Friday 10th of January 2025

the great stupid …..

the great stupid …..

The Obama administration has revealed to the public, during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington, a series of understandings between the two countries on Israel's policy of "nuclear ambiguity" - which to date had been kept under wraps.

At the center of these understandings lies an Israeli veto on the holding of an international conference for a nuclear-free Middle East, as well as an unprecedented American willingness to cooperate with Israel in the field of nuclear power for civil use.

The revelations come in the wake of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference held in May, which called on Israel to agree to international inspection of its nuclear installations, and to the holding of an international conference for a nuclear-free Middle East. The conference's final document was passed despite Israel's strong protests to the Americans.

In talks since the conference, the Americans made it clear that that decision had been a "mistake." In an effort to clarify the administration's stance on the Israeli nuclear question, it was determined that - in coordination with Israel - the full details of the high-level understandings between the two sides, reached during the 1960s, would finally be revealed.

The understandings have been updated over the years, including during this past year.

Washington's aim through these revelations was to clear the air and correct the impression given at the May conference that the United States did not back Israel.

Following their meeting at the White House Tuesday, a special announcement was made an hour later concerning assurances given to Netanyahu by U.S. President Barack Obama.

According to the announcement, "The president told the prime minister he recognizes that Israel must always have the ability to defend itself, by itself, against any threat or possible combination of threats, and that only Israel can determine its security needs. The president pledged to continue U.S. efforts to combat all international attempts to challenge the legitimacy of the State of Israel."

no more nickels, no more dimes .....

On July 6, Bibi and Obama met privately for 79 minutes, Atlanta Journal Constitution writer Jay Bookman calling it "empty theatre, actors going through the motions of pretending to pretend, (when, in fact, there's) no willingness or political ability within Israel to withdraw from settlements (or) create a viable Palestinian state, (nor is there) stomach in Washington" to endorse an equitable agreement. "I can't recall a time when I have been more cynical about peace prospects there, and the prettily staged theatrics in Washington" only harden that view.

They "radiate(d) a sense of friendship and the absence of any crisis in relations between the two leaders," Obama calling "the bond between (the two nations) unbreakable," Bibi "emerg(ing) from the White House meeting in high spirits."

His sources said no pressure was exerted on settlement issues, both sides avoiding the topic, focusing instead on handshakes, photo-ops, and post-meeting comments - customary disingenuous boilerplate, Obama calling Netanyahu a "man of peace," Bibi saying the president is "a great leader (and) a great friend of Israel...."

In contrast, hundreds of protestors demonstrated outside the White House, including members of CodePink, Neturei Kartam - NK (anti-Zionist orthodox Jews), Sabeel (a Jerusalem-based "ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians"), Atra Kadisha (an organization for safeguarding Jewish graves), and the Central Rabbinical Congress of the US and Canada (CRC), a consortium of anti-Zionist groups founded by the Satmar Hassidic ultra-orthodox community, including holocaust survivors and their descendants.

They displayed a banner for Obama to stop Israeli aid and end the Gaza siege, NK Rabbi Yisroel Dovis Weiss calling Netanyahu "a thief and criminal (who) doesn't represent the Jews. We pray for peace and the end of the Zionist State. Our message today is not for Netanyahu. It's for (Obama) not (to) meet with a thief who stole the Jewish star and (committed) crimes (in) the name of the Jews."

Others called Israel an "infidel regime," shouting "No more nickels, no more dimes, no more funding Israel's crimes" - end the Gaza siege and expel Israel's ambassador.

More demonstrations were held outside the Israeli Embassy, waving Palestinians flags and chanting "End the siege in Gaza now....Stop Israeli piracy," traditionally dressed orthodox Jews carrying signs reading "Judaism condemns Zionist atrocities in Gaza."

Throughout his visit, Netanyahu was feted like a visionary, not a war criminal head of state, perhaps why Haaretz writer Zeev Sternhell called Israel "A Society falling apart" in his July 9 article, saying:

"Among the regimes in the Western world, Israel stands out with certain characteristics that generally do not indicate a strong democratic system," citing a "nonexistent" opposition, "contempt for the law....unrest caused by the ultra-Orthodox (and) settlers," and the "respectable right (choosing) leaders of the most dangerous kind....Against this backdrop, Israel's moral crisis is getting deeper all the time," especially under Netanyahu, a man contemptuous of moral values, ethical standards, democratic freedoms, and human rights, notably for non-Jews.

The cycle of War is needed again by the Jewish Chosen People.

Palestinians Suffer as Court's Authority Hits All-Time Low Israel Stops Listening to Its Judges

By JONATHAN COOK  (First part only and my emphasis.EWG)


The Israeli government is facing legal action for contempt over its refusal to implement a Supreme Court ruling that it end a policy of awarding preferential budgets to Jewish communities, including settlements, rather than much poorer Palestinian Arab towns and villages inside Israel.

The contempt case on behalf of Israel’s Palestinian minority comes in the wake of growing criticism of the government for ignoring court decisions it does not like -- a trend that has been noted by the Supreme Court justices themselves.

Yehudit Karp, a former deputy attorney general, compiled a list of 12 recent court rulings the government has refused to implement, but legal groups believe there are more examples. Many of the disregarded judgements confer benefits on Palestinians, either in the occupied territories or inside Israel, or penalise the settlers.

Critics have accused the government of violating the rule of law and warned that the defiance has been possible chiefly because right-wing politicians and religious groups have severely eroded the Supreme Court’s authority over the past few years.

Senior members of the current right-wing government of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including the justice minister, Yaakov Neeman, have repeatedly criticized the court for what they call its “judicial activism”, or interference in matters they believe should be decided by the parliament alone.

