Saturday 11th of January 2025

protests and fears...



From Chris Floyd

All across Europe,  thousands of people have been taking to the streets in angry protests against the “austerity measures” being imposed upon them by their governments. A general strike in Spain. Mass protests in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, France, Lithuania, Belgium and several other nations. Legislators in Iceland had to literally run and hide from their own citizens at the opening of the nation’s parliament this week.

Why, ask the outraged crowds, should our lives be degraded in order to pay for the crimes and follies of the financial elite –- who are richer, more powerful and more arrogant than ever today, despite having plunged the world into economic catastrophe?

The Europeans, forever cast in American myth as fey, feckless, wine-sipping weaklings, have roused themselves to such an extent that the UN is now warning of years of "social unrest" due to the policies of the austerity zealots -- policies which are greatly exacerbating unemployment (with all the inevitable knock-on effects throughout the economy), while severely corroding the physical and social infrastructure of whole nations. Although the European public might be compelled to submit in the end -- by brute force, if necessary, as governments call out club-wielding cops to put down dissent -- at least they are not going quietly.

The same can't be said for the big, bold, burly American public, who for years have meekly submitted to the ever-accelerating deterioration of their lives and communities with nary a peep of protest. Trillions of their dollars are spent on murderous, pointless, wasteful rampages of war-profiteering in foreign lands, on obscene handouts and "guarantees" for the silk-suited scamsters of Wall Street, and on the monstrous expansion of a covert security apparatus that is seeking to invade and control every aspect of their lives -- but the American people say nothing and do nothing.

But perhaps we are being unfair in such a harsh judgment. After all, it's not entirely true that Americans have completely eschewed protest, is it? In fact, the news has been filled with stories of mass protests across the United States for months on end, with angry citizens taking to the streets -- and the ballot boxes -- to register their stern displeasure.

And what has displeased them so, what has moved them from the quiet simmering of discontent to explosions of public protest? Is it those trillions spent on pointless wars? Is it the coddling of the super-rich? Is it the degradation of their daily lives, and the darkening of their children's future by endless war and lost opportunities in a system skewed sharply -- and punitively -- toward the needs and greeds of powerful elites? Is it the runaway encroachment of civil liberties? Is it mass unemployment, and the relentless rollback of public services essential to a dignified and civilized life?

No, it is none of these. While the Europeans protest for jobs and dignity, Americans pour out into the streets in angry demonstrations against the very idea of helping the poor and the economically devastated, or putting the slightest restraint on the rapacious super-rich.

Come home, America!...

The great issue uniting and motivating the Republican Party and Tea Party is the deficit-debt crisis, a national debt nearing 100 percent of gross domestic product and a deficit of 10 percent of GDP.

As to the cause of the deficit that could precipitate a run on the dollar, double-digit inflation, even a default, the Tea Party and GOP also agree — federal spending that consumes 25 percent of GDP.

Both are also on the same page in their opposition to closing the deficit with new or higher taxes.

This means spending must be slashed. But to cut the budget to 20 percent of GDP, where it was before George W. Bush and Barack Obama, requires spending cuts of an astronomical $700 billion a year. Even then, the 2011 deficit would be $700 billion.

As interest on the debt must be paid, or we default, there are only two places you can find that kind of money. The first is the major entitlement programs — Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security — and social spending for education, veterans benefits, earned income tax credits and unemployment compensation.

But a Democratic Party, brutalized and bled on Nov. 2, returning to Capitol Hill with its moderate wing annihilated, is unlikely to collude with a resurgent Republican right and Tea Party caucus in hacking away at social programs that are the Democratic Party’s pride and joy, and the reason that party exists.

Which leaves one place where a bipartisan majority may be found for major spending cuts: defense and the empire, the warfare state.

The “agonizing reappraisal” of commitments abroad that John Foster Dulles predicted half a century ago may be at hand.

And here is where the Tea Party and War Party split the blanket.


