Thursday 16th of January 2025

mauled by a domestic cat...

the dead bird

At the end you are tired of this world ancient

Shepherdess oh Eiffel Tower the herd of bridges bleats this morning

You are tired of living in the Greek and Roman antiquity

Here as well the cars look ancient
Religion exclusive stayed the new religion
Staying simple like the sheds of Port-Aviation

Lonely in Europe you are not antiquated oh Christianity
The most modern European is you Pope Pie X
And you that the windows observe your shame refraining you
To enter a church and to confess this morning
You read the leaflets the catalogues the posters that sing loud

… (truncation)

You stand against the counter of a villainous bar
You order a cheap coffee amongst the deplorables

You are the night in a famous restaurant

These women are not naughty they have worries nonetheless
All even the ugliest one made their lover suffer

She is the daughter of a sheriff in Jersey

Her hands that I did not see are hard and cold

I take an immense pity about the scars on her belly

I am humble now for a poor girl with a horrible laughter my lips

You are lonely daybreak is coming
The milkmen’s tin-cans ring like bells on the streets

The night is fading and so is a beautiful Metis
It’s Ferdine the fake or the watchful Léa 

And you drink this burning alcohol like your life
Your life that you drink like fire-water

You walk towards Auteuil you want to go home on foot
To sleep amongst fetishes of Oceania and Guinea
That are Christs of other shapes and of other beliefs
They are inferior Christs of occulted hopes

Farewell Farewell

Sun neck cut

Translation by Jules Letambour.

This poem (truncated here) is the first poem (ZONE) of Guillaume Apollinaire in his collection Alcool... (Gallimard, 1920). Apollinaire is one of the most important (if we dare to use this big word for poetry) poets of the 20th century, as well as one of the forefather of Surrealism. He is credited with crafting the word "cubism" in 1911, a style which he was a defender of, and the term "surrealism" in 1917 to describe the works of Erik Satie. He invented the word “Orphism” to describe the emerging abstract art of just shapes and colours, possible after Orpheus coming back from hell...

Guillaume Apollinaire wrote poems without punctuation attempting to be fully modern in expression and subject. Apollinaire wrote one of the earliest Surrealist works, the play The Breasts of Tiresias (1917), which became the basis for Poulenc's 1947 opera Les mamelles de Tirésias.
Apollinaire was prominent as a journalist and art critic for Le MatinL'IntransigeantL'Esprit nouveauMercure de France, and Paris Journal. In 1912 Apollinaire co-founded Les Soirées de Paris —  an artistic and literary magazine.

Wilhelm Albert Włodzimierz Apolinary Kostrowicki was born in Rome, Italy, and was raised speaking French, Italian, and Polish. He emigrated to France in his late teens and took the names Guillaume Apollinaire based on the translation of his own monikers… His mother, Angelika Kostrowicka, was a Polish noblewoman from the Grodno Governorate (present-day Belarus). His maternal grandfather was a general in the Russian Imperial Army who was killed in the Crimean War. Apollinaire's father could have been Francesco Costantino Camillo Flugi d'Aspermont, a Graubünden aristocrat who disappeared early from Apollinaire's life. He was a nephew of Conradin Flugi d'Aspermont, a poet who wrote in ladin putèr — an official dialect of Switzerland spoken in Engiadina ota.

Two years after being wounded in World War I, Apollinaire died in the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. He was only 38.

In our mundane little worlds of flu-like Covid-isolation in which we could die from the virus or boredom, the human mind is unstable, obsessive, conflicted and loony. Thus we need to communicate with other humans in whatever invented format to streamline and control our delusions, otherwise we might all become surrealist. Imagine an entire society of surrealists!… This is why we need the pig pens and the stables of the bourgeois… Let me indulge:

Stability — a poem.

Close your eyes and your mind wanders 
To places you don’t want to go and places 
You did not know were in Flanders. 
This is the force of uncertainty that drives 
Our dreams and shows us the solution 
Of our eternal perdition… 

Oh why can’t we remember any 
When we leave the domain of Morphée? 
This is why we need the reassuring dorks 
Like the Scomos and the Donald Ducks 
On the news Daily. 

Imagine isolation without news!

End of transmission. 
Click. Play.

Image at top by Gus Leonisky: An Aussie mynah mauled by a domestic cat...

the good old days...





The Guardian’s opinion section is always a wonderful source of the truly absurdly shallow. While their coronavirus coverage totally neglects the arguments against the lockdown and experts dissenting from the “consensus”, they DO have plenty of space for one novelist struggling in the lockdown…even though they wrote a book about self-isolation and for a lady to ramble on about she doesn’t mind staying inside anymore.

These are real, heartfelt thoughts…and not at all attempts to boost novel sales (the book is linked to three times), or just ego-maniacal pat themselves on the back.

Good for a chuckle.

* * *

All told, a busy week for The Guardian. And we didn’t even cover the murder hornets, or the terrible impact the coronavirus is having on social media influencers.


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misery before profits!...

Ever since the UK entered “lockdown”, those pushing for it to end have been labelled “callous” or “selfish” or accused of putting profits before people. Meanwhile millions are unemployed and a global famine is on the horizon. The lockdown will kill more people than the virus, and needs to be ended.

