Sunday 9th of March 2025

huxley wins .....

huxley wins .....

from our friend, Dr. Vacy Vlazna

“Everything depends on our propelling force. And what is that force? The misery of the Jews” (Theodor Herzl, father of Zionism)

“If you combine three elements: the idea that we are right, with the notion that we’re the victim, and with our great military power,” [Halper] says, you have a lethal combination. “It’s like being autistic with power. You don’t care about other people because you’ve cast the others as the aggressors. (EI 30-3-03)

With regard to Israel’s occupation of Palestine, decent people scratch their heads and ask, “Why do the Israelis behave like Nazis to the Palestinians?’ or ‘Why, having suffered the Holocaust, do Israelis make Palestinian’s suffer?”

They are important questions, and the answer is shocking and distressing.

Speaking personally, this puzzled me. My parents lived under Nazi occupation in then-Czechoslovakia and were Jewish sympathizers so I was enlightened on the evils of Nazism including the Lidice atrocity. When I was 16, I read the The Belsen Trial detailing the horrors of the holocaust in one concentration camp and in my twenties fell under the propaganda spell Uris’ Exodus. Then as an activist for Palestinian human and political rights, I was bewildered by the Israeli record of Nazi-like persecution of Palestinians until… 

.. until I attended a talk by Avigail Abarbanel, former Israeli soldier and  now activist for Palestinian rights, who shared with us the state-induced compulsory trauma and victimhood, which is, sadly, Israeli childhood. 

The world is outraged, as it must be, about the shocking incidence of child abuse and child soldiers, illegal under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Yet there isn’t a murmur of condemnation of the Israeli practice, shades of Huxley, of artificially altering with Zionist conditioning from birth, the minds of its children (with some lucky exceptions) who hatch at 18 years of age into mindless, cruel soldiers and soulless citizens.

Individuals who do not conform, who miraculously hold onto an independence of mind and compassion, are made into pariahs and branded with the pejorative, ‘Self-Hating Jew’ and ‘traitor’.

Nomika Zion, a member of an urban kibbutz in Sderot near Gaza asks:

“How did it happen that a person who suggests a nonviolent solution is the delusional one, the traitor, and the one who calls for the leveling of Gaza is the true patriot? How did peace become the enemy of the people, and war always the preferred option? How did it happen that dialogue and treaties cause more public fear than a volley of missiles? And how did these dehumanizing processes seal us off from the suffering of others? How did we lose the capacity for empathy? .. And how has a nation that has occupied other people’s territory for forty-five years continued to tell itself, with such deep conviction, that we are the single and ultimate victim in this story? And the evil of the occupation has become so banal that no one sees the evil anymore.”

I don’t know of any civilized nation that inflicts a brutal regimen of mind-torture on its population  From childhood, Israelis are sealed in a  glorified military bubble from where they anxiously peer at a hostile world that supposedly hates them and is rearing for another holocaust.

The indoctrination of victimhood of Israeli children is torture pure and simple. Torture is generally held to be ‘the intentional infliction of severe mental or physical pain or suffering by or with the consent of the state authorities for a specific purpose.” The purpose in this instance is the preparation for universal conscription from 18-21 for males (2 years for females) plus reservist duties until 54 and unreserved support for the illegal occupation, for war crimes, and for crimes against humanity.

Victim indoctrination combined with crazy-making racism, exploitation of the holocaust, Biblical myths, Jewish superiority and militarism is integral to the education system. Reuters pointed out a grade four Israel schoolbook that said: “Israel is a young country surrounded by enemies, like a little lamb in a sea of seventy wolves.”

The mantra of the holocaust, the foundation of Israel’s meta-narrative of the victim’s right to defend itself, is added to the psychological poison. According to Jonathon Cook, “The Holocaust’s lesson for most Israelis is not a universal one that might inspire them to oppose racism, or fanatical dictators or the bullying herd mentality that can all too quickly grip nations, or even state-sponsored genocide.

