Friday 7th of March 2025

stirring passions...


Malcolm Turnbull is finally trying to answer the lingering question of what he stands for.

It is no trivial matter because the hollowness at the core of his Government has been its fatal flaw.

In the absence of a central organising purpose his tenure has been a series of fixes driven by events.

It is as memorable for its inglorious retreats as for odd triumphs.

Asked last year what he wanted to achieve for the nation, all he could offer was the emotionally vacant "jobs and growth".

There was nothing to capture anyone's heart or imagination.

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saved by malcolm...


Tony Abbott has declared that “sneaky and underhand” leaking needs to stop after polling was published indicating he could have lost his seat of Warringah in the last federal election.

Abbott told the Nine Network on Thursday he had never been complacent about holding his seat and, in the end, he got a “good result”.


“But I do want to make this point that this sneaky and underhand business of leaking needs to stop,” the former prime minister said. “It really does need to stop. It is absolutely corrosive of trust.”

The Australian Financial Review reported on Thursday that Malcolm Turnbull was called upon to intervene to shore up Abbott’s position in the seat after polling showed he was deeply unpopular and losing primary votes to independents.

The report says the polling, conducted 10 days from election day, warned Abbott could lose to Labor on preferences in a landslide, or by 57% to 43% on a two-party preferred basis.

The leak of the polling follows an incendiary declaration by Abbott early this weekthat he had “an absolute right and, sometimes, a duty” to continue to speak out on national and local issues.

The former prime minister rejected calls that he should quit politics.

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Unfortunately, Tony Abbott CANNOT QUIT POLITICS BECAUSE HE DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING ELSE  but punching, back-stabbing, smugness, self-importance, leaking, lying, destruction and deceit. At least Malcolm knows how to blend with a blancmange...




melting in the acid of political sadism...

After events this week it is hard not to conclude that Australia would have been better off had Malcolm Turnbull never become prime minister. Certainly anyone with a progressive outlook should share that view.

Harsh? Perhaps, but look where we are. This supposedly moderate leader is completely hostage to the right, and any voices at the other end of the pews in the Liberal party’s supposably broad church are conspicuously quiet. 

With Turnbull as prime minister we still have all the negatives of an Abbott government – indeed Turnbull is so desperate to prove his conservative bona fides he’ll even go further than Abbott did on issues such as 18C. And on other issues where the hope was he would change direction, such as climate change policy, he steadfastly sticks to Abbott’s path.

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Sorry, we had no expectation. We knew it was going to be Tony Mark II, same shit with more elegance.