Thursday 26th of December 2024

John Richardson's blog

blasphemy .....

blasphemy ....

radio raves ....

radio raves ....

Surely the FBI could have saved itself a lot of time and trouble if it had rung our very own Alan Jones, the visionary broadcaster, to find out who was behind the Boston bombing.

dark matters ....

dark matters .....

from Crikey ….

Hockey, finally, sees the light on the road to Treasury

the dark record of broken lives ....

broken lives ....

The role of record-keeping is close to the centre of what the royal commission into abuse is all about: the battle between the Closed and the Open Society.

psychopaths support group ....

psychopaths support group ....

from the shovel ….

They say a measure of a civilisation is how it treats its most vulnerable citizens.

our abc ....

our abc ....

Below is an Open Letter sent to the taxpayer-funded, pro-Zionist ABC ( Australia 's equivalent of  the UK BBC) and protesting its censorship of anti-racist humanitarians demanding human rights for 12 million Palestinians.

Dear Sir/Madam,

prisoners of predictive judgements .....

prisoners of predictive judgements ....

from the Drum …..

While America's indefinite detention policy is kept at arm's reach from its citizens, the men, women and children that Australia keeps in legal limbo can be found in the perfectly ordinary suburb of Broadmeadows in Melbourne, writes Jeff Sparrow.

the real class war .....

the real class war ....

from John Passant ….

The collapse in profit rates in much of the developed world in the late 1960s and early 1970s saw the ruling class abandon Keynesianism and embrace what we now call neoliberalism.

the hair, the air & the glare .....

the hair, the air, the glare .....

Who is society? There is no such thing. There are individual men and women, and there are families.

Margaret Thatcher, 1987.

back to the future ....

back to the future ....

About 60,000 cabinets that look like stretched refrigerators will be installed on footpaths under the Coalition's national broadband network, bringing criticism from urban designers.

But opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull said he had learned from the "British experience" where Londoners complained about bulky green cabinets blighting their neighbourhoods.

huxley wins .....

huxley wins .....

from our friend, Dr. Vacy Vlazna

“Everything depends on our propelling force. And what is that force? The misery of the Jews” (Theodor Herzl, father of Zionism)

dirty little secrets ....

dirty little secrets ....


The CSIRO has duped one of the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies into buying anti-counterfeit technology that could be easily compromised - passing off cheap chemicals it had bought from China as a ''trade secret'' formula.

killer codes .....

killer codes .....

The capture of the Enigma code machine 70 years ago changed the course of the second world war. But the secret codes broken by this event were not history's toughest ciphers. Plenty of codes are uncracked and, as MacGregor Campbell discovers, their solutions may provide the key to murders or even buried treasure

The Somerton Man

"rattus" raves about truth & accountability .....

"rattus" raves about truth & accountability .....

from Crikey …..

Rundle: John Howard's still lying about Iraq invasion

misunderstanding america .....

misunderstanding america .....

from the Anti-Empire Report ….

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