Instead, Israelis have been taught to see in the Holocaust a different message: that the world is plagued by a unique and ineradicable hatred of Jews, and that the only safety for the Jewish people is to be found in the creation of a super-power Jewish state that answers to no one. Put bluntly, Israel’s motto is: only Jewish power can prevent Jewish victimhood.”

With a boost from the Hebrew Bible, Israeli children are made immune to the immorality of contemporary ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians through the heroic justification of the same methods in Johsua’s conquest of Canaan. Shlomo Sand says ‘under no circumstances is it permissible to skip over the book of Joshua. Moreover, even though the teaching of this “past” has been proven ethically and pedagogically destructive, the Israeli education system refuses to exclude from the curriculum these shameful accounts of extermination.’

Israeli peace activist, Professor Nurid Peled-Elhanan has made a thorough analysis of Zionist education: “Educational policies are designed by the ministry of education. But this entire education is designed to groom Israeli children into becoming soldiers, good soldiers with a capacity to kill and thereby to fulfill the destiny of the Jewish nation, a greater Israel. So school textbooks are firmly anchored in the ideology of militarism and  the militarization of Israeli citizens begins in the classrooms with images of war, massacre, mutilation and killing that both draw on the holocaust narratives which figure Jews as victims but based also on the post 1948 triumphant ascendency of the Israeli state”.. When images of Arabs do figure they are often negatively depicted as less human or sub human, subservient, deviant, criminal and evil… [Palestinians] are seen as cockroaches, vermins, creatures who should be stamped out… When you hear the jokes among Jewish children in the settlements, they crack jokes about torturing Palestinian children, Palestinian workers and teachers, this is their past time. It is very hard to de-educate once their minds have been infected with such viruses.”

This violent sickness of mind is symptomatic of Israeli society; after Operation Cast Lead  shocking images of T-shirts custom-made for Israeli soldiers went viral such as  “A sharpshooter’s T-shirt from the Givati Brigade’s Shaked battalion shows a pregnant Palestinian woman with a bull’s-eye superimposed on her belly, with the slogan, in English, “1 shot, 2 kills.” (Mondoweiss 20-3-2009)

In February this year an Israeli soldier, sparked outrage when he posted an Instagram image of Palestinian child in crosshairs of a rifle.

Then in March, an expose of offensive Israeli reactions prompted by a photo of 3 Palestinian children sitting in a tent, included,  “Run the tent over with a truck/Merkava tank/a bus/ whatever it takes to crush and kill these children,”; “I’d have thrown nerve gas into the tent and closed it and made them breath it until the end” ;“A hand grenade inside the tent!” ; “Put a couple of bullets in their heads and we’re done” (EI 22-3-13)

Along with soldiers, psychological damage from the emotional abuse of victimhood is a precursor to aggressive behavior rampant among the zealot settlers who have the right to carry arms. Incredibly, settler adults act as role models for their children who ape the state-sanctioned terrorism their parents and elders inflict daily on vulnerable Palestinians.

Systematic settler oppression includes torching fields, uprooting thousands of fruit and olive trees, damaging property, arson, poisoning sheep, defacing graves and mosques, illegal squatting, water and farmland contamination by diversion of sewerage, throwing sewerage on Palestinian passer-bys, road blocks, attacks on schoolchildren and school buses, intimidations,  beatings, shootings, deliberate hit and run, vile verbal abuse, racist and threatening graffiti. In a normal society such violent fanaticism would be condemned as animalistic and criminal, but in Israel settlers enjoy impunity and military protection.

Of great concern is the rising numbers of militant settlers in the Israeli army and in the   new government the “settlers’ dedicated party, Jewish Home, has been awarded three key ministries – trade and industry, Jerusalem, and housing – as well as control of the parliamentary finance committee, that will ensure that the settlements flourish during this government’s term.”(Cook, Palestine Chronicle 20-3-13)

The meta-narrative of the Eternal-Victim afflicting the Israeli psychosis is pure illusion; a sick trick played on their own people by Israeli leaders perpetuating the Zionist goal of claiming all of historic Palestine, US realpolitik, and economic pragmatism.

