Tuesday 11th of March 2025

junior's insurance .....

Choosey in the land of plenty of it

From the Washington Post

Democrats Face Uphill Battle to Retake House

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 13, 2006; Page A01

An 18-month recruitment drive by the Democrats has produced nearly a dozen strong candidates with the potential for unseating House Republicans, but probably not enough to take back control of the House ... according to House political experts.

Democratic leaders have been heartened by the quality of the candidates they have recruited to challenge vulnerable Republicans in congressional seats in Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, New Mexico, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and they insist that there is a strong chance they can narrow the Republicans' 30-seat majority. Their efforts are being helped by widespread public dissatisfaction with Congress and with President Bush's handling of the war in Iraq, a situation that has driven down the Republicans' approval ratings to less than 40 percent.

But Tuesday's special election north of San Diego to fill the seat of former congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Calif.) showed that the Democrats face an uphill battle to pick up seats even in districts where the Republicans have their backs to the wall. Democrat Francine Busby, running on a theme of ethics in government, finished first in a crowded field of 18 candidates to succeed Cunningham, who was sent to prison after pleading guilty to taking bribes in return for legislative favors.

read more at the Washington Post

dreaming of quail .....

another bad day at the office

from the New York Times
Dozens of Security Force Recruits Are Killed by Iraqi Insurgents

Published: April 25, 2006
BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 24 — At least 40 Iraqi civilians and security force recruits were either killed or found dead on Monday, the Iraqi authorities said, as insurgents unleashed a wave of car bombs across Baghdad.

One of the car bombs exploded in a central Baghdad square, wounding up to a dozen.

Throughout the capital, seven car bombs struck, killing at least 10 people and wounding 76 others. Their targets were the back gate of Mustansiriya University, two Iraqi police patrols and a busy intersection at rush hour. All of the dead were civilians.

At least 15 other Iraqis died across the country, the victims of by drive-by assassinations, bombs and mortar fire, according to an Associated Press tally from the police.

The bullet-riddled bodies of 15 recruits for a special Interior Ministry unit trying to help calm the restive city of Ramadi were found in the backs of pickup trucks in Abu Ghraib, west of Baghdad, a ministry official said.

Later on Monday, Iraqi officials said they had reports that the bodies of 17 other security force recruits were found in a similar slaying 60 miles west of Ramadi.
read more at the NY Times


All this bad news must be wearysome for an old man [Cheney, asleep, above] whose major dream is to shoot quails — as the poor innocent birds fly off defending their nest againts gum-booted intruders.... Only seven car bombs today...