Tuesday 11th of February 2025

kissing babies .....

from the ABC ….

Boosting fertility rate 'vital' for Australia's economy Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has renewed his call for Australians to have more children.

Speaking at the launch of this year's Census, Mr Costello says boosting the country's fertility rate was vital for the economy.

Mr Costello says an increased fertility rate would balance the immigration program and make it easier to maintain the defence force and living standards.

The Treasurer says workforce flexibility would encourage more mothers into employment, but fathers also have a role to play.


Gus: no need to comment .…

The great fornicator

Kapitalism is our great fornicator

From time to time, we hear calls to populate or perish and stuff like that... This call to multiply our selves has noting to do with the survival of the species but to the way the great fornicator itself, Kapitalism, is structured... Kapitalism needs to always grow, needs to get fat-fat-fat, needs to consume and defecate faster and faster, needs more and more people to participate at the crummy base, otherwise those at the top of the great fornicator pyramidal food-chain won't be able to sustain their ever increasing gobbling profits... while we scramble for crumbs.

Imagine! The stock market for ever flat! No fornicating gambling on futures! All by design!

Imagine hordes of trampling tourists through national parks! I mean driving inflated hummers with Karavans through the left-over natural spaces because we've run out of room everywhere else... Oh yes, we're often told by Kapitalist planners that this country could support at least 55 million fornicators... And then what? Isn't this a stupid call to muck up the earth some more? Climate change is upon us, and the Grand Kapitalist Fornikator wants more breathers and farters galore? more people!

At which point will this madness stop? Little wars? Big wars? 12 billion hordes invading the palaces of the kings and pillaging for the last organic bread slice left on earth... because the concocted GM has become pesticide loaded-heaven?

The record of our Kapitalist treading this earth is pitiful already... Species of animals and plants are becoming extinct fast — England, Europe, the US are losing pollinating birds and bees by KATASTROPHIC AMOUNTS presently — or some animals are so rare they only survive in Das Kapitalist Zoos for OUR purpose — not theirs —, natural spaces are shrinking at a rate of knots, climate change is melting glaciers, creating more deserts... etc...

Are we nuts?

encouraging single parent families


 Gus: "Are we nuts?"

During one visit to Broome by a USA Navel Vessel, the Mayor of Broome included in his welcoming speach the invitation to "...leave your DNA behind...."  


You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation. ~~ Marian Wright Edelman

the vanishing bees...

Beekeepers protest over hive deaths

More money for research demanded as disease, mites and weather wipe out insects

By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
Wednesday, 5 November 2008

In top-to-toe white outfits with distinctive veiled hoods, they do not look like the usual kind of protesters to march on Downing Street.

But today Britain's beekeepers will stride down Whitehall to demand government action to halt the alarming decline in honey bee numbers seen over the last year.

Two billion bees – one in three of Britain's honey bee colonies – have been lost over the past 12 months, in the worst losses ever seen in the UK. Yet the causes are unclear, and the apiarists fear there is nothing to prevent a similar devastation this winter – but the Government, they say, is letting it happen.


Gus: Should we add to the list of "de-beeing" agents: surfactants (soaps and detergents — even bio degradable ones that are added to, faster than degrading), solvents (industrial and household, including "cleaners"), germicides (hospital and household grades), insecticides (farming and household), herbicides (farming and gardening), general pollution and also extensive monoculture (use of super strong fertilisers, etc) leading to the drastic reduction of some habitats for flora and fauna.

And of course the biggie: GM crappy crops.

The study of these factors in isolation may not provide a whiff of evidence but as in most extinction of species, now and in the past, the present problem is most likely to be a COMBINATION of factors that leads to the final disaster — and very fast. WHAT? one third of the bee species destroyed in ONLY ONE YEAR? Bloody hell!!!!.