Wednesday 8th of January 2025

the same again, served reheated with stale bread and salmonella, at bargain price...


same again

The treasurer, Scott Morrison, has retained responsibility for the long-running negotiation, which he began as social services minister, and has floated new compromise options with crossbench senators in recent weeks.

The government needs $3.5bn in total savings from the $6bn in family tax benefit cuts that were announced in the 2014 budget, but remain blocked in the Senate, or from $1bn in proposed cuts to paid parental leave, because it has hypothecated these savings as a way to “pay” for a $3.5bn childcare shake-up that was the centrepiece of this year’s budget.

While the childcare changes are not scheduled to start until 2017, they would be harder to spruik in the 2016 election year if the government had failed to secure its self-identified funding stream.

In the talks, the treasurer and his advisers have offered to ditch the plan to freeze the indexation of family tax benefit part A payments (received by families earning up to $100,000), which is booked in the budget to save $2.6bn over four years.

Instead of stopping family tax benefit part B (paid to sole parent and single income families) when the youngest child turns six (the current cut off is 18) they have floated a compromise cut off when the youngest child turns 12 – a move that would significantly erode the estimated $1.8bn in savings from that change.


before the resurrection...

peta's husband to be replaced by a nutt...


Mr Loughnane told Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of his decision to resign yesterday. It is expected he will be replaced by the NSW state director and Liberal Party stalwart Tony Nutt.

Some Liberal MPs see Mr Loughnane's departure as the natural conclusion to the leadership spill which felled Tony Abbott.

There has been internal disquiet about the party's leadership troika, because Mr Abbott's former chief of staff Peta Credlin is married to Mr Loughnane.

There was also speculation that the relationship between Mr Turnbull and Mr Loughnane was strained.

In a statement to Liberal supporters, Mr Loughnane said he told former prime minister Tony Abbott before the last election that the 2013 campaign would probably be his last.

"With the recent changes in the parliamentary leadership and the consequent need to review our planning for the next campaign, I believe now is an appropriate time for the party to appoint a new Federal Director," he wrote.

"Accordingly, I have today informed the federal executive of the Liberal party of my intention to resign as federal director by early next year.

"This will allow time for the party to appoint a new director and an appropriate period for a handover to my successor".

Mr Loughnane has been the party's federal director since February 2003.


It's makes my heart bleed when managing organisations and building structures become more important than the necessary understanding of reality... This is what creates blindness and opinionated views, with religious fanaticism to boot...

stop experimenting with pigs in tutus...

Brian Loughnane had many successes as Liberal federal director. But the Shakespearean tragedy of Tony Abbott's prime ministership could only have happened because of the destructive power triangle at the party's apex, writes Terry Barnes.

Today's announcement by Brian Loughnane that he is stepping down as the Liberal Party's federal director marks the symbolic completion of the leadership transition from ousted prime minister Tony Abbott to now PM Malcolm Turnbull.

But while he is falling on his sword, Loughnane was collateral damage of the party room spill; he was not the prime agent of Abbott's fall. That dubious honour goes to Abbott's chief-of-staff and Loughnane's wife, Peta Credlin.

Nevertheless, the former PM ultimately was responsible for his own fate. He was too much the opposition warrior when being in government meant positive leadership. He was loyal to a fault, including to Credlin and Turnbull-voting former speaker Bronwyn Bishop. The disastrous 2014 budget, from which Abbott's prime ministership never recovered, ultimately was his and former treasurer Joe Hockey's call. And, finally, he missed the continuing danger signals for his leadership after the February spill motion and was too slow to grasp the political destruction former speaker Bronwyn Bishop wrought with her helicopter capers.

read more:


Who cares? The "Abbott experiment" was not one of the Liberal Party itself but the devilish machinations of one Keith Rupert Murdoch. The experiment started when Malcolm lost the leadership and Murdoch saw that the unelectable Abbott could be propped up like a pig with lipstick and a sparkler up his arse. Without Keith Rupert Murdoch, Abbott was NOTHING. Abbott was going nowhere. 

The conservative characters could have been woodsticks, Medusa snakes or Egyptian mummies, the Shakespearean tragedy of Tony Abbott was always going to be more like a Mister Magoo compile. His accomplice, Joe, was always going to be as economically challenged like Quincy Magoo's dog, McBarker. Woof. 

The three/four-word slogans promoted ad nauseam by the MMMMM (Murdoch Mediocre Mass Media de Mierda) were totally stupid policies. These could have been demonstrated as shonks and would not have enticed the public had they not been pushed and pushed by the MMMMM, which at some stage included about 95 per cent of the entire Aussie media because of the lemming effect against Julia. 

Kill the carbon tax, stop the boats and fix the deficit by forcing bamboo stick under the nails of the populace was horrid and savagely stupid..  Abbott was as devious as a greasy grocer who was bloody-minded about selling rotten apples.

In short, Turnbull has nothing (NOTHING) to learn from Abbott and his team of losers. They may be nice people, but in term of providing a vision, I know more capable exciting straight garbage collectors. Malcolm is a big enough boy who has made his share of mistakes in the past and has fallen between the cracks due to bad luck at the wrong time, including bad weather. 

All Turnbull has to do now is to tell Murdoch and the creaky bandwagon of rabid shock-jocks to sod off — or show them an epiphany of sorts... Or not even pay attention. Just be elegantly nice... Because let's face it, Malcolm is the last saviour for the Murdoch press, whether the boffins there like it or not. Any other dude-material in the Liberal (CONservative) Party could make Abbott look like a reasonable efficient man. Oh boy! The shock jocks and commentators like Terry Barnes have to come to term that ABBOTT IS GONE, not because of a Shakespearean power triangle but because Abbott SUCKED and despite the media, the populace could see that. Pushing for a Rudd-like come back, would do Abbott and the Liberal (CONservative) Party no good. The shock Jock would loose all credibility (they have not much left) and end up making Bill Shorten look like a Messiah

As one Palmer disunited party person would say: good bye Tony, good bye Brian, good bye Peta, good bye Joe.... Good bye, bye... and good bye Rupert's interference with Australian politics, soon...