Friday 10th of January 2025

we are evolved monkeys on a small planet. Full stop. Fantastic reality...


Why do I bother?... Too many religious people still try to defend their patch from which they eke out a living with delusive arguments. In the past, original philosophers rarely tried to convert people to believe in a superior being to whom we supposedly owe our existence. Philosophers mostly tried to instil a sense of understood (also misunderstood) behavioural principles in order for all to survive either in peace and/or in support of each others — which showed this attitude was beneficial to do so. Some various ideas developed that smoothed the corners of conflicts so to speak — conflicts which have been arising from our naturalness and survival instincts. 

So here comes another religious dude, a certain John Haldane, a "Visiting Distinguished Professor of philosophy" who has his arms deep in the sauce of religion... John, I will say that religion and philosophy do not mix. Religion and sciences do not mix. Philosophy and sciences can mix as long as one understands the complex processes of sciences. 

Haldane tells us:

There is a general sense that it is not only intellectually rewarding but culturally enriching and socially valuable to engage in public discussion of fundamental questions of natural science, philosophy and theology.

Between them these three fields presume to cover the most basic and extensive sets of issues into which the human mind could enquire: the nature and origin of the cosmos, the nature of reality more generally, and the issue of whether there is a transcendent source of these, and if so what it is and what, if any, is its interest in human beings.

The claims of science properly understood do not extend beyond the exploration of nature, and when they are advanced as if they did reach into the domains of philosophy and theology, that is because they have been reinterpreted (sometimes knowingly but more often unwittingly) as metaphysical.

This is a common mistake on either side of ongoing debates about science and religion, with both atheists and theists maintaining that science can resolve the question of the existence of God.

Here,  John Haldane assumes that science can be used or not to resolve the existence of god. No. Science is not trying to do this. It does not have to. The idea of god is a fantasy. It's not a reality. There is no point trying to pull the pants of a fantasy with sciences. All the godly books and all the believers in the world cannot change the fact that religion and the idea of god does not make any sense in itself — even with the best of faith. We only believe because it's conveniently lazy and we've been indoctrinated like Pavlov's dogs, at individual and societal levels. 

Science tells the reality that we are evolved monkeys on a small planet. Full stop. Fantastic reality.

The idea of god, in whichever format, that tries to tell us that we've been created by a superior being who gave us the concept of sin because the "first humans" were idiotic sinners in paradise — and we've been chasing the rainbows of morality ever since — does not make any sense. This illusion works for simpletons and for people who don't ask questions — or do not accept the reality of science.

No matter how much we wish to delude ourselves, as an evolved species of monkey we need to find our own survival kits as groups, as individuals and as a species. There. That is as simple as that. 

We call these survival kits: philosophy, laws, relationships, understanding, education, management... We can do without the religious bit. We do not need the idea of a vengeful loving god who has invented a nasty hellish place so we can be damned forever should we not believe in his concoction. This is an idiotic concept.

Philosophy does not include religion. Philosophy is the seed of our understanding of what can make us content or can cause pain, at individual and at group level. With this, we can develop laws that are designed to minimise the hurt we could do to each others, accidentally or by choice, mentally or physically — or devise rules for the sporting arenas, in which inflicting pain becomes an accepted option to some well-defined degree. War is an unacceptable decision to inflict pain on others. 

This ability to rationalise pain and contentment is part of life as a stylistic management of our evolved status. 

Furthermore, to think of ourselves as specially godly, in opposition to the rest of our fellow travellers on this little planet is an insult to philosophy. God does not exist. God cannot exist.

John Haldane defends his patch with notions that are assuming of truth because of : "antagonistic view is mistaken and embeds an outlook that may in fact derive from elements of modern philosophy presented in different ways by Descartes and Locke. Anti-religious polemicists have taken up Jonathan Swifts's remark that, "It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into," but its implied corollary - that there is a prospect of reasoning people out of rational errors - may encourage the attempt to refute the Cartesian/Lockean idea that true enquiry can only begin with lowest common experience, and that may then make space for the legitimacy of the idea of special testimony, and even, so far at least as epistemology is concerned, of its most particular instance: Divine revelation."

