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John Richardson's blogsick puppies .....If the Vatican is trying to restore the impression that its moral sense is intact, issuing a document that equates pedophilia with the ordination of women doesn't really do that. The Catholic Church continued to heap insult upon injury when it revealed its long-awaited new rules on clergy sex abuse, rules that the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said signaled a commitment to grasp the nettle with "rigor and transparency." The church still believes in its own intrinsic holiness despite all evidence to the contrary. It thinks it's making huge concessions on the unstoppable abuse scandal when it's taking baby steps.
from the siding salesman .....Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has given a guarantee he would keep interest rates lower than a Labor government in a move that could backfire on him as it did for former prime minister John Howard. Mr Abbott on Sunday said Labor policies and the size of the government's debt were pushing up living costs and putting upward pressure on interest rates. But in comments reminiscent of a promise made by Mr Howard during the 2004 election campaign, Mr Abbott suggested a coalition government would be able to keep interest rates lower.
"aussie tony" & the value of me .....Tony Blair waged an extraordinary two-year battle to keep secret a lucrative deal with a multinational oil giant which has extensive interests in Iraq. The former Prime Minister tried to keep the public in the dark over his dealings with South Korean oil firm UI Energy Corporation. Mr Blair - who has made at least £20million since leaving Downing Street in June 2007 - also went to great efforts to keep hidden a £1million deal advising the ruling royal family in Iraq's neighbour Kuwait.
on the road to perdition .....Rushing like lemmings to the cliff, this rotten state government mounts yet another attack on the ordinary punter. From Monday, six mobile speed cameras will be prowling the roads, concealed in nondescript white vans, each one of them able to fine six drivers every second. This is yet another arm of the government's long established policy of bullying and punishing motorists. I can't remember the name of this week's roads minister and nor can I be bothered to find out, but whoever it is was on TV the other day, po-faced, bleating that he would be delighted if not one extra dollar was raised.
as the music stops .....The catastrophe confronting us is the severest that life has ever faced and incredibly its one of our own making. The scientific and technological advances that civilisation experienced in the past two centuries changed the world from a vibrant diverse ecosystem to a fragile one. It's hard to find any branch of the ecosystem that is in better condition to support human life today than it was at the beginning of the industrial revolution. This is in spite of the exponential increased in knowledge and abilities.
advance orstralya fair .....from Crikey ..... Our wealthy getting a free ride: time to start giving back Daniel Petre, entrepreneur, philanthropist and former vice-president of Microsoft, writes:
"aussie tony" & the value of history .....The true extent of the Labour government's involvement in the illegal abduction and torture of its own citizens after the al-Qaida attacks of September 2001 has been spelled out in stark detail with the disclosure during high court proceedings of a mass of highly classified documents.
tesla babe .....This month marks the 154th anniversary of Nikola Tesla's birth. What's that - you didn't know? Tsk tsk. Time to freshen up on all things Tesla with this short cradle to the grave animation.
the real price of phoney foreign policy …..Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the latest loss increased the determination of the soldiers serving in Afghanistan to get the job done. "There will be Australians today who are asking themselves in the face of this loss why as a country do we continue to pursue our mission there." she told reporters in Darwin, ahead of the funeral of one of three Australian soldiers killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan last month. "We pursue that mission because Afghanistan is a safe haven for terrorists. "I believe Australia, while mourning these losses, will understand our continuing determination."
gathering small minds .....NSW Origin great Steve Mortimer has nominated former prime minister John Howard for preselection as the inaugural leader of rugby league's independent commission. Howard had previously been mentioned as a candidate for league's soon-to-be top job, but he was nominated by Cricket Australia and its New Zealand counterpart as their choice to ultimately head the International Cricket Council. That, however, has turned into a diplomatic nightmare after the sport's dominant Afro-Asia bloc ambushed his nomination for reasons it has refused to divulge. One theory is that he would shine an unwelcome light on the sport's murky areas. Howard has refused to withdraw his candidature.
and how was your week .....The drug company Pfizer is best known for Lipitor, a drug that brings cholesterol down and Viagra, a drug that brings other things up. But the "world's largest research-based pharmaceutical company" which sits between Goldman Sachs and Marathon Oil on the Fortune 500, is also closely associated with a seemingly never-ending series of scandals.
the great stupid …..The Obama administration has revealed to the public, during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington, a series of understandings between the two countries on Israel's policy of "nuclear ambiguity" - which to date had been kept under wraps. At the center of these understandings lies an Israeli veto on the holding of an international conference for a nuclear-free Middle East, as well as an unprecedented American willingness to cooperate with Israel in the field of nuclear power for civil use.
new orstralyens …..from Crikey ..... Lessons in History: asylum seeker fear is in the fabric of our nation
resurrecting rattus .....from Crikey ..... Battle for Melbourne: how Gillard's tougher solution will play in the city
"aussie tony" & the importance of appearances .....Ever since a group of ordinary people from more than 40 different countries came together and set sail for Gaza have we seen various world leaders scramble to persuade Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza. Why? To honour the memory of those martyred by Israeli soldiers who shot nine unarmed peace activists at virtually point-blank range? Hell no!
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