Friday 7th of March 2025



The Australian Bureau of Statistics says it believes a series of hacking attacks which led to the census website being shut down last night were part of a deliberate attempt to sabotage the national survey.

Key points:
  • ABS shut down census website after it was deliberately hacked four times
  • More than 2 million forms successfully submitted
  • Authorities say data is secure despite the hack

Thousands of Australians were prevented from taking part in the census on Tuesday night as the ABS website crashed.

This morning the ABS's David Kalisch said the census website had been attacked by hackers four times and was shut down as a precaution after the fourth attack.

"It was an attack, and we believe from overseas," he said.

When asked if the hacks were a deliberate attempt to sabotage the census, Mr Kalisch replied: "We believe so".

"The Australian Signals Directorate are investigating, but they did note that it was very difficult to source the attack."

Mr Kalisch said the site was taken down just after 7:30pm after the fourth attack as a precaution to "ensure the integrity of the data".

"The online census form was subject to four denial of service attacks yesterday," he explained.

"The first three caused minor disruption, but more than 2 million forms were successfully submitted and safely stored.

"The scale of the attack, it was quite clear it was malicious.

"Steps have been taken during the night to remedy these issues and I can certainly reassure Australians that the data they provided is safe."


The picture at top came from the comedy show : "The IT Crowd". Two lazy nerds and an incompetent female boss running the IT department is a firm where the big boss is after anything that moves in a skirt. The line "have you tried to plug it at the power point" is also common in that show...

If the entry point of the Census can be maligned, we can be sure there will be rough times ahead to make sure the data is secure, including complete deletion. If my memory is correct, it was 1974 when the Census went "electronic" with Fujitsu winning the contract ahead of IBM to supply the system with "cylinders, discs and punched cards" that made your 1982 386 PC look like a genius.


cashing in...

Should you request a Census paper form, the automated system seems to be jammed with callers... The system says call at a later time or date... Call again straight away and you might have a chance to get through. Each call of course is charged as a 1300 call fee... The Census must be cashing in or at least get some cash back — you know, like those numbers you ring to vote your fav artist on "La Voz", sites which tell you calls are charged at 55 cents fee plus whatever they feel like. Of course the government number should have been an 1800 number, but this is a rapacious government who wants to play "Big Bother" I mean Big Brother...


See also:


See also:

they can't even tune their violins... they throw shit at us...


The minister responsible for the census has directly contradicted the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) by saying its website was not attacked on census night, despite confirming that the site was shut down after repeated denial of service attempts.

Key points:
  • Both ABS statistician David Kalisch and the census's social media accounts cited "attacks"
  • Mr McCormack says four denial of service attempts were made throughout the day
  • Malcolm Turnbull says decision to take site down done "out of an abundance of caution"

Thousands of Australians were prevented from taking part in the census on Tuesday night after the site was pulled down due to numerous attempted denial of service attacks, which overload a website by simulating lots of users trying to access the site at the same time.

No explanation was given at the time, but ABS statistician David Kalisch and the census's social media accounts later cited a series of overseas cyber "attacks".

Senior cabinet minister Christopher Pyne also cited "overseas hackers" when addressing media earlier this morning — language which was not backed by Michael McCormack.

When pressed on his language, Mr McCormack said that he felt "by saying attacked, it looks as though and it seems as though and it is so that information was then gained".

He told reporters at Parliament House that four denial of service attempts were made throughout the day, leading to the census website being taken offline on Tuesday evening as a precaution.

"A denial of service is an attempt to block people from accessing a website," he said.

read more:


These amateurs in the government can't even tune their violins... they throw shit at us... The future is bleak...