Monday 10th of March 2025

The Gaza Holocaust

In my research of ancient Israel, I found this:Canaanite Culture
September 21, 2003
We know from the Bible and from experience that God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. The Bible tells us that again and again.A question I’ve been asked is, “How could a good God command the Israelites to slaughter every man, woman, child, and even animal in the cities of the Canaanite nations? Is this the same God that listed ‘Thou shalt not kill?’ in the 10 Commandments?” In Deuteronomy, God gives these instructions to Israel:In the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them — the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites — as the LORD your God has commanded you.

Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony and she rightly informs us that the relevant Commandment in the Jewish Bible is "Thou shall not murder" not "Thou shall not kill".




A repeat?

The more I learn by research regarding the history of Israel and the Zionists the more I understand why they are considered to be dangerous to any incumbent authority.Webdiary would not print what I believe but I cannot ignore the historical fact that most nations of the world are cautious as to how many Zionists they allow into their country.If the Zionists believe in what their ancestors have told them about being God's chosen race and that killing is okay as long as it is not "murder" - then they would have to be a problem for any government no matter of what political persuasion.I am also of the opinion that religion itself is human nature's way of helping people to deal with the fact of their inevitable demise - and what comes after. But when that belief becomes aggressive and unforgiving to any other belief, there has to be a conflict or a collapse of the oppressed society. I only write what I believe.NE OUBLIE. 


Webdiary link - I take a liberty John/Gus.

A point of interest?

Whilst the "ethnic clensing" of WD started during 2008, it is interesting to note that there was a significant change in December 2008.

The Jewish MSM have gone quiet on the Middle East Murderers as indeed has WD.

Is this the insidious behaviour that almost totally took over Germany during their punishment for WW II? It was declared Russian Communism but - the major players were Jews - Marx; Lenin: Trotsky and even Joseph Stalin.

Interesting eh?


What can be the "united cause" - I wonder.


The story of Ernst Zundel is worth googling.

  I found this one preceding his so-called trial. Joined: 24 Nov 2002Posts: 5419      Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:33 pm Download Post    Post subject: K. Käther of the 'Self-Accusation Movement' in court !!!   ________________________________________I received this from Dr. Ingrid Rimlad, the brilliant wife of imprisoned Thought Criminal, Ernst Zundel.  Here we have a critically important example of an interesting tactic now being employed in Germany. Essentially that tactic goes something like this; a brave and rationally minded individual says ... 'The so called holocaust story line is a load of nonsense, I can defend that statement, laws which ban scrutiny of it prove my point, now arrest me and put me on trial !'.  Below we have an outline of one man's, Kevin Käther, effort. Comments invited.  Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurdity and impossibility of the 'holocaust' story is the message.  - Hannover Quote: [Translator's preface]  Mr. Kevin Käther is a representative of the growing "Self-Accusation" movement, or citizens' demanding that they be charged and tried for crimes of opinion.  The following trial report reflects the growing courage, enthusiasm and freshness of vision among patriotic young Germans as they answer the call for a new kind of civil disobedience. They are publicly "confessing" the "crime" of expressing opinions critical of their government's inquisitorial enforcement of official historiography, as well as their government's slavish adherence to the outrageous conditions imposed on Germany by the victors of World Wars I and II in clear violation of international law.  In the tradition of Henry Thoreau and Mahatma Gandhi, the new activists demand that they be tried and punished for their crimes. Growing numbers of judges and public officials are also expressing their opposition to governmental tyranny. How long will the present regime be able to resist popular pressure for human rights, a constitution and an end to military occupation by the USA? COMMENT:  I have not fully read the history of this man Ernst Zundel, who had the courage to stand up to the slavish Hebrew demanded behaviour of his own government and the oppressing presence of the US occupation forces.  Viewing the news regarding the Richard Pratt funeral - and the wooden or perhaps cardboard coffin that had been provided for him - I could not but remember one of the many thoughts that were common in my childhood - "Jews do not spend money - they accumulate it". It also struck a chord with me when the man made this statement - "'The so called holocaust story line is a load of nonsense, I can defend that statement, laws which ban scrutiny of it prove my point, now arrest me and put me on trial !".  NE OUBLIE. This will be cross-posted in Gaza Holocaust.    


Truth, Justice and - abhor the American way.

 Sometimes opinions based on reason, logic and perception; give a clearer picture of the never-ending confusion and the implementation of "Justice" in our world today. By travelling and gaining experience on the way we must acknowledge that there are many different laws, customs and religions in various nations. Many of these, sometimes harsh laws, have been created to adapt to the climate and perhaps the  rigorous nature of the land - with religious "faiths" under the ever-present leadership of the "prophets" - no matter what religion or in what region of the planet. For example IMHO: The United States of America must be the most cosmopolitan nation in the world. It has more racial/religious problems than any other "civilised" country. It is the quintessential "do as I say not as I do" hypocritical dictatorship ever in recorded history. The citizens of the US have been made paranoid by constant claims of "they hate us for our values" and the hypnotising of their fearful minds by the symbol of their subjugation - the so-called "Star-spangled banner".  The latter permeates the very souls of the middle-class down to the some hundred million battling poor. Their mainly Hebrew controlled visual and written media maintains the power to elect or destroy any politician who does not meet their requirements - equally because of the misleading information and the undemocratic fact that the wealth of a campaign can elect such incompetents as that moron G.W. Bush. Can we ever forget the damage he did to the world and its people – not least of all his own?  He was only a confused and dumb pawn of the powers that be – the prophets. I am no expert on any religious doctrine but, to the best of my knowledge, the only Semite bible that preaches unlimited “killing” as commanded by Yahweh (the Zionist God) is the Torah? No matter how they continue to hide their crimes, the Hebrews cannot deny that they have their beginnings as one of the four Semite Tribes – in their case the Canaanites. And thereby entered their service of the cult of Mount Zion. We simple people, who are available as gun fodder for world conquest, find it difficult to understand or excuse any one country for doing something against the very obvious and simple laws of humanity, and conversely applying punishment to another in the same circumstances. Abhor the American way and that of their partners in crime, the Zionists. NE OUBLIE. 

This will be cross-posted in  Gaza Holocaust.


A Gaza Holocaust debate.

A welcome debate on an issue that should never die.


G’day Craig W - I note your comment on webdiary-libre viz: “It may have excaped your notice Ernest, but Storm front is a white supremacist site. Indeed, it has the slogan “white pride world wide” emblazoned [sic] across it.  Whatever the issues you have with jews, [sic] Zionists, Hebrews or what ever you choose to call them do you really need to stoop so low as to link and quote from that cesspit?


I welcome your post and accept that it was not an opinion site but a fact.  I was not aware of a site called “Storm Front” but, this morning after reading your comment I googled it and – struth – you were not kidding. Therefore I have never quoted from it.


However the racial attitude of white against others being brought forward by yourself as a counter, seems to suggest that you do not consider the original Hebrews white?  They weren’t you know if that is an issue.


Returning to my opposition to the Jews, Zionists and Hebrews as you say, I have always welcomed the opportunity to learn – your post has done that for me and until I read it thoroughly, at first blush I am not impressed to say the least.


Nevertheless, I also believe that “two wrongs don’t make a right” and cannot see the relationship - except for the accusation of bias.  Additionally, I cannot conceive how the Middle East Murderers’ have been able to ignore at least 101 UN resolutions and then - “corral” the entire population of Gaza like cattle, so that none could escape - then shelled, bombed, shot and burned men, women and children without so much as a “smack on the wrist with a handful of fairy-floss” from their sponsor the terrorist US.


Fair dinkum indeed.


I am not trying to make light of this Gaza Holocaust or “Warsaw Ghetto” type murder by the Palestine occupation forces (or whatever you want to call them) far from it.  An occurrence which service personnel like I, served to try to prevent.


This disgusting cowardly massacre of the poorly armed; untrained; and mostly uninvolved men, women and children of a farming community - starved of water and even UN supplies by those occupiers – and the very boring and out of date excuses for that action all of which, with research, firmly destroyed the undue respect I previously had for the history of ancient Israel.


With my limited learning I cannot conceive of any other international deception, of such magnitude, lasting as long as the centuries of “unjustified persecution” of the Jewish people! Especially when one considers that the USSR Commissars, led by Hebrews including Trotsky, killed tens of millions of Christians between 1920 and 1940. 


This and several other factual accounts of the arrogance and brutality by the Zionist/Canaanitic killers (who are as dedicated to the cult of Mount Zion as were the rogue Afro-Asians who worshiped the Goddess Kali) has opened the eyes of many Australians who have become tired of the “the world owes us a living” attitude of even the extremely wealthy Hebrews.


The invaders should return to the original UN boundaries – or get out of Palestine altogether.  Indeed, this shall not be forgotten.


Craig, I would like to continue our debate if you are willing - especially of your reasoning on the Gaza Holocaust and the majority of Palestine land being occupied by multi-national Jews, by force and starvation.  Cheers mate.




This will be slightly changed and posted on Middle East Murderers.







Research; think; reason and logic.

If it is possible to remove emotion from the Gaza Holocaust and the Hebrew claims to the Palestine lands - just looking at the big picture can help.

For example:
RESEARCH and history discloses that the ancient Arabs (Egypt etc) were not only civilised before the birth of a Hebrew nation but, the "established" Arabs, were the owners by possession and culture of the contested area long before the Exodus. The acknowledgement of the Hebrew tribes as Canaanitic Arabs came later after they united and defeated the people of Canaan.

THEREFORE the claim that ancient Israel or Judah was the original “nation” in Palestine is false since the Hebrew tribes needed to massacre the inhabitants of the many cities of the Canaanite people to gain their land.  In fact, recorded history shows that after the capture of Canaan, the original Hebrews who were in fact Arabic (desert) tribes were then acknowledged and called Canaanitic. So - the first historic acceptance of the Hebrew speaking people as an entity seems to be their conquering of Canaan.

RESEARCH and history discloses that Jerusalem was NOT an original Hebrew city but was in fact called Jebus and was populated by the Jebusites who were also massacred by the Hebrews led by King David. (Refer the Books of Samuel).

THEREFORE Jerusalem was originally a Jebusite city before it was re-named by the conquering King David and the claim that it was the Hebrew sacred site only came about by the military campaign against its citizens.  Again not a fair dinkum claim.

RESEARCH and history disclose that the contested land changed “overlords” many times but, was a part of the Arab world as Palestine for some thousands of years. The Palestinians allowed immigration especially in the 20th century of the displaced (Diaspora)Hebrews mainly from Russia and Europe.

THEREFORE the immigrants to Palestine, no matter of what religion or race, were accepted on face value to begin with.  Later the Zionists, again mainly from the USSR began agitating for Palestine to become theirs on the false basis of a “time selective” ancient right. They used unbridled terrorism against all and sundry to force their claim even though very few were even born in Palestine.  It was, on the 15th May 1946, a rebellion by the Hebrew underground military establishment when they declared the State of Israel against the protests of the Palestinian people.

COMMENT:  The Hebrew Canaanitic Arabs (identified by language) may use their worship of the “Golden Calf” and its military supporters to subdue the farmers of Palestine but their crimes will surely be punished eventually by the poorer victims who are infinitely more dedicated to martyrdom now than they have ever been.


This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.

When will they learn?

IMHO the “might is right” attitude to invasion and oppression should have died with the last of the Monarchy wars – the “Great War to end all wars” of 1914-18.

For the first time in history several changes were made to the politician’s wars for financial gain, irrespective of the outcome - Kings and Military commanders remained behind the lines and out of harm’s way – sort of “follow me I am right behind you”.

