Saturday 1st of February 2025

der tiefe staat schlägt zu... or the deep state (USA) preparing to launch WW3...

How EU and NATO generate crises and pave the way for wars

Interview with Ullrich Mies* by Nicolas Riedl (rubikon)

“That Russia intends to attack any country is the evil propaganda of the Western intelligence and communication complex. It is not Russia that has conquered the US continent or the EU with its military power, but NATO that is constricting Russia. A glance at the map is all it takes to expose the propaganda as a lie.”

cc. Ullrich Mies, entrepreneur and author, has published his new book “Der Tiefe Staat schlägt zu. Wie die westliche Welt Krisen erzeugt und Kriege vorbereitet (The Deep State strikes. How the Western World generates crises and paves the way for wars)”. It resumes the themes of his book “Fassadendemokratie und Tiefer Staat. Auf dem Weg in ein autoritäres Zeitalter (Façade Democracy and the Deep State. On the way to an authoritarian age)”, edited 2017 together with Jens Wernicke. In his new book writers have the say who deal above all with the dangers of war emanating from the Deep State.

Nicolas Riedl: What was it that motivated you after “Façade Democracy and the Deep State. On the way to an authoritarian age” to publish a new book?

Ullrich Mies: At the book launches in 2017, I noticed that we hit a crucial point with the title “Façade Democracy and the Deep State”. The audience consistently agreed with the statement that we are living in a façade democracy. The forces behind the deep state, however, were by no means clear to most people. The first book delivered an answer to this.

The new book “The Deep State strikes” is about explaining how the ruling elites managed to run the peace dividend of 1990 aground and how they managed to lead the world into a new pre-war level. I also take a much more comprehensive approach concerning the Deep State that is common. I refer to the Deep State as the hidden domain of the rulers. Some parts are visible, the essential parts are not. In this domain, the class struggle is organised top down. The actors of the Deep State are neither electable nor are they able to be voted out of office. They are the representatives of the market-radical model of Western capitalism. Here, the neoconservative ideologues play a decisive role. Deep state and neoconservativeplayerscannot be separated from each other. 

The book “Facade Democracy and the Deep State” lacked the international perspective of the Deep State. In “The Deep State strikes. How the Western World Generates Crises and Paves the Way for Wars” I present a collection of contributions, the 16 authors show how the ruling western elites eroded the international order in a process lasting 25 years.

Which authors were you able to attract to contribute to the new book?

The following authors contributed to the volume in the same order as the table of contents: Rainer Rupp, Eugen Drewermann, Jochen Scholz, Hannes Hofbauer, Tilo Gräser, Annette Groth, Kees van der Pijl, Chris Hedges, Nicolas J.S. Davies, John Pilger, Ullrich Mies, Vladimir Kozin, Wolfgang Jung, Aktham Suliman, Mohssen Massarrat and Ernst Wolff. As you can see from the names, I was able to attract a number of foreign authors, especially from the USA. And with Vladimir P. Kozin there is also an important Russian expert who has been dealing with questions of armament and armament control for many decades. 

What coherences would you like to convey to the readers of the book?

By analysing international political trends, the book aims to contribute to a better understanding of the current rejections in international politics. After reading the book, readers can better understand some political developments, especially the West’s relations with Russia. Above all, the propagandistic assertion of the West that the Crimean crisis was an arbitrary act of Russia is not correct. It was nothing else but the result of a 25-year process in which the NATO and the EU enlarged towards the East. The so-called foreign policy establishment of the West and its opinion forming industries deliberately embezzle the historical events that led to the quarrel with Russia.

But anyone who does not understand contemporary history as a chain of decisions and events and instead always takes only the end link of a long chain into account – such as the Crimean secession – will not understand anything at all. The ruling elites of the West are the decisive drivers of conflict and war in this world.

Many honourable politicians played a decisive role as architects in the common house of a peaceful, united Europe, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Now their hair stands on end facing the Federal Government’s current policy on Russia. I do not deny that there were and still are honourable politicians. As a rule, however, you will not find these politicians in the leading committees today, rather mostly opportunists and corrupt apparatchiks who have joined forces with the financial and commercial powers. They do not care about the large population, the environment or world peace. One of these stages for Western conflict and war drivers to act is the Munich Security Conference. The writer Tilo Gräser focuses in his contribution on the conference of the year 2018.

Let us come back to the historically unique opportunity after 1989. The destruction of the so-called peace dividend after 1990/91 followed a script written by neoconservative cadres of the Deep State in the USA. After the system competition disappeared when the USSR collapsed, the neoconservatives in the USA had free rein, especially under President Bush junior. After an orientation phase they saw their chance to revitalise the total world domination of the USA, a concept that had existed for about 100 years.

After the experiences of the Cold War, how could the Western world once again fall back into a spiral of mistrust, armaments race and mutual deterrence?