Divine revelation does not make any sense. Anyway, why would a god choose to give his (god is a male) revelatory message to a tribe of Jews and not to a nation of Aborigines, say 24,670 years earlier? We've dealt with Jonathan Swift on this website before — and the quote mentioned by Haldane from Swift is on par with the common warning "do not to argue with an idiot because other people might not be able to discern who's whom".

In fact, I do not want to use reason to define god's existence or not. One cannot. One should only use our knowledge of the planet's history and of genetics in a chaotic universe — all of which goes against the divine revelation — to define who we are. Evolution is not a dirty word, though it cannot be use in the same sentence as the word "god" — unless in opposition. 

Yep. We are evolved monkeys. 

And unfortunately too often we show we're more immature, nasty and more loony that the others species of the same branch. We can improve though, but religion, including its ghastly theology, is not an improvement. It's a retrograde delusion in which the human species has been soaked in for far too long.


Gus Leonisky

your local atheist on a little planet...


the evolution of the sapiens...


see also:




and all other articles on this site that mention epistemology.

I hope I will be allowed a toilet break...


Jesus' Second Coming will be completely different than his birth on earth, the Rev. Billy Graham says.

Graham, a world renowned evangelist, said in a recent blog post for the Kansas City Star that while Jesus' birth here on earth took place in "humble and obscure" conditions, his Second Coming will be completely different.

During Jesus' return, he "[…] will come with power and glory to conquer evil and establish his kingdom of righteousness and justice," Graham says.

"He won't be born as a baby but will come instead in all of his fullness and majesty. That which was hidden during his first coming will now be revealed — and every person on Earth will see him," the evangelical leader continues, citing Mark 13:26: "At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory."

The Baptist minister then stresses the importance of being prepared for Christ's Second Coming now, as we have no idea when it will actually happen.

"[The Second Coming] will happen only in God's timing — and tragically, most people will not be prepared," Graham writes.

"Although we are warned against speculating or trying to set exact dates, the Bible does tell us that certain events will indicate that his coming is imminent," the evangelical leader adds, pointing as evidence that the Second Coming is imminent in Matthew 24:14: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

World evangelism, which is currently happening, is evidence that the Second Coming may be near, Graham says.


Billy Graham has been waiting for Armageddon for all his life. He has promised fireworks and nebulosity of clouds with the finger of god pointing at all the sinners who did not repent to go to hell. All's well. Gus can prophetise that this glorious event will happen in the year 245,861 AD. It's easy to calculate and to know the mind of god on this subject. I hope that on this day, I will be allowed to move one up from the purgatory into the big sky country, though I would not mind a toilet break in between. We old monkeys have weak bladders...



See also:

utter nonsense versus utter nonsense...


Genetics are pushing the religious mobs to the brink of the ridiculous. 


The grand priests of conservative religions are trying to fit the relatively new science of genetics into the history of the bible involving Jesus, and Adam and Eve. This is mostly happening in the Christian religion. Muslim have already dealt with various ways to this genetic quandary, from theistic evolution to creationism. Some Muslim thinkers have accepted elements of genetics, while believing in the supremacy of God in the process that made us evolved from monkeys, though this premise conflicts with the Adam story. Some Muslims have rejected the theory, thus teaching evolution is banned in some Islamic countries. The modern anthropology and scientific evidence contradicts the Adamic descent that is written in the Quran. One scholar, Usaama al-Azami, somewhat a bit like the Pope, suggests that both narratives of creation and of evolution may be believed by modern Muslims as addressing two different kinds of truth — the revealed and the empirical. Amen. End of discussion.