As far as I am concerned, the United States of America is the only imperialist nation in history to have created and selected wars, large and small, simply for a monetary gain to their Military/Corporate conglomerates.  It increases the invention and use of varying types of WMD’s that makes the rest of the world look like sheep targeted by a ravenous insatiable herd of mad dogs.

And the American people, consumed by the fear engendered by their respective capitalist governments and mesmerised by that fatalistic false symbol of safety and supremacy, the “Stars and Stripes” - must finally confront the cost in lives and money that they are required to provide for the war mongers.

The facts are that the US cares not if they lose in a war and the lives of thousands of their citizen military or - whatever side loses - since they are providing weapons to both.

For example, at the beginning of their involvement in Vietnam when John Kennedy was President, they lost some 64 Americans.  After he was conveniently assassinated, the involvement was radically increased by L.B.J. and they finally lost some 60,000.

For example, the Bell Helicopter company was almost broke but, after the shameful and costly loss of that war, the company had made many billions in profit – all paid by citizen’s taxes and the relatives of the unnecessary sacrifice of lives (and families) who were mostly convinced by the capitalist media that this had to be done to protect America.  Fair dinkum.

I have noticed several things about the contemporary United States of America.

There is a rising educated group of genuine American citizens who can see through the quest for world domination and the Zionist controlled powers that be. They surely must also understand the ultimate result of this “Golden Calf” tyranny.

IMHO the American’s sigh of relief with the removal of G.W. Bush and his fascists and the replacement by an Afro-American Barak Obama – orchestrated as it certainly was – created a deep but temporary breath of relief in the agony being suffered by the citizens of this nation, still manipulated as they always are.

While the US Military/Corporate makes millions, thousands of their citizens are dragged into uniform to fight and die for the ultimate profit of the powers that be.

The huge US funds and weapons of “support” to the wannabe westerners, the Canaanitic Zionist occupation forces in Palestine must certainly dry up or the invaders will eventually feel the wrath of the forces of freedom.

Wake up America – if the “bomb” is only a deterrent, why not let Australia have it? Or all of your allies besides the Zionists?


This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.


The Powers that be - who or what are they?

With the Pope visiting the Zionist murderers who continue to occupy Palestine against all principles of humanity; justice and the UN Charter, one must sit back and consider WHO the “powers that be” really are.


When Hitler and Mussolini were blessed by Pope Pius in the 1930’s one could forgive the human failure of bad judgement (or was it?).  However, while the ashes of Gaza and its citizens are still warm, the slavish behaviour of the current Pope Benedict (who was a Hitler youth) to the cruel and unbridled perpetrators of the Gaza Holocaust, should sicken even the most innocent of the world’s many other religions.  I know it sickens me.


As a non-catholic, I believe that the Pope has been badly advised and unhappily stupid by condescending to visit occupied Palestine - which act is much more of an insult to the millions of Arabs who have witnessed the Gaza holocaust that these Zionist murderers have created in the farming community of Palestine – than a futile act of endorsing an accepted but unproven crime for the sake of – what?


From first hand, I always considered the Arabs that I met,  were a peaceful and deeply religious people, seemingly devoted to the laws of their God whose teachings tend to soften the fears of the usually poor and uneducated.  However, the US/Zionist propaganda that all Arabs (a race to which the original Hebrews belonged) must be murdered and cowed into submission by the “powers that be” - for the natural resources of their land - or only for the land itself.


While the “ad infinitum” propaganda of the Jewish Holocaust continues to supersede any other and even more modern acts of genocide, I return to the question of who are “the powers that be”?


Have the Roman Catholics, with all of their enormous influence and wealth, conceded to the powers of the Cult of Zion from which they had broken away by the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth?


Oh what a tangled web we weave.  But, where does the evil of the powers that be actually fail to influence?  I would love to know – actually, I would be happy to believe that some place really exists.




This will be cross-posted on  Gaza holocaust.


Even the Americans can't control the Zionists.

While the US continues to provide unlimited numbers and technologically superior weapons to the Zionist occupiers in Palestine, the international concerns at the cowardly and illegal killing methods of these people is mounting but, not combined.


The UN may have the will to be impartial however; any criticism of the Zionists is ignored by the US and vetoed if it dares to consider even the lightest punishment. This conveys to the world that these self-acclaimed “chosen people” can virtually do as they like without any respect or compassion. 


The obvious question would be to ask; were “they” like that in Germany and the U.S.S.R. in the 1930’s?


While the numbers of Hebrews in Palestine seemingly equates to those in high places in the US - there is an enormous evil power which is consuming any form of Human Rights and International Laws without restraint.  Ironically, they are the very issues which the current perpetrators have been claiming they were denied in the European Holocaust.


The declaration of a State of Israel was an example of the ancient “might is right” demanded by Imperial powers before two world wars (to end all wars), encouraged the nations to be more civilised.  In addition, by any measure, it was illegal; immoral and cowardly since it was opposed by the rightful owners of the land it claimed. That is a modern example of a “back to the dark ages” which can only breed bitterness and disgust at the impotence of the only “united” assembly of nations.


The US has a lot to answer for and the hatred that the unholy US/Zionist alliance is building will only be destroyed when justice is seized by the Arabs of the Middle East.


After all, the use of any form of “killing” has been excused by the said alliance - now or soon, there should be an equal force developed by the oppressed Arabs to oppose the use of force and who can blame them? With the Zionist’ use of more US murderous weapons like Phosphorus bombs and the sowing of mines in the farming communities of Gaza – the “gloves must surely be off” now?




This will be cross-posted in Demon Zionists.



Slightly off topic but related?

Just a thought about the WTO.


Some time ago I wrote in Margo’s webdiary that the World Trade Organisation’s intentions to take over world businesses, together with their resources, was similar to feeding them into a huge “funnel” where only a severely reduced number would come out the other end but with control of the entire world’s economies.


Sort of the capitalist belief in “survival of the fittest”?


When the Barons of Wall Street, together with the infamous G.W. Bush administration, carelessly [?] allowed one single financial group, Lehman Brothers, to collapse and cause a domino effect all over the world, I was amazed at the evil power the US had to be able to do that, whether is was for greed or for some ulterior motive.


As an ordinary person, I thought that the biggest losers and the most adversely effected by this disaster would be the workers of the world (no work sorry) the small businesses (no customers sorry) and the less solvent of world financial institutions (no loans sorry).  Just imagine the concentration of power and wealth.


There would be enormous numbers of amalgamations and take-overs so that it wouldn’t be hard to picture my imaginary “Funnel” beginning to work and, with an excuse that it was beyond the control of the instigators in Wall Street.


 I looked up


For the sake of space, I quote just two of the 12 paragraphs namely:


Para 1.  The WTO is fundamentally undemocratic.  The policies of the WTO impact all aspects of society and the planet, but it is not a democratic, transparent institution. The WTO rules are written by and for corporations with inside access to the negotiations.  For example, the US Trade Representative gets heavy input for negotiations from 17 “Industry Sector Advisory Committees.”  Citizen input by consumer, environmental, human rights and labour organizations are consistently ignored.  Even simple requests for information are denied, and the proceedings are held in secret.  Who elected this secret global government?


AND para 3.  The WTO tramples Labour and Human Rights.   WTO rules put the “rights” of corporations to profit over human and labour rights.  The WTO encourages a ‘race to the bottom’ in wages by pitting workers against each other rather than promoting internationally recognized labour standards.  The WTO has ruled that it is illegal for a government to ban a product based on the way it is produced, such as with child labour.  It has also ruled that governments cannot take into account “non commercial values” such as human rights, or the behaviour of companies that do business with vicious dictatorships such as Burma when making purchasing decisions.


Even these two paras give me a feeling of unease.  The individual major players in the financial crisis of Wall Street and many other financial institutions were, and probably still are, Zionist Jews. Check it out.


The purpose of the forced Jewish Diaspora was to weaken their power by spreading them over many different countries but – it would now appear that the 5 million plus in the US and the 5 million plus in Zionist occupied Palestine – is the beginning of “the cities of refuge” in the Deuteronomy?  And what better way to take over the world?


Just a thought.




This will be cross-posted in Demon Zionists.




A short absence and "where do I begin?"



“THERE IS NO GREATER POWER in the world today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's mass media of news and entertainment.”


No truer statement explains the misinformed mindset of the western world today.


Such as: Who do we hate this year?  Who are the enemies of “democracy” (not US dictators or course)? CIA/Mossad funded and organised destabilising with only their information allowed out. No nation may have nuclear power without the approval of the US/Zionist alliance.  No Middle East nation may have a military of a standard that can reasonably protect its integrity.


While there are many free sites in the US which try to bring home that truth to a people, who live in fear with global paranoia, the messengers of that “flag waving” state of mind are clearly too powerful and they are all controlled by the massive US Jewish lobby. It is well worth reading some facts in the site I quoted.


No politician of significance succeeds in America, State by State, unless they have the direct or indirect approval of this insidious ultra-rich “one objective” organisation.


However, what is not clearly recognised in Australia is that we too are cursed with our own Jewish lobby organisations which have already achieved dangerous power.


What re-kindled my interest in this subject was the recent behaviour of the Jew Murdoch’s News Ltd.  This powerful and above the law group of political activists demonstrated how to raise a subject in the premier papers of the major cities of Australia. Never forget that Murdoch is a member of the Jewish lobby in the US.


At the mere nod from Murdoch or his lackeys, misinformation is poured out into our streets so that the bastardry of the US/Israel alliance, in a nation like Iran, which has had the audacity to have its own election in its own manner, under its own laws and with peaceful intent – is suddenly facing a violent demonstration on a basis which apparently had never been considered before.


 Can that gutsy little bastard Armadenejad survive yet again?  For the sake of Iran’s independence to make a sovereign choice when it suits them – let’s hope so.


BTW does anyone see the similarities with Iraq and Afghanistan?




This will be cross-printed in http://www.webdiary-libre, Demon Zionists.




A Clinical view of Adolf Hitler Mk. 1.

Source:  The History Place  I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.


In the muddy, lice infested, smelly trenches of World War One, Adolf Hitler found a new home fighting for the German Fatherland.  After years of poverty, alone and uncertain, he now had a sense of belonging and purpose....


All over Europe and England young men, including Adolf Hitler, eagerly volunteered.  Like most young soldiers before them, they though it would be a short war, but hopefully long enough for them to see some action and participate in the great adventure. It would turn out to be a long war in which soldiers died by the millions.  An entire generation of young men would be wiped out.  The war would also bring the downfall of the old European culture of kings and noblemen and their codes of honour....


...A stalemate developed along a line of entrenched fortifications stretching from the North Sea, all the way through France to the Saar River in Germany.  In these miserable trenches, Adolf Hitler became acquainted with war.


Hitler volunteered at age 25 by enlisting in a Bavarian Regiment.  After its first engagement against the British and Belgians near Ypres, 2500 of the 3000 men in the Hitler’s regiment were killed, wounded or missing.  Hitler escaped without a scratch.  Throughout most of the war, Hitler had great luck avoiding life threatening injury.  More than once he moved away from a spot where moments later a shell exploded killing or wounding everyone. Hitler, by all accounts, was an unusual soldier with a sloppy manner and unmilitary bearing.  But he was also eager for action and always ready to volunteer for dangerous assignments even after many narrow escapes from death.


Hitler, unlike his fellow soldiers, never complained about bad food and the horrible conditions.,..his fellow soldiers regarded Hitler as too eager to please his superiors, but generally a likable loner notable for his luck in avoiding injury as well as his bravery. On October 7, 1916 Hitler’s luck ran out when he was wounded in the leg by a shell fragment during the Battle of the Somme.  He was hospitalized in Germany.  It was his first time away from the front after two years of war. He was appalled at the apathy and anti-war sentiment among German civilians. He blamed the Jews for much of this and saw them as conspiring to spread unrest and undermine the German war effort.