How likely is an escalation between West and East?

The very basis of the upheavals on the international stage is the USA’s claim to dominate the world. The USA is defining the whole world, especially the Eurasian region, as area of its security interest. But it goes far beyond that. The US claim to dominate the world is underpinned by the ideology of “full-spectrum dominance” and now includes the three traditional branches of the armed forces, i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy, as well as other branches of weaponry, “space”, “cyberspace”, “information warfare” and total surveillance.

The admission of ever new countries into the NATO alliance also serves to expand the ideological and power sphere of the USA into the depths of the Eurasian region. From 1990 until today the transatlantic imperialists proceeded in several phases. 
First there was an orientation phase of the alliance and a search for new assignments from 1990 to 1993, followed by the revitalisation of the US claim to world leadership, the preservation and strengthening of this dominance, and the consolidation of NATO expansion plans from 1994 to 1998. From 1999 to 2001, the first phase of aggression followed, specifically the Yugoslavian war, 9/11 and the “war on terror”, the war against Afghanistan, the first NATO expansion round with Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. I call the period from 2002 to 2010 a second phase of aggression, the consolidation of the US claim to dominate the world, the termination of the ABM treaty, the wars against Iraq, Libya, Georgia, the two Nato enlargement rounds with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia and then Albania and Croatia. I call the period from 2011 to 2013 a third phase of aggression, with the beginning of the Syrian war and the open hostility towards Russia. During these years, military manoeuvres and the deployment of heavy weapons close to the Russian border are taking place. In my view, the fourth phase of aggression begins in 2014 with the coup d’état in Ukraine, the escalation of the Syrian war, the propaganda, sanctions and economic war, the open hostility against Russia, the excessive military manoeuvres, the armament, the withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear treaty and the INF treaty. The fourth round of NATO enlargement to Montenegro in 2017 is also part of this. 

In his contribution Nicolas S. Davies shows what trail of blood the US has left in its wars since 9/11. His result is: The wars waged by the USA since 2001 have caused the death of 5 to 7 million people. 

In my view, neoconservative US foreign policy elites together with their transatlantically oriented vassals in Germany and important EU states have led people in countless countries - even in Europe - into this tragedy. Kees van der Pijl has made an interesting contribution about these coherences with the title: “The axis of evil – the US/Israel Neo Con-Connection”.

Sweden recently published a television series about an invasion of Norway by Russia. Is this all a coincidence or do you think that the people are being culturally aligned to a russophobic climate?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, US President from 1933 to 1945, has already said: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

In plain words: everything is on purpose. Norway, Sweden and Finland are of great importance for Nato strategists and for a potential war against Russia. The fact that two Nato general secretaries in a row are Scandinavians, Jens Stoltenberg and his predecessor Fogh Rasmussen, is also no coincidence. This serves to bind these countries to NATO.

The russophobic climate was and is always generated using all available propaganda techniques. Very important is the cultural and militaristic infiltration of the audience by films, TV series, advertisements, large posters and the like. These are the subtle techniques that do not fail to have an effect in the subconscious of the people. Thus the evil Russian is subliminally anchored in the consciousness of the people. Most people do not realise the perfidious techniques of power at all, because they cannot think as maliciously as the elites do. The russophobic climate is part of the establishment of the “Cold War 2.0”. 

People in northern and eastern Germany experience the rearmament and relocation of heavy military equipment towards the east in everyday life, for example army trucks on the roads. The waggons loaded with tanks have now got priority over passenger traffic at “Deutsche Bahn” (German Railways). The EU wants to invest 6.5 billion euros to make the roads and rails to the east compatible to transport heavy tanks. Can you understand that former Eastern Bloc countries welcome these developments?

Certainly, there is still an aversion to everything Russian in the minds of people in the former Eastern Bloc countries. What is more decisive, however, in my view, is that the political elites in Eastern Europe have been mentally brought into line with an US-transatlantic view through long-term investments and various funding programmes, scholarships, research stays, connections and networks. 

Germany plays a special role as a transit country for heavy weapons. It is also a nuclear weapons depot, logistics hub, location for roughly 40,000 US military personnel, control centre for the murderous drones deployed worldwide, location of Africom and Eucom. In the new book, Wolfgang Jung explains that Germany is above all becoming a theater of war. I find it extremely disturbing, if not insidious, that Germany’s so-called foreign policy establishment does not take these aspects into account.

Should it not be clear to every logically thinking citizen in the former Eastern bloc states that, from Russia’s point of view, it would be totally suicidal to attack one of these countries or even to absorb?

That Russia intends to attack any country is the evil propaganda of the Western intelligence and communication complex. It is not Russia that has conquered the US continent or the EU with its military power, but NATO that is constricting Russia. A glance at the map is all it takes to expose the propaganda as a lie. 

