Thursday 9th of January 2025

gus pleads irresponsibility of being an intellectual showing bigotry at its most shameless...

abbott's crucifixion...

Attorney-General George Brandis has hit out at criticism of Tony Abbott's religious beliefs, describing the "ridicule" to which the former prime minister was subjected as "bigotry at its most shameless".

The incessant sneering and ridiculing...[Tony] Abbott on account of his religious faith was bigotry at its most shameless. 

Senator Brandis, who last year defended people's "right to be bigots" amid debate over proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act, has told a roundtable meeting of religious and non-religious representatives that "religious freedom is every bit as important as political freedom".

But Senator Brandis said "members of Christian faiths, in particularly Catholic faith, are routinely the subject of mockery and insult by prominent writers and commentators".

He said insults directed towards Catholics had prompted former High Court justice Dyson Heydon to observe, when delivering the Acton Lecture in April 2014, that anti-Catholicism in Australia now might be called the racism of the intellectuals.

"Or perhaps he should have said the pseudo intellectuals," Senator Brandis said.

"The incessant sneering and ridiculing of the former prime minister, Mr Abbott, on account of his religious faith was bigotry at its most shameless - made worse, if possible, by the added hypocrisy of the fact that many of those who engaged in that sneering were the very same people who like to pose as the enemies of bigotry."

Last year, the Attorney-General defended Mr Abbott's government's proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act.

"In a free country people do have rights to say things that other people find offensive or insulting or bigoted," he had said.

The Abbott government later withdrew the changes to the Act.

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As the dwindling band of Abbott supporters still makes silly noises, discreet like kangaroo farts, we rest more and more on the reassurance that Abbott will not come back and try to unseat Turnbull... It's our right and duty as "intellectuals" to ridicule Abbott till Abbott's political legacy is completely shown as a sham. Not a hard task I must say. We were onto it since 2005...


of kangaroo farts...

New analysis of kangaroo farts suggests their low methane levels could have implications for farmers in the fight against climate change.

It has long been known that kangaroos – unlike sheep and cattle – produce little of the potent greenhouse gas methane.

For some time, researchers intent on breeding less windy flocks and herds hypothesised kangaroos might have a unique mix of micro-organisms in their stomachs that produce less of the gas.

The hope was by transplanting these micro-organisms, cattle and sheep might produce less methane.

But new findings suggest otherwise, and should help refocus sheep and cattle research on alternatives that might yield results.

The experiment saw red and western grey kangaroos kept in comfy, sealed chambers, allowing researchers to analyse the mix of gases going in and coming out.

“We think that the methane is low because of the way food moves through the kangaroo stomach, and not because of a unique gut fauna,” study author Dr Adam Munn said.

The battle for less windy livestock is a serious issue when it comes to climate change.


Actually, some research has shown that cow and sheep farts are not some much the guilty party, compared to the belching of politicians on the right wing...