To get away from the apathetic civilians, Hitler asked to go back to the front and was sent back in March of 1917.  In August 1918, he received the Iron Cross First Class, a rarity for foot soldiers....Despite his good record and a total of five medals, he remained a corporal. In October 1918 he was temporarily blinded by a British chlorine gas attack near Ypres. He was sent home to a starving, war weary country full of unrest.... On November 10, 1918, an elderly pastor came into the hospital and announced the news.  The Kaiser and the House of Hollenzollern had fallen.  Their beloved Fatherland was now a republic.  The war was over.


Hitler described his reaction in Mein Kampf:  “There followed terrible days and even worse nights – I knew that all was these nights hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible for this deed.”  End of Mk 1.


And so a brave soldier returned to a starving impoverished nation - made so, in his opinion, due to the politicians and the Jews.




This will be cross-posted on Demon Zionists.







A Clinical view of Adolf Hitler Mk. 2.

Source:  The History Place. I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.


War ends with German defeat.

 Faced with an effective British blockade, fierce resistance from the British and French armies, the entrance of the United States army, political unrest and starvation at home, an economy in ruins, mutiny in the navy, and mounting defeats on the battlefield, German generals requested armistice negotiations with the Allies in November 1918.  Under the terms of the armistice, the German Army was allowed to remain intact and was not forced to admit defeat by surrendering.... The failure to force the German General Staff to admit defeat would have a huge impact on the future of Germany.  Although the army was later reduced in size, its impact would be felt after the war as a political force dedicated to German nationalism, not democracy.


The ‘Stab in the Back’ theory would become hugely popular among many Germans who found it impossible to swallow defeat. During the war, Adolf Hitler became obsessed with this idea, especially laying blame on Jews and Marxists in Germany for undermining the war effort.  To Hitler, and so many others, the German politicians who signed the armistice on November 11, 1918, would become known as the “November Criminals”.


Workers Party/Hitler leads Nazi Party – 1921.

Hitler remained in the Army and investigated a small group of 25 in Munich known as the German Workers’ Party. The use of the term ‘workers’ attracted the attention of the German Army which was now involved in crushing Marxist uprisings. A speech at this meeting enraged Hitler and he spoke out forcefully against a Bavarian  “breakaway” idea and impressed one of the founders of the Workers’Party, Anton Drexler who wanted Hitler to join and gave him a pamphlet which reflected political thinking much like Hitler’s own – building a strong nationalist, pro-military, anti-Semitic party made up of working class people. Adolf Hitler joined the committee of the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or DAP) and thus entered politics. In Munich, there were many alienated, maladjusted soldiers and ex-soldiers with a thirst for adventure and a distaste for the peace brought on by the Treaty of Versailles and the resulting democratic republic. They joined the German Workers' Party in growing numbers.

There were many other political groups looking for members, but none more successful than the Marxists. Genuine fear existed there might be a widespread Communist revolution in Germany like the Russian revolution. Hitler associated Marxism with the Jews and thus reviled it. On February 24, 1920, Hitler was thrilled when he entered the large meeting hall in Munich and saw two thousand people waiting, including a large number of Communists. A few minutes into his speech, he was drowned out by shouting followed by open brawling between German Workers' Party associates and disruptive Communists. Eventually, Hitler resumed speaking and claims in Mein Kampf the shouting was gradually drowned out by applause.

He proceeded to outline the Twenty Five Points of the German Workers' Party, its political platform, which included; the union of all Germans in a greater German Reich, rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, the demand for additional territories for the German people (Lebensraum), citizenship determined by race with no Jew to be considered a German, all income not earned by work to be confiscated, a thorough reconstruction of the national education system, religious freedom except for religions which endanger the German race, and a strong central government for the execution of effective legislation. One by one Hitler went through the Twenty Five Points, asking the rowdy crowd for its approval on each point, which he got. For Hitler, the meeting was now a huge success. "A fire was kindled from whose flame one day the sword must come which would regain freedom for the Germanic Siegfried and life for the German nation."

Hitler realized one thing the movement lacked was a recognizable symbol or flag. In the summer of 1920, Hitler chose the symbol which to this day remains perhaps the most infamous in history, the swastika.

It was not something Hitler invented, but is found even in the ruins of ancient times. Hitler had seen it each day as a boy when he attended the Benedictine monastery school in Lambach, Austria. The ancient monastery was decorated with carved stones and woodwork that included several swastikas. They had also been seen around Germany among the Freikorps (soldiers for hire), and appeared before as an emblem used by anti-Semitic political parties.

But when it was placed inside a white circle on a red background, it provided a powerful, instantly recognizable symbol that immediately helped Hitler's party gain popularity.

Hitler described the symbolism involved: "In the red we see the social idea of the movement, in the white the national idea, in the swastika the mission to struggle for the victory of Aryan man and at the same time the victory of the idea of creative work, which is eternally anti-Semitic and will always be anti-Semitic."

The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.

By the end of 1920 it had about three thousand members. [A small beginning indeed ]


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A Clinical view of Adolf Hitler. Mk.3.

Source:  The History Place. I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.

The Beer Hall Putsch.

A series of financial events unfolded in the years 1921 through 1923 that would propel the Nazis to new heights of daring and would even prompt Hitler into attempting to take over Germany.

In April of 1921, the victorious European Allies of World War One, notably France and England, presented a bill to Germany demanding payment for damages caused in the war  which Germany had started.  This bill (33 billion dollars) for war reparations had the immediate effect of causing ruinous inflation in Germany. The German currency, the mark, slipped drastically in value.  It had been four marks to the U.S. dollar until the war reparations were announced.  The German government asked for a postponement of payments.  The French refused.  The Germans defied them by defaulting on their payments.  In response to this, in January 1923, the French Army occupied the industrial part of Germany known as the Ruhr. [Emphasis added]. 

Then it became 75 to the dollar in 1922 and then sank to 400 to the dollar. By  November 1923, it took 4,000,000,000 marks to obtain a dollar. Germans lost their life savings.  Salaries were paid in worthless money.  Groceries cost billions. [My own thoughts are that at this time the migration of USSR Jews between 1920 and 1940 is interesting]

Hunger riots broke out. In September 1923, the German government made the fateful decision to resume making payments.  Bitter resentment and unrest swelled among the people, inciting extremist political groups to action and quickly bringing Germany to the brink of chaos.

The Nazis and other similar groups now felt the time was right to strike. By now, November 1923, the Nazis, with 55,000 followers, were the biggest and best organised. Hitler and the Nazis hatched a plot in which they would kidnap the leaders of the Bavarian government and force them at gunpoint to accept Hitler as their leader.  Then according to their plan, with the aid of famous World War One General, Erich Ludendorff, they would win over the German Army, proclaim a nationwide revolt and bring down the German democratic government in Berlin.

They put this plan into action when they learned there was going to be a large gathering of businessmen in a Munich Beer hall and the guests of honour were scheduled to be the Bavarian leaders they now wanted to kidnap.

 Hitler declared “The National Revolution has begun!”  Things went progressively bad for Hitler and after some failed threats and lies to the Beer Hall crowd Hitler made the following statement – “I am going to fulfil the vow I made to myself five years ago when I was a blind cripple in the military Hospital – to know neither rest nor peace until the November criminals had been overthrown, until on the ruins of the wretched German of today there would have arisen once more a Germany of power and greatness, of freedom and splendour.”

The crowd in the beer hall roared their approval and sang “Deutschland uber Alles.” Hitler was euphoric.  This was turning into a night of triumph for him.  Tomorrow he might actually be the new leader of Germany.

But from there on things went bad for the revolution, ending in a plan put to Hitler by General Ludendorff that the Nazis would simply march into the middle of Munich and take it over. Because of his fame, Ludendorff reasoned, no one would dare fire on him.  He even assured Hitler the police and the Army would likely join them. 

Around 11 a.m. on November 9, a column of three thousand Nazis, led by Hitler, Goring and Ludendorff marched toward the centre of Munich and were confronted by several hundred armed Police forming a blockade. They refused to surrender and opened fire.

Hitler’s bodyguard, Ulrich Graf, jumped onto Hitler to shield him and took several bullets, probably saving Hitler’s life. Ludendorff, true to his heroic form, walked right through the line of fire to the police and was then arrested. Hitler was later arrested and placed in a prison at Landsberg where his spirits lifted somewhat after he was told he was going to get a public trial.

So the so-called Nazi revolution collapsed in 1923. End of Mk. 3.


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A Clinical view of the rise of Adolf Hitler Mk. 4.

Source:  The History Place  I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.

Hitler on trial for treason.

The trial of Adolf Hitler for high treason after the Beer Hall Putsch was not the end of Hitler’s political career as many had expected.  In many ways marked the true beginning.

Overnight Hitler became a nationally and internationally known figure due to massive press coverage.  Hitler was allowed to use the courtroom as a propaganda platform from which he could speak at any length on his own behalf, interrupt others at any time and even cross examine witnesses.

“I alone bear the responsibility.  But I am not a criminal because of that.  If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the revolution.  There is no such thing as high treason against the traitors of 1918”.

Newspapers quoted Hitler at length. Thus, for the first time, the German people as a whole had a chance to get acquainted with this man and his thinking.  And many liked what they heard. He gave this closing statement:

“The man who is born to be a dictator is not compelled. He wills it.  He is not driven forward, but drives himself.  There is nothing immodest about this.  Is it immodest for a worker to drive himself toward heavy labor?  Is it presumptuous of a man with the high forehead of a thinker to ponder through the nights till he gives the world an invention?  The man who feels called upon to govern a people has no right to say, ‘If you want me or summon me, I will cooperate.’ No! It is his duty to step forward.  The army which we have now formed is growing by the day.  I nourish the proud hope that one day the hour will come when these rough companies will grow to battalions, the battalions to regiments, the regiments to divisions, that the old cockade will be taken from the mud, that the old flags will wave again, that there will be a reconciliation at the last great divine judgment which we are prepared to face.  For it is not you, gentlemen, who pass judgment on us.  That judgment is spoken by the eternal court of history...Pronounce us guilty a thousand times over: the goddess of the eternal court of history will smile and tear to pieces the State Prosecutor’s submissions and the court’s verdict; for she acquits us.”

COMMENT: Whilst he was found guilty, his trial made him famous for trying to lift Germany from the ugly quagmire into which they were thrown.  This, by a disastrous war that had already punished all participants enough for the stupid pride of the Kings, Tzars and Kaisers of that era.

Hitler was sentenced to five years, eligible for parole in six months. This man certainly was a charismatic orator determined to right a wrong that he and his countrymen considered an unforgiveable undeclared surrender of the German Military.  End of Mk. 4.

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A Clinical view of the rise of Adolf Hitler. Mk. 5.

Source:  The History Place. I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.


Hitler’s organising and the quiet years.


Hitler had a new idea on how to topple the government and take over Germany for himself and the Nazis – play the democratic rules and get elected. The Nazi Party would be organized like a government itself, so that when power was achieved and democracy was legitimately ended, this ‘government in waiting’ could slip right into place.


PO II – was designed to create the government in waiting, a highly organized Nazi government within the republic that would some day replace it.  PO II even had its own departments of Agriculture, Economy, Interior, Foreign Affairs, Propaganda, Justice, along with Race and Culture.


