Friday 14th of February 2025

the weight of opinion .....

‘The presence of U.S. troops in Iraq is considered a
greater threat to Mideast stability than the current government in Iran,
according to a new poll of European and Muslim countries.

The poll found that people in Britain, France, Germany,
Spain and Russia rated the presence of troops in Iraq higher than the
government in Iran as a threat, according to polling by the Pew Research Center
for the People & the Press. Views of U.S. troops in Iraq were even more
negative in countries like Indonesia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Pakistan.’

US In Iraq Greater Threat Than Iran

claimed, regarding the Iraq War, Republicans and Bush have nothing to apologize
for. Well, considering the toll and the fact that Bush and Republicans lack
anything resembling a conscience, soul, or honor, of course, Rove wouldn't
think they've anything to ''apologize for".  

if one truly thinks about it, what is the loss of nearly 2,500 U.S.
military...for a wild pack of lies? That's nothin' to apologize for, right? So
what, if for that wild pack of lies, something near 20,000 members of the U.S.
armed services are missing legs, arms, hands, eyes, functioning spines, and are
now deaf. That's nothin' to apologize for, right? Who cares that between 40,000
and 100,000 innocent Iraqis have been slaughtered over that wild pack of lies?
That's nothin' to apologize for, right? Why lose sleep over the thousands of
dead, maimed, and emotionally shattered Iraqi children who were caught in the
crosshairs of that wild pack of lies. That's nothin' to apologize for, right?
In the end, it really doesn't matter that Bush's war built on nothing but a
wild pack of lies has increased and fed the flames of radical Islam and
thereby, increased the likelihood of more terrorist attacks in America and
around the globe. That's nothin' to apologize for, right?’

Iraq, Rove Says Bush & Republicans Have Nothing To Apologize For"

Flag burning

The latest About the House magazine wastes space on Bronwyn Bishop's PROTECTION OF THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FLAG (DESECRATION OF THE FLAG) BILL 2006

Her bauble of appeasement for the Hansonite fringe gets a favourable mention at Stormfront, where she is ranked alongside Eric Butler. Nice, and reminds me I am due for a haircut.

Gore and Cars

The political arena in the US engages a lot of quality debate. A couple of the reputable combatants linked up for an online match at It's surprising, from an Oz perspective, how *civil* is the discussion between people with opposing views on the fundamentals. Put it down to an honest willingness to learn, I guess.

At this point - This just in: Jonah criticizes Gore  - Al Gore's film is criticised because it uses the Holocaust-equivalence argument, that Jonah Goldberg takes to with gusto.

Keep listening, and Jonah pings Gore on a point where our Labor is standing with the backside out of its trousers, in the grand national energy debate.

Mark Schmitt's blog The Decembrist is very good, too. For example, at Western Delusions:

... To an amazing degree, Western and sunbelt conservatism is built on the risible delusion that the federal government never did a damn thing for them and they made it on their own, a delusion that they nurture in their air-conditioned, hot-tub-equipped country clubs in a land that could barely support human existence if it were not for the federal government. Frankly, I think this has something to do also with the current congressional scandal. Duke Cunningham, Mitchell Wade, Brent Wilkes, Dusty Foggo, Duncan Hunter, Bill Lowery and several of the other characters at the center of the current political scandal are all products of the corrupt oligarchy of San Diego. There’s is a city built entirely on defense spending, and yet they still believe that they are hardy entrepreneurs making it on their own without help from anybody. And somehow I think this delusion helps them believe that stealing from government as just another form of private enterprise.

high crimes .....

Conyers Releases Massive New Report on Bush-Cheney Crimes ....

The minority staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, under the leadership of Congressman John Conyers (D., Mich.) just released a staggering report with the hard evidence of crimes and abuses committed by President Bush and his administration (breaking 26 specific laws). 

This report, "The Constitution in Crisis," should provide the raw material for numerous news reports and point reporters toward fertile ground for additional investigations.

Conyers' Report Newly Updated: "Constitution in Crisis"

profoundly disturbing


High crimes, low crimes, in between crimes, lies, theft, treason, but no sign of a blue dress or an intern.  


You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation. ~~ Marian Wright Edelman