Friday 31st of January 2025


organised crime ...

organised crime ...

house rules ...

house rules ...

the shoe drops ...

the shoe drops ...

trick or trick... the scary thing is that scummo believes he is PM material...


A bare-bones reminder of the utter rubbish served up by this Government recently:

reminiscing about the Koal Koalition Krap on election day...

election day

THE KKKOALITION has signed its own death warrant. Hopefully.

shoot and boot to "save sharma"...

shoot n boot

Three weeks ago, the new prime minister, Scott Morrison, gave an interview to The Australian Jewish News, assuring Australia’s most prominent Jewish newspaper that the government’s policy towards Israel would not change under his leadership.

desperation in wentworth... bringing big liar rattus out of his retirement village...


Senior NSW Liberals say it will take a "miracle" to win the Wentworth byelection, labelling a damaging email smearing independent Dr Kerryn Phelps as "the final nail" in the campaign.

swimming with sharks repeat...


Damien Hirst's shark is considered one of the most iconic works of British art in the 1990s and helped make its creator the darling of the British postmodern art movement.

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