Israel, like the US, is a military economy so it is unsurprising that Nomiko states ‘[t]hat war is the most consistent and constant feature of our lives, almost a kind of ideal.’ and she was right in  pointing out that was not waged in her name or for her security-”Neither was the litany of Israeli military operations, packaged in deceitful language in order to soften the depths of their destructiveness: not Rainbow (2004), or First Rain (2005), or Hot Winter (2008), or Summer Rain (2006), or Cast Lead (2009), or the recent Pillar of Cloud.’

These military operations against unarmed Palestinian families are testing grounds for the Israeli armament industry: “Tadiran Communications is the IDF’s signal corps’ main supplier of communications equipment. Consequently, the company benefits from immediate battle-tested results and is able to hone its technology to perfection.” Israeli arms exports rose by 20 percent to $7 billion in 2012.

Israel sports a facade of normality but when you view nation as family, Israel is a dysfunctional family in crisis. Its parenting, compared to normal society, is criminal. The basic survival value of self-preservation is cruelly exploited and, since the first Zionist  trod on Palestinian soil, Israel’s children truly see through a glass darkly having been fed on lies and a threatening world view, so that the chronic fear contagion infuses the whole  family leaving it ethically stunted and dependent on the state:

Our belief that “the world is against us” has in recent years turned into a real obsession, a sense that we are constantly under attack, a fear of delegitimization, an insanity of persecution. It is unclear whether Israel is truly capable of differentiating between a real enemy and those who wish it well, or if it is simply complaining about being persecuted because it believes this serves its interests. (Merav Michaeli in Haaretz)

Paradoxically, the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’ is a society of slaves stuck on the lowest levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

While ordinary Israelis play out the Joshua myth, unknown to them, the Herods in the Knesset, and in the IDF General Staff are deliberately committing psychological massacres of the innocents inasmuch as the occupation is a projection or mirror of the Israeli soul.

Every Israeli’s mental and spiritual health is under siege. Hundreds of frightening checkpoints block normal moral and critical judgment. Life giving compassion and respect of others is uprooted and the sewerage of hate, fear and murder perverts the humanity of each individual.

Israel’s soul perversion is clear when you try to consider what goes through young soldiers’ minds when they prevent an ambulance from reaching someone they have wounded and then mercilessly watch the person bleed to death. In a healthy society, people immediately follow their instinct to help someone who is hurt and call an ambulance. In Israel blocking ambulances is a systematic practice of one-by-one-genocide. Or what the hell went through the mind of the Givati commander when he ‘verified the kill’ of 13 year old schoolgirl, Iman Darweesh by emptying his automatic weapon into her small body. The Herods acquitted and promoted the officer.

What then is the effect on Israelis of thousands upon thousands of crimes against humanity?

Enmeshed in abuse, the abused becomes the Nazi and the Palestinians are now the innocent azazel sacrificed for the sins of Israel’s children…

“O Lord, I have acted iniquitously, trespassed, sinned before Thee: I, my household, and the sons of Aaron Thy holy ones. O Lord, forgive the iniquities, transgressions, and sins that I, my household, and Aaron’s children, Thy holy people, committed before Thee.”

Zionist Herods & The Massacre Of The Innocents 

-        Dr. Vacy Vlazna is Coordinator of Justice for Palestine Matters. She was Human Rights Advisor to the GAM team in the second round of the Acheh peace talks, Helsinki, February 2005 then withdrew on principle. Vacy was coordinator of the East Timor Justice Lobby as well as serving in East Timor with UNAMET and UNTAET from 1999-2001. She contributed this article to


Related posts:

  1. Aussie Wolves in Zionist Clothing
  2. New Israeli Herods and Christians
  3. Following Yonder Star: Massacring Innocents
  4. Liebovitch Post-massacre Performance
  5. Palestine: Another Massacre

just chutzpah ....

from Antony Loewenstein ….

