Wednesday 22nd of January 2025


selfie with a bot...



Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has gone global with his Government's innovation agenda, telling an audience in Japan their country's commitment to technological advancement is inspiring.



Many of Putin's comments circled back to relations with the United States, including a bit of look-ahead musing on the White House race. Putin said Russia would work with "whomever the American voters choose," but singled out Trump.

He's a very lively man, talented without doubt," Putin said according to the Interfax news service after the three-hour news conference. He added that Trump is the "absolute leader in the presidential race".

"He's saying he wants to go to another level of relations, closer, deeper relations with Russia," Putin continued. "How can we not welcome that? Of course we welcome that."

revenge of the moribund zombiacs...

hard to kill...

Tony Abbott has allegedly set up a sleeper cell of Liberal insurgents aiming to undermine new PM Malcolm Turnbull. Contributing editor-at-large Tess Lawrence reports.

TONY ABBOTT AND PETA CREDLIN have allegedly set up a sleeper cell within the Coalition determined to remove Malcolm Turnbull and reinstate Abbott as Prime Minister.

the fable of the economist of doom and the fantasist...


If you have any doubt, there is a sarcastic synergy at The Australian. It permeates the air with foul smells. On one side you get an economist who is on the extreme-right of the spectrum of extreme-right and on the other props up a fantasist who is trying to push a fabulous agenda to which no-one pays attention to because it stinks, though HE IS AFTER YOUR CASH !

a trickster sceptic's ways to get your money...

bjorn and bill
Like me, on Linkedin, you may have received a link to Lomborg's sceptic views on the Paris Agreement COP21. 

more garbage coming your way...


on the kerbside

Tomorrow's mid-year fiscal update will be the new Treasurer's chance to "take out the trash" of his predecessor, a leading budget watcher has said.

evangelicus ridiculus


The creationists are out in force, upset that some people believe more in global warming than in their little godly boom-boom neat concept of six days universe construction. But they are also quite upset that an earthly theory is possibly walking on their turf of brainwashing...

merry whatever from santa, the snowman, zeus, god, karl, charles, the chinese toymaker and of course sigmund...

santas in beard

The concept of Santa is being revolutionised and reinvented by 'Fashion Santa', who wears designer label clothing instead of the traditional Santa costume.

Santa's thinner and hotter younger brother is available for meet ups and photo opportunities at the Yorkdale shopping centre in Toronto.

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