Wednesday 5th of February 2025

protecting our values .....

‘Thomas Friedman is a famous columnist on the New York Times. He has been described as "a guard dog of US foreign policy". Whatever America's warlords have in mind for the rest of humanity, Friedman will bark it.


He boasts that "the hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist".


He promotes bombing countries and says world war three has begun.


Friedman's latest bark is about free speech, which his country's constitution is said to safeguard. He wants the State Department to draw up a blacklist of those who make "wrong" political statements. He is referring not only to those who advocate violence, but those who believe American actions are the root cause of the current terrorism.


The latter group, which he describes as "just one notch less despicable than the terrorists", includes most Americans and Britons, according to the latest polls.’


John Pilger presents a portrait of one of those wonderful Americans that Peter Costello thinks we should appreciate more & that John Howard would emulate if we’re not careful.


The Rise of the Democratic Police State


I'll whisper her name here... Miranda... there, I said it.

Her column in the SMH of 25/08/05 is a devious classic. She rewrites history with great verve peppered with distilled academianistic quotes, and this blabber is only a toad's bum hair away of blaming the nine-eleven tragedy on the Australian teacher's union.

Yes Miranda.

There is SO MUCH left-wing ideology in Australia, that's why this country has voted John Howard four times on his lies on Medicare, porkies on Industrial Relations, tall tales on free trade, whoppers on reasons to go to wars, back-flips on summersaults in regard to most of his policies, and his grand degradation of human life in his little concentration camps. The list is long but the little man has a spruiking ability never heard before except in Roman astrologers' entrails readings, that he can sell us at a high price what we already own. This is why he got a medal from this other big mouth badly potty trained brat in the mad white house...

Yes Miranda.

There is SO MUCH left wing ideology in Australia that the Labor party has been doing timid imitations of the Liberal Party to test the brackish waters on the other side of the middle...

Yes... As far as the Ms Miranda are concerned if Johnnee says whatever then it is written in stone tablets from the mount... and we have to buy the WHITE goods otherwise we'll perish in the thereafter of the whatever with great pains...

No Miranda... We do not resent the capitalist system except when it is deliberately aimed at destroying the true values of sharing for the betterment of humankind and is also decidedly imposing a despotic merchandising slavery on most. Presently the system is heavily loaded in favour of selfish greed with a dash of charitable topcoat to make it look good. Nonetheless the heart is sick... rotten actually. The mind is bent... It has become a powerful system used for the benefit of a few to con a lot. We are suckers...

And you have also a go at these journalists who do not tow the same line as you do, as if they were coming in hordes like barbaric invaders... If I count ten of these dedicated scribes in the Australian media it is because I am generous and count some twice. The paucity of wide critical analysis is appalling. Most of the "critics" are already presented from the US sand box.

So despite this heavily indoctrination of teachers as rabid communists under the bed of all our kids and a sorry bunch of three lefto-journalists left to denigrate the grand US empire... this empire is still moving on faster and fatter... with the help of many religious pulpits who have long time ago forgone the true meaning of what they are preaching because it does not fit the capitalistic model...

But there again, despite all this...

Now in the US, more than 50 per cent of Americans are thus un-Americans since they oppose that bush-stocracy that is ready to kill, wipe out, destroy anything contrary that come in its path.

No we're not anti-American... Just wish there was a regulator on its ambitions, consumptions and aggressions, as well as a proper intelligence there that had greater understanding and less design, if you see what I mean in regard to the management of scientific rigour...

Yes Miranda,some of us dream one day you'll wake up and you won't have a crooked pen in your hand... but then I might really be dreaming.