows how crooked the electoral system in the US is, far from being democratic, while they wished to inforce their own crooked commercial brand of erzasted democracy in other countries, while supporting despots where it suits them.
The Yanks have been living in a disfunctioning dystopic society since the 1770s, while the only delusional glues between them have been their invasion of other countries, their love of guns, their fanatical patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrels) and their "Constitution" now shattered by the Supreme Court:
On June 26th, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its 5-4 majority decision in the landmark case of “Trump v. Hawaii”, about President Trump’s commonly misnamed ‘Muslim ban’. This decision probably established a new precedent: that national security is an interest that overrides the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Here is how it does this outrageous thing, which is so shocking for such persons — who are oath-bound to uphold the U.S. Constitution — to do:
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says, in full:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The traditionally-called “Establishment Clause” is the part of the First Amendment that says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
On the opening page of its 92-page decision, the Supreme Court says, “We now decide whether the President had authority under the Act to issue the Proclamation, and whether the entry policy violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.” On the 7th page, it says, “Plaintiffs [the ‘Hawaii’ side in the case of ‘Trump v. Hawaii’] further claimed that the Proclamation violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, because it was motivated not by concerns pertaining to national security but by animus toward Islam.” Page 26 says, “The First Amendment provides, in part, that ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’ Our cases recognize that ‘[t]he clearest command of the Establishment Clause is that one religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another’.”
The Court’s decision asserts, first, that Trump’s Muslim ban, of any immigrants from any of the five nations of Iran, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya — all of which 5 nations have Muslim majorities — is not discriminatory on the basis of religion; and that therefore no religious denomination is being officially preferred over another, in that ban or “Proclamation.”
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Welcome to the world you have fostered on others... Time to accept Russia, with a more civilised attitude and ease up on other countries such as Iran.
The rise of the alternative media has weakened the grip of the established MSM in the global mind space, however, one should keep one's eyes wide open not to fall into traps of bias and myths, be it "the Russians did it" or "the Rothschild conspiracy," independent political risk manager Eric Kraus told Sputnik.
"Like antivaxxers and flat-earthers, Rothschild conspiracy memes never die," says Eric Kraus, an independent political risk analyst and asset manager, explaining media bias and propaganda techniques.
Scapegoating has become commonplace in information warfare, be it ubiquitous "Russian little green men" or virtually "omnipotent" Russian President Putin, or the "sinister" clan of the Rothschilds.
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Jesus died in vain... We all do.
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swampy and muddy...
ok but Melania wouldn't be caught dead in a camo hunting jacket
Jon McNaughton@McNaughtonArtMy new painting – “Crossing the Swamp”
“Never give up. Never lower your light.
Never stop till the swamp is dry.” – Jon McNaughton
For a list of figures in the boat:
(insert picture swamp)