Tuesday 11th of February 2025


It's sad to see not only the ABC, but even the Unions falling for the Howard government's most recent  frame -

 The 'Australian Fair Pay Commission'. The term is obviously loaded - there is nothing fair about a government appointed body of right wingers which sidelines an independent judiciary.

I hope that  this post will also be used by others who can also post frames that they find used in the media.

 Feel free to add your own.


It was interesting to watch Peter Beattie frame the issue of Howard's attacks on the independent industrial relations system as which will bring strikes and uncertainty to the workplace.

Australians want certainty and to feel secure in their workplace.

 These radical changes are will create uncertainty and insecurity in the workplace.

I mighty just add,Its good

I mighty just add,

Its good to see Petro Georgiou -  a small l liberal in the fed lib party is using the art of framing in his new bill for helping Assylum seekers:    see The Act of Compassion Bill 2005

 Now when they aregue against it, they'll need to be arguing against an 'act of compassion' and the media will also call it this hopefully.

Tell the ABC not to accept 'fair pay commission' because it is

Tell the ABC not to accept 'fair pay commission' label because it is loaded - they take all comments of bias seriously and reply to all - it's well worth sending them a note through their online form - 


Fair Pay Commission

ABC management should explain how a publicly funded institution can fail to question what is a transparent and obviously biased proposal (ie Fair Pay Commission).

My feeling is that the public understands that Howard has applied a political straight jacket to the ABC. Which is why I'm sure that blogs of this type are becoming increasingly popular.