Friday 10th of January 2025

John Richardson's blog

a cry in the wilderness .....

a cry in the wilderness .....

Individuals and companies have strayed too far from recognising the importance of human relationships.

fancy that .....

fancy that .....

One of Britain's largest lobbying companies has been secretly recorded boasting about its access to the heart of the Government and how it uses the "dark arts" to bury bad coverage and influence public opinion. An undercover investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, published in The Independent today, has taped senior executives at Bell Pottinger:


hijacking democracy .....

hijacking democracy .....

A citizens’ jury that will decide what infrastructure projects should be built and how they should be funded will be set up by Infrastructure NSW chairman Nick Greiner in a direct challenge to the cautious path taken by the O'Farrell Government.

at the track .....

at the track .....

Even by today's standards, godless, childless 'Ju-liar' cops more than her fair share.


the little book of no .....

education vs instruction .....

education vs instruction .....

Ethics classes in schools are not safe yet. In a backroom deal between the O'Farrell government and the Christian Democrats, the fate of the classes may lie with a Legislative Council committee weighted with right-wing Christians.


kos baby .....

kos baby .....

from the Power Index .....

Kos Sclavos is the hot-headed pharmacist from Brisbane who leads the nation's most feared and effective lobby group: the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. His supporters laud him as a "colossus"; his critics accuse him of stifling competition, depriving patients of discounted medicines and putting pharmacists' profits ahead of the community's health.

doing what comes naturally .....

doing what comes naturally .....

Federal MPs are set for a massive pay rise - taking a backbencher's salary close to $200,000 a year - but will lose some entitlements and have their future ''gold pass'' travel slashed.

The Remuneration Tribunal, which makes binding determinations on salaries for MPs and senior public servants, will announce the results of a rigorous review within weeks, with speculation that the rise for backbenchers could be $50,000. They are currently paid about $140,000.

barbarians at the gates .....

barbarians at the gates .....

The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. Now, the rest of the world can see what it was missing.


a heartless duopoly .....

a heartless duopoly .....

brave new worlds .....

the state of a union .....

the state of a union .....

Julia Gillard has appealed to a handful of right-wing MPs for their support to avoid a humiliating defeat on the floor of this week's ALP national conference over same-sex marriage.

Having staked her leadership on keeping an election promise not to change the laws surrounding traditional marriage, the Prime Minister was forced yesterday to lobby individual ALP delegates as the Right faced defeat on the issue by as many as 10 votes.

pure hollywood .....

pure hollywood .....

from the cheap seats .....

from the cheap seats .....

Only nine of the 62 apartments sold in One Hyde Park - the world's most expensive residential block - have been registered for council tax.

The ownership of the Knightsbridge apartments, which range in price from £3.6m for a one-bedroom flat to £136m for a penthouse, is now under investigation by Westminster city council, which is determined to pursue the monies owed by the secretive owners of the apartments.

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