Until 1977 there were plans to raze the USSR to the ground with 10,000 nuclear weapons. Does this spirit of insanity still exist today? 

Of course, this insane spirit continues and the insane ones, to stay in the picture, have the power to turn their ideas into reality. Or do you think the peoples would be so crazy to threaten each other or the planet with nuclear extinction? 

This evil spirit continues to exist. The USA wants to spend over 1,200 billion US dollars in the coming 30 years to establish a full-scale the nuclear terror capability. Sociopaths and psychopaths who get lost in eradication strategy games are a great danger for mankind. The population should never forget: The politically responsible for all this insanity are sitting in the governments. They squeeze out  the people’s money through scaremongering and enemy stereotypes in order to invest into developing further these apparatuses of mass destruction. Vladimir P. Kozin informs about these coherences in his contribution “The New Cold War and the Planned Escalation of the Conflict USA/Europe versus Russia”. In order to understand the whole madness, I myself provided some aspects in my contribution “How the Western community of values established the Cold War 2.0”.

f the US empire, or rather the transatlantic elites, are interested in forcibly opening up Russia as a new market, is it completely irrational to make the desired land area uninhabitable for the next centuries through nuclear bombardment? Can you explain that? 

Yes, these diabolical genocide drivers in the US military apparatuses and transatlantic think tanks believe that a limited nuclear war is indeed manageable, indeed even desirable under certain conditions, in order to pre-empt the enemy, to whom they always insinuate the worst intentions, with a preventive strike. 

The maximum scandal is that even the ruling caste of Germany is now preparing or involved in the third attempt against Russia in the space of about 100 years. If the Berlin ruling cliques actually entered the war against Russia, many Germans would refuse to follow the attacking regime. I am sure of that. In my view, a war against Russia is only possible at the cost of a civil war. But who knows what developments will actually occur in such a case? The war of aggression against Russia is only to be waged at the cost of the complete peremtion of civil rights through the implementation of the state of emergency and thus at the cost of a possible civil and/or partisan war in one’s own country.    •

Mies, Ullrich; Wernicke, Jens (ed.). Fassadendemokratie und Tiefer Staat. Auf dem Weg in ein autoritäres Zeitalter (Facade Democracy and Deep State. On the way to an authoritarian age). Vienna 2017

Mies, Ullrich (Ed.). Der Tiefe Staat schlägt zu: Wie die westliche Welt Krisen erzeugt und Kriege vorbereitet (The Deep State strikes. How the Western world generates crises and paves the way for wars). Vienna 2019

*    The original version of this interview was published on 14 March 2019 on the rubikon website in German ( Ullrich Mies shortened and revised the text for Current Concerns.

(Translation Current Concerns)


increasing the personnel of war for war blamed on the "other"...

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has deployed about a dozen F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets to the small Persian Gulf nation of Qatar as part of its recent buildup of forces amid tensions with Iran, Pentagon officials said Friday.

The advanced fighters arrived at Al Udeid Air Base just outside the Qatari capital Doha on Thursday, according to a U.S. Air Forces Central Command statement. Air Force photos showed the planes nearing and landing at the base, which houses some 10,000 American troops. The U.S. military uses the base to run its air operations across the Middle East and Afghanistan.

The fighter jets were part of a previously announced deployment of new forces into the Middle East, aimed at bolstering the ability of the United States to protect its forces throughout the region, especially in Iraq and Syria, where U.S. troops operate in close proximity to Iranian-controlled militias, a defense official said Friday. American officials have said since last month that credible intelligence showed Iranian forces and proxies could be planning to attack Americans in the region.

Air Forces Central Command said it was the first time F-22s had been deployed to Qatar.

The United States has blamed Iran for a series of mine attacks on commercial tankers in the Gulf of Oman in recent weeks. Iran also shot down an unarmed American reconnaissance drone last week near the Strait of Hormuz, a critical chokepoint for the world’s oil supply that connects the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman. American officials said the RQ-4A Global Hawk was shot down in international airspace, but Iran maintains the drone entered its airspace.



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restraint and diplomatic peace tank...


... The creation of a think tank dedicated to “an approach to the world based on diplomacy and restraint rather than threats, sanctions, and bombing” is very welcome news. Other than the Cato Institute, there has been nothing like this in Washington, and this tank’s focus will be entirely on foreign policy. The lack of institutional support has put advocates of peace and restraint at a disadvantage for a very long time, so it is encouraging to see that there is an effort underway to change that. The Quincy Institute represents another example of how antiwar progressives and conservatives can and should work together to change U.S. foreign policy for the better. The coalition opposed to the war on Yemen showed what Americans opposed to illegal and unnecessary war can do when they work towards a shared goal of peace and non-intervention, and this institute promises to be an important part of such efforts in the future. Considering how long the U.S. has been waging war without end, there couldn’t be a better time for this.

