Saturday 11th of January 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

clapperama classic...


shifting the goal posts of "renewable energy"...

coal is not "clean"...

New coal-fired power stations using 'clean coal' technology could be funded by the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), under plans announced by the Federal Government.

the usefulness of knowing some useless things...


This is the beginning sentences of an article written in... 1939, by Abraham Flexner in an article called "The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge", issue 179, Harpers.. It has enormous resonance with what is happening in the world today. Some of the useless things we do, have gone into the area of the inane, but by and large we still seek beauty and contentment, despite the shit our leaders throw at us via their petty ideas designed to enrich the rich and fiddle with your poor innards to make sure you're in pain. For these morons, sadists and sociopath, leading means inflicting pain to make you react and become a slave of their intent.

on the edge of the cliff...

mutually assured destruction.....

Today we are studying international politics from the edge of a cliff... This was a way for Thomas Crombie Schelling to express the dynamics of mutual assured destruction via his game theory. Schelling had many strings to his bow, including understanding racial problems from a focal point, a tacit communication and cooperative point of view. 


only fifty years ago...


"This is a long process we've set up now … with people putting up their hands up today and were chosen, we've got a very large working group that will continue to work on this process for the next while," she said.

donald strangelove


Adapted fiction from the New Yorker (this is a bad Gus spoof -- though a frightening possibility)


preparing the revolution...


Assuming Boycott


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