For young people, the Hitler Jugend, or Hitler Youth was formed.  It was for boys aged 15 to 18, and was modelled after the popular boy scout programs, Younger boys aged 10 to 15 could join the Deutsches Jungvolk.  There was an organisation for girls called Bund Duetscher Maedel and for women, the Frauenschaften. At this time, within the SA, a highly disciplined guard unit was formed by Hitler that would be solely responsible to him and would serve as his personal body guard.  It was called the Schutzstaffel, the staff guard or SS for short.


An American named Charles G. Dawes had drawn up a plan, approved by the Allies, that reduced German war reparations.  The Dawes Plan stablized the German currency, the mark.  The plan also provided for huge loans from America to help German industry rebuild. 


The German Army had made its peace with the young republic.  Although forbidden by the Treat of Versailles to exceed 100,000 soldiers and denied modern equipment and planes, thousands of men existed in thinly veiled paramilitary organizations funded by the Army.  The German General Staff, disbanded by the treaty, simply disguised itself among its troops.  The Army was also secretly engaged in developing new technologies in Russian factories and was involved in training exercises with the Russian Army.  [And with the Italian Air Force].


Amid all this, Adolf Hitler knew it was going to be slow going for his party which had counted so many unhappy, disgruntled men among its early members.  But Hitler also had a sense that the good times would not last.  The German republic was living on borrowed money and borrowed time.  The underlying political and racial tensions he was so keen to exploit were still there, only dormant.  And when the good times were over, they would once again come looking for him.  But for now he just had to wait.

End of Mk. 5.




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A Clinical view of the rise of Adolf Hitler. Mk. 6.

Source:  The History Place. I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.

Source:  The History Place. I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.

The German people had already suffered enough through the sacrifices of WW 1 in lives and the subsequent brutalising caused by the Versailles Treaty - which was supposed to be a negotiated peace document but changed after hostilities ceased and the German Army had marched home to find their families starving.

Now, on Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the Wall Street stock market collapsed and sent financial markets worldwide into a tailspin with disastrous effects. The German economy was especially vulnerable since it was built out of foreign capital (as Hitler predicted) mostly loans from America and was very dependent on foreign trade.  When those loans suddenly came due and when the world market for German exports dried up, the well oiled Germ industrial machine quickly ground to a halt.

The temporary quiet years, better living standards and savings accounts, the result of years of hard work, were instantly wiped out.  Inflation soon followed making it hard for families to purchase expensive necessities with devalued money. Overnight, the middle class standard of living so many German families enjoyed was ruined by events outside of Germany, beyond their control. The Great Depression began and they were cast into poverty and deep misery and began looking for a solution, any solution.

Adolf Hitler knew his opportunity had arrived.

Since the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, Hitler had changed tactics and was for the most part playing by the rules of democracy. Now he was determined to overthrow it legally by getting elected while at the same time building a Nazi shadow government that would one day replace the democracy.  Hitler counted among his supporters a number of German industrialists, and upper middle class socialites, a far cry from the semi-literate toughs he started with.

In March of 1930, Heinrich Bruening, a member of the Catholic Centre Party, became Chancellor. To break a bitter stalemate to his financial program, he went to President Hindenburg and asked the old gentleman to invoke Article 48 of the German constitution  which gave emergency powers to the president to rule by decree.  This provoked a huge outcry so, as a measure of last resort, Bruening asked Hindenburg in July 1930 to dissolve the Reichstag according to parliamentary rules and call for new elections. 

The elections were set for September 14.  Hitler and the Nazis sprang into action; their time for campaigning (democratically) had arrived.


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A Clinical view of the rise of Adolf Hitler. Mk.7.


Source:  The History Place. I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.

Germans elect Nazis – September 14, 1930.


Adolf Hitler and the Nazis waged a modern whirlwind campaign in 1930 unlike anything ever seen in Germany. Hitler travelled the country delivering dozens of major speeches, attending meetings, shaking hands, signing autographs, posing for pictures, and even kissing babies.  Joseph Goebbels brilliantly organized thousands of meetings, torchlight parades, plastered posters everywhere and printed millions of copies of special editions of Nazi newspaper.


Germany was in the grip of the Great Depression with a population suffering from poverty, misery, and uncertainty, amid increasing political instability.


His campaign appearances were carefully staged events. Hitler began each speech in low, hesitating tones, gradually raising the pitch and volume of his voice then exploding in a climax of frenzied indignation. He skilfully played on the emotions of the audience…he offered something to everyone; work to the unemployed, prosperity to failed business people, profits to industry, expansion to the Army, social harmony and an end of class distinctions to idealistic young students and restoration of German glory to those I despair.  He promised to bring order amid chaos, a feeling of unity to all and the chance to belong.  He would make German strong again, end payment of war reparations to the Allies, tear up the treat of Versailles, stamp out corruption, keep down Marxism, and deal harshly with the Jews.


COMMENT:  As far as I can determine from various records, Hitler kept every one of those proceeding promises and more.  His infra-structure plans were admired by the world – he even developed a “people’s car” – the Volkswagen.


Hitler appealed to all classes of Germans.  The name of the Nazi party itself was deliberately all inclusive – the National Socialist German Worker’s Party.  All of the Nazis, from Hitler down to the leader of the smallest city block, worked tirelessly, relentlessly, to pound their message into the minds of all Germans.


On Election Day September 14, 1930, the Nazis received 6,371,000 votes, over eighteen percent of the total, and were thus entitled to 107 seats in the German Reichstag.  It was a stunning victory for Hitler.  It propelled Hitler to solid national and international prestige and aroused the curiosity of the world press.  He was besieged with interview requests.  Foreign journalists wanted to know – what did he mean – tear up the Treaty of Versailles and end war reparations?- and that German wasn’t responsible for the first World War?  [Nor were they?] In the Reichstag each Nazi member answered the roll call with “Present! Heil Hitler!”




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A Clinical view of the rise of Adolf Hitler Mk. 8.

Source:  The History Place. I post this with the intention of pointing out that Hitler, besides being a brave and loyal soldier, eventually raised his chosen nation to greater heights than many of the exalted conquerors of history.

Hitler Named Chancellor.


The President Paul von Hindenburg was kept waiting while Hitler and conservative leader Alfred Hugenberg argued over Hitler’s demand for new elections.  It was the final argument in what had been a huge tangled web of political infighting and backstabbing that finally resulted in Adolf Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany.


Germany was a nation that in its history had little experience or interest in democracy.  In January 1933, Adolf Hitler took the reins of a 14 year old German democratic republic which in the minds of many had long outlived its usefulness. By this time the economic pressures of the Great Depression combined with the indecisive, self-serving nature of its elected politicians had brought government in Germany to a complete standstill.  The people were without jobs, without food, quite afraid and desperate for relief.


Now, the man who had spent his entire political career denouncing and attempting to destroy the republic, was its leader.  Around noon on January 30, Hitler was sworn in.


Franz von Papen was vice-chancellor….and he boasted to a political colleague; “Within two months we will have pushed Hitler so far in the corner that he’ll squeak”.

Papen and many non-Nazis thought having Hitler as Chancellor was to their advantage.  Conservative members of the former aristocratic ruling class desired an end to the republic and a return to an authoritarian government that would restore Germany to glory and bring back their old privileges. For them, putting Hitler in power was just the first step toward achieving that goal.


Big bankers and industrialists, including Krupp and I.G. Farben, had lobbied Hindenburg and schemed behind the scenes on behalf of Hitler because they were convinced he would be good for business.  He promised to be for free enterprise and keep down Communism and the trade union movements.


The Military also placed its bet on Hitler, believing his repeated promises to tear up the Treaty of Versailles and expand the Army and bring back its former glory.


The all had one thing in common – they underestimated Hitler.


On the evening of January 30, just about every member of the SA and SS turned out in uniform to celebrate new Fuhrer-Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. Carrying torches and singing the Horst Wessel song, they were cheered by thousands as they marched through the Brandenburg gate and along the Wilhelmstrasse to the presidential palace.  Cops on the beat who used to give them trouble now wore swastika armbands and smiled at them.  Everywhere was heard the rhythmic pounding beats of jackboots, drums and blaring military parade music.


When Hitler appeared in the beam of a spotlight, Hitler was greeted with an outpouring of worshipful adulation unlike anything ever seen before in Germany.  Bismark, Frederick the Great, the Kaiser, had not seen this.




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A biased view of hitler mk. 9...

Hitler did a few "good things" for Germany, but overall he mostly did things that could only arrive to a damaged outcome... I for one came to be and survived because my parents cleverly managed to duck Hitler's bad deeds. I knew some people who were not so lucky... Sure, sometimes some countries under pressure may need a strong forceful leader, or have a bloody revolution, especially to redress social inequalities beyond a critical point of greed, but the system set up by Hitler and his commanding structure was strongly based on everyone's innate ability to perform, enjoy and justify perverse sadistic acts — with the glory of belonging to the group performing these "justified" despicable acts, made innocuous by the well-polished motives.

In terms of managing a country, democracy may not be ideal yet, and despotism may be the "only" system (Saddam) for a length of time, but I can assure readers the most vile of human's behaviour can (will) bloom in the heart of a great number of people in a dictatorship, while this vile behaviour is mostly contained to much fewer individuals in a proper democracy... Still we have to be vigilant (avoid apathy as well) as to protect our personal human rights — our life — against whomever is in charge of the system of governance.


History is as true as the historians.

Thank you Gus for your reply but I feel you have missed my point.

I considered the Author's take on the Rise of Adolf Hitler to be reasonable and I intended to show that there was another side to this man's existence.

Try to imagine a valiant army marching home from a disastrous world war one, along with their equipment for war, who believed that an “honourable” conclusion had been reached between the “Absolute rulers” (who to me are not much different from dictators anyway) only to find their families living in poverty and famine without any pride due to the humiliating way the war had ended.

Add to that the knowledge, true or false, that America made a comfortable financial profit from WW 1 and a significant number of Jews were involved in the Russian Communist’s destabilising of a badly beaten Germany like the Commissar of Commissars Trotsky. His leadership in the massacres of Christians in the U.S.S.R. for example is still a matter of record.

Not much relief was provided to the Germans after WW 1 except for investment from American companies until the Great Depression.  To the German people this was just another cruel blow to their efforts to live in reasonable conditions.  A second blow which must have driven into their minds the contradiction of successful marketeers and their actions during massive inflation and the need to work for food if they were lucky – just as bad as after WW 1.

Then people turned their attention to a man who promised them his “Twenty Five Points” and I quote:  “He proceeded to outline the Twenty Five Points of the German Workers' Party, its political platform, which included; the union of all Germans in a greater German Reich, rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, the demand for additional territories for the German people (Lebensraum), citizenship determined by race with no Jew to be considered a German, all income not earned by work to be confiscated, a thorough reconstruction of the national education system, religious freedom except for religions which endanger the German race, and a strong central government for the execution of effective legislation. One by one Hitler went through the Twenty Five Points, asking the rowdy crowd for its approval on each point, which he got.” (He was certainly not promising a democracy!)

I would claim that he did an enormous amount of "good things" for Germany and its immediate allies in the way he brought them together and guided them to their “glory” and prosperity.  He gave them dignity and an alternative to all of the worst sides of their so-called democracy and its almost total corruption in the conservative ranks of the politicians.

He “included” several countries without firing a shot like Austria; Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia.  He eventually conquered all of waring Europe and a big slice of Russia. Surely a larger “empire by force” than Napoleon himself?

The author I quoted wrote this about Hitler just prior to the beginning of WW 2:  “The great problem for Hitler at this point in his career was that his own bloated ego was fogging up his formerly crystal clear insight into international politics.  The Fuhrer-god of Germany was ever so slowly succumbing to the belief that he was infallible, that if he said such-and-such a thing was true, then indeed it must be true.  He was suffering from a kind of creeping megalomania and it was clouding his judgment, blinding him to reality”.