TAC readers and especially readers of this blog will be familiar with the people involved in creating the think tank:

The institute plans to open its doors in September and hold an official inauguration later in the autumn. Its founding donors — Soros’s Open Society Foundation and the Charles Koch Foundation — have each contributed half a million dollars to fund its takeoff. A handful of individual donors have joined to add another $800,000. By next year the institute hopes to have a $3.5 million budget and a staff of policy experts who will churn out material for use in Congress and in public debates. Hiring is underway. Among Parsi’s co-founders are several well-known critics of American foreign policy, including Suzanne DiMaggio, who has spent decades promoting negotiated alternatives to conflict with China, Iran and North Korea; the historian and essayist Stephen Wertheim; and the anti-militarist author and retired Army colonel Andrew Bacevich.

“The Quincy Institute will invite both progressives and anti-interventionist conservatives to consider a new, less militarized approach to policy,” Bacevich said, when asked why he signed up. “We oppose endless, counterproductive war. We want to restore the pursuit of peace to the nation’s foreign policy agenda.”

Trita Parsi and Andrew Bacevich are both TAC contributors and have participated in our foreign policy conferences in recent years. Parsi and I were on the same panel last fall at our most recent conference. I have also cited and learned from arguments made by Suzanne DiMaggio and Stephen Wertheim in my posts here. Their involvement is a very good sign, and it shows both the political breadth and intellectual depth of this new institution. I look forward to seeing what they do, and I wish them luck.


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is sanity starting to change the smirks into smiles?...

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to France is being hailed as a revolutionary turn in the European Union’s policy toward Moscow. While that would be a step in the right direction, rumors of it might be greatly exaggerated.

Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron certainly seemed all smiles at their meeting in Bregancon on Monday, leading respected international commentator John Laughland to declare that “On every level, the West has now abandoned its earlier hostility to Putin and Russia.”

The meeting took place just a few days ahead of the G7 summit in France, to which Putin was not invited; Russia has been suspended from the group of industrialized nations since 2014, after the US and UK blamed it for the crisis in Ukraine. 

None other than US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that it would be “much more appropriate to have Russia” back in the G8 again, no doubt triggering every Russia “expert” on three continents.

It is certainly tempting to believe that Macron and Trump have somehow come to realize the wisdom of Putin’s speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference, in which he warned about the perils of unipolarity, disdain for international law, and US attempts to impose its will on the rest of the world. After all, Trump himself has mused about better relations with Russia and advocated sovereignty over imperialism in his UN speeches.

Yet as the Russian leadership is keenly aware, Western politicians’ words are one thing, and deeds quite another. Even as he talked sovereignty, Trump has doubled down on trying to force Iran, North Korea and Venezuela into submission to US dictates, and his State Department continues to support “moderate rebels” (aka Al-Qaeda terrorists) in Syria. He has also ratcheted up sanctions against Russia started by his predecessor, perhaps pressured by his critics harping on the ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy for years.


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ferreting out the deep state...

Is Donald Trump more clever than he appears to be? Has he been able to reveal the existence of the "Deep State", that is to say a collection of people, separate from the political executive, who are working with one US aim: that of conquering the planet?...

It looks like his mad and crazy antics have forced the members of the "Deep State" to come forward, and expose themselves against him. Donald will have just to go and pick them up like rotten fruit in the "Swamp"... This cozy relationship between the Deep State and the US politics is coming to an end, my friends...



In just a few short months, the US political establishment has gone from denying the existence of the ‘Deep State’ and calling it a conspiracy theory, to praising it as the bulwark of the Republic against President Donald Trump.

Thank God for the ‘Deep State,’ declared former CIA director John E. McLaughlin at an event this week, describing the diplomats and intelligence officers testifying before the congressional impeachment inquiry as “people who are doing their duty or responding to a higher call.”

Lavishing praise on the ‘whistleblower’ intelligence officer whose complaint about Trump’s phone call launched the impeachment probe, McLaughlin said the intelligence community is “institutionally committed to objectivity and telling the truth. 

One would think this might be a bit rich, coming from the former deputy director of the CIA at the time of the infamous ‘Iraqi WMDs’ fiasco – and acting director for a time in 2004 – but McLaughlin’s comments were met with applause by the crowd at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government.

He wasn’t the only one to praise the Deep State either. Sitting right next to him was John Brennan, the CIA director under President Barack Obama, whose fingerprints are all over the so-called ‘Steele dossier’ and ‘Russiagate’, and who is now enjoying a rewarding career as a TV pundit accusing Trump of treason.

Brennan argued that the reason Trump “has a contentious relationship with the Deep State people… is because they tell the truth,” and praised the unelected intelligence and law enforcement officials for continuing to do their work irrespective of what he’s going to do or say.



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