Saturday 18th of January 2025


she's cactus, mate...


In a country expert in killing off mammal species at a rate exceeding that of others (to be fair, there are so many more to destroy, with more to come), Australians now face the prospect that the koala, one of its most singularly recognisable animals, has its days numbered.

dear volodymyr...


A MESSAGE to President Zelensky from an old bloke — Gus Leonisky.


You won’t read this because very few people read Gus’s rants but I feel I should write it anyway. 


You are now aware that Russia has not used its full might against your country so far. 


If I may say, you have been foolish. You and your "so-called” friends (I use quote marks because they are devious and deceitful) have created an impossible situation — possibly a trap for Russia to fall into. President Putin can smell a NATO/US trap a million mile away and he had to know he could be stronger than the trap to dive into it.


the nuz-cow... do you want fries with that?


Fifty years ago, an Australian government had big plans for the media, seeing it as biased in favour of conservatism and its ownership too narrowly held. Powerful interests saw a sinister attempt to impose state control. With the death of Moss Cass, Australia’s second and last minister for the media, Mark Sawyer looks at a brave experiment and its legacy.

”I am depicted as a goateed Goebbels, or words to that effect, in seeking to control what the press says and does and so on.

So spoke Australia’s last Minister for the Media, in the House of Representatives, on August 19, 1975. It was a strange insult to level at a man given the name Moses and whose ancestors were eastern European Jews.

what it's about for the USA...

sam...sam...US draft plans for government-in-exile, guerrilla war in Ukraine – reports  Officials in Washington expect Russia to face fierce and bloody ‘insurgency’ in Ukraine 

The US and its allies are quietly working on “contingency plans” in case Russian forces succeed in their operation in Ukraine and force the current government into exile, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.

ye olde empireoleum shows its colours...


Queen Elizabeth Makes a Rare Private Donation to Ukraine’s Refugees

Ein kleines stilles Leuchten!...

das Herzdas Herz 

Wie pocht’  mir in der Brust

Trotz meiner jungen Wanderlust,

Wann, heimgewendet, ich erschaut

Die Schneegebirge, süss umblaut,

Das grosse stille Leuchten!


Ich atmet eilig, wie auf Raub,

Der Märkte Dunst, der Städte Staub.

Ich sah den Kampf. Was sagest du,

Mein reines Firnelicht, dazu,

Du grosses stilles Leuchten?


Nie prahlt ich mit der Heimat noch

Und liebe sie von Herzen doch!

In meinem Wesen und Gedicht

Allüberall ist Firnelicht,

Das grosse stille Leuchten.


Was kann ich für die Heimat tun,

Bevor ich geh im Grabe ruhn?

sustainable development by sharing data...


Chinese scientists will use remote sensing technologies and Big Earth Data to help other countries pursue sustainable development by sharing data, analytical tools and insights, a national political adviser said.

Remote sensing technologies refer to the use of satellite or aircraft-based sensors to acquire information about an object or scientific phenomena without making physical contact. Big Earth Data is big data associated with Earth sciences, including atmospheric conditions, oceanography, geology, human activity and others.

In November, China launched SDGSAT-1, the world's first scientific satellite dedicated to fulfilling the 17 goals highlighted in the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

the hairy fairy tale...


Once upon a time there was a declining world power. It had taken up the cause of democracy, freedom and human rights. At least, that’s what the spin-doctorswanted, who earned their money in glass palaces by leading people down the garden path. And the task was not easy, since the land of freedom was founded on the carcasses of millions of murdered natives, an indigenous population that had not invited the unsolicited immigrants from the 16th century onwards. The second stain that the spin-doctors knew how to whitewash was the deportation of millions of Africans who, as slaves, created the basis for the immense wealth of the immigrant Europeans.



By Tobias Salander


tony is an idiot...

idiotidiotWhy would right-wingers choose this week, of all weeks, to resurrect the climate wars?  


If there’s one thing this awful week has made clear, it’s that Australia – and indeed the world – needs to do a lot more to adapt to our changed climate, and to prevent further climate change. We didn’t need Monday’s terrifying IPCC report to tell us this, although it certainly added fuel to the fire.


the news in between the adverts...


With events in Ukraine having obliterated other stories it is worth noting that truckers are still driving from California to DC, but other regular people have totally forgotten about the convoy, the virus, and the vaccine, etc. The war ended the pandemic overnight. Everyone is now proffering an opinion on who started it, who is trying to achieve what, who will suffer most, and who will benefit most from the conflict.

WC WIE LANGE NOCH or the nazification of the USA... or the end of the world cometh...


It is somewhat useless to make comparisons between leaders of whatever human endeavours, through out history, unless you an angry ignoramus. Hitler was seeking revenge. The US leaders since Truman have sought “CONTROL” of the planet. This is why Joe Biden-the-Ditherer beat Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii for the top job. If you think the choice was fair and above board, think again. DEALS WERE MADE to make sure Biden got the gig, because the other two were not on the page of conquering and controlling the world. 

Obama helped the NATO push “towards” Ukraine and Georgia (2008). Despite what the leaders of the “free world” are saying today that Ukraine was not on NATO’s present menu, it is nonetheless on the back-burner. The US financed the Nazis in Ukraine. 

after napoleon-obama, trump came and won...


In October [2012]Newsweek announced that it will be moving to an all-digital format in 2013. That means that this post-election issue aside, there is only one print issue left.

With its history of iconic and controversial covers, Newsweek unsurprisingly went for a less-than-conventional cover.


helping a fascist friend in need...


It is difficult work to give an accurate account of events in Ukraine. The Western media is entirely useless, consisting of fake news reports of Russian atrocities, casualties, defeats, and endless meaningless threats from impotent Western “leaders.” Ukrainian news reports are even more ridiculous than the Iraqi ones during the US invasion. Moreover as the Ukrainian cities and remaining forces are encircled and trapped, the Ukrainian media cannot serve as news sources as they are also cut off.



waiting for better poll stats...


Prime Minister Scott Morrison is more concerned with potential threats from outside the nation rather than focusing on domestic problems, writes Hannah Thomas.


THE RECENT FOOTAGE of Prime Minister Scott Morrison lifting his safety visor and staring directly into blinding flames while welding for a photo op encapsulates the reckless idiocy that has defined his prime ministership and made us all less safe.


bad dogs and murderers...

murder inc.murder inc.

A memoir by the highest-ranking covert warrior to lift the veil of secrecy and offer a glimpse (?*) into the shadow wars that America has fought since the Vietnam Era.


Enrique Prado found himself in his first firefight at age seven. The son of a middle-class Cuban family caught in the midst of the Castro Revolution, his family fled their war-torn home for the hope of a better life in America. Fifty years later, the Cuban refugee retired from the Central Intelligence Agency as the CIA equivalent of a two-star general. Black Ops is the story of Ric’s legendary career that spanned two eras, the Cold War and the Age of Terrorism. Operating in the shadows, Ric and his fellow CIA officers fought a little-seen and virtually unknown war to keep USA safe from those who would do it harm.

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