Hitler was undoubtedly a magnificent speaker and organiser even when his results were brought about during a time of unfair and unjust laws to the disadvantage of certain types of peoples that his obsession with quality of race had called untermenschen.

However, I would ask you to consider that, irrespective of the magnitude of Hitler’s crimes (and those who gave him the power to do so and the purpose for which they were committed) -  they are being repeated almost identically by the Zionists in occupied Palestine without any fear of punishment of any kind.  They too have a positive and cruel view on who should be treated as untermenshen. 

They too have been allowed to increase their killing on doubtful excuses.

They too have been allowed to commit hundreds of UN condemned crimes against humanity - including creating the largest concentration camp in history.

Cheers mate.







psychotic megalomaniac

Sure Ernest, but I did not miss the point.

There are (were) other ways to strengthen a country than through military systems that will only lead to war. As a great speaker, Hitler used most cheap tricks in the book, including manipulation of basal fear and glorious hope — as well as management of our prejudices, plus used a forceful propaganda machine — tricks than even a bumbling George W Bush used as well, with the same effect — including propaganda. These powerful tricks are also used in advertising.

I will repeat here, in the set up of his temporary success, Hitler used everyone's innate ability to perform, enjoy and justify perverse sadistic acts — with the glory of belonging to the group performing these "justified" despicable acts, made innocuous by the well-polished motives. The focus was to eliminate anything that did not conform to the ideal that he had set up rather than accept that many people are different. A stronger leader may have been able to negotiate with other countries without having to use force and eliminate the desire for revenge, a desire that underpinned most of Hitler's motivations.

His Napoleonic-style invasions of other countries, including the invasion of Russia were megalomaniac acts. The author of the book misses the point when he states that "The great problem for Hitler at this point in his career was that his own bloated ego was fogging up his formerly crystal clear insight into international politics."

The point is that Hitler from the onset of his career was geared to purge, invade and conquer. All using force rather than negotiation...

Crimes of history are never trully observed.

G’day Gus,


I don’t think that our un-emotional political or natural justice points of view are so far apart.


With respect, I think that contemporary society should always learn by history – certainly all of those times (and there are heaps of them) which demonstrate man’s inhumanity to man.  However, I believe that while the cruelty of past administrations – military or civil – that are provided for us to consider, should not concentrate only on the suffering of the Jewish people in the Holocaust.


Also, we should not consider the Nazi concentration camp era as being originally intended, only for the elimination of Jewish persons, when in fact it included many races; nationalities; even business people and especially political prisoners as indicated by those who were condemned to Dachau, the first concentration camp.


I am not aware of any recorded numbers concerning the murder of Russian prisoners in concentration camps but since their losses were in the region of twenty million persons, I can assume there were many who also suffered under that system.


I have written and continue to stand by the view that to bitterly complain about a cruel and unforgiveable Holocaust in so far as it portrayed that it affected only one race; religion or society is not giving a true and encompassing picture of that horror to which all people can relate.


In fact I consider that to continue to harp on an issue as one that should never be repeated - to that race - is to deny the same consideration and compassion to those who died alongside them - and those who may die in similar circumstances if the ideology which targets humans who are different - is allowed to continue in our world.


If we agree to the injustice of a so-called democracy removing the rights of citizens (or declared non-citizens) due to an identified type - even as Hitler did – do we really condone the Zionist Jews and their behaviour in occupied Palestine? Is it a conundrum that an original Arab race, the Hebrews, is now the deadly enemies of all other Arabs?


The world will never know peace Gus as long as the biggest war based economy and its unholy alliance with the new Israel is permitted to maintain the false marketing ploy of East versus West.


I would like to continue our debate – I’m seventy nine years old Gus and still willing to learn – but I need to be convinced that a crime by one nation is no more excusable than one to another. 


Cheers mate.





lost in oblivion

My point exactly, Ernest.

On this site I have exposed the suffering of many people, (not only that of the Jews) and in my essays I'm trying to find time to turn into a book called "The Age Of Deceit", I bag the "megalomaniacs and liars of our times — including the "Jewry" — as well as those of the past. For example, in other comments I have mentioned the way the "blacks" were basically murdered by slavery and the guns in the Congo in the early 1900s, mainly so that cars could have rubber tyres. It has been estimated that in these early years about four (4) persons died per tyres... Exploitation of the highest degree for which more than 60 million people died. Some of these comments have accidently bitten the dust on this site when it moved providers...

I am not as old as you are but am still willing to learn too. I have done many things (far too many) in my life so far, including mistakes and things I would not try to repeat but I have no regrets. I meet in the streets young nonagenarian, and has had a few friends who were approching the 100. One living past 101 with a mind sharp as a tack.

One sure thing is that we often form an opinion of something or of someone from second hand info — and from personal experience. The same goes for historians and there is always a problem in representing a flux with static expressions or singular moments. For example I know someone who tells me of a particular person's bad character from their point of view — say a particularly bad experience of racism or sexism. I have to assume the person telling me the story is genuine since I have known this person, a friend, for quite a while and have confidence the truth is being told. But another person would put a different angle on other events that can change the perception that the event was not racist nor sexist but only perceived that way.

Hitler and Stalin — another megalomaniac — decided to carve up northern Europe, including splitting Poland. In general these events are leading to much population suffering, not just Jews. Homosexuals, gypsies, the poor, the lot... And someone is always trying to take someone else's goodies.

I wrote a poem just after the Bali bombing...  it was then posted somewhere on this site... It applied hopefully to all of us, from the leaders of nations to the singular gripe murderers...

Here it is again:

The Cruel Curse of a Kuta Killed
Oh brothers and sisters in pain, pray needlessly for the souls of terrorists
Because Happy Joe died too soon fazed by the enormity of his deed
To cast a centuries-old cruel curse on his executioners’ terror creed
And on all those who wage war in the name of peace.


For the enemy is oft the brothers we betrayed or did not love
Yet the pain in Joe’s dying heart cursed those bombers’ souls
Twenty generations and five hundred years, forever to be foul
Never to be invited by Vishnu, Allah nor to a Holy Trinity’s trove.

Not even evil nor devil will their souls ever see,
As forever lost they are now destined for oblivion
In a cruel curse lasting for five hundred years and twenty generations
A damning centuries-old curse on these executioners’ souls
And on all those who wage war in the name of peace.

So listen carefully, you the great leaders of the world,
You the Palestinian suicide bombers and you the Jewish soldiers
So too the thirty thousand-feet collateral damage bombers
Listen carefully, you the terrorists of Al Qaeda and you the JI lord
Fundamentalist who kills to despise others’ life, clean or unclean
Anyone who murder children in the name of peace and mothers in war
Or fathers, brothers, sisters and anyone else to be happily seen,
Your soul will never ever be invited to the eternal banquet,
Your soul forever lost as if you never lived for time to forget,
Your fate to be worst than burdened by an original sin.

Too strong the curse of Happy Joe the Kuta killed
Unmoveably cast for your soul to be forever cruelly killed
Yet the doomed fate of your children and their children can be redeemed
If you pray for forgiveness and stop your deadly deeds.

Smile givingly and be happy to redeem your mortal life’s aspect,
So your humble humanity can take greater care of this fragile planet
Since you now chose not kill to live forever in proper peace
You’re on the way to heed the too Cruel Curse of a Kuta Killed.

Then only your family spirits to be saved by your relentless regrets
In this world where you do not have to love but just respect
As you shall not kill anyone to live forever in proper peace
T’is the only way to heed the Cruel Curse of a Kuta Killed.

Too many contradictions Gus.

G'day Gus,

I like what I sense to be your opinions in your poem, even though it was somewhat cryptic to me.

I think that since Christianity began as a splinter from Judaism, there has been some very strange claims and unproven history from the Jewry to be God's chosen race.  If we signed that with Hitler's name there would be an enormous outcry?

I have been led to the conclusion by some contradictory "facts" that the whole question of any religion is based on faith? These faiths can be altered to suit the ever enlightening science that puts at risk even the most basic of those beliefs.

The Jewish Deuteronomy for example is only a part of a belief in aggression and that - what the world has been convinced to consider is terrorism - is the only way to achieve their aims.  And those aims?

An example is the Gaza Holocaust.  There wasn’t any logical or reasonable excuse for the Zionist declaration of a new State of Israel over the unanimous opposition of the Middle East states along with the Palestinians themselves - who were not allowed to vote at all.

Since then the flood of money, weapons and technology from the U.S. has kept the Zionists well ahead in their game of war - while the people they attack have never attacked them other than - verbally or with home-made rockets which were fired by the people who own the targeted occupied land.  The target for those primitive methods of objection would have been more than acceptable against the Germans in WW 2?

By any measure that is a justifiable irritation to the terrorists who are killing and plundering the entire Middle East?  With no more excuse other than the claim that those people attacked may be training to defend themselves?

Now we all know that if the Zionists suspect that one or more of the Middle East States may be providing their citizens – or others – with methods of defence against attack under the United Nations Charter of Human Rights – then they must be terrorists!

Which ever way we consider the known facts of the Gaza Holocaust and its example of total persecution in the world’s biggest concentration camp there is just no excuse.

The Zionists have repeatedly put themselves above any law other than their own – and the ramifications of this being allowed are reminiscent of the prelude to World Wars one and two.

And just who financially profited from them?

Cheers mate.




contradictions in black holes...

Yes, Ernest...

There is not much distance between some acts of the Zionists and some of the Nazis...

I have reinstated the comment I wrote in 2005 as "Virgil's legacy"... There could lie the answer to "who profits from what where" there. The bulk of the comment disappeared soon after being posted, in a weird way. I am prepared to believe it to be a technical computer glitch when changing providers (but who knows, it happened before moving platform)...

Contradictions? Judaism borrowed its history from "pagan" Babylonians (a bit like we mix Santa Claus with Christianity) and gelled as a splinter group from the pharaohs common laws (Moses tablets), itself based on "what made sense" at the time...

Even Einstein's law of relativity is full of contradictions... yet it is a powerful scientific way to see the universe.

The poem is essentially aimed at anyone (Jews, Muslims, American presidents, commoners) who believe their divine right to kill. A curse — for those who believe in gods/fairies/gremlins — is always feared far more than a gun pointed at one's heart. A curse on one's soul is the ultimate annihilation of the self... 

I am a rabid atheist, nonetheless.


Sorry for delay in answering Gus.

My interest and disgust at the behaviour of the Zionist Jews in occupied Palestine was originally aroused by a post in by Australian Jews.

These people put aside any claim to the protection of so-called anti-Semitism and clearly stated their opposition to what is obviously happening in Palestine and the rest of the Middle East.

That post from sincere Jewish people was the catalyst which started my research into just why this race or Religion demands the God-given right to “kill” (not murder) and to turn back history thousands of years - even IF the claim was spot on – and it is not. 

To permit this to happen could create a precedent for other races/religions/societies to kill and murder to obtain what they claim was originally theirs – and this theory is back to the dark ages?

According to Google there are twenty two different religions in the world, however there are only twelve classical world religions of which Judaism is one. Of all the religions mentioned, Judaism is the smallest at .22% (14 million) - although to be fair, the Christianity figure includes many different denominations which are not shown as a percentage.

Nevertheless this tiny religion must have the most disturbing history of all in so far as it has followed a chosen course which has surely created more hatred for political and commercial disturbances than any other.

For the want of a better description I have thought that their energy is almost universally devoted to “Gold-n-Power”. Meaning of course that where-ever you go in the richest countries of the world, you will invariably find a disproportionate number of Jews in positions of power. And in some you are not even allowed to question their methods of achieving that control.

