Saturday 1st of March 2025

Schönberg harmonics...

Schönberg harmonics...

Standing in it...

The Federal Opposition's immigration spokesbloke, Laurie Ferguson, is standing firm on the release of Australia's longest-serving detainee (seven years),that Mr Qasim's case could establish a worrying precedent because he has not cooperated with authorities. Kim Beazley yesterday said Mr Ferguson had "revised" his position Mr Ferguson did not so and still says only Ms Julia Irwin complained in the Caucus about his comment. He says she was not the most profound person on immigration matters and restated that Mr Qasim has not cooperated with authorities.


That's it! We've slipped into the eighth reality, and he didn't feel a thing. Completely painless. Modern dentistry is marvellous. For a while, I was dreading another round of the Goldberg Variations. It's so clear, now. Everything in harmony, with one voice. Truth, at last. "I have my utmost confidence ..."