Friday 7th of March 2025

donald has a nightmare... davy crockett looses the dead racoon that was his trademark on his head..


trump vitriolic obsession about nits in his hair...


Updated, 10:38 p.m. | Donald J. Trump again turned his Twitter vitriol toward an old foe this week: Megyn Kelly, the Fox News anchor and frequent target of his social media ire. On Friday, the network said it had had enough.

Mr. Trump’s attacks on Ms. Kelly date to August, when she asked him at a debate about his history of disparaging remarks toward women. Afterward he called the questioning unfair and suggested that Ms. Kelly had been menstruating. After Fox News declined his request to remove her from the moderating panel for the network’s January debate in Iowa, Mr. Trump skipped it.

Détente seemed to have been reached when Mr. Trump appeared at the Fox News debate, with Ms. Kelly moderating, earlier this month. The two had a cordial interaction.

But Mr. Trump resumed his sniping at Ms. Kelly on Tuesday, apparently feeling that she had understated his success in the Republican presidential primaries.

Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Talks about me at 43% but never mentions that there are four people in race. With two people, big & over!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 16, 2016


trying to stop trump's democracy....


Republican Leaders Map a Strategy to Derail Trump


Republican leaders adamantly opposed to Donald J. Trump’s candidacy are preparing a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential nomination, starting with an aggressive battle in Wisconsin’s April 5 primary.514 Comments

    Good Jobs, Goodbye: A Factory’s Closing Sows Seeds of Anger


    The decision by an Indiana factory to send 1,400 jobs to Mexico underscored the appeal of Mr. Trump’s promise of making up for lost economic ground.


    if only I could be like donald trump...


    Why would anyone vote for Donald Trump? One popular theory holds that his supporters are bigots angered by America’s changing racial mix. Another is that they’re salt-of-the-earth working folks left behind by the loss of manufacturing jobs, alienated from the moneyed ruling class and irritated by the tyranny of political correctness. Or some combination thereof.

    These theories, which contain elements of truth, emphasize Trump’s dire assessment of present-day America and his followers’ discontent. They focus on negative sentiment. But an important part of the story is Trump’s positive allure — the way the candidate taps into, and projects, the most fundamental outlines of the American Dream.

    Conventional explanations miss the glamour of Trump’s message.

    The word “glamour” originally meant a literal magic spell that makes people see things differently than they are. Understood correctly, glamour is not a particular style — different styles seem glamorous to different people — but, like humor, a form of communication that creates a specific emotional response. Glamour generates a feeling of projection and longing: “if only.” If only I could walk that red carpet, drive that car, wear that dress, belong to that group, have that job, be (or be with) that person . If only I could have that life.

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    There is another theory (Gus theory number 4.5.1): hubris. Hubris sells like hot cakes. Hubris is not anchored in any idealism whatsoever. It's the technique of the vacuum cleaner sales person... Should one trick does not sell, move on to the next one quickly even if it contradicts the first sale pitch. "Have I got a deal for you!". Often you know you will be screwed, but you buy nonetheless. Hubris sells the indecent ideas — you want to see the naughty bits. It gives you the freedom to be naughty... It show you care about being careless and you feel the "freedom" of being shackle-less — and your heart is weightless. The freedom to be enterprising and ruin you life (mostly that of others) in a glorious flurry... like spending all your savings on one frivolous item and going so deep into debt, you become joyful, sinfully happy. Hubris. 


    hair today hair tomorrow...

    Trump Takes Hair-Growth Drug, His Doctor Says

    Dr. Harold N. Bornstein granted the interview after The New York Times asked him to discuss his past and possible future role in Mr. Trump’s care.


    See toon at top... 


    a wonderful life...

    A photo showing what US President Donald Trump would look like with no tan and without his famous hairdo was published on Twitter.

    An edited photo of US President Donald Trump was posted on Twitter by user nicknamed Stone Cold. The picture shows POTUS' "natural" look, according to the user, without what was described as "transplanted" hair and a tan.

    However, the White House insists that the tan is the president's natural skin tone.

    READ MORE: Netizens Ecstatic as White House Says Trump Owes His Tan to 'Good Genes'

    Commentators had differing opinions of the photo. One Twitter user noted that Donald Trump looked like 'Old Man Potter', the notorious big-money banker from the classic holiday movie It's A Wonderful Life.


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    We did it before anyone else... Please.... Read from top.


    See also: 

    moons ago — a wonderful life...

    amazing stats...

    President Trump’s approval rating has reached 52 percent, according to a new poll released Monday, his highest level since shortly after his inauguration in 2017.

    The Rasmussen daily presidential tracking poll shows 47 percent of likely US voters disapprove of his job performance.

    Trump’s approval rating was at 55 percent just days after he was sworn in as president on Jan. 20, 2017.

    The president touted the results in a tweet that included an image of the Drudge Report’s web page headline: “Trump 52% approval jolts Washington. Best in years.”

    His marks have been on the rise since his State of the Union address last Tuesday and in the wake of the 35-day partial government shutdown over border security and his demand for $5.7 billion in funding for a border wall.

    The Rasmussen poll shows Trump’s approval rating was at 46 percent the day the government shut down on Dec. 22 and fell to 43 percent on Jan. 14.

    The daily tracking results come from surveys involving 500 likely voters each day and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. It has a plus/minus 2.5 percentage-point margin of error in the 1,500 sample.



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    the various secrets for his hair...



    And then came the oscars:




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