I wonder how and why?  I can only guess that it could be the wealth that they accumulate which provides them with an advantage in the scheme of things. Could it be their infamously recorded miserly attitude? And if it is – what is wrong with people saving money for a better future?

But, it goes deeper than that.  When you study the effect of that attitude on a given society, it can upset the practice of “what goes around comes around”? When at some point there is a “hernia”?

I come back to the disgraceful hypocrisy of the Zionist take-over of Palestine and the methods they have used to achieve their aims.

It is no longer an acceptable excuse for these particular people to aggressively displace peaceful farmers, even of their own Arabic race, to establish a war machine society. This for the obvious purpose of creating a position of power in a society which cannot defend itself! And is punished if it tries?

After December 7 1941, the Japanese accepted that their “live or die” attack on the United States state of Hawaii had "awoken a sleeping giant".


Cheers mate.








israeli aggression...

Totally agree, Ernest...

There is a Zionist propaganda machine that is designed not to let us forget about Hitler and the Jewish suffering. It is designed to force the general public to give excused leeway to the Jewish own aggression, disguised as "self-defense" so to speak. And one has to consider that semites include Jews and Most Arabic tribes, thus anti-semitism is also anti-Arab, a premise which the Israelis practice with subtle hypocrisy... Not all Jewish people do so but the end result is a numbers game: the more people doing it win are against the decent people who oppose...


Is Money the root of all evil?

I have always believed that everything has a cause and effect – and it would seem that the persecution of Jews has such an enormous effect – over many centuries - that the cause must be dramatic and universal.


But, what is it?  Why do world nations consistently despise Jews?


I copy from Wikipedia a Partial list of Jewish refugee status. (Excuse the congestion but even the Partial list is comprehensive),

722 BCE.

The Assyrians conquered the Kingdom of Israel and enslaved the Jews.

597 BCE. 

The Babylonian captivity.  In 537 BCE the Persians, who conquered Babylon allowed the Jews to return and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.


The defeat of the Great Jewish Revolt. Masses of Jews were sold into slavery across the Roman Empire.


Emperor Hadrian expelled hundreds of thousands of Jews from Judea and wiped the name off the maps.

7th Century

Muhammad expelled Jewish tribes from Medina which was founded as a Jewish city.  The Banu Qurayza tribe was slaughtered and the settlement ransacked.


The waves of Crusades destroyed hundreds of Jewish communities in Europe and in the Middle East. Including Jerusalem.

Mid-12th Century.

The invasion of Almohades brought to an end the Golden Age of Jewish culture in Spain.

12th-14th Centuries.

France.  The practice of expelling the Jews accompanied by confiscation of their property, followed by temporary readmissions for ransom, was used to enrich the crown.  Expulsions in 1182; 1254, 1322; 1359 and 1394.


King Edward of England issues the Edict of Expulsion for all Jews from England. The policy was reversed after 350 years in 1655 by Oliver Cromwell.


European Jews were blamed for poisoning wells during the Black Death.  Many of those who survived the epidemic and pogroms were either expelled or fled.


Ferdinand II and Isabella issued the Alhambra decree, General Edict on Expulsion of the Jews from Spain (approx. 200,000) Sicily(37,000), from Portugal (1496) and Calabria Italy 1554.


The fall of the Dutch colony of Recife in Brazil to the Portuguese prompted the first group of Jews to flee to North America.


Ukranian Cossacks destroyed hundreds of Jewish communities and committed mass atrocities. Ukraine was annexed by the Russian Empire, where officially no Jews were allowed.


The reforms of Frederick II, Joseph II and Maria Theresa sent masses of impoverished German and Austrian Jews east.


Repeated waves of pogroms swept Russia, propelling mass Jewish emigration. Some 2 million emigrated in the period 1881-1920.


The German Nazi persecution culminated in the Holocaust of the European Jewry.


The Jewish exodus from Arab lands. The combined population of Jewish communities in the Greater Middle East (excluding Israel) was reduced from about 900,000 in 1948 to less than 8,000 today. {I must interpose here because while these issues carry weight of truth, the latter is very misleading and I should suggest that the reduction in Jews in Arab Lands was significantly due to the massive increase in the Jews in occupied Palestine. In fact they are now in the plus region of 5 million – equal approximately to the US.)


State-sponsored persecution in the Soviet Union prompted more than 1 million Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel, 250,000 to the United States with refugee status and 100,000 to Germany.


COMMENT.  I post this due to my respect for Gus and the Australian Jews who know right from wrong and are prepared to say so.


It should be remembered that while I believe these events actually happened, I still have my question as to WHY.


Could the reasons have anything to do with the Roman Catholic Church in so many nations of that faith?  A typical religious bigotry that has caused so many wars? But then that would not be universal over those many centuries. 


I keep zeroing in on Gold-n-Power - meaning that power is a product of wealth and, without any financial expertise, it seems to me that if a section of our community lends money at “usury” standards – there will always be resentment which could lead to government action to protect the citizens from themselves.


Not every government adopts that attitude of the Howard “New Order” that when the citizens accept the advertisements about “cheap” loans, it is their fault if they accept them.  This little monster had no “duty of care” other than “everything is profit”.


But that is another story.




This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.






esta be, esta be...

Yes Ernest...

Thanks for your valued comments.

It is my view that money isn't the root of all evil... I could be wrong.
Money becomes part of "evil" when one starts to believe in a god or another at the same time as trying to become wealthy and powerful without regard for others — all others without exception (sharing equally is thus not an option)...

As you know, persecutions of all sorts have been rife throughout history. There were the Jews being expelled from here and there, there were inquisitions and religious wars, there is still some demonising of gays and such in most societies. It would take many volumes of writings to explore all these without end, but here is a digest of another historical example:

The persecution of the Cathares (I have mentioned them in a few comments on this site) was fierce and deadly. They got wiped out. Yet one could say they were progressive spiritually based humanists, with money.

Cathares were mostly concentrated in the south of France, but also existed in Catalonia (Spain), in Italy, in some Germanic provinces and there were some in England too.

To cut a long story short, the Cathares were successful lenders... at a time when the Catholic popes had decree that lending money was sinful.

They also were fiercely egalitarian. Men and women had the same rights. They were sort of "Christians" whose belief were anchored back to a kind of Manichaeism — in brief, an old belief which accepts there are TWO original forces — good and evil, rather than believe in one original universal "omnipotent" force from which a splinter group with similar or stolen acquired powers became evil (this latter belief underpins the 3 Abrahamic religions, Jewish, Muslim and present Christianity).

The Cathares believed that the dark and the light (evil and good) were of two different kinds and that the world in which we live had been created by the devil (evil — dark). Thus the Cathares had to behave extraordinary well in order to escape the earthly tenebrous space to reach the light... Like the Buddhists they also believed in reincarnation. Their soul, body and spirit (in this instance meaning mind) being reincarnated should they be "sinners" till the time their existence reached a level of maximum awareness when they would become "perfects". "Perfects" usually had given up all possessions and lived a life of mendicity while being "valued" for the powers of their perfect prayers and priestlike devotion.

Thus we can see a parallel with the green men of Scientology in which there are levels to achieve in order to achieve perfection, and money plays its part too, except for the "perfect" mendicity side of things...

And the yin and the yang (except they are two parts of a greater whole) while in Cathare belief the good and evil are two separate unmerged entities, influencing our behaviour.

There is also a thin parallel between "evil and good" with my personal interpretations of life in which I state the natural mechanics that underpin life are aggressiveness and receptivity. I don't believe in good and evil. I believe we learn to manage aggressiveness and receptivity via our complex mix of evolved cultural systems and own animalistic personal physical reactivity in "pain and contentment" (more on this here).

Of course, the Cathares had their own defense/protection system (armies) against any potential threats. Since they practised usury to a high degree, lending at between 20 to 100 percent interest, they became super rich. Through lending, they helped commerce and exploration to develop.

But the Pope and the French King did not like what was happening, as with money comes more power, more converts for the Cathares and less influence from the establishment. In the mid 13th century, the French King and the Catholic Church's armies (yes, the Catholic church had combatant soldiers) allied in the defeat of the Cathares.

Those who were not killed, escaped and migrated to other places in Italy, in Spain and in Dalmatia... They had to meet and live in secret, and behave Freemason-like... But, unlike the Freemason, eventually the Cathares disappeared from the spectrum of religions on earth... It is highly possible that the Cathares had Jewish connections or roots, and eventually the "legends" of the Cathares were reconstructed and embedded in the religious spoof that led to "the Da Vinci Code"...

Each time persecutions happen, it is the same sordid human side that performs the act. We all have the seeds of aggressiveness in us, that we can use to inflict pain (sadistic traits) for pleasure (or moralised gratification — massage of our hypocritical "righteous side" especially in torture) — and inflict pain in ourselves too (masochistic tendencies) or foster peaceful contentment in ourselves to communicate or deal with others. The tragedy often begins when we decide to inflict pain to install forcefully our version of contentment to others, or their change itself is highly self-painful. We often resist change because of many factors, including the change is for the worse or we don't want to know... or it removes our freedom to choose... or it conflicts with our stack of beliefs — right or wrong.

Our various cultural dictum and religious dogmas are perverse enough to let us believe it's okay to inflict pain — or death — for the common good (Esta be, Esta be...).

We're rotten scoundrels.


We have not come far have we Gus?

G'day Gus,

Your post is very wise in its interpretations - in particular the description of "rotten scoundrels".  I agree totally.  Given the circumstances, all of us are capable of anything known to man.  We have tried to nurture civilisation to overcome that problem in many ways but – we have not learned.

I had never heard of the Cathares or of their persecution but I understand that, like most things if we care to take notice, there are lessons to be learned.

I will come back to money-lenders later Gus.

My Mother’s first husband was Jewish and he was a pianist who tragically succumbed to the plague that was brought back by our WW 1 soldiers.

My Father and my brothers were all businessmen except for myself (Navy and Oil Refinery) and my younger brother who passed away at 49.

I came to believe that successful business is based on several things but to me the most obvious is deceit.  The better the deception the better the outcome for the deceitful – even when it comes to religion.

As time goes by, using the Roman Catholic faith as an example, the general public are becoming more educated and aware of the fallacy of so many stories that stretch the imagination so far that it demands abject “faith” as the only way to sell it.  I consider the Roman Catholic Church the biggest business in the world and its centuries of cruel and vicious laws to plunder and murder is surely well known.  And yet it flourishes!

For the Pope to continue to be the representative of God on Earth and above Kings and Queens without the judgement of the people, democracy could not exist – nor Communism – nor Socialism or whatever.

So I consider that civilisation has at least progressed some over the centuries to where a true democracy should exist without double standards and without the dictatorship of a powerful terrorist society – currently the United States.

I guess the United Nations could have been a start if the US and others on the Council would have abided by its original intentions and spirit.

The Charter is fair and meets common sense and logic in my opinion but – it is not being enforced in that manner.  The US “haves and have nots” mentality is as frustrating and hypocritical as it ever was.

So Gus, we come to the money-lending.

It appears obvious that the Cathares were, in the vernacular, a bunch of crooks.  Not because of their religion but the usury they employed even to 100% interest.

The mere fact that there exists a need and there is profit to be made, in itself, is not an excuse for exploitation. Money-lenders (including the US Bankers) are not doing ordinary citizens any favours by giving them loans for which they have no ability to service.  US (and Australian) toxic loans. The Howard/Costello “serve you right” category. 