Earlier in the year, after the ABC broke a massive story about an Australian man Ben Zygier spying for Mossad and dying in an Israeli jail, there was a great deal of media coverage that questioned the ways in which some Jews saw their relationship with the Israeli state. I was interviewed on ABC Radio AM and predictably elements within the Zionist lobby complained that I was invited and allowed to breath on the air.

The ABC has rejected the complaint and it’s posted below. The fact that the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, a supposedly serious organisation, thinks it’s appropriate to try and censor perspectives that challenge Israel and its policies indicates a profound arrogance and insecurity about its role in society and how it believes its key responsibility is dedication to the Israeli government. Media groups should be well aware of this and act accordingly:

complaint to the ABC by The Executive Council of Australian Jewry following a radio interview with journalist Antony Loewenstein dealing with the activities of the late Ben Zygier has been dismissed by the national broadcaster.

In a statement released this week, the ECAJ said:

The ABC has dismissed a complaint made by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) about an interview on ABC Radio’s ‘Saturday AM’ program on 13 February 2013 conducted by presenter, Elizabeth Jackson, with commentator Antony Loewenstein.

The ECAJ complained that false claims were made about the supposed ‘dual loyalties’ of Jewish Australians, and that the interviewee making those claims was doing so without evidence, qualifications, expertise or representative status in any part of the Jewish community.

According to ECAJ Executive Director, Peter Wertheim, “During the interview, without evidence or substantiation of any kind, the entirely baseless suggestion was made that there is a relationship between ‘the Jewish establishment in Australia’ and ‘the Mossad, and indeed Israeli intelligence’ which facilitates and encourages Jews from a young age to join up and fight with the IDF and the Mossad.”

Wertheim was especially critical of the Saturday AM program. “It is supposed to be a fact-based news program, not a chat show with entire segments devoted merely to uncontested expressions of opinion. Where were the tough questions, or any questions, asking Loewenstein to provide evidence for his completely unfounded assertions? Isn’t that what fact based program interviewers are supposed to do? Isn’t it their role to elicit the factual basis of opinions expressed by their guests, if any exist?”

“The ABC’s answers to our complaints are either not responsive to the specific matters we raised, or evaded the issue, or were disingenuous”, Wertheim said. “The answers consist for the most part of simple denials that anything untoward was being implied, and irrelevant assertions that Loewenstein has a right to express his opinions”.

Wertheim does not believe there would be any point in the ECAJ pursuing an appeal to the Australian Communications and Media Authority, but noted that this would not be the end of the matter. “The ABC launched a baseless attack on Australian Jews, with insinuations of disloyalty, by interviewing someone who the ABC itself describes as a ‘provocateur’. The ABC has now demonstrated that the process whereby one section of the ABC investigates another does not work”, he said.

The ABC response to the complaint as reported in J-Wire…

Thank you for your letter of 19 February 2013 regarding the recent AM interview with Antony Loewenstein.

Your concerns have been investigated by Audience and Consumer Affairs, a unit which is separate to and independent of program making areas within the ABC. We have reviewed the broadcast and assessed it against the ABC’s editorial standards for accuracy, impartiality and harm and offence as well as considering information provided by the program.

The program has explained that this short interview with Antony Loewenstein was intended to provide a perspective on the highly newsworthy story of the Australian rnan Ben Zygier’s death in an lsraeli prison, which had broken that week. As a commentator and opinion writer who is often critical of mainstream lsraeli and Jewish organisations for their approach to issues of state security, military service and middle-eastern politics, Mr Loewenstein presented a relevant perspective on the case of the so-called “prisoner X”.

