Friday 7th of March 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

travelling solo to mars...


The Scottish government announced that it is to host an international conference in 2019 to discuss action on marine litter. It’s ideal territory for any government seeking to be regarded as edgy and cool on this year’s fashionable cause. No one could disagree with its aims and purpose and, more importantly, nothing that emerges from it will commit anyone to spending money or risking the growth of emerging industries.

of soup and lilith...


Life is about the accidental survival of a protein soup. it seems to have gone downhill ever since it started to breed.



asio is on the case of the leaking cabinets in a blacked-out op...

black op...

ASIO officers have moved to secure the thousands of top secret and classified Cabinet files obtained by the ABC, in early morning operations in Canberra and Brisbane.

yosemite mal...


yosemite malyosemite mal

Aid groups have criticised the Federal Government's plan to dramatically ramp up defence exports, accusing the Coalition of contributing to a global arms race.

well said...

the thought of the day...

Henry Ergas is not all stupid... From time to time despite his entrenched erroneous opinions he will profess an amazing insight...

See also:


See also: 

joe and tony's car crash with no air bags, only hypocrisy...





happy days...

happy days

This illustration by L. Sabatier, the Café de la Paix in Wartime, 1917, was reproduced in L'Illustration magazine, January 26, 1918. As we celebrate Australia Day/Invasion Day on the 26 of January in Australia's whitey history, we should think of all the traumas of this species called Homo sapiens — a species that really does not sapiens (think) enough and fights worse than any other species on this little planet — and ponder.

The shit-pumping philosopher explains why shit-pumping is important...


THIS week the great majority of Australians, including those who identify as Aboriginal, will celebrate the end of the Stone Age on this continent.

Gekaufte Journalisten...

by ChrisG



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