Sunday 23rd of February 2025

second as farce: asylum seekers & piers akerman .....

 asylum seekers & piers akerman .....

Piers Akerman has been testing his vast capacity for self-parody. His piece in Monday's Telegraph on asylum seekers reads as if written on a bet or a dare. The frenzy whipped up over asylum seekers after the Tampa's arrival was a tragedy for this country. Akerman seems determined to repeat it as farce.

Akerman brands the government's 'asylum seeker policy' a failure by any 'objective criteria'. I suppose the mention of 'objective criteria' at the start of an article hectoring readers with visions of a 'flood' of 'boat people' is one of life's little ironies. There is nothing 'objective' about Akerman's assertion that the '[r]efugee trade puts security at stake'.

He claims that asylum seekers are entering mainland detention centres 'with minimal security checks' and then changes the subject, citing no evidence for this jaundiced proposition. He then brings up the SIEV 36 disaster and claims that those implicated by the Northern Territory coroner should have their visas cancelled on character grounds. Apparently, coronial inquests can now substitute for criminal trials in courts of law, which can now be dispensed with and all the judges, jurors and lawyers can go home.

Piers Sack-a-man is an example of Murdochracy.

The more extreme Nazi or Apartheid principles that the Murdoch misinfromation media supplies, the more Australians in all capital cities should boycott his political tripe.  "Infinite money" speaks all languages.

Of all of Murdoch's evil influence in Australian governments and its policies, the worst is the favorite of "Rattus" - the Daily Smellygraph.  This evil has now infiltrated the ABC - in case most haven't noticed.  The change in Kerry O'Brien's formula - the ABC "news all day" - the ABC South East and the blatant radical right wing Insiders with that bunch of clowns giving opinions on matters which deserve to be scrutinized by the DPP.

I am so sick and tired of the criminal latitude that our laws provide for the Murdoch "infinite money" abuses as opposed to the real news and the OBLIGATION to report it faithfully - or not at all.

Just a word can change the meaning of a sentence and the now common use of personal descriptive terminology to influence the message - of the most simplest of political information - is as insidious as any dictatorship in the US/Zionist world of double standards.

Never before in my living memory has the media used its "elective power" to raise the fortunes of such a "ping pong" brained religious fanatic as Tony Abbott!  In so obviously doing this, the "Murdochracy" has alerted our Prime Minister that the foreign owned media is on a course of destruction for all of his futuristic planed benefits for all Australians.

In collusion with neo-cons like Abbott; Morrison; Bishop; Hunt and of course, Barnaby Joyce, the MSM is full of the so-called unfulfilled promises of the Rudd Government.  Fair dinkum.

Each and every one of Kevin Rudd's designs to upgrade areas of climate friendly and Education and Health reforms are - by absolute necessity - to be completed in some years ahead.  There is no Abbott "magic pudding" available. All of these promised "plans for the future", are in progress as promised and it irks Murdoch and his political minions, that these plans can in fact be delivered.

So the Senate opposes all and every major target that our elected Government has passed legislation to carry out - even against Rudd's mandates and objectives of a more skilled Australia.

Whatever else may become apparent, the voting public should realize that Abbott and Murdoch intend to destroy our elected Federal Government.

God bless Australia and don't let the neo-cons hand over our country to Murdochracy.  NE OUBLIE.


I wondered why!

I often go to the misnamed site "The Australian" to get the gist of what the world's extreme conservatives are up to, but I wondered why the much publicised "Newspoll" was so wrong - at least in my opinion.

IMHO - since the "Murdochracy" controls the media in every major city in Australia, and the flagship in Sydney publishes the "Newspoll" and only the readers of the website get the "opportunity" to vote on an invariably skewed question - then the result will overwhelmingly favor the views of the ultra-conservatives.

Fair dinkum that had me worried as to the intelligence of our general public.  NE OUBLIE.

Censorship and its value or not.

Whether we like it or not, there are accepted and legislated boundaries which we cannot ignore.

So censorship (in the national interests) has its place in modern society but, it has become the tool of those who would hide the truths which have been mutilated by the simple value of the dollar and over many many years.

Where do we find the truth or, another opinion or, at least, some dissenter to debate with? 

If a person puts forward a researched and apparently valid point of view, with supported and unopposed statements, would it be fair to say that such a contribution would pass "muster" in a non-profit organization?

Just wondering.

God Bless Australia and those who stand by the inconvenient truths.  NE OUBLIE. 

Again I rely on memory.

IMHO in Western Australia there was a Court case about the right of the written media to print what ever they liked regarding their bias.

As I recall, the media won the case but, on the basis that their bias was only legal if if was printed in their Editorial as a personal opinion.

As we now know the media used that narrow decision to elaborate the "opinions" of their perhaps pre-instructed Journalists? 

It is always annoying to me that the media, Murdoch in particular, have exactly the same opinion of what happened and how and why.

How many people have been found guilty or innocent (depending on the value of one or the other) by the absolute abuse of freedom by the MSM?

Why do the Americans allow the "comment for profit" media to elect their politicians?

Why are we Austrlians, at this time in our valuable history, allowing the Murdochracy to abuse the rights that we have so foolishly given them?

The Americans are trying to put a reign on the greed of their Wall Street.  If we want the foreign owned media to faithfully report the news to us - while allowing them to use their Editorials - then I haven't a problem with that.

God Bless Australia and give us the courage to demand the truth.  NE OUBLIE.