1. Given the context of the discussion was the mysterious and perplexing case of “prisonerX” and his secret detention in an Israeli prison for suspected espionage-related crimes while working for the Mossad, we believe it was reasonable that the report’s introduction referred to “the most secretive workings of the Jewish state”. Audience and Consumer Affairs note that the term “Jewish state” is frequently used to describe lsrael, and the country’s Basic Laws refer to lsrael as the Jewish State. We have concluded that the use of the term in this broadcast did not have sinister or subliminal intent as you suggest, and was in keeping with ABC editorial standards.

2. Having died in detention in Israel under mysterious circumstances and seemingly harsh conditions, Audience and Consumer Affairs are satisfied that it was relevant and a matter of public interest for the program to question why Ben Zygier’s family had remained silent on the matter.

We have concluded that the reference to the “silence from the Australian Jewish community” was in keeping with the accuracy standards in section 2 of the ABC Code of Practice.

ABC News management has advised that the program’s production team worked for several days seeking principal relevant perspectives from the Jewish community on this issue and even in the rare instances where comment was obtained, it was of a vague and non-committal nature. I have reviewed the interview with Philip Chester on Radio National Breakfast that you reference in your correspondence and note that he was unable, or unwilling, to engage with any of the issues put to him regarding this case. In virtually every instance, he clearly stated that he was not in a position, or did not have sufficient knowledge, of the issues to speak to them;

PHILIP CHESTER: “Everything that surrounds it, what actually happened to Ben,is just speculation that I can’t add to.”

Audience and Consumer Affairs are satisfied that AM’s description of the silence as “perplexing” accurately reflected the complexity and mystery of the case.

3. The program’s introduction of Mr Loewenstein as the “Co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices” was accurate and provided sufficient context about his perspective. We are satisfied that this reference was not misleading to the program’s audience. As noted above, as a commentator and opinion writer who is often critical of mainstream Israeli and Jewish organisations for their approach to issues of state security, military service and middle-eastern politics, he presented a relevant perspective on the case of the so-called “prisoner X”. In regard to your statement that the ABC seeks Mr Loewenstein’s view “frequently as a commentator about Israel”, AM has provided the following statement;

“We could only find two previous uses of Mr Loewenstein in the AM program, one from 2010 when he was commenting on a book launched by the Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, and another from 2009 when he was involved in an international protest over Israel’s a blockade of Gaza.”

4. The claim that “the journalist says the case involving Ben Zygier should be a wake-up call to the community in Melbourne and Sydney to re-examine the way young Jewish youths are educated at religious schools in Australia” was clearly attributed as Mr Loewenstein’s personal opinion and was not presented as a statement cf fact that ls beyond dispute.

In response to your concerns, AM has provided the following comments:

“Although Antony Lowenstein did not attend a religious school, many of his friends and associates did. He grew up as part of the Australian Jewish community in Melbourne and through his associates, is familiar with what is taught in Jewish schools.

Mr Lowenstein mentioned Jewish schools in an attempt to illustrate his belief that Australian Jews are taught that to be “the best Jew they can, they should spend some time in Israel. lt is Mr Lowenstein’s belief that young Australian Jews are told this in religious schools. This is the only connection Mr Lowenstein drew between the Ben Zygier case and religious schools in Australia”.

Audience and Consumer Affairs are satisfied this was a suitably relevant issue for inclusion within the context of the broadcast and did not, as you suggest, “feed into the propagation of anti-Jewish stereotypes.”

5. Mr Loewenstein’s view that Australian Jews ‘need to rethink the wisdom of a culture which encourages young men and women to join the Israeli military” was clearly attributed as his opinion, based on his personal experience, and we are satisfied that he is entitled to express that view about a culture of which he was a part, growing up in the Jewish community in Melbourne.