All these religious concoctions are designed to make us accept that no matter whatever which way humans came to exist, they are made by god, allah, vishnu... 

Despite this context, the traditional schools of Islamic law based on Quranic verses and hadith consider homosexual acts a crime and a sin, often punishable by death. The Christians are working hard on biblical verses to demonstrate that LGBTI-ing was a sin subject to punishment. They still haven't found the proper link though there are plenty about multi- wives and concubines (dedicated whores) being okay with god. This does not stop most ultra right religious nuts to demonise LGBTIs in the name of religious freedom. Meanwhile, some opposing rigourous religious nuts accept LGBTI-ism under the auspicious analytical discovery that Steve was made from Adam, thus both were androgynous or genderqueer and that Christ was a she-male. God is for all of us. 

Here we have to take a deep breath as not to sink into unchecked hilarity. The tight-arsed religious conservatives are upset that the conservative religious liberals (if such beast can exist, but they do) claims that Christ was a transgender. 

You are allowed to laugh aloud. Dogma rules for these sticklers.

Yes! "Transgenders kidnap Jesus"... claims the Christian Examiner...

Here we have quotes from a lesbian religious conservative liberal being condemned by a doctorated super-expert on dogmaticity. Hard to know which explanation is the most loony, but I suppose we can declare that they're both crazies. 

Says she: 
"...Then along comes Jesus and the whole pattern is both repeated and reversed. The first couple's refusal to cooperate is turned around by Mary's yes, and the second act of cloning occurs. The Holy Spirit comes upon the second Eve, and the child takes flesh from her and is born. Born of her flesh. Born with XX chromosome pairing. Born genetically female, and yet transformed into man."

Says he:
This is, of course, utter nonsense and not akin to any interpretive paradigm for the incarnation ever offered by any theologian, at any time, in any era, on any continent, for any purpose. It is a fabrication of minds clouded by the scars of sexual rebellion. Though I agree that Christ is the "new Adam," obedient unto death because of the Word dwelling in Him, Hall [she] fails to see the incarnation for what it is. It is not about the transference of DNA. It is about the taking on of "flesh" (sarx, in Greek) or "humanity."
The incarnate Christ is a "new creation." Jesus Christ is fully human not only because of Mary, but because he was created human by his Father – the same Father God who created Adam from the dust of the earth. By Hall's logic, Adam was only living as a man. He was internally mud.

The "new Adam"? For crisssssake! This was a critique, by DR Gregory, Tomlin of Suzanne DeWitt Hall's article titled "A Note to Kim Davis About Adam and Steve". Lesbian author Susan DeWitt Hall – who has no apparent theological training or expertise in biblical languages (the poor woman) – claims Christians who oppose transgenderism are imposing "their own filters on stories and phrases to fit their particular ideology". Of course, Dr. Gregory Tomlin is a fully decorated expert on dogmatic religious affairs. According to his biog, he is a professor of Church History and a faculty instructional mentor for Liberty University's Rawlings School of Divinity. Tomlin earned his Ph.D. at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and also studied at Baylor University and Boston University's summer Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs (CURA). God be with yar...

What is there to "study" in divinity is left to conjecture.

This self-inflated religious simpletonariat on both sides is going full bore. Painting illusions with coats of fake genetic reality does not hide their delusive values. Religion does not make sense, with or without acceptance of XX or XY genes. 
We have trouble with our existence because our instincts are not anymore enough to tell us whom we are, and how we should behave considering we are a faulty freaky product of nature. We are one of "nature's many mistake" (mistake here is not a mistake per say but a natural happening with great chances of extinction). As we evolved from the ape ancestors, our ability to survive naturally degenerated. We compensated this degradation by cunning skills of deceit with a sharp increase of memorisation and tooling. Our brain grew. Strangely, this degeneration of species led to a fast variegation of traits — including facial and racial features. Dogs have the same degenerative traits but they do not have the memory capacity to go beyond being a dog. Armed with our memory and our deceit, we, as "naked apes" have constructed ideals that are more fake than a fake Chinese Swiss watch. At least the watch more or less tells the time for the duration of its fake limited warranty.

