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in need of nappies...The reforms proposed by the Abbott government are intended to make it easier for the peak spy agency, Asio, to monitor computers and computer networks. They also contain provisions which create a new offence punishable by five years in jail for “any person” who discloses information relating to “special intelligence operations”. The broad wording in the proposed anti-leaking provision has prompted some leading criminal lawyers, the journalists’ union and media companies to warn the change could criminalise not only the initial disclosure, but any subsequent reporting of Snowden-style intelligence leaks. An explanatory submission by Brandis’s department to the new JPCIS inquiry makes it plain that it will be the attorney general who decides who will be prosecuted under the new provisions. The department presents the proposed ministerial authority to the committee as an important safeguard in the new package. “The offences are subject to a number of safeguards to ensure that their application is limited to serious instances of wrongdoing. For example, there is a requirement that the attorney general must consent to all prosecutions,” it says. Brandis and the head of Asio, David Irvine, have thus far attempted to deadbat arguments that the broadly drafted provision could potentially catch publication as well as the initial disclosure. Both have argued it is not the “intention” of the new clause to target media outlets.
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solving the incontinence of government leaks...
Lack of bladder control (incontinence) is a common health problem for many people at different times in their lives. About four million Australians have bladder control problems. It is most common amongst older people.
Any unexpected leaking of urine from the bladder is not normal. It may be just the occasional leak when you laugh or cough, or you may be suddenly unable to hold your urine at all. Often a very simple lifestyle change or treatment can help to cure, improve or manage it, no matter what the cause.
Answer the questions below for a quick check of how your bladder is working.
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions you may have a bladder control problem and it is important you seek help. Poor bladder control can be embarrassing and distressing. If left untreated, it will not go away.
CausesThere are various causes of poor bladder control and many treatments. For men, once they reach the age of 40, they are more prone to having poor bladder control, often due to prostate issues. For women, if they have had a baby are three times more likely to have poor bladder control and leak than other women.
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going too far with the stick...
The proposed anti-terrorism laws are an affront to the basic rule of law and our fundamental freedoms and should not be allowed into the statute books, writes Greg Barns.
The word "draconian" is oft-used in this age of superlatives and exaggerations. But it is a word that is apt in the context of the proposed new suite of anti-terrorism laws revealed yesterday by Attorney-General George Brandis.
Senator Brandis's proposals will be added to the already troubling laws, introduced in the emotionally charged aftermath of 9/11 by the Howard government and supported by the ALP, that make it a crime to think and talk about political violence.
Senator Brandis's proposals go further than the Howard government laws and in a very dangerous way. He proposes lowering the burden of proof when it comes to terrorism offences alleged to have been committed overseas. This is a direct attack on the rule of law in Australia and once again demonstrates how weak human rights protections are in the absence of a statutory charter of human rights.
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Instead of backing or back-tracking on the changes to the RDA – advanced in the name of freedom of speech – he made a “leader’s call” to ditch them because of their possible impact on terror laws that could potentially impinge a whole range of different freedoms and rights.
We still don’t know whether Abbott agrees with George Brandis that we all have the right to be bigots, only that the laws constraining our ability to insult or offend on the grounds of race are to be retained for now because the government itself doesn’t want to offend ethnic community groups whose support will need for its anti-terror campaign.
dumb, idiot or not knowing how the internet works...
George Brandis when interviewed on Sky showed how much he was confused about "megadata", history and IP address... Does he know the difference between a wheelbarrow and a website?...
In an interview on Sky that appeared to contradict earlier government statements and was quickly distributed by the Labor opposition, Brandis was asked whether websites visited by an internet user would be part of the data retained. He replied that it “wouldn’t extend to, for example, web surfing so what people are viewing on the internet is not going to be caught” but added “what will be caught is the web address they communicate to”.
“The web address is part of the metadata … What the security agencies want to know is the electronic address of the websites … every website has an electronic address, when a connection is made between one computer terminal and a web address, that fact and the time of the connection and duration of the connection is what we mean by metadata in that context.
“But when you visit a website people browse from one thing to the next, there won’t be a capacity to access that, that is not what we are interested in.”
Asked whether social media would be included in the plan, Brandis said “please understand what has been decided is an in-principle decision, the extent to which social media will be included in this is under discussion at the moment.”
Asked whether that would include things like Skype, Facetime or Google Chat, he said “those are the things we are in discussion about … we want to maintain the sharp distinction between metadata and content … and … sometime that distinction is blurred and that is why we are developing protocols to try to ensure the integrity of that distinction is maintained.”
Exactly... quite vague and contradictory...