6. Please refer to our response to point 2 above.

7. In the interview Lowenstein called for public discussion about “the relationship between the Jewish establishment in Australia and the Israeli government, and indeed Mossad, and indeed Israeli intelligence and the Israeli embassy.” He did not make any accusations or suggestions of improper dealings, he merely called for public debate, in light of the Ben Zygier case. An interviewee calling for public discussion does not breach the ABC’s Code of Practice.

8. Audience and Consumer Affairs note that in November last year, the ABC current affairs program 7.30 broadcast a report on young Jewish Australians who were following a long tradition of ‘making Aliyah’ and preparing to travel to Israel. The program’s research confirmed that in the past four years more than 400 Australian Jews had made the move and most had completed compulsory military service in the lDF. Those who featured in the report spoke passionately about their active support for Israel.

Audience and Consumer Affairs are satisfied that the issue of encouragement and facilitation of young Australian Jews travelling to, living in and serving Israel was suitably newsworthy and relevant for inclusion in the AM discussion and is in keeping with the accuracy standards in section 2 of the ABC Code of Practice.

9. Having asserted his view that Jewish institutions facilitated a certain culture, we are satisfied that it was relevant for the interviewer to follow up with a question asking for more detailed information, asking Mr Loewenstein whether he believed that the culture was perpetuated in synagogues, because they are important community gathering places. This question did not invite Mr Loewenstein to “denigrate observance in synagogues generally of the Jewish faith’ or to “invite uninformed speculation by Loewenstein” as you claim. Lowenstein responded by qualifying that ‘Now this sort of stuff  I’m not saying is regularly discussed openly in synagogues in Sydney or Melbourne – it’s not. “We are satisfied that this relevant question and the response did not as you suggest “feed into the propagation of anti-Jewish stereotypes.”

10. We note your comment regarding Mr Loewenstein’s reference to Australian Jews being “sent” to Israel. We do not believe that Loewenstein was claiming that young Australia Jews are deliberately travelling to Israel with the intention of joining Mossad. He was suggesting that this is a possible outcome (as in the case of Ben Zygier) and the Australian Jewish community would do well to discuss it.

There was no editorial requirement for the interviewer to request the interviewee provide “supporting evidence” to substantiate the opinions he expressed on the issues raised in the broadcast. Mr Loewenstein’s perspective was not presented as factual content or the definitive, accepted position on the issues examined in the interview. He was introduced as the “Co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices” and we believe it would be clear to the program’s audience that he was expressing a critical, counter view to the mainstream Jewish community in Australia. As you have noted, he is known as a provocateur who has published inflammatory material and he is renowned as a critic of many lsraeli policies. We are satisfied that the program’s audience would not have taken his comments as established facts, but rather his own personal views.

We are satisfied there was a clear editorlal context in which to raise the issues posed by the interviewer and we cannot agree that she engaged in “anti-Jewish speculation”.

ABC News management has explained that AM made attempts to contact a range of representatives from the Australian Jewish community, but none were willing to participate in an alternate interview. In light of this, the program believed it relevant and newsworthy to raise the issue of why people were not willing to speak publicly on the matter, with Mr Loewenstein. Audience and Consumer Affairs are satisfied that the program made reasonable efforts to seek and include a range of perspectives and and that the broadcast did not unduly favour any one view over another. The fact that others chose not to comment did not preclude the program from discussing the matter with Mr Loewenstein.

On review, we are satisfied that it was newsworthy and a matter of public interest to question why the Zygier family chose to remain silent on the matter. There was a clear editorial context for that issue; it was not raised gratuitously and it was not in breach of the editorial requirements of 7.1 of the ABC Code of Practice.

Audience and Consumer Affairs have concluded that this broadcast did not engage in the unjustified use of stereotypes or discriminatory content that could reasonably be interpreted as condoning or encouraging prejudice. We are satisfied that it was in keeping with the requirements of clause 7.7 of the ABC Code of Practice.

I have enclosed a copy of the ABC Code of Practice for your reference.

Australian Zionist lobby media complaint rejected as a pest