Monday 10th of March 2025

the extra mile...

the extra mile


from the Guardian


But even by Limbaugh's standards — and remember this is a man who has over the years referred to Greenpeace and Sierra Club as "econazis" and "environmentalist wackos" — he seems to have gone the extra mile in calling the New York Times environmental reporter, Andy Revkin, a jihadi and a terrorist and telling him to kill himself.

As Revkin's colleague, Paul Krugman, says on his blog: "Always good to know what we're dealing with."

Limbaugh started off by ranting against militant environmentalists likening them to "jihad guys" (Media Matters for America has audio):

They convince these families to strap explosives on who? Not them. On their kids. Grab your 3-year-old, grab your 4-year-old, grab your 6-year-old, and we're gonna strap explosives on there, and then we're going to send you on a bus, The jihad guys have to maintain control. The environmentalist wackos are the same way.
Then Limbaugh turns on Revkin:

This guy from The New York Times, if he really thinks that humanity is destroying the planet, humanity is destroying the climate, that human beings in their natural existence are going to cause the extinction of life on Earth — Andrew Revkin. Mr Revkin, why don't you just go kill yourself and help the planet by dying?

catastrophic climate change is a security risk...

But it's worth noting that Limbaugh is the second figure on the right to equate environmentalism with terrorism in just a few days.

Daryl Metcalfe, a state representative in Pennsylvania, who like Limbaugh has a history of attacking gays, Muslims and others, reached his own personal low this week when he called a veterans' group "traitors" for supporting a climate change bill.

The connection is important. The White House and Democratic leaders in the Senate over the last few weeks have been finding traction among voters with the argument that dependence on fossil fuel poses a national security threat.

for the love

Elton John in tune with a man who hates gay people. Huh?

Well, we here at Lost in Showbiz HQ are just EXHAUSTED. In the wise words of that famous philosopher Kool and the Gang, we've been celebrating good times and we've come on. Now, y'all know that we don't like to brag about our (naturally) wild and crazy sexytime social lives, but for once we beg for your indulgence because we recently attended THE social event of the year. That's right, babycakes, we spent last weekend in glamorous Palm Beach at Rush Limbaugh's wedding! You know – Rush! The US shock jock who puts the "moron" into "human species", who once told a black woman to "take that bone out of your nose" and who delights in a song called "Barack the Magic Negro". God bless his waggish ways.

So, to the fourth wedding of this defender of America's family values, and what a swellegant, elegant party it was. Man, that Karl Rove and Rudy Giuliani must have been practising their dance routine to (I've Had) The Time of My Life for MONTHS! It was beautiful: they were serenaded by Elton John who had been hired to sing at the party and – what's that you say? It strikes you as a little strange that Elton John should sing like a trained parrot for someone who described Aids as "overhyped"? And you're trying to decide which is weirder: Elton playing for Rush, or Rush paying Elton $1m to sing at his wedding, considering he has repeatedly expressed his distaste for gay people who "trumpet" their sexuality "inviting dissent", but you can't because your head is about to explode?


see toon at top...