Genetics are proving to be a curly one for evangelicals, especially when having to deal with our divergent African and Eurasian/Oceanian Neanderthal/(some of us with Denisovan) now proven mixed ancestry, which of course does not even get a mention in the biblical floods. Nor does the Abrahamic delusions ever mention our common ancestors with the monkeys and the apes.

But the evangelicals still try to make thick square pegs fit into round holes non-stop. That is the privilege of the ignorant and of babies. At least the babies soon learn the round shape hole equivalent. Religious ignoramuses don't — they have major mental blocks in having to dice their dogmatic square beliefs for a rounded reality. 

Evolution is not a dirty word. God does not exist.


meanwhile in the billy graham household...



Billy Graham's Daughter: God Keeping My Father Alive Might Have Something to Do With the 'Return of Jesus'

WASHINGTON — Billy Graham's daughter Anne Graham Lotz told a gathering of pastors Thursday that the 97-year-old legendary evangelist's vital signs are great and there must be a reason why God is keeping him alive.

Lotz, the founder of AnGeL Ministries, the new chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer and the author of the new book The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations, was a featured speaker at the Family Research Council's 2016 "Watchmen on the Wall" conference and addressed the need "to reach the lost."

Before warning the pastors about how God is "abandoning" America because of the country's embrace of sexual immorality, Lotz took an opportunity in the first minute of her remarks to provide an update on her father's health.

Lotz explained that her father, the founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is confined mostly to his bed and wheelchair but still has a clear mind. She added, however, that his mind "doesn't move as quick as it used to."

Although Lotz said it takes a while for her father to process things he is told, he is still "affectionate and loving."

"I am not sure he is aware so much of the world's situation but his appetite is good, his vital signs are good and I know God is holding him for some reason," Lotz said.

Lotz, who has previously said that she believes the Rapture will occur during her lifetime, reasoned that the fact that her father is still alive might have something to do with the return of Jesus...


As you should know, these evangelical morons are nuts. Nothing we can do about it. But you can stop the USA declaring  war on Russia which of course would precipitate a relative Armageddon and a form of stupid rapture...

The idiots are still up there in front...



new art is often meant to offend and make you think harder...



A sculpture of Ronald McDonald nailed to a cross — a spoof of the crucifixion of Jesus — has sparked violent protests in Israel, with rioters hurling a firebomb at the museum.

Key points:
  • The protests were sparked by visitors sharing photos of the sculpture on social media
  • Church representatives have demanded the removal of the exhibit's most offensive items
  • The museum has refused to bow to "religious or political pressure"


Hundreds of Christians calling for the removal of the sculpture, entitled "McJesus," demonstrated at the museum in the northern city of Haifa last week.

Israeli police say rioters hurled a firebomb at the museum and threw stones that wounded three police officers.

Authorities dispersed the crowds with tear gas and stun grenades.

Church representatives brought their grievances to the district court on Monday (local time), demanding it order the removal of the exhibit's most offensive items, including Barbie doll renditions of a bloodied Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

Museum director Nissim Tal said that he was shocked at the sudden uproar, especially because the exhibit — intended to criticise what many view as society's cult-like worship of capitalism — had been on display for months.

It has also been shown in other countries without incident.

The protests appear to have been sparked by visitors sharing photos of the exhibit on social media.

Israeli Culture Minister Miri Regev, who has been accused of censorship for pushing legislation mandating national "loyalty" in art, also called for the removal of the "disrespectful" artwork.

The museum has so far refused to remove the exhibit, saying that doing so would infringe on freedom of expression. 

But following the protests it hung a curtain over the entrance to the exhibit and posted a sign saying the art was not intended to offend.

"This is the maximum that we can do," Mr Tal said.


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