Sunday 12th of January 2025

archimedes, einstein and edison had competition...


We are living in the age of deceit, fast becoming the era of imbecility. Our Trumble is getting the bug of invention and in a rare moment of lucidity he declared that E = MC2. Wow. Here he explains that E (Economy) equals M (Muck) multiplied by C (Coal) powered to the square. And we get screwed...

passing the buck in a sea of turds...

We are told that Malcolmius has to navigate loonies, ignoramuses and idiots denialists in his cabinet and as a political animal he had no choice but to downgrade the clean energy target to muck -1. This is a complete sell out, a fiddle fudge of crap and the result of Trumble's electioneering lies. He is the grand deceptionist, the grand crapper of imbecility, the grand turd of turds.  



Victoria, Queensland and South Australia look set to make the Prime Minister work hard if he wants them to support his new energy plan.

Key points:
  • The National Energy Guarantee would require electricity retailers to have a minimum amount of power constantly available
  • The Energy Security Board says this could deliver an average saving of between $110 and $115 a year for a decade from 2020
  • Victoria's Energy Minister says she's seen no evidence to back up the figure


At the heart of Malcolm Turnbull's pitch is a prediction that by 2020 it could cut household power bills by $100 a year.

But Victoria's Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio said when Federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg spoke to his state counterparts last night he had no evidence to back up the figure.

"Minister Frydenberg confirmed last night that there's no analysis to support this, what they want us to believe is that this will give us more supply, greater reliability and lower prices," she said.

The Government's plan would force electricity companies to have a certain amount of baseload power ready to be switched on at a moment's notice to prevent blackouts caused by intermittent supplies of renewable energy.

It also scraps the idea of a Clean Energy Target, instead using the National Energy Guarantee to put the onus on retailers to buy enough clean power [Gus bold] to meet Australia's international climate change commitments.

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This deceptive doozy is passing the buck to the energy providers to do the fiddling instead of the government. It's a trick from a very clever con artist. He should resign in disgust with himself for having spent more than one million of his own cash to get (re) elected to sell crap — because as he "put the onus on retailers to buy enough clean power", he will do every efforts in his "power" that clean power won't see the light of day, in order to appease the coal monsters in his COALition government. A disgrace.

fooling everyone...

The genius of Malcolm Turnbull can be seen in his applications...

He displaced Abbott who would have been a disaster for the Libs (CONS) at the last elections, 

he paid more than one million bux to his election campaign,

he sneaked in a postal "survey" in regard to marriage equality (a survey that the high court should have declared illegal),

he got his media reform through by bribing Xenophon with a few country reporters when the investigative skills of journalism is a dying profession. Malcolm could not care less about a few wheatshaft munching scribes, who would have to support his coalition partner, the Nationals, otherwise these scribes would soon be chased out of town by various means,

he passed the buck of "clean" energy supply to the suppliers, that means his government has no clean energy policy — thus conning us and his mates in the Lib (CON) party, 

he is pushing on with his health care reform which in the long run are designed to reduce Medicare effectiveness across the board, slowly killing it (following the wish of Abbott),

his NBN is a disgrace but he is still pushing the "value angle of the thingster while having done no business plan on his stupid system using antique copper networks,

and many other con-tricks that has fooled everyone, including the idiots in his party and himself.

applying the same blueprint to his next crap...

Coal is to Turnbull's new National Energy Guarantee what copper was to his lacklustre version of the National Broadband Network, writes managing editor Dave Donovan.

ARE ENERGY PRICES set to fall under the Turnbull Government’s new scheme — the National Energy Guarantee (NEG)?

Well, the ABC seemed to think so.

‘Power bills to drop under new energy plan’, trumpeted the headline in the lead story on ABC Radio’s flagship PM programme on Tuesday night (17/10/17). Once you listen to the report, however, you realise this unqualified statement was merely repeating a boast by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, apparently on advice from his new Energy Security Board (ESB), that bills may fall by “more than $100 a year in 2020. There’s no modelling to support this claim.

Which is hardly surprising, given the ESB was only set up two months ago at COAG and only met for the first time last month. Hardly enough time for Board members to learn each other’s names, let alone produce detailed modelling on an incredibly vexed and complex area of public policy. Yet still enough time, somehow, to produce advice recommending the abandonment of Chief Scientist Alan Finkel’s number one recommendation from a detailed year-long review into the energy market — the Clean Energy Target. It’s amazing what one can come up with when pressed.

"Power bills to drop under new energy plan": the unqualified headline on#ABCPM, baldly factualising Turnbull's hope

— Dave Donovan (@davrosz) October 17, 2017

The ABC redeemed itself later that night, however, when ABC Lateline host Emma Alberici pressed the chair of the Energy Security Board, Kerry Schott, to guarantee that Australian consumers’ power bills would fall in three years’ time.

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The way Turnbull and his mates go about doing business is more like 12th century kids trading baseball cards in the playground of a schooling system that's not invented yet. Idiots...

malcolm (bullshit is my middle name) is crap...

On this journey Malcolm has certainly grown. He’s grown a deep respect for the power of the coal industry, he’s grown a scepticism about the future of renewables and he’s grown a greater awareness of his own political mortality.

But the lesson he has really learned is that hardly anyone understands how the energy sector works. That’s why he called a group of boffins to come up with a mechanism so conceptual, with so little detail, that people can read into it just about anything they want.

The national energy guarantee (Neg) isn’t a policy for the future of the energy industry, it’s a framework for a mechanism that is yet to be designed.

But that was enough for the PM to claim victory last week – brandishing the Neg like a lamp that would grant the holder three wishes – lower prices, energy security and, what was the point of the exercise anyway?

And if confusion was the objective, this week’s Essential Report shows that the Neg is working a treat with nearly half of us being unable to form an opinion about whether it will be good, bad or just another set of acronyms that never see the legislative light of day.

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Whatever Malcolm has done so far (NBN, Medicare, energy supply, troops) has turned to bullshit because he is a grand designer of turdcrap with decoration of toilet flush and some sneaky deception which I believe he sees as necessary sewer-acted politics in order to stay the big devious rat in charge of making sure this fair country provides a shit future for many people, especially the hard workers, the poor, the sick, the peasants and most of us — but provides a pleasant space for politicians, rich people and rich politicians. Nothing is democratic about Malcolm's rule...  It's all about politics and manipulations thereof rather than improvement of the situation, whatever the situation is. 

basil fawlty in charge of the orstralyuen economy...

Basil Fawlty couldn't have done it better.

Treasurer Scott Morrison last week stood at the lectern and delivered a thundering dissertation on the urgent need for cuts to company taxes.

The occasion was the release of the Productivity Commission's latest report on how best to lift our living standards.

So convincing was the Treasurer's speech, so lucid his argument, a reasonable person may well have formed the impression that the commission endorsed his major policy initiative.

Sadly, not. In fact, not a single sentence on company tax is to be found anywhere in the entire report, the modestly titled 'Shifting the Dial: 5 year productivity review', which runs to six chapters with various forwards and appendices.

Instead, it focuses on health, employment, urban planning and the rather sticky question of energy. And it's here that it drops a bombshell and aims several Exocet missiles at strategic targets

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Yes, tax cuts for the rich is going to solve all the problems...