Friday 7th of March 2025

from bad to worse...

bad to worse...

a stupid stunt...

the telegraph


In the week when Stella Young died — who had osteogenesis imperfecta, a genetic disorder that causes bones to break easily — the neo-Nazis running the Australian Regime have decided to hit the "crips" by indulging in a CHECK UP of their condition to make sure no-one is rorting the system... It's horrifying and useless, or to put it in another way it's as degrading as the Pakistan Police checking its female recruits for virginity. Come on Mr Abbott, it's time we checked your own sanity and report you as an impostor. 

But one thing the government may not count upon, is that some people not on the benefit could be added to it by the government doctors (the cost of which "work" has not been announced), seeing a disability when they see one... Hopefully this stunt by a desperate government will backfire. 

meanwhile at memory loss central...


An estimated 65,000 Australians are living alone with dementia and researchers are keen to know more about their lives.

In the New Year, a team from the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre will launch a study into the lives of Australians with dementia who live alone.

Of the 225,000 Australians estimated to be living in the community with dementia, not in an aged care facility, about a third live by themselves.

With that number increasing, Alzheimer's Australia has identified the area as its top research priority.

Lead researcher Dr Jennifer Fletcher said the study wanted to establish how people at home with the condition were faring.

read more:



Is this study likely to add more numbers on the register of the DSP (Disability Support Pension)?... 

see also: constipation in the media...

Meanwhile it has been pointed out to me that the young generations still wet behind the ears don't have a clue as to who Dr Mengele is. Here is a link:


sick murdoch news...


Rupert Murdoch's trashy Sydney tabloid, the DailyTelegraph, has been slammed by the Australian Press Council over its unfair, insulting, offensive and inaccurate 'Slackers & Slouch Hats' article and misleading illustration.

The following is an extract from their ruling [IA emphasis]:

The Press Council has considered whether its Standards of Practice were breached by material published on the front page of The Daily Telegraph on 22 May 2014 relating to the Disability Support Pension (DSP). 

read more:,7191


Of course, please note that the picture above in "a stupid stunt" came from... you've guessed it, the Murdoch trashy tabloid, The Daily Telegraph, also nastily called by a few people "the turdograph" or "the telecrap"... Bad...