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Blogsliberty, freedom, whatever, twitter, google...Statue of Liberty will be dismantled when US imposes sanctions on all countries of the world Predictably, US President Donald Trump delivered a speech, in which he once again positioned the United States of America as navel of the Earth, the exceptional center of everything. This is not news to anyone.
on the road to perdition ...
family planning...
are you from the ABC?...It seems these things happened in another lifetime, when Bill Leak was at his zenith working for the SMH, before he fell from a balcony. This fantastic cartoon (February 1998) from the collection "Drawing Blood" shows Bill with real pen and ink rather than the awful tablet he seemed to use for the crappy cartoons he did for the crappy slanted Murdoch media, after his fall.
the smoking gun was a water pistol full of nina nouveau truc...The current impasse between the UK and Russia, initiated by the Skripal poisoning on March 4th and crystallized by the identification of two Russian “suspects” this week, calls for new thinking.
on track to hit an iceberg...Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has denied issuing any directions to his friend, ABC chairman Justin Milne, to pressure the public broadcaster's management to sack journalists or change editorial decisions.
making politicians look good...
fire at the museum...“It’s an irreparable loss, not only for Brazilian science but for the world. The building can be reconstructed, restored, and everything else, but the collections can never be replaced. Two centuries of science and culture are lost forever,” said Sergio Alex Kugland de Azevedo, a paleozoologist and former director of the museum.
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the broome bowling club connection...Einstein's general theory of relativity is one of humankind's greatest achievements, and it was first proven to be correct in what is now part of Broome's lawn bowls club in far north-west Australia.
our energy policy remains hostage to lobbyists, political self-interest and mad ideologues...
not even 25 per cent behind him...Australian companies with more than 1,000 employees would have to publicly reveal how much they pay women compared with men under a federal Labor government. But the prime minister, Scott Morrison, has said “you’d want to be confident you’re not setting up conflict in the workplace” before implementing such a policy.
could scomo be as bad or worse than tony abbott?
inconvenient truths ...
the only good news in all of this is that US forces were not involved...Israel’s Failed Attempt to Start WWIII Is the Beginning of the End in Syria
row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!!...Like all new prime ministers — and we are in a position in Australia to make lots of comparisons — Scott Morrison has been rifling about for some of those "cut through" phrases that will help both define him to voters and define the task the Government faces to its members.
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