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on the gravy train...If ever you needed further confirmation that News Ltd is the Liberal Party’s unofficial PR department, it came on the weekend on NSW television, writesPeter Wicks from Wixxyleaks. ON THE WEEKEND, I saw something on television that I found quite disturbing. It was not the fake enthusiasm of anX Factor judge, nor was it the announcement of yet another NCIS — as show that will have a gazillion spin offs just like CSI (maybe they should just do one called WTF). What disturbed me was, in fact, a commercial. We all hate to see our taxpayer money wasted, particularly on commercials. However the commercial I’m referring to was not a government commercial — although some have commented that the company being advertised could be confused for the Coalition’s marketing department. The commercial that disturbed me so much was the current commercial for News Ltd’s Sydney tabloid the Daily Telegraph and can be viewed below:
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not just an extra on news limited promotional film set...
For some of those on the train, it must have been a culture shock being on public transport.
And I know what you may be thinking, but it was not the sight of Andrew Bolt and Miranda Devine that made me uncomfortable — although it’s true I normally do find them and their extremist far-right views rather disturbing.
It was actually the guy sitting opposite them who really disturbed me.
It would seem that while the taxpayer pays his wages, the NSW Premier is off filming commercials for News Ltd.
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