The neocons are nervous the Tea Party may not sign up to soldier on for the empire. Writing in The Washington Post, Danielle Pletka and Thomas Donnelly of AEI have sniffed out the unmistakable scent of “isolationism” among Tea Party favorites.

What Goes Around Comes Around. Personal opinions.

Behind all of the condemnation of America's imperial intentions (which is undeniable) is a story never told or referred to. The US was born as a nation against the unfair treatment of the Monarchy in England and the taxes that they paid for - virtually nothing.  It was genuinely against any enforced act that diminished the freedom and right for any nation "To be able to decide its own future".  This was spread to all of the people who were proud of their beginning - by their media.

IMHO America's early functions seemed to consolidate the wishes and aspirations of a fledgling nation and defended their rights against imperialistic interference with gusto and the upholding of their original concepts. 

By doing so they had worthy pride in their achievements but, there was a large continent to be had and the greed, portrayed as protectionism, started to eat up the other imperialist territories for no reason considered commensurate with their honourable beginnings and their “trusted” media convinced the peaceful citizens that they could be in danger from these European Imperialists.

Almost without exception, the chosen islands of the Pacific and the close by Atlantic (Cuba) etc, became targets for the new expansionist designs of the once defenders of individual liberty.

The paranoia seemed to be uncontrollable and from WW II on wards, and with the enormous casualties by a nation willing to “defend itself” by any means, was not as welcome as the profits made by the Industrialists. And so the media reported ad infinitum.

The media also informed the people that they had won their total safety by the defeat of Nazi Germany and Japan.  But what do we do now?

The Soviet Socialist Republic, forged by the sacrifice of 20 million of its people, had built itself a virtual safety barrier of smaller nations who had supported Hitler – America could not allow another empire to exist and so the “cold war” began. And their media told them so.

These opinions are all of my own and demonstrate my disgust at the situation that the American people (and their allies) find themselves in today.

The only wars that I can honestly consider as legal and defensive are being conducted by the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan who would undoubtedly be the counterpart plus, of the settlers of the American “New World” but - with more pride.

Just as Zionism is the biggest enemy of the Jewish people, so wars of choice will eventually destroy the US and the dreams of 1770.




Come Back Australia.

If we could single out America as a perfect example, we cannot avoid the claim that the elite do, when absolutely necessary, employ the plebes? But they are the most controllable cost of business.  Controllable - because the purse strings belong to the elite and there is not one ounce of compassion for the workers of the nation they are exploiting.

This is the continuous and boring claims of the Abbott conservatives - never mind that we do have experts in most of the fields that the foreigners conduct with our natural assets to make a profit.  Does any Australian really believe that the welfare of any Australian family has any effect on the intentions of the Miners for example? 

Just imagine for goodness sakes – are we so devoid of talent that we cannot use our own natural assets to the complete advantage of our country?

Some years ago the Australian Unions warned the glassy-eyed West Australians that every increase in their wage will cause an equal increase in the cost of living.  Net result nil.

The foreigners built small but rough townships, supposedly to house their “workers” (have to put them somewhere) then increased the rent to negate another cost factor.

During the Howard era of the first boom he offered Australian families $5000 to pack up and move to W.A. to make up the slack in workers. At the same time he introduced the 457 visas’ to bring in “skilled” people and then when he got away with it in the media, he changed it to unskilled, unwanted and cheap overseas workers.

In simple terms, the Howard years were a complete de-regulation of business and WorkChoices was the thin edge of the wedge to his way or the highway.

I know I keep coming back to the media but, it is true that we could hate the Kooris more IF Murdoch told us that they were forming violent groups under the leadership of Howard’s Noel Pearson.  Fair dinkum.

We will never be a true and independent nation until we regulate the responsibilities of the all powerful Corporation’s media.

In fact we can’t even make a judgement as to who is best for Australia.  Only one thing is certain – it isn’t our dishonest media.  NE OUBLIE.