To me that attitude is an abdication of duty of care and could be applied to the same sort of people if they were being sold drugs; or trading in the prostitution of women; or the tribal attitude of the various mafias; and the excuse is that - there is a need? No – it is that money can be made and the “devil take the hindmost”.

I believe that borrowing by business to expand (and employ) is a justified need and is assisting in the nation’s financial standing. However, it should be exercised by Banks or institutions regulated by the government – not by miserly opportunists who have been allowed to be the parasites for centuries like I assume the Carthares were considered to be.

Therefore, we could criticise any religion (or anything in a true democracy) - since none are perfect in my opinion – however, if a government of any persuasion, permits its citizens to be unfairly treated by the rich and powerful while they are becoming richer and more powerful - due to a desperation of its people – then money is surely the “root of all evil”.

Finally Gus, I cannot come to terms with any society which classifies itself as a democracy and with a respect for freedom of speech - that obtains the control of information by any means - and denies the citizens the right to criticise.

Are you and I rotten scoundrels Gus because we weep for our society?

Cheers mate.




and by the way...

And by the way this might be the cover of my book... when hopefully...



Go for it Gus.

My Wife and I would love to read it.

Cheers mate.


reincarnation and free love

Hi Ernest

working on The Age of Deceit lazily though...


I might have been too brief in my description of the Cathares as "money lenders"... The Cathares had a very complex yet more equitable society for its time — in which most ordinary folks led a peaceful, fruitful and happy life. There were bakers, tradespeople, country folks, artisans, merchants, lords and  "bourgeois", yet they were all united in their strange belief, aimed at achieving "perfection". The erudite mendicants, the "perfects", being the optimum of reincarnated salvation. The "perfects" were a bit like Buddhist monks who don't possess anything and have to beg for rice... The only possession the Perfects had was a copy of the St Paul's bible if my memory serves me right... yet the origins of Catharism are "mysterious" and could have been influenced by eastern Buddhist beliefs as well as Manichaean beliefs.

And it was their belief too they had to help each other — to make sure that life was as comfortable for all on this devilish earth.

Lending money (illegal at the time in the King's realm) was to help start a new venture, help a captain buy a new boat, a tradesperson start a new business, and such. One has to realise too that in those days there was no insurance for losses, new ventures were often risky and the borrower could abscond, not repay or be a traitor — or the authorities (the Kings — they stayed clear of the Cathares for more than a couple of hundred years) could come and arrest everyone for having the wrong belief and wrong money practice... This meant death (which in the end it did).

In those times, the King was the only one allowed to collect his dues (taxes), while most of the unwashed were fed pittance to build cathedrals or palaces, or ploughed fields with only a meagre subsistence result. Most of the unwashed was under servitude (serfs) while in the Cathare environment, the feudal system was being tested out (it was considered the work of the devil) by building a "world of good" in "this satanic environment".

Even with lending, usury could be considered a sin if it was done with the wrong intent (profit without duty of care). I would suggest if the lending was done with no honour as "honour and lending were undeniably linked" it was a sin that would snowball badly into the next reincarnation.

Plenty of works have been written about the Cathares, yet their early capitalist social experiments has vanished into the depth of oblivion.

I have use the word "Cathares" (French) instead of the word "Cathars" (English) as most of their history is based in France.

There were plenty of attempts by the Catholic Church — some more famous than others — to get rid of the Cathares before the final wipe out...

And by the way, the emancipation of women in the Cathares environment led them to be as sexually "promiscuous as men", without sin nor dishonour, this as a partial revolt against the unfair roman laws of marriage and the enjoyment of "free" carnal love... While the "perfects" men and women had to practice pure sexual abstinence...

much more could be said....

Good to hear from you...

ps: it appears that the Uighur were (are?) Manichaean and their present struggle to exist and shake the Chinese domination could be paralleled with that of the Manichaean Cathares versus the Catholic church in the 13th century...

I digress slightly on topic Gus.

I digress slightly on topic Gus.


G’day Gus,


As I have recently written, I believe that when the German people accepted Hitler and all of his publicised intentions, they became responsible for his actions – whether they subsequently agreed with them or not.


“The Government of a people is what they deserve” so to speak.


In February this year - after Webdiary had changed hands as I was informed by a Murdoch type of reliable source – I received an e-mail from the Editors.  Its words were as follows:


Webdiary will not publish any comment by you that suggests that all Israelis are complicit in the unpleasant actions of their government.  Such suggestions are not only silly, but also totally lacking in any understanding of the past and present history of the state of Israel, and verge, in our opinion, on the anti-Semitic.


We also reject out of hand any suggestion that the “voluntary editors” have been silenced by some more powerful force”.  You might like to consult you legal advisor regarding the possible defamatory aspects of such a suggestion. (Emphasis added).


Strange that these people believe they already have the power to be “some powerful force” that I had the temerity to suggest!


Firstly Gus, as I have explained to you, my previous acceptance of Hebrew history was diametrically opposed to the behaviour of the Zionists – so, I began to genuinely research it, to overcome my supposed “lacking in any understanding of the past and present history of the state of Israel”! As a result of that research, I have formed my opinions and will stand by them no matter what veiled threats these fascists employ. The history is may I say, one so many stories, myths and claims only the faithful could accept.


My posts were even denied due to spelling and grammar errors!  Finally I was honoured to become one of those who still believe in Australian freedom of speech by being disqualified from that group of fascist supporters.


So, since Australia is not yet completely controlled by the Jewish lobby, I repeat here and now, loud and clear, that I believe the Israelis themselves are just as guilty as the government they allow to continue the fascist brutalising; starving; evicting; bombing and generally massacring the people of Palestine - including those in the largest concentration camp in history – the Gaza Strip – and the poor fools in the West Bank who believed the Israelis really wanted peace.


Even Hitler had to put up with underground disagreement.


Cheers mate. God bless Australia. NE OUBLIE.


Who controls the peace of the world?

G’day Gus,


You are spot on mate.  But let’s look at the big picture, at least as I see it.


Just as an aside - to suggest that any race or religion is perfect


I believe that the only nation in the world today that provokes war for profit is the US.  It follows that the enormous power of the Zionist lobby in that country is hand in glove with that spirit of aggression.


The Zionists are wrong in excusing their brutality by the false and unjustified claims to the land of the Palestinians.  I even remember the media at one stage claiming that the Zionists were improving the wasted land – and therefore their aggression was acceptable.


The pages of history are bursting with horrific wars and hostilities so many of which have their origin in religion. The United States has exploited every possible profit making conflict of bastardry - at least for more than a century. They have now arranged their propaganda to use religion as a catalyst to create unnecessary hatred - more than any other method – because in race and religion their citizens are so diverse that there is a lot more than just one’s colour to encourage “tribalism”..  


Vis-avis the laws that may exist against anti-Semitism – it’s premise is no more valid than in the Roman Catholic faith.  How terrible would it be if they were able to hide the sexual frustrations and transgressions of their priests with the plea that they are entitled to punish anyone who criticises them – even with acts of law?


I have been a Freemason for 58 years Gus, and as such I have been proud to meet the requirements to be honest, God-fearing and of good character.  The teachings are no longer secret, but to those accepted, the Brotherhood remains staunch in its beliefs even with our Arab members of all original tribes.


The ancient history of Judaism, as related in the Bible, is very strong in its demand for truth and loyalty - as too are the punishments for betrayal – so you can imagine how I felt when the “Jewish” aggression in Palestine became public knowledge.  And this mainly due to the unforgiveable leadership of the Zionists of all people.


It seems to be factual that their illegal and provocative actions would have to be maintained indefinitely to keep the other Arab nations subjugated.  It would also demand for the laws of the planet to be ignored by this radical group who, after all, are on a course which must end with an “Afghanistan” type return to the norm. As the US mafia would say – “its just business”.


I believe that our contemporary western world, [mis] led by the US, is enforcing a principle that “all countries are only entitled to that which they can defend”. But, what enormous profit the American Military/Corporations will accumulate and what eventual suffering the hoodwinked Jews of occupied Palestine will endure?


I am enjoying our debate Gus – I have no illusions that you and I can even have a minuscule effect on the attitude of centuries of history – or its interpretation.


Shall we concentrate on the resolution rather than the problem? If there is one?


Cheers mate.






shadows over Yourp...

From the BBC

Seventy years on, the pact between Hitler and Stalin still casts a shadow over Europe. Its memory continues to divide.

For the Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and Bessarabians, the pact began the reign of terror, mass deportations, slavery and murder which both the Nazi and the Soviet armies brought along with them when they co-ordinated their invasions of these countries in line with the pact's notorious secret protocols - by which Stalin and Hitler had agreed to divide Eastern Europe between their regimes.

For the Jews of all these lands, the pact was the licence for the Holocaust. For the European Left, the idea that the leader of the USSR could sign a pact with Hitler symbolised the moral bankruptcy of the Soviet regime.


My father's family originated in Westphalia-Prussia... (earliest record —could have come from Mongolia, who knows) and moved about, avoiding this war or this conflict whether it was Napoleon, the kaiser or Hitler... At one stage my father thought of migrating to Canada with the family... He had enough of the European kerfuffles, but this dream, like his other of throwing a piano from the third floor of our home, never came to light. One never knows..., he might have opened a corner gas....

fascism is fascism ...

Yes Ernest.
And whilst we are right to argue about history; its meaning, value, interpretation, lessons etc, I don't think it is wise or acceptable to dwell on such things whilst the same crimes are being perpetrated in the realtime world in which we live, in particular by those who claim special privilege because they & theirs were victims of the same treatment at an earlier time.
Fascism is fascism, no matter who practices it & victims of genocide & torture are the same, regardless of race, religion or social standing.
That our politicians are capable of condemning the Taliban whilst remaining silent on the zionist atrocities against the Palestinian people; or of criticising Iran for its nuclear activities, whilst Israel sits on 200 warheads; or of jumping up & down when an Australian citizen representing powerful business interests is arrested & charged in a foreign land, whilst another Australian was detained & tortured by our alleged "closest ally" for nearly 6 years, whilst our government did nothing, is a mark of their complete hypocrisy & immorality.
And whilst the silly majority are so easily convinced that an election is evidence of democracy, we shall ever be condemned to live in a dumbocracy & reap the consequences.

If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck.....

G’day John,


I agree – the US hypocritical propaganda and its “principles” would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious. I think from memory, the United States of America was involved in hostilities by choice for most of the twentieth century – and in each major case there was the stench of a false 9/11. Incidentally – have we forgotten that a reported 4,000 Jews employed in the Twin Towers, were absent on a religious holiday on 9/11?  And that the actual perpetrators were from Saudi Arabia?


The power of the media in America is breathtaking when you consider the tripe and “impossible to believe” stories that their citizens swallow. Control the information and you control the people.  The “flag-waving” and the oft insisted Oath of Allegiance, predominately droned into the children, reminds them that they will bear arms for the US when required. Even Hitler used their methods for “controlling the hearts and minds of the citizens”.


When viewed objectively, the US history stinks and has nothing to boast about but, the media, visual most of all, has sold the world never-ending lies and for profit. Their criminal beginning was the American Revolution not a “War of Independence” which they have so cunningly planted in our minds.


Australians owe them nothing.  The pacts our governments have made with them, even as Howard’s trade deals reveal, are for their benefit and control. If it was profitable for them to support Indonesia against us, I believe they would do it.


Why is that? When history tells us that their “saving of Australia” was necessary for their overall war plans to succeed.  They were even prepared to sacrifice half of our continent with MacArthur’s infamous “Brisbane Line”.  Our other “master”, Britain, adopted Churchill’s decision that they would lose Australia - but they would get it back.