The lockdown has been “eased”. Apparently. Some people should go back to work, schools might be opening a bit. You can see one person at a time. You’d be forgiven for not noticing any tangible difference. You’d be more forgiven for thinking it’s a contrived mess designed to confuse and distract people.

Essentially: We are very much still under lockdown, and likely to be so for the foreseeable future. And it is still, very much, a destructive policy which will ruin many more lives than the virus.

Nevertheless, the usual “liberal” media suspects are up in arms about Boris “putting profits before people”. And, as per usual these days, even alt-media types (who should know better) are buying that line. So is Jeremy Corbyn.

In what is perhaps the greatest example of gaslighting in human history, we have “champions of the working class” arguing for mass unemployment, the shutting down of small businesses and the self-employed, and draconian police powers.

The same people who clamour for more and tighter lockdowns are attacking anybody who opposes the measures. Labelling them “psychopaths” or “far-right” or “extreme libertarians”.

Last week Owen Jones used this phrase to dismiss anyone protesting the lockdown:


the political right who resent a lockdown that values human life over economic considerations.


It’s a lazy ad hominem we’re not unfamiliar with at OffGuardian. Over the last few weeks, many people have accused us of putting money before lives because we have expressed concerns over the decision to deliberately tank the economy, destroy small businesses and send unemployment through the roof.

In his most recent article today, Owen rails against the (so-called) easing of the lockdown, claiming it is protecting business but not people. As usual, he is wrong.

The idea that destroying the economy will only harm the rich, while somehow contriving to liberate the masses, is perhaps the most ridiculous lie of all the lies used to prop up the covid19 rollout.

You don’t need to be a supporter of capitalism to recognise that a collapsed economy always hurts the workers more than the owners. Where are all the students of Marx? Does the atrophied Left now really think “the economy” is some abstract concept which only concerns people who own stocks and read the Financial Times?

Reality check here for Owen and his champagne socialist chums. While they are enjoying their furlough swigging Chablis on the lawn, small businesses are currently going bust. The self-employed are seeing years of work destroyed in weeks. Unemployment is soaring.

Over TWO MILLION people have applied for benefits since the start of the lockdown. And this is just applications, not even close to the total number of jobs lost.

That’s around 5% of the entire working-age population.

That’s at least 2 million lives potentially ruined, and it’s a conservative estimate. If just 2% of those people die from stress-related illness, suicide, substance abuse or malnutrition, then the lockdown will have killed more people than the coronavirus simply through economics.

And that’s just this country – in the US over 33 million people have claimed unemployment in the last month, that’s nearly 10% of the whole population. The knock-on effects of Western domestic policies will be enormous. Already there’s talk of the mega economic crash causing a third-world famine which may kill millions.

Because – and this is a concept those people who derisively spit the word fail to understand – “the economy” translates into the price of bread, rent and fuel. It is warm clothes and clean water. It is petrol and gas and electricity. It is education, infrastructure and opportunity. It’s being able to get a job and feed your children.

Those dreaming that this crash will be the destruction of the monied classes and the dawn of liberation for working people need to look back at Weimar era Germany, or Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.

How much liberation did they bring with them?

Did the people loading wheelbarrows with devalued currency to buy bread feel set free? Did the war veterans selling their medals on street corners suffer less than the Khodorkovskies ripping them off?

Billionaires love a crisis. There are fortunes to be made on put-options and derivatives; buying cheap stock in failing companies; snatching up foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar; stagnating wages means paying your employees nothing while your profits soar. And debt. Mountains of debt. Private, and corporate, which gives you leverage for years – even decades.

It is in these crises that oligarchs are born. While many of us are struggling, the top billionaires in the US have seen their personal fortunes increase by over 300 billion dollars. The banks handling the bail-outs have charged over 10 billion dollars in banking fees alone.

What’s happening to the economy is a disaster for everyone…except the billionaires.

Remember, all this is the result of a lockdown that, as of right now, there’s zero evidence has saved any lives. In fact, there’s actually very little evidence lockdowns work at all.

Remember, also, that the virus is acknowledged to be harmless to over 80% of the people it infects, and only mild in the vast majority of the those who ever show symptoms. We’re not choosing between a Ebola and a devastating lockdown, we’re choosing between a “mild to moderate” disease and a devastating lockdown.

The economic consequences are catastrophic, but that’s not the end of the unnecessary human suffering being caused.

As part of the lockdown, the NHS has cancelled all non-essential surgeries and postponed cancer treatments.

Then there are the elderly people, and those with cognitive impairments, being coerced into signing DNRs.

Or those people suffering serious illnesses who stay away from A&E departments for fear of catching the virus and/or overloading the NHS.

Far from being overwhelmed, the NHS is operating with over 40% of its beds empty. To prevent the NHS from being “overwhelmed” it has, essentially, ceased functioning.

When society is stopped on a dime, when people are deprived of their livelihoods, when the sick and vulnerable are denied human contact and forced to sign documents declaring their lives meaningless, and when the health service stops servicing people’s health…that is the opposite of saving lives. That’s killing people.

The. Lockdown. Is. Killing. People.

Unemployment. Debt. Stress. Bankruptcy. These are not just “economic considerations”, they are life or death. The lockdown is bringing largescale poverty with it.

Poverty kills people. Millions of them every year.

And thanks to the policies enacted by global governments – and cheered on by so many on “the left” – those numbers are about to get bigger. A lot bigger. For this year, and many years to come.

Unless we stop it.



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