Friday 7th of March 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

the team to reject...



steady hands...

meanwhile in scotland...

trump murdocky

There was great anticipation as Trump stepped up to the microphone at a press conference on the ninth hole of the course, close to a cliff. Before he could say anything, a man wearing a Turnberry sweater jumped up to apologize for having forgotten to hand out golf balls to the crowd— then tossed dozens of red golf balls featuring a black swastika in Trump’s direction. Secret Service agents surrounded the man, British comic Simon Brodkin, and escorted him away.

manufacturing malcolm's same turdy shit...


You had high hopes... Malcolm was different. Malcolm was progressive... You have been disappointed. You don't know why.

You should feel robbed. Malcolm is a smiling con man. And the cover of the Daily Telegraph is proud to announce such, this morning as if it was a valuable feat of brilliant deceit.

the old boys used to smash restaurants — today they smashed the clubhouse and destroyed the playground...



UK Prime Minister - for now - David Cameron's shock announcement that he would resign, following the referendum decision to leave the EU has opened the way for former London Mayor Boris Johnson to head for Downing Street, in a remarkable twist of history, Sputnik has been told.


about to be released into the wild...

the birdcages

75 years after Germany Invaded Russia, Putin sees history repeating itself

from Russia Insider & RT


homer's odyssey...


The underwritten cost of our "security" is often born by others. We pay the wages of our armies, mercenaries and other defending agencies, but we don't really pay attention to what they do. We defer.


doing enough...


crucified by the democrats...

free market forces...


guns for sale

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Monday failed to advance four separate measures aimed at curbing gun sales, the latest display of congressional inaction after a mass shooting.

seriously, despite many flaws, labor is far better than the CONservatives who call themselves "liberals"....


The Fake Tradie ad is an insightful piece of subversive modern performance art, says the fake advertising agent behind the Coalition’s new promotional campaign. He speaks exclusively to Independent Australia.

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