Sunday 19th of May 2024

on a hiding to nothing .....

on a hiding to nothing .....

Tony Abbott is at his best when he has something to fight. Ask Kevin Rudd. Or Julia Gillard. Or Malcolm Turnbull. Abbott vanquished them all with brutal efficiency, mainly because he had a devastatingly clear line of attack. "Great big toxic tax based on a lie," or something. Sure, that's more a mash-up than a quote, but with these eight words, Abbott destroyed three leaders. Even in power his best moments have come as he has seized upon an enemy, whether a Russian "bully" or an Islamist "death cult". 

turnbull goes bananas with his internet filter...

malcolm bananas

Question: When is an internet filter not an internet filter?

Answer: When Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull says so.

On Wednesday, the minister announced the government's response to an "online copyright infringement" discussion paper that he and Attorney-General George Brandis put out in late July.

abbottgang island...

abbottgang island

You have to hand it to some of the lunatics at Murdoch's News Limited. It looks that some of the inmates are just there for the employ... take this cartoon above for example, it defines the Liberal (CONservative) Party with some accuracy... The heading though is misleading. 

They were not "cruising" in opposition... They were just trying to drop bombs on the legitimate government of the day, mostly going in circles, with the help of this Murdoch News Limited outfit... They eventually got to the island but their boat exploded because their engine was only burning negativity... The golden boy was proven to be an awkwardly-walking pimply bully who lied more and more to cover his lies... We knew that. 

juggling the same numbers of balls in different order to impress the idiots...


robbing peter to pay peter...

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced the funding at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru.

on blue ties .....

on blue ties .....

demos down under .....

demos down under .....

spitting the dummy on stacks of bibles...


Prime Minister Tony Abbott has acknowledged there has been community concern about his multi-billion-dollar paid parental leave scheme, and says it will be re-worked into a "holistic families package".

two for the price of one...


I find it ludicrous that the brother of Christopher Hitchens, Peter, states without flinching that "Good without God? Morality's Foundations Crumble in the Absence of Christianity"... It's quite insulting really. He is pissing on his brother's work with abandon, as well as pissing on all other religious beliefs — two for the price of one: 

and a super size-sugared fizdrink, a giant chips bucket with your triple-cheese-double-bacon-fat pattie-hamburger in sugar buns?

fat kids

Across Australia, rising rates of child obesity are already having a severe impact.

Leading diabetes expert Professor Paul Zimmet is shocked by the rise of obesity-linked type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents.

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