Monday 10th of March 2025

a jesuit and a bishop...

a jesuit and a bishop...

From the ABC

"But those who know me know that I would never attack Tony in front of Malcolm. I would reserve my vitriol for others."

She also said she was "saddened by these false allegations of disloyalty, given that I voted for Malcolm throughout the ballot process".

Mr Turnbull declined to comment when contacted last night.

Ms Bishop has now appeared beside three new Liberal leaders in just over a year, pledging loyalty to each in turn.

"People are calling her The Cockroach," one MP told ABC Online.

"She'd survive anything."

Mr Abbott defended his new deputy during their joint press conference on Tuesday, declaring "She's a loyal girl!" and patting her.


"Good for you..." as Bertha would say...

Meanwhile, as I have mentioned for a while on this site, Julie Bishop is a "protege" of Senator Minchin... Nuff said.

Ah... what the heck... Minchin would have known that the vote would be close and that Malcolm was missing one vital ally, in the sick bay somewhere... He would know that Joe Hockey would divide the votes, goody goofy, as those prepared to vote for Hockey were annoyed Malcolm stood his ground and won against their big bear in the first round... thus they would vote for Abbott on the second round, despite their "beliefs" on the ETS... Yes, those who voted for Hockey would divide and send a message to Turnbul (cut their own nose out of joint at the same time too)... Julie did not have to abandon Malcolm, for Malcolm to be dumped... Julie was prepared to go anywhere... That is possibly the unspoken brief from Minchin...


Mr Turnbull himself issued a statement yesterday on his website declaring himself "disappointed" with the defeat of the emissions trading legislation in the Senate.

He described the vote as "contrary to the national interest and the interest of the Liberal Party".

see toon and comment above...

Information or influence?

It is a sad example of what has happened to the Australian media since the Murdoch puppets took over so that they could abuse truth for profit and for the benefit of the politically advantaged. But, do any readers of the extensive Murdoch press realize how much his influence moulds the opinion of our so-called democratic voters?


The duty of these puppets is to convince the readers of the absolute attitudes of the Murdoch Jewish Lobby.  I do not apologize for that because I believe that it is unfortunately, very true.


And why do we allow them to say that they are an example of the Freedom of the Press? Other than to claim that their obvious bias is their right?  What about those who have a differing opinion?  How many media moguls will undertake to print the facts without opinion?


When I was a Union Representative (unpaid of course) I was fortunate not to be exposed to Howard’s WorkChoices.  And I thought the election of 2007 killed that disgusting abuse of Human Rights. But now we have Tony Abbott and his individual contracts – shades of the ancient crimes against workers.


But now, for the greed of power over the people of our nation, this rabble has gone completely to the extreme right of Australian politics.


If you are a young voter – then you know that the Liberal/Nationalists will move to ignore the future of our planet.


If you are an older voter you should consider the efforts of Rudd and his government (and the rest of the civilized world) to stabilize our nation for the future and, to counter the extreme circumstances left by the Howard “New Order” and his profit based offer to his wealthy friends for a Nuclear Corporation.  (Check on that).


Whatever you believe, remember that what you have read is not an example of freedom of information in so far as that it is controlled by the business executives of that profit based company.


If only – we Australians were able to be entitled to truth in our methods of information.  If only.


If only the real  beliefs of these politically biased and financially dependent “Journos” were really printed it could justify their existence.


The Australian “media” is just another avenue of the Howard cross media legislation – do we remember?


God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.