Legal experts, however, warn that, because Israel lacks a constitution, the court is the only bulwark against a tyrannical Jewish majority abusing the rights of the country’s 1.3 million Palestinian citizens, as well as 4 million Palestinians living under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza.

Ilan Saban, a law professor at Haifa University, said: “Unlike most -- if not all -- other democracies, Israel lacks a political culture that respects limits on the power of the majority.”

Even the protections offered by Israel’s basic laws, he said, were not deeply entrenched and could easily be re-legislated. The lack of both a formal constitution and a tradition of political tolerance, he added, was “a dangerous cocktail”.

Israel’s liberal Haaretz newspaper went further, warning recently that, in “slandering the judiciary”, government officials had provoked a crisis that could “lead to the destruction of Israeli democracy”. [You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear]

COMMENT:  It is common knowledge now that the Zionist Jews in occupied Palestine do not respect the basic human rights of any world citizenship or their laws and customs.

Now to add insult to injury, the Fascist government of the Zionists does not respect the own Courts or their rulings!

“Israel” is not a legal State, nor is it a democracy.  Simply put it is a cancer on world affairs protected by the US, the biggest terrorist nation in world history. To fool ourselves that it only wields its obscene power of unlimited crimes against humanity in the Middle East would be a mistake that past centuries have lived to regret.  The recent world financial meltdown had at its core; Jewish CEO’s juxtaposed against their American population represent a disproportionate percentage of the careless bankers.

Well might we ask – “why do the Zionists need an all Jewish State” especially one which doesn’t even obey their own laws let alone International Civilization.  This, while at the same time maintaining the multinational ties caused by their Diaspora into all major countries in the world. Is it to be a nuclear haven for Jewish criminals?  Or has that already been achieved by their terrorist activities over 60 plus years?

Already the Zionist Jews of occupied Palestine have surpassed the Nazis in the arts of genocide; concentration camps; murder; stealing body parts; violating the basic religious beliefs of their victims and many cruel and provocative measures that even Hitler didn’t think of.


God Bless Australia and may we judge world criminals equally rather than the US/UK method of duplicity.  NE OUBLIE.

Why does a race/religion act so universally evil?

I am probably succumbing to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion themselves by being at a disadvantage in not understanding the diametrically opposed views of the various Jewish religious groups throughout the world.

It is evident that the wealthy Zionist Jewish Lobby in the US has corrupted that nation’s once respected title of the “bastion of democracy”.  So much so that to bring that respect back will take a lot more “reality lessons” for the nations who personally classify themselves as democracies.  Just a con word.

I have not completely read all of the Protocols but I must concede that what I have read seems to be a well thought out and almost perfect method of exploiting what we foolishly call democracy.

There is not doubt in my mind that the cold blooded and “out of this world” plans for the taking over the entire planet is there to be explained.  By whoever is the author/s.

What does resonate with me when researching, due to the Gaza Holocaust, is that it is universal among Jewish “traders” that any deal that you can make with the Goyim is respected; even though you have literally robbed them because of your bargaining superiority?  Or misrepresentation? Or just plain lying? Or your contempt for the victim’s foolish trust in your non-profit honesty?

IMHO, it seems to me that the conning ability so evident in the Jewish Media Barons is a tried and true method of accumulating wealth and power without even the slightest feeling of guilt.  Why?  Because, like Howard, they believe that if you are so stupid as to trust them then you deserve the heart-breaking ramifications because of your compliance – “your choice” says Howard.

And while our P.M. Julia Gillard, is statesperson enough to recognize the power of the Zionists, her policies are more involved in “Duty of Care” for Australians of any and all religions.

God Bless Australia and may we re-elect a Labor government whose care for ALL Australians could blunt the current influence of the Jewish Lobby.  NE OUBLIE.



While we argue about the greatest country in the world.

Settlers Ramp Up "Price Tag" Policy Israeli Rabbi Preaches "Slaughter" of Gentile Babies



A rabbi from one of the most violent settlements in the West Bank was questioned on suspicion of incitement last week as Israeli police stepped up their investigation into a book in which he sanctions the killing of non-Jews, including children and babies.

Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira is one of the leading ideologues of the most extreme wing of the religious settler movement. He is known to be a champion of the “price-tag” policy of reprisal attacks on Palestinians, including punishing them for attempts by officials to enforce Israeli law against the settlements.

So far the policy has chiefly involved violent harassment of Palestinians, with settlers inflicting beatings, attacking homes, throwing stones, burning fields, killing livestock and poisoning wells.

It is feared, however, that Shapira’s book The King’s Torah, published last year, is intended to offer ideological justifications for widening the scope of such attacks to include killing Palestinians, even children.

Although Shapira was released a few hours after his questioning last Monday, dozens of rabbis, as well as several members of parliament, rallied to his side, condemning the arrest.

Shlomo Aviner, one of the settlement movement’s leaders, defended the book’s arguments as a “legitimate stance” and one that should be taught in Jewish seminaries. (Any other religion [or race] that advocated that policy would be ostracized by all civilized countries and massive sanctions applied)


COMMENT:  What else is new?  The power of the media to control the information and to abuse that ability to extreme levels.  To me it means that the Zionists in occupied Palestine are without conscience or civilized behavior and are merely another and more horrific example of Nazism and Apartheid.  And my take on that is the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”!

Since it is apparent that the financial power of the Zionists and their support from the most dangerous Terrorist of all [the US) there must come a time when the viper’s nest is “disinfected” since there is no universal law to them that they must obey – only the Protocols.  I now believe that those are real and are guiding the wars that will ensue.

God Bless Australia and may the people of the “free world” invoke sanctions against the US Terrorists and their illegitimate child, the Zionists.  NE OUBLIE.