So then, we have the irrefutable situation where - to supply us with the power of the Atomic bomb – its deterrent effect, according to them when they gave it to the “new” Israel to de-stabilise the Middle East – would therefore be all of the “help” we would need?


Would we then be able to say, like Golda Meir (digressing, have you ever wondered at the preponderance of “gold” and “silver” in Jewish names?) – “If Israel goes down we will take the world with us”?  Or the current threat by Lieberman that they would bomb the Aswan dam and thereby kill an estimated 80 million people?  And that is from America’s most murderous ally!


It disgusts me to see our Governments – of whatever persuasion – cow-towing to the United States and the Zionist occupation forces in Palestine.  It disgusts me to learn that Malcolm Turnbull when in government signed a Document of Intent with the Israelis with regard to our water supply – claiming that they were experts!


I guess, as an “Honorary Jew” he worked that out from the ancient Arab water supplies in Palestine being stolen by force?


I sincerely believe John, that the emergence of the perverted claims of the Zionists to have an ancient “right” that should condone their invasion of Palestine even as terrorists – has really done the ordinary Jewish people a great disservice.


The eyes and ears of fair dinkum peace advocates are now fully on them and their sponsor the US.


Cheers mate.





Why can’t Jews be criticised? They must have a lot to hide.

After an illness I return in desperation to subscribe to the ever-shrinking areas of free speech in this country of ours – and indeed the entire western world.


All the childish beliefs that I had due to my parent’s teaching of right and wrong have been proven to be smoke and mirrors by a “loud and clear” wake up call. This is being exposed to all by the unholy alliance of the US/Zionists and the crimes they are committing which far exceed any others that avoided justice in recorded history.


No true democracy can exist when one religion; one race; one evil-minded minority can control what we hear, read and see! Already their organisations control the US foreign affairs and their lobby is gaining power in Australia as we write.


I noticed it more immediately after the Gaza Holocaust when all of the US serials that we watch began continually to mention the Jewish Holocaust – the number of Jewish actors in them increasing – as are the number of Jewish soap-operas – and all this while the Jewish Zionists and their US providers continue to rewrite history and the very notion of right and wrong.


In my research into the Jewish claims of persecution I have satisfied (at least myself) that the great majority of their stories are fiction, myth or just plain lies. At any time did these powerful money-lenders deserve at least some of the contempt for which they are infamous? Broad claims deserve broad inspection. That is a broad statement indeed and to prove it I would have to rewrite their Torah or at least point out the obvious contradictions like the references to Abraham and his Israelites in Egypt at a time long before there even was an Israel – or, according to their history, even the name didn’t exist.


But – the time is fast arriving when their past must again catch up with them before their power is completely unlimited as the crimes they are committing. Even the sanitised version of their vicious cruelty in the Middle East should alert us to the damage they are doing and will continue to do, to world peace and stability.


With respect to their complaints of constant criticism – where there is smoke……




This will be cross-posted in  Demon Zionists.


Every force develops an equal and opposite force.

From the Truth Seeker.Report: Turkey To Break With NATO On Iran
David Bedein – The Bulletin May 7, 2009
A report issued by the Washington Institute says Turkey has moved steadily away from its NATO allies and toward Iran, Russia and Syria.

The report, titled “The AKP’s Foreign Policy: The Misnomer of Neo-Ottomanism” and authored by senior researcher Soner Cagaptay, says Turkey’s new foreign policy — led by the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP according to its Turkish initials — has come at the expense of Ankara’s relations with Israel, the European Union and the United States.

“Ankara will likely opt out of a NATO consensus on Iran, clash with the United States on how to handle Hamas and Hezbollah, and disagree with the EU and the U.S. on Russia,” the report said.

The report says Turkey has developed friendlier relations with Russia and the Islamic world than with the West. Mr. Cagaptay cited Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Syria as examples of Turkey’s growing ties in the Islamic world.

“The AKP’s foreign policy has a weakness for Arab Islamists and their causes,” the report said. “The policy shows empathy towards Middle East Muslims and Islamists, though the same empathy is missing towards non-Muslims and non-Middle Eastern issues. Business deals play an important role in sustaining the stronger ties that Turkey is developing with Russia, the Persian Gulf states, Sudan and Iran.”

At the same time, Turkey refused to support Georgia during its brief war with Russia in 2008. The report said Turkey has also ignored its Central Asian neighbors, such as Azerbaijan and Georgia, to focus on relations with Russia.

Mr. Cagaptay wrote AKP, most of whose leaders speak Arabic and were educated in Muslim schools, has divided the world in religious blocs — either Christian or Muslim. AKP, which won power in 2002 and dominates parliament, has avoided criticism of Iran’s nuclear program while maintaining ties with Tehran’s proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah.

“It [AKP] is pro-Hamas, pro-Syria, pro-Hezbollah, pro-Qatar, pro-Saudi,” the report said. “The AKP views the world as composed of religious blocs, and this disposition colors its views of the Middle East and the world.”Comment:  That seems to me to put the US/Israel alliance on notice? They should not sell the descendants of the Ottoman empire too lightly - they will defend themselves!Perhaps the US Military/Corporate can make money out of supplying both possible enemies with the weapons necessary to kill each other, and then - have another agreement with Russia to reduce WMD.After all, they betrayed the last one, why not again?NE OUBLIE.This will be cross-posted in Demon Zionists.

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Oh what a tangled web we weave.......?

The following is based on my research, almost entirely from Wikipedia.

IMHO the Gaza Holocaust has indeed opened a Pandora's Box - at least exposing the slavery and then unbridled brutality of the ancient Hebrews, through the massacres of all the citizens in the Canaanite cities – before they called it their own.

As now, they seem to always oppose the rest of the known world and its culture with the all too often claim that “they” are entitled to …………?

Even as victors they accepted the cult of Mount Zion in Canaan and adopted Yahweh and the teachings of that faith.

The name Israel came from Jacob’s claim that he wrestled with the Angel of God and won, so that God appeared to him and renamed him ISRAEL.

The two Kingdoms of the Hebrews were originally named Israel after Jacob and Judah after the fourth of Jacob’s sons.  The term “Jew” came from Judah. Perhaps there is more import in the Greek version - Judas.

They were not and are not the "innocent" victims of racial discrimination but are more like an unbridled race who believe in gold and absolute power, even with the word “killing” being absent from their own special commandments.  They are generally devoid of national loyalty or compliance with the laws of their respective host nations.

They set out united to change the existing order of things no matter where or when.

Firstly the lands claimed by the Zionist Hebrews were Arab lands long before Abraham was even born.

Secondly, the claim by the Hebrews to the Palestinian’s land has been shown to be studded with lies and their maps strikingly deceptive.

Thirdly, the Zionists must have chosen the simple farmers of Palestine as a soft target even before the Christian Holocaust in the USSR (headed by Hebrew Commissars like Trotsky) between 1920 and 1940.

Fourthly, the balance of the legitimacy or otherwise as to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion published in 1897, seems to be lot more on the side of truth than the Hebrews would have us believe.  When you study the Deuteronomy one would have to concede that the intent and spirit behind both writings are too much alike.

The author Immanuel Wallerstein wrote in the “Suicide of Israel”:

"The three-element strategy of Israel is decomposing.  The iron fist no longer succeeds, much as it didn't for George Bush in Iraq.  Will the United States link remain firm?  I doubt it.  And will world public opinion continue to look sympathetically on Israel? It seems not.  Can Israel now switch to an alternative strategy, of negotiating with the militant representatives of the Arab Palestinians, as an integral constituent of the Middle East, and not as an outpost of Europe?  It seems quite late for that, quite possibly too late.  Hence, the chronicle of suicide foretold”.

Surely the centuries of failure to completely change the world to a Hebrew speaking sub-life, as it was in Ancient Israel and Judah, can and should be stopped before they attack Iran – the only nation standing up to the US/Israel unholy alliance.

What about a couple of attacks on the Pakistanis while they are weakened?


This will be cross-posted in Middle East Murders.



And the result of Jews v free speech?



"In the first Australian court decision on race hate and the Internet, the Federal Court found that a website that denied the Holocaust and vilified Jewish people was unlawful under Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act 1975.

Federal Court Justice Branson ordered Adelaide Institute director Fredrick Toben to remove offensive material from the World Wide Web, saying she was ‘satisfied that it is more probable than not that the material would engender in Jewish Australians a sense of being treated contemptuously, disrespectfully and offensively’.

She ordered Dr Toben to remove the document ‘About the Adelaide Institute’ and similar documents; and other material that cast doubt on the Holocaust, suggested homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz were unlikely, that Jewish people offended by and who challenge Holocaust denial are of limited intelligence and that some Jewish people, for improper purposes, including financial gain, exaggerated the number of Jews killed during World War II and the circumstances in which they were killed.

Dr Toben did not obtain legal representation, and did not actually defend his case; as such, the exceptions permitted under the RDA of academic discussions, public interest matters and fair personal comments were not argued.

Nevertheless the case confirms that, at least for Australian sites, the Internet is subject to the same legal standards as other forms of communications such as print, TV and radio.

This is the first Australian case where the Act has been applied to the Internet.

One can only consider whether or not any other race on earth has ever gone to this extreme in the Federal Court of Australia because someone dared NOT to agree with their take on the millions of murders - by both sides - because they were offended.  Struth.

Any wonder they continue to get away with murder and crimes in Palestine and, dare I say, Australia too?


This will be cross-posted in Middle East Murders.

Large Oaks From Little Agorns Grow.

Since the Gaza Holocaust and its support by the Hebrew media and the hyprocritical terrorists in the US - I have tried to find out by researching, for and against, what the truth of the history of the Canaanitic Semite Tribes could really be.

However, in doing so I came across, among many other items too many to mention, that articulates the subject of which I have profound dislike - the Zionist argument against "Thought Crime" just for the sake of hiding the history that the Hebrews do not want publicised.

On I found this:

...Professor Robert Faurisson
ThoughtCrime: 04/04/01

Australian Jews take Legal action against Dr. Töben

Australia's Jewish community has taken court action against Dr. Fredrick Töben, director of the revisionist think tank, the Adelaide Institute .

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry is seeking the enforcement of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission (HREOC) order that Holocaust revisionist material be removed from the Adelaide Institute Website and that Töben apologize to the council's national vice-president Jeremy Jones.

The Orwellian named “Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission” actually seeks to prevent Töben from exercising his right of free speech.

Dr. Fredrick Töben, Director of Adelaide Institute

Töben responded to news of the legal action, "HREOC's procedure is terribly flawed, it's an irrational business of reaching a conclusion on the basis of hurt feelings." Töben continued, "The principle of free speech is at stake here."

Töben explained on the radio why he couldn’t comply with the “Human Right’s Commission’s orders, "No, I can't do that because I consider the Human Rights Commission's findings to be immoral and of no legal effect."

"It is not a matter of asking whether I have caused hurt, because I can throw that back at the (Jewish) community and say that, with my German background, they're hurting me by continuing to assert that Germans systematically exterminated European Jewry in homicidal gas chambers. I found out that the gas chambers never existed."

Töben, who holds a PhD in philosophy argued, "Truth will be my defense because if you take away my freedom to think and to speak, then you take away my humanity."

Jeremy Jones argues that the Jewish community is correct in its attempt to censor information on the Web because the material in question is "blatantly anti-Jewish and blatantly racist."

A hearing for the case against Dr. Töben is set for May.

"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death."
George Orwell

COMMENT: It occurs to me that Dr. Toben makes several stiking points, one of which is that, even under the United Nations Charter of Human Rights, he has the right to believe anything he wants - to think it, believe it and be prepared to stand by it.


This will be cross